Studying in college is an experience of a lifetime and only people who went to college really know what it's like.
To celebrate how wonderful college is, Bored Panda has put together a list of hilarious memes that every student will relate to. From sleepless nights to the annoying group projects to partying for a week straight - we've pretty much summed up life in college in this one list. Keep on scrolling to check it out and don't forget to vote for your favorites.
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In college while working on a group project, I anticipated my team to fail miserably which they did. I ended up producing my own project on the side and presented it as a group -.-
“You wasted $150,000 on an education you coulda got for $1.50 in late fees at the public library.”
There is actually a not-so-funny side note to this issue. Universities nowadays struggle with the fees of publishers, public funding agencies demand open access publishing, and high prices for literature are one factor for developing countries to struggle with keeping pace with the needs for education. His sad face pretty much underlines this, though. :)
Mitochondria... that's the only thing I remember of Biology .... and "das endosplasmatische Retikulum" :-)
Brains in a constant stage of absorbing knowledge? Noooot sure about that one..
REALISTIC high hopes because you can see the MAGNUM sized condoms are still on the shelf.
A friend of mine used to drive a big, green conversion van. He was stopped at a light on the University of Florida campus and a student stepped off the curb and walked right into the side of it.
College: years of debt, no job guarantee for most. Sheep herder: no debt, fresh air, nice co-workers, possibly more income. Hmmmm.
*walk up to the front of class, slam essay on the desk and stare the teacher in the eyes* give me extra credit for finishing early *proceed to passout*
He is working on his OCD with keeping a few mixed up so he can see if he can deal with it. He was back less than five minutes later taking care to fix it right,
And then he teaches stuff that are not in the book and you realize you had to be at his classes to pass the exam.
Just wait until someone sits on the bean bag and they hear a muffled shout from underneath...
I applied for FA the year my father had a massive heart attack and took 6+months to recover to limited part time work. The bast@rds looked at the Previous year's tax returns and said my parents made too much money! &^%@$#!!!!
Actually....Just noticed that the left hand item and the right hand item mean the same thing on the internets.... Ya see kids? That's my college degree working on my thinking college mind. I am so proud of myself! (Screaming and crying internally).
Don't worry, the professor does that too... Just insert grading homework and writing lectures in place of studying. :p
that's when you really write like your running out of time HAHAHA.... anybody.... nobody? ok, bye
I'm at that stage in life where if a car would hit me i'd get up and say "thank you".
While I'm not in collage, I didn't get on the honor roll once because I need at least an 80 as my average. I had 79.9 as my average.
Jesus! Something really should be done about college costs because this is getting out of control.
It just occurred to me that there aren't school pictures in college. I bet this is why.
I got my test scores back, the points total was an F. Prof asked were there any questions, a student commented that one question confused her. Prof looked at the question, realized that she marked the wrong answer. I got it right, so I got an extra 0.5 points which was enough to raise my mark for a D. Felt like I was brought back to life.
Now that colleges have been pricing themselves out of the market, thanks to government run/guaranteed student loans, the biggest benefactor will be the technical schools, where young people will be able to learn a worthwhile skill. And it will cost them a lot less money in the process.
The cost of textbooks is absurd and the publishers slap a new edition number on the same book and republish it so you can't use a used copy because the prof requires a specific edition and then you don't even use the stupid multi-hundred dollar waste of trees for the class. I went to college 20 years ago. That this is still an issue is disgusting.
Textbook costs are absurd, but thinking that a textbook needs to be used in class is equally absurd; oftentimes, a text is chosen to assist or compliment your learning, not duplicate class time. If you choose not to read it, why waste the $ on it in the first place?
“You wasted $150,000 on an education you coulda got for $1.50 in late fees at the public library.”
Now that colleges have been pricing themselves out of the market, thanks to government run/guaranteed student loans, the biggest benefactor will be the technical schools, where young people will be able to learn a worthwhile skill. And it will cost them a lot less money in the process.
The cost of textbooks is absurd and the publishers slap a new edition number on the same book and republish it so you can't use a used copy because the prof requires a specific edition and then you don't even use the stupid multi-hundred dollar waste of trees for the class. I went to college 20 years ago. That this is still an issue is disgusting.
Textbook costs are absurd, but thinking that a textbook needs to be used in class is equally absurd; oftentimes, a text is chosen to assist or compliment your learning, not duplicate class time. If you choose not to read it, why waste the $ on it in the first place?
“You wasted $150,000 on an education you coulda got for $1.50 in late fees at the public library.”