Look, not everyone wants to spend Friday night partying. Some of us want to roll ourselves into a blanket burrito and watch a movie at home. Alone. And without having to justify ourselves for it.

We're not ungrateful if we want to avoid our friends for a day or two. Nor are we defective if our mind goes blank when we meet new people. We're just (a bit) antisocial.

If you're one of these people (or simply want to understand your introverted friend better), there's an Instagram account dedicated to portraying this life in memes.

It's called FOGO. The acronym stands for The Fear of Going Out, and the one running it says this feeling is completely normal.

More info: Instagram

The term introversion was popularized by Carl Jung and describes an inwards orientation to one's own mental life rather than the outward orientation of extroverts to social life. Introverts gain energy from reflection and lose energy in social gatherings.

However, it's important to point out that most people are neither total introverts nor pure extroverts but display features of both—they are the so-called ambiverts. Almost everyone needs occasional solitude to replenish their energy.

But cultures differ in how they value certain personality traits, and America, for example, likes its extroverts. This society rewards assertiveness and encourages people to speak up.


Experts are guessing that the number of introverts as extroverts is the same, but the former is less visible and certainly less noisy so it's easy to think they're the minority.

Introverts are drained by too much social interaction and are the first to leave a party. Even as children, they usually observe first and act later.


Yes 😭

deelalz Report


Some research claims that the inherent differences between introverts and extroverts lie within the dopamine system in the brain, which makes pleasurable rewards (including social interaction) more salient to extroverts. This suggests that extroverts may be more likely to experience positive emotions.

Even though introverts are generally likely to report lower levels of happiness than extroverts, this does not mean that they are destined to be miserable. The good news is that a consistent theme in happiness research claims our choices and behaviors (the ones that are in our control and changeable) have significant effects on our well-being.


*promptly Exits*

fearofgoingout Report


May You Go To Work Tomorrow With The Confidence Of A 4 Year Old 🙏

fearofgoingout Report


Absolute Icon Status

fearofgoingout Report

According to Derrick Carpenter, a positive psychology coach at Happify, a helpful tip for those with introverted tendencies is to try to see their whole self. "It’s important to note that the scale on which introversion and extroversion are measured is just that: a scale," Carpenter wrote in VeryWell Mind. "Within each of us lies some tendency to recharge our batteries through social interaction and affiliation with others and another tendency to recharge on our own. Be honest with yourself about what you need in a given moment and allow yourself permission to have it."


In other words, when calling a friend to hang out feels right, make a lunch date. But if you’d rather curl up with a good book, go for it.


I So Wish I Could Do This On Command
twitter / Unburntwitch

UnburntWitch Report


Sayyy Hayyyy 🙌🙌

fearofgoingout Report


Thank You Ffs

fearofgoingout Report


If This Isn't Goals I Don't Know What Is

fearofgoingout Report

Carpenter also thinks introverted behavior has an upside that often gets overlooked. "Introverts tend to be better problem solvers, perform better academically, exhibit stronger regulation of their behavior, and are less likely to take risks that may cause them harm," he said.

"Research shows that introverts may experience these benefits as a result of having more gray matter in their prefrontal cortex, the area at the front of the brain that controls complex and abstract thinking, emotion regulation, and decision making."


I Just *get* It

fearofgoingout Report


My Ability To Care For Succulents Is Proof That I Should Not Be A Parent
houseplant Addicts Via @thetinderblog

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fearofgoingout Report


Literally The Only Phone Call I’m Interested In Taking

fearofgoingout Report

Remember that in many classical and theological perspectives on happiness from Aristotle to the Buddha, spending time alone and contemplating the meaning and purpose of our lives is a necessity.

"Learn to embrace your unique introvert qualities and tap into the happiness they bring you, whether that’s teaching yourself something new, exploring nature on a solo trek, or cultivating your creative side," Carpenter said.


Let’s Circle Back In The New Year

fearofgoingout Report


This Just In… We’re *fckd*

fearofgoingout Report

But when you feel like leaving your safe little cave, own it. "Particularly when you are already going to be socializing, act the part of an extrovert," Carpenter suggested.

"This doesn't mean you should be inauthentic. Just bring more of your real self. Be an extroverted introvert. Harness that rich inner world of yours and jump into the conversation more, share your opinion, crack a joke, and take the spotlight every once in a while."


But Then I Realize That At This Point, If I Haven’t Figured Out That Many Do Not In Fact Have Common Sense, Then Maybe It Is Me Who Is Lacking In Common Sense And I’m Making Myself Mad? I’m Going To Bed.

fearofgoingout Report


In fact, studies, where introverts were instructed to act like extroverts in a group of people, showed they ended up experiencing greater positive emotion than introverts acting normally (in fact, they rated their positive emotion higher than the naturally extroverted people, too) and reported feeling more authentic at the moment.


Omg, I Have This
twitter/ Daphnekylee

fearofgoingout Report


Icon Status

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I’m Going To Just Send This Out To The L Host Of Every Meeting On My Calendar For The Rest Of The Year ✌️

fearofgoingout Report


There are plenty of ways to go about it. "If you're not socializing much, encourage yourself to connect with others in the ways that work well for you," the psychology coach said.

"Join a group to take part in an activity you already love, like a choir, book club, or fitness class. Even though initiating these decisions may feel like an extra effort, the payoff should be noticeable. When you realize you acted more extroverted in a way that felt good, keep it up."

Whatever happens in these settings, you will always be able to retreat and find memes to scroll through instead!



fearofgoingout Report


Passionate About Non Fiction Literature

fearofgoingout Report


*randomly Meows*
(Gierlsquad/ Helenasund)

fearofgoingout Report


You Mad At Me?

fearofgoingout Report


“Who Has Time For That?” I Mutter To Myself As I Proceed To Sit On The Toilet And Stare At My Phone For Seven And A Half Hours

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Off You Go

fearofgoingout Report


Thanks Mom N Dad @wordsarevibrations

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It’s Good To Have Purpose, Y’all

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Awwww, Try Pullin On Your Bootstraps, Hun

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fearofgoingout Report


Normalize Tagging Your Boss In This Specific Meme And That Counting For Calling Out Of Work

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I’ve Been Called Worse For Less, Boo. #okaywithbeingselfish

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Toodaloo, Fam

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