
40 Parents Are Sharing All The Hilariously Absurd Reasons Why Their Kids Cry, And You Couldn’t Make Them Up
There are many reasons to cry, but it's usually the kinds of extreme feelings of happiness or sadness that get the waterworks flowing. Not for kids, though. Kids quickly learn that crying, meltdowns and temper tantrums get a reaction from their parents, and can begin bawling in dramatic fashion at the drop of a hat.
Because we know this, we are allowed to laugh at the seemingly cataclysmic situations that these cry babies find themselves in. Although it might seem that someone is about to die, the kid just isn't allowed to eat the cat food. Or throw books at her parent's faces. Or any of the other absurd reasons why kids decide to show their skills on how to cry. As a sequel to our previous post, we here at Bored Panda have made another list of the hilariously ridiculous reasons people caught kids crying for. So scroll down below to check it out and share your own fussy baby stories in the comments!
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The Golden Gate Bridge Isn’t Actually Golden
To be fair, the name is pretty deceiving for a kid. I used to think it was gold too
But what are some legitimate reasons why your child might cry? There is usually something deeper going on behind these tantrums over nothing, the most common of which is over-tiredness. One of the most frequent reasons cry is just simple fatigue, and it can lead to some pretty irrational behavior.
Keep an eye out for common signs of tiredness like as rubbing eyes, yawning or looking a little glazed over in the eyes. It might just be time to settle your little one down for a nap to help them get back into a better mood, and not fly into a temper for the most absurd reasons.
Life Is Super Tough When You Can’t Pick Up The Book You Want Because You’re Sitting On It
Problem solving learning experience. He's not got it figured out is all. He'll learn
We Wouldn’t Let Him Swim In The Sea. He Can’t Swim & Its 6 Degrees
Whether it was Celsius or Farenheit, it's a good thing you didn't let him.
Just we get a little grumpy and diva-like when we are hungry, so do kids. Usually they will tell you straight out that they are peckish, but for kids who can't speak yet, crying is the way to get their point across. So if ridiculous reactions to silly things are occuring, reach for a healthy snack and see if that helps.
Kids can get stressed out too, which can also be a cause of irrational crying. Some parents, while meaning well, can overload and over stimulate their kids with playdates, soccer practice, language lessons, you name it. Sometimes kids need a little peace and calm so they can relax and unwind, just like we do.
She Wanted Ravioli For Dinner
He Wants To Get On The Bus. The Bus On The TV
Kids can be hungry for attention, and if they have learned that crying gets it, they will keep it up. Even negative attention, telling them to stop it and shut up for example, reinforces this kind of behavior. If you know your child is having a tantrum purely for the attention, it's best to ignore them. It's no fun to scream and shout the house down if nobody is listening!
If you give plenty of positive attention to your child, this kind of attention-seeking should be less of an issue. Let them know that good behavior is rewarded with positive reinforcement, offer lavish praise and set aside some time each day to play, together, one on one.
He Does Not Want Me To Take His "Sticker" Away. At Least It Might Absorb The Tears!
Haha! My daughter did that, she put it on her mouth and said it was her doctor mask! :D
I ‘Refused’ To Switch The Sun Off So His Pumpkin Could Light Up
I love that kids seem to think that parents have these magical powers that can manipulate the world around them. It's kind sweet
So, funny as these irrational kids and their tantrums might be, there is bound to be another reason beyond the 'wrong color M&M' to their distress. Let the tantrum run its course, and find out the real reason why your kid is acting like such a diva!
The Face Of Someone Who's Mom Wouldn't Let Him Hold His Own Poop In His Hands
I Wouldn’t Let Him Eat A Battery For Breakfast....
The Daffodils Are Gone, And I Can't Bring Them Back
He Suddenly Wanted His Cycling Backpack
Maybe he had a dream about it and is confusing it with reality because of his young age.
I Killed A Bug In The Laundry Room. Apparently It Was Her Best Friend
I Told Her She Couldn't Go Inside The Dishwasher
I Told Him He Had To Stop Biting The Cat
He Wanted The Yellow Cup, So I Gave Him The Yellow Cup. Now His Life Is Ruined
Wouldn’t Buy Her Women’s Razors
Won't Let Her Throw Books At My Face
Because She Doesn't Have "More Toes" To Paint
Hey, her fingernails aren't painted. Just tell her those are her extra toes.
