If you have ever thought that public transport needs a dedicated “no talking” section, you might be an introvert. Alas, society isn’t built around enjoying being alone, so many introverted people need to seek solace in memes.
The “Introverts of Society” Instagram page shares relatable and hilarious memes and posts for people who love some peace and quiet. So get comfortable, close your windows, turn off your notifications before you scroll through, upvote your favorites, and share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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I’m hard on the CEO of Air New Zealand but at least his big seating-related innovation was sleeping capsules for economy class on long haul flights.
Despite the terms “introvert” and “extrovert” being thrown around quite often, many people struggle to nail down what exactly they mean. Normally, it comes down to very reductive definitions, in which extroverts love being around other people and/or talking, while introverts are a sort of cave-dwelling aberration that is allergic to human contact.
To set the record straight, it’s generally best to see it as a spectrum. A person, for example, might be more introverted than they are extroverted but possess traits from both. Broadly speaking, an introvert gets more of their gratification from their “inner life.”
Often enough, this gets confused with shyness, leading many socially awkward people to self-diagnose themselves as introverts. While an introvert can also be shy, there doesn’t have to be a connection between the two. Shyness is a mental barrier, while a “true” introvert might simply not want to engage with another person (or group) in the first place.
I cant see this picture, I can FEEL it. Like, even smell it, taste it, hear it...
Indeed, all this focus on introverts, for example, the quite good and well-known book “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking,” by Susan Cain, creates a picture of a world where extroversion is the default and introverts are some anomaly. The truth is that both “groups” have existed since time immemorial and tend to coexist quite happily.
It’s worth noting that, at least in the United States, anywhere between a third and half of all people are self-reported introverts. Because many people still assume that extroversion means enjoying spending time with other people and humans, as social animals do generally need to be around other people, there is a solid chance that many actual introverts indicate that they are extroverts.
So if you are an introvert and also feeling down, just remember that it’s no barrier to success. Some studies indicate that, for example, the majority of attorneys are introverts. In some fields, this number is very high, for example up to 90% of intellectual property lawyers say that they would classify themselves as introverts.
This happened to me. I had started talking to this guy from other department who had a crush on me. (That I was not aware of) Once when he was with his friends, he saw me at a distance, told them this is the girl I have a crush on and we are in talking terms now. He waved at me to get my attention. I of course didn't see that because I was not wearing my glasses. 10-15 days after this incident I met him in the elevator. I said 'long time no see'. He was surprised that we did meet few days back and he said hi to me but I ignored him. Told him I take off my glasses during breaks and that I definitely didn't see him. He was too much in love with me at that time so just laughed it off but he did say that it was embarrassing for him because his friends work in the same department as him and they still tease him about 'talking terms? She didn't even answer to your waving'
I'm very good at protecting people, but not for myself. So yeah, a gf like that would be nice tbh ^.^
and just wanna go home and lay on the couch while eating ben and jerry's
I don't think this is a negative. I like to be underestimated... they're in for a surprise if someone tries to f... around with me and it's way better than being overestimated.
Didnt know that was possible, im worried now how many people have blocked me jusy today alone 🙈
At this point I start slowing turning around a little every few seconds until I'm facing the side...the almost the other way...then a oh wait, I forgot, and walk off lol
Poll Question
How often do you come across memes that accurately depict your introverted nature?
Very often
why are the 'introvert' memes on this site always mixing it up with mental health issues? Some introverts are happy and enjoy their lives, it's just that we recharge our energy in calm peaceful alone time.
This drives me nuts. I’m neither shy nor do I have social anxiety. Classing those as introverted also does a disservice to those with mental health issues by mislabeling them.
Load More Replies...Extroverts always seem to be celebrated and introverts as if there is something wrong with them.
There is something wrong with us when we make fun of ourselves.
Load More Replies...Second post in a week on introverts and like every time, you confuse introversion and mental illness, it's getting boring, find a new target especially if it's to say stupid things, thank you 😤. And for information, an introvert is generally a reserved person (but it depends a lot on the person) but above all, he is a person who has little need for social contact and whose "social batteries" run out faster than the average without suffer from any mental illness.
why are the 'introvert' memes on this site always mixing it up with mental health issues? Some introverts are happy and enjoy their lives, it's just that we recharge our energy in calm peaceful alone time.
This drives me nuts. I’m neither shy nor do I have social anxiety. Classing those as introverted also does a disservice to those with mental health issues by mislabeling them.
Load More Replies...Extroverts always seem to be celebrated and introverts as if there is something wrong with them.
There is something wrong with us when we make fun of ourselves.
Load More Replies...Second post in a week on introverts and like every time, you confuse introversion and mental illness, it's getting boring, find a new target especially if it's to say stupid things, thank you 😤. And for information, an introvert is generally a reserved person (but it depends a lot on the person) but above all, he is a person who has little need for social contact and whose "social batteries" run out faster than the average without suffer from any mental illness.