Sean Said The Word...green
Fun fact: green is the most important color on the planet. If chlorophyll was any other color, the wavelengths would act weird and plants couldn’t absorb enough sunlight to sustain life.
so you're telling me NO ONE on this site understands office references...😂
Upvote for office reference. If you didnt do it, I would have had to.
I Can understand this. I mean, Donald Trump also has a tantrum when he hears the word "green", and He's the president of the USA
Why would Sean said that! Tsk. I would have cried too if I were there.
can someone tellme what this "green is not a creative color" thing is all about?
There was a popular web series called "Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared" and "green is not a creative color" was something said on it.
If I had a million dollars (if I had a million dollars) Well I'd buy you a green dress (but not a real green dress, that's cruel) - BNL, "If I Had A Million Dollars"
Oh man, that's a tough one. Green is a word that can trigger some serious offended feelings in people. I feel this little girl's pain!
Sean, for the rest of her life... GREEN GREEN GREEN GREENGREENGREEN!!!
She might have experienced something traumatic that was related to green in her past life? :/
He Wants Me To Reattach The Nails I Clipped Off His Feet.
I Bought Him A Kite. Obviously, I'm A Monster
I Won't Let Him Eat The Cat's Food
All That Hard Work On The Toilet Only To Find Out Your Mommy Flushed Your Poo Before You Got To Say Your Good-Byes.
Daddy Touched My Balloon
I Didn't Let Her Run Into The Road
Told Her No To A Bath After She Just Got Out Of A Bath
I Won’t Let Him Eat Trash
Do You Want Me To Let The Ducks Out?
Because We Got Her A Unicorn Birthday Cake, Just Like She Wanted
He Couldn’t Take Off His Pants, And Then Escalated When He Couldn’t Find The Booger That Fell From His Nose
She Dropped A Stool On My Toe And I Said “Ouch”
Sympathy probably. She's still too young to properly understand that it would hurt, and the parent saying, 'ouch' lets her know that it does and she's crying because she caused her mother/father pain.
I Handed Her The Wrong Pink Marker
I Wouldn’t Let Her Drink The Chemicals Under The Sink
Wouldn’t Let Her Eat The Bath Bomb
She Is So Mad That My Shoes Don’t Fit Her!
Because There Was A Piece Of Fuzz On His Leg!
I Wouldn’t Let Him Pull His High Chair Over And Die
She Asked Specifically For Two M&m’s. I Gave Her Two M&m’s
We Got A New Microwave
I Wouldn’t Let Her Wear Her Sandals Into The Snow
Posts like these remind me that my choice to never have children was the correct one
I think the decision to have or to not have children should be respected in any case. But how is this related to this posting? As a parent, most of these situations would have been quite funny, eventually also for the child. Laugh and cry together. And I can tell you, with children for every time you cry you get 10 times you laugh. And no laugh is as funny than the laugh of a children going full bezerk in a cuddle-and-tickle battle.
Load More Replies...Dear Hans, couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, with all posts about kids on Bored Panda, you always get those passive-aggressive soooo-glad-not-to-have-kids self assertions. It's beyond annoying, and I keep wondering why people who dislike kids so intensely keep reading these posts.
I choose not to have kids, partly because I hate them, but also because I was abused as a child and combined with the fact I hate little kids, I don't think I would be able to control my temper with them. It's best I stay far away from them. Though I don't mind older kids that much (10 and older), but single-digits are a no for me.
Only YOU think your kids are cute. Even other parents don’t think your kids are cute.
I'm of the "if you don't parent the child, then why have a child" line of thinking. Too many people let the children boss them and tell them where to go, what to eat, etc. The parent is supposed to be a guide, showing them how to be a proper, polite person...not how to get their way.
You see in these posts situations that would make you laugh - cool for you. I see situations that would make me go "insane". I have sensory overload disorder caused mostly by noises, and just seeing these kids here crying and screaming makes my head hurt. In real life i would probably got a massive migraine and end up in bed for two days. Very "funny", indeed. That's just one small example of how different we can see the same situation. I just know I would be a very unhappy mother and no child deserves that
They are fun, and they are not "dumb". They may lack intelligence but they are intelligent enough to learn new things.
Seems like someone’s choice to even want kids or not has stirred the hornets nest
AMEN AMEN AMEN! I had one child but wise enough to stop there. But really, 50% of this behavior was encouraged/allowed by the parents. No control over kids anymore. They let their kids walk all over them and then wonder why nobody wants to spend time around them. My niece pulled that laying-down-on-the-floor tantrum at the grocery with me. I walked away. Left her there. Five seconds later, she amazingly 'recovered' & behaved the rest of the trip. Kids throwing books at their parents face? This would be stopped immediately & that crying would be from a swat to the butt to reinforce the notion that kind of behavior is NOT acceptable at ANY time to ANY one. And for anyone who wants to shade me as a mean/abusive mother - get a life. Its called TRAINING and a parent being in control is GOOD parenting. A swat on the behind does not have to be abusive or even hurt. It is the act of disapproval that makes the impression on the child. My now adult kid says I was best mom.
Yeah I kept going through it asking myself why I’m here in this thread. I know kids aren’t to blame and that they can’t help that they haven’t learned a single thing yet. But boy, I wouldn’t want to deal with that. It seems so miserable.
I used to babysit a kid who once cried because her imaginary hamburger in her imaginary restaurant didn’t have ketchup
Lol you triggered some omnis. But also why did you stop eating burgers? I eat them all the time, tons of vegan options exist.
You get really good at ignoring stuff. Like, 90% of parenting involves ignoring your kid.
Load More Replies...Makes sense as long as you’re not in public. When parents do nothing about their stupid kids in public, they don’t realize that not everyone else can just ignore it.
To the people who kept insisting I would regret my choice to not have children.....still nope, not once, never.
I'm at the age where my options are gone but I've never regretted not having children.
Load More Replies...How is your name “Zoe’s mom” but you don’t regret “not having children”? Is Zoe a pet?
How to know you're not ready for kids: when you look through these pics and you don't find them cute or funny, but annoying as f**k.
Seriously. So hard to not detest these children.
Load More Replies...I guess I'm in the minority but I found these funny as hell. Sort of a been there, done that, and everybody survived thing.
The hate for children in this post is absolutely astounding. If you don't want children, please don't. Children are not for everyone. Just know that children are not like this ALL the time. They have their moments just like adults. They have feelings and get overwhelmed easily, especially if they are not talking and don't know how to communicate. These pictures are made for fun, or for a sense of camaraderie. It's just knowing you are not alone, especially when things get difficult.
You're acting like changing a diaper is the most horrible thing to deal with in life. I assure you it's not. It's not actually a very witty comeback either.
Load More Replies...Kids are terrible and i love establishments like restaurants who ban children, i will go there every-time. From all childless couples, we don't think your grubby, loud, screechy children are adorable at all, please take them home.
You were once one of those “grubby, loud, screechy children”, too bad nobody gave you a chance to change
I saw a post like this on another site titled “I’m the a*****e parent”
My granddaughter crying hysterically for minutes and then still sobbing asks "why am I crying"?
My youngest is now 11, and sometimes I long for those days, then I remember stuff like this and go hold my cat like a sane person.
I think in the future when I have kids I will document all this funny moment and compile it into an album secretly... and give him/her partner as wedding gift.
Kids really are morons and this clarifies we made the right choice not having any, i am happy with our dogs, cats, free time, vast disposable income, spontaneous nights out and choice to sleep in whenever we want. Anyone who has kids though, i'm sure you are happy too(most of the time).
All the people using these funny moments as an "excuse" to not have children.... thank you. Because if you can't find humor in little life moments like this you DEFINITELY couldn't handle the big issues of parenting and we don't need more un wanted children in this world. For those commenting that kids are dumb.... oh wow you are soooo wrong. Also side note: If you don't wand kids, don't like kids, etc.... why the did you click on this post? lol
How..... On earth can you be offended about someone not wanting children??? You sound like you need to be assured in your choice of having popped out some of those time wasters, 'cause you sure are busy defending them. Hey, pro tip: GET OVER YOURSELF.
Load More Replies...Im uber happy I don't have children. I'm also uber mentally unstable.
The best part of this is when they get older and you can show them. Everyone enjoys the laughter then.
Just remember they're just learning. Not only are they learning what the boundaries are with you, but they are literally learning how the world works. Just like they may say bsegitti for spaghetti, they don't know you can't eat your poop, or why they can't go in the ocean when it's 6 degrees. You have adult history of those things--they don't.
I don't know why the top comments are happy they don't have kids BECAUSE of this post... Really, looking at all these made me laugh about the times my kids did something similar... It wasn't a bad thing at all, most times it was funny... And, most times it's because kid is tired, or hungry...
Kid (5) at work cried cause I wouldn't comfort him after seeing me comforting the 2 year old he pushed down cause he was losing the race. Nah you almost my height pushing down a kid that barely reaches my knees cause he's faster than you
I am somewhat disturbed about these pics. Apart from the obvious comedic effect of these posts, why would you want to shame your kid for life by posting their toddler shenanigans online? This will haunt them for life. Parents should provide better online sec for their kids and abstain from posting their faces until they are of age to decide for themselves.
My daughter got bored during the changing of the guard at Arlington Cemetery and set off her fire alarm wail and wouldn't stop. First we were yelled at "Silence" and when that didn't work a uniformed guard escorted us from the area.
I think these tantrums were handled correctly. About all you can do is let them cry it out. When they learn it doesn't change the outcome, they have learned a valuable life lesson.
When I said “no” to his demand that I order pizza, my son used a new skill he had recently learned in preschool: he dialed 911 on the house phone. I thought that I got to the phone and hung up in time to stop the call, and unplugged all the other phones so that he couldn’t attempt to call the police about pizza again. The call went through. The police were lovely when they showed up with lights flashing, and offered to go get pizza. The neighbors all called delivery pizza “911 Pizza” for years!
I worked in a daycare and got to experience some interesting moments with the kids whether it would be a something they said or did.
See... my kids never did this kind of stuff. Not saying they didn't have tantrums, but one was autistic, and his came from over-stimulation, not this kind of thing. The other only got upset when she was told she couldn't climb on the refrigerator - and it was EVERY time, twice a week for over a year.... So silly, yes, but it was never a "why is she having a meltdown now?" thing.
So if these are organically pulled from social media, why do they all have the same formatting on the captions? As a father of a 1 year old, they pretty much all seem believable, but I can’t see 40 something people posting these and no one opting for comic sans.
I have two kids and neither one of them didn't have such moments. Never.
Ahaha I have twins .... The insanity, the immense fun and strangeness of watching two humans figure things out.in the most ridiculous ways possible. So many sooo many times I had to sit back and laugh at the two of them getting dressed for first time but they dressed each other. Or when they brush each other's teeth.. one would feed the other, 😂 at times when things are too quiet is usually when the extremely hilarious stuff takes place. My life is an unscripted muppet show.😂
In the photos, I tried to guess the ages, two to three I think, the child who wanted to pull his high chair down to see it die, should not watch the T.V. !!!
Post like this make me increasingly happy on my decision to not have children. Post like this also make me really really really want to get my tubes tied
When I was about four, my mum told me the story of Aladdin. We then found a lantern and rubbed it three times while she chanted "Genie, genie, come to me, grant me wishes three!" I immediately shouted my three wishes. A walking, talking apple, a baby for kids and a pineapple pie. Eventually I realised they weren't going to come. I was absolutely devastated.
oh, the terrible twos! socialization is sooo haaarrrddd! do you get a picture of what Donald Trump's mom & dad had to go thru when he was two years old? Explains a lot of things, doesn't it????
My kids are 2,3,10,11 and 12 and the older ones pitch bigger fits than the younger ones.
What age roughly are these kids? Because I will adopt after this age.
Just when they stop being absolute idiots, puberty hits... and this is hard in other ways. They test your and their boundaries, self - esteem, and if you are or are not a hypocrit. Toddlers are an abomination. But teenagers are harsh. Kids are pure evil no matter the age.
Load More Replies...Human beings in general are evil, regardless their age. I can't understand this way of speaking about children as if they were an alien species, when they are only human, only more extreme in their feelings. When we grow up, many of us learn to control our feelings, or to lie and be hypocritical and not show what we think, but these are basic feelings everybody has: frustration, envy, anger, disappointment... You think children are evil! I'd deal with one thousand children rather than two old people. Children at least can be taught, old people generally get more and more intolerant and stubborn and they refuse to change their ways or learn anything new. I've worked with children and it's exhausting but wonderful, but I wouldn't work with old people for all the tea in China.
Oooh love the new thing at the bottom!! To see the whole thing go to https://www.boredpanda.com/funny-reasons-kids-cry/?all_submissions=true
I can actually hear this pics, the screaming and loud crying and the tantrums, being childfree is a blessing
Note: you were once a toddler. I hope your parents loved you and understood when you were going through typical toddler development. Toddlers are delightful, except for the occasional meltdown. They’re much more fun to be with than nasty adults.
Load More Replies...I was a toddler once, i was a massive idiot too just like all these kids.
Kids do hillarious things, but often it is us adult who do not understand and who unjustifiedly ridicule them. Understanding their true motives can be tricky, for they perceive the world so different than us. However, teaching them respect does not stop even when they throw a tantrum.
Load More Replies...It’s amazing how hard she got downvoted. Considering how so many younger adults are really REALLY adamant that they won’t put their child on social media. They see it as a violation of privacy. It is tbh.
Posts like these remind me that my choice to never have children was the correct one
I think the decision to have or to not have children should be respected in any case. But how is this related to this posting? As a parent, most of these situations would have been quite funny, eventually also for the child. Laugh and cry together. And I can tell you, with children for every time you cry you get 10 times you laugh. And no laugh is as funny than the laugh of a children going full bezerk in a cuddle-and-tickle battle.
Load More Replies...Dear Hans, couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, with all posts about kids on Bored Panda, you always get those passive-aggressive soooo-glad-not-to-have-kids self assertions. It's beyond annoying, and I keep wondering why people who dislike kids so intensely keep reading these posts.
I choose not to have kids, partly because I hate them, but also because I was abused as a child and combined with the fact I hate little kids, I don't think I would be able to control my temper with them. It's best I stay far away from them. Though I don't mind older kids that much (10 and older), but single-digits are a no for me.
Only YOU think your kids are cute. Even other parents don’t think your kids are cute.
I'm of the "if you don't parent the child, then why have a child" line of thinking. Too many people let the children boss them and tell them where to go, what to eat, etc. The parent is supposed to be a guide, showing them how to be a proper, polite person...not how to get their way.
You see in these posts situations that would make you laugh - cool for you. I see situations that would make me go "insane". I have sensory overload disorder caused mostly by noises, and just seeing these kids here crying and screaming makes my head hurt. In real life i would probably got a massive migraine and end up in bed for two days. Very "funny", indeed. That's just one small example of how different we can see the same situation. I just know I would be a very unhappy mother and no child deserves that
They are fun, and they are not "dumb". They may lack intelligence but they are intelligent enough to learn new things.
Seems like someone’s choice to even want kids or not has stirred the hornets nest
AMEN AMEN AMEN! I had one child but wise enough to stop there. But really, 50% of this behavior was encouraged/allowed by the parents. No control over kids anymore. They let their kids walk all over them and then wonder why nobody wants to spend time around them. My niece pulled that laying-down-on-the-floor tantrum at the grocery with me. I walked away. Left her there. Five seconds later, she amazingly 'recovered' & behaved the rest of the trip. Kids throwing books at their parents face? This would be stopped immediately & that crying would be from a swat to the butt to reinforce the notion that kind of behavior is NOT acceptable at ANY time to ANY one. And for anyone who wants to shade me as a mean/abusive mother - get a life. Its called TRAINING and a parent being in control is GOOD parenting. A swat on the behind does not have to be abusive or even hurt. It is the act of disapproval that makes the impression on the child. My now adult kid says I was best mom.
Yeah I kept going through it asking myself why I’m here in this thread. I know kids aren’t to blame and that they can’t help that they haven’t learned a single thing yet. But boy, I wouldn’t want to deal with that. It seems so miserable.
I used to babysit a kid who once cried because her imaginary hamburger in her imaginary restaurant didn’t have ketchup
Lol you triggered some omnis. But also why did you stop eating burgers? I eat them all the time, tons of vegan options exist.
You get really good at ignoring stuff. Like, 90% of parenting involves ignoring your kid.
Load More Replies...Makes sense as long as you’re not in public. When parents do nothing about their stupid kids in public, they don’t realize that not everyone else can just ignore it.
To the people who kept insisting I would regret my choice to not have children.....still nope, not once, never.
I'm at the age where my options are gone but I've never regretted not having children.
Load More Replies...How is your name “Zoe’s mom” but you don’t regret “not having children”? Is Zoe a pet?
How to know you're not ready for kids: when you look through these pics and you don't find them cute or funny, but annoying as f**k.
Seriously. So hard to not detest these children.
Load More Replies...I guess I'm in the minority but I found these funny as hell. Sort of a been there, done that, and everybody survived thing.
The hate for children in this post is absolutely astounding. If you don't want children, please don't. Children are not for everyone. Just know that children are not like this ALL the time. They have their moments just like adults. They have feelings and get overwhelmed easily, especially if they are not talking and don't know how to communicate. These pictures are made for fun, or for a sense of camaraderie. It's just knowing you are not alone, especially when things get difficult.
You're acting like changing a diaper is the most horrible thing to deal with in life. I assure you it's not. It's not actually a very witty comeback either.
Load More Replies...Kids are terrible and i love establishments like restaurants who ban children, i will go there every-time. From all childless couples, we don't think your grubby, loud, screechy children are adorable at all, please take them home.
You were once one of those “grubby, loud, screechy children”, too bad nobody gave you a chance to change
I saw a post like this on another site titled “I’m the a*****e parent”
My granddaughter crying hysterically for minutes and then still sobbing asks "why am I crying"?
My youngest is now 11, and sometimes I long for those days, then I remember stuff like this and go hold my cat like a sane person.
I think in the future when I have kids I will document all this funny moment and compile it into an album secretly... and give him/her partner as wedding gift.
Kids really are morons and this clarifies we made the right choice not having any, i am happy with our dogs, cats, free time, vast disposable income, spontaneous nights out and choice to sleep in whenever we want. Anyone who has kids though, i'm sure you are happy too(most of the time).
All the people using these funny moments as an "excuse" to not have children.... thank you. Because if you can't find humor in little life moments like this you DEFINITELY couldn't handle the big issues of parenting and we don't need more un wanted children in this world. For those commenting that kids are dumb.... oh wow you are soooo wrong. Also side note: If you don't wand kids, don't like kids, etc.... why the did you click on this post? lol
How..... On earth can you be offended about someone not wanting children??? You sound like you need to be assured in your choice of having popped out some of those time wasters, 'cause you sure are busy defending them. Hey, pro tip: GET OVER YOURSELF.
Load More Replies...Im uber happy I don't have children. I'm also uber mentally unstable.
The best part of this is when they get older and you can show them. Everyone enjoys the laughter then.
Just remember they're just learning. Not only are they learning what the boundaries are with you, but they are literally learning how the world works. Just like they may say bsegitti for spaghetti, they don't know you can't eat your poop, or why they can't go in the ocean when it's 6 degrees. You have adult history of those things--they don't.
I don't know why the top comments are happy they don't have kids BECAUSE of this post... Really, looking at all these made me laugh about the times my kids did something similar... It wasn't a bad thing at all, most times it was funny... And, most times it's because kid is tired, or hungry...
Kid (5) at work cried cause I wouldn't comfort him after seeing me comforting the 2 year old he pushed down cause he was losing the race. Nah you almost my height pushing down a kid that barely reaches my knees cause he's faster than you
I am somewhat disturbed about these pics. Apart from the obvious comedic effect of these posts, why would you want to shame your kid for life by posting their toddler shenanigans online? This will haunt them for life. Parents should provide better online sec for their kids and abstain from posting their faces until they are of age to decide for themselves.
My daughter got bored during the changing of the guard at Arlington Cemetery and set off her fire alarm wail and wouldn't stop. First we were yelled at "Silence" and when that didn't work a uniformed guard escorted us from the area.
I think these tantrums were handled correctly. About all you can do is let them cry it out. When they learn it doesn't change the outcome, they have learned a valuable life lesson.
When I said “no” to his demand that I order pizza, my son used a new skill he had recently learned in preschool: he dialed 911 on the house phone. I thought that I got to the phone and hung up in time to stop the call, and unplugged all the other phones so that he couldn’t attempt to call the police about pizza again. The call went through. The police were lovely when they showed up with lights flashing, and offered to go get pizza. The neighbors all called delivery pizza “911 Pizza” for years!
I worked in a daycare and got to experience some interesting moments with the kids whether it would be a something they said or did.
See... my kids never did this kind of stuff. Not saying they didn't have tantrums, but one was autistic, and his came from over-stimulation, not this kind of thing. The other only got upset when she was told she couldn't climb on the refrigerator - and it was EVERY time, twice a week for over a year.... So silly, yes, but it was never a "why is she having a meltdown now?" thing.
So if these are organically pulled from social media, why do they all have the same formatting on the captions? As a father of a 1 year old, they pretty much all seem believable, but I can’t see 40 something people posting these and no one opting for comic sans.
I have two kids and neither one of them didn't have such moments. Never.
Ahaha I have twins .... The insanity, the immense fun and strangeness of watching two humans figure things out.in the most ridiculous ways possible. So many sooo many times I had to sit back and laugh at the two of them getting dressed for first time but they dressed each other. Or when they brush each other's teeth.. one would feed the other, 😂 at times when things are too quiet is usually when the extremely hilarious stuff takes place. My life is an unscripted muppet show.😂
In the photos, I tried to guess the ages, two to three I think, the child who wanted to pull his high chair down to see it die, should not watch the T.V. !!!
Post like this make me increasingly happy on my decision to not have children. Post like this also make me really really really want to get my tubes tied
When I was about four, my mum told me the story of Aladdin. We then found a lantern and rubbed it three times while she chanted "Genie, genie, come to me, grant me wishes three!" I immediately shouted my three wishes. A walking, talking apple, a baby for kids and a pineapple pie. Eventually I realised they weren't going to come. I was absolutely devastated.
oh, the terrible twos! socialization is sooo haaarrrddd! do you get a picture of what Donald Trump's mom & dad had to go thru when he was two years old? Explains a lot of things, doesn't it????
My kids are 2,3,10,11 and 12 and the older ones pitch bigger fits than the younger ones.
What age roughly are these kids? Because I will adopt after this age.
Just when they stop being absolute idiots, puberty hits... and this is hard in other ways. They test your and their boundaries, self - esteem, and if you are or are not a hypocrit. Toddlers are an abomination. But teenagers are harsh. Kids are pure evil no matter the age.
Load More Replies...Human beings in general are evil, regardless their age. I can't understand this way of speaking about children as if they were an alien species, when they are only human, only more extreme in their feelings. When we grow up, many of us learn to control our feelings, or to lie and be hypocritical and not show what we think, but these are basic feelings everybody has: frustration, envy, anger, disappointment... You think children are evil! I'd deal with one thousand children rather than two old people. Children at least can be taught, old people generally get more and more intolerant and stubborn and they refuse to change their ways or learn anything new. I've worked with children and it's exhausting but wonderful, but I wouldn't work with old people for all the tea in China.
Oooh love the new thing at the bottom!! To see the whole thing go to https://www.boredpanda.com/funny-reasons-kids-cry/?all_submissions=true
I can actually hear this pics, the screaming and loud crying and the tantrums, being childfree is a blessing
Note: you were once a toddler. I hope your parents loved you and understood when you were going through typical toddler development. Toddlers are delightful, except for the occasional meltdown. They’re much more fun to be with than nasty adults.
Load More Replies...I was a toddler once, i was a massive idiot too just like all these kids.
Kids do hillarious things, but often it is us adult who do not understand and who unjustifiedly ridicule them. Understanding their true motives can be tricky, for they perceive the world so different than us. However, teaching them respect does not stop even when they throw a tantrum.
Load More Replies...It’s amazing how hard she got downvoted. Considering how so many younger adults are really REALLY adamant that they won’t put their child on social media. They see it as a violation of privacy. It is tbh.