Schools are closed, you're working from home, and you can't have your kid stay over at their grandparents' place. This situation means that parents are spending more time than ever before with their adorable munchkins. Now, they're getting into all kinds of trouble and driving their parents bananas!
Bored Panda has collected a bunch of funny photos showing the struggles and joys of parenting during the quarantine. Life can be very fun(ny) when you're with your kids all day, every day. However, that means that coming up with activities to keep your children busy is more important than before.
Scroll down, upvote your favorite of these funny kids, and share your own stories about the coronavirus lockdown in the comments below, dear Pandas. When you're done enjoying this list, be sure to check out our post with some great parenting hacks on homeschooling your children during the quarantine right here.
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Keep The Kids Busy While At Home
I Know The C-Virus Is Scary, But Try Working With A 4 Year-Old Dressed Like Spiderman Perched On The Kitchen Table Behind You. Day 6
Y’all I’m Dying! This Is Ben’s Journal Entry From Monday About Our First “Home School” Day. That Last Sentence
You're trying to finish your report right before the deadline, but your kid is running around pretending to be a superhero. Or you want to sit down and watch some TV, but that's the moment you realize that your toddler broke it. Ah, the wonders of raising kids! It's a challenge, but there are things you can do so you can focus on your work.
For instance, Allyssa McCabe, a psychology professor at the University of Massachusetts, told The Atlantic that it's easier to keep kids busy during the workday without supervision the older they are. But for those readers out there who have young kids, don't panic just yet!
“For young children, independent play is tough. They really need social interaction. Parents will be tempted to hand over an iPhone or iPad or the like. This is understandable, but parents should also know that the younger the child, the worse this is for their language and cognitive development.”
Maybe I Shouldn’t Have Outsourced My Home-Schooling
Day 12
It's A Trap
Instead of making your kid sit surrounded with electronic devices all day long, it's best to go for something that will actually help with their development. Give them art supplies or Play-Doh to get them creating!
Meanwhile, Michelle Martin, a professor at the University of Washington's Informations School and the founder of a children's summer literacy program, recommended that parents play their kids some audiobooks.
You'll be able to focus on work and your child will be engaged and learning. And the best part? While your kid's listening to Harry Potter, you can sneakily listen in, too, when you're taking a break. Now that's a win-win situation if we've ever seen one!
Day 10 Of Quarantine. I Think My Kid Is Up To Something
Ok, I laughed a little... Ok, ok, I laughed a lot 🤣🤣😈
Load More Replies...You might want to take away her copy of How to Summon Demons Toddler Edition.
Ok...that's hilarious! Of course we know this was setup by Mom...still funny AH (as heck)!!
Way too neat for a child of that age to have done that! I suspect outside involvement! haha
I'm analysing the circle of toys like a crazy person and, if it doesn't work it's because all the green toys are in one corner but the rest of the toys are not color sorted. I've never summoned before buy the corners are there to place five things or five sets of related things on. like green toys, blue toys, yellow toys, red toys, white toys. Or soft, toys, squishy toys, hard toys, stretchy toys, noisy toys. Depending on which dark god of playtime they're after.
we have a spiky ball like those...we call it the coronaball. Your daughter may be conguring a coronademon...js
Okay mom, nobody believes your kid is that focused. You made the pentagram. Fess up.
She may also be exorcising a few, depending upon where she stands in relation to the pentagram❣️
Aw come on parents - it's just her daily offering to Satan. No biggie
Mom has summoned the demon but forgot the salt to keep confined inside the circle. Better call Sam & Dean for help while you still can!
yeah your kid is into witchcraft, and I magician, of the black art, \\m//. <3 :) <3
This has got to be staged. How does a young child understand how to make this symbol?
A ritual: "'By sacrificing miss Ladybug, i will summon you...becuz im bored and i want to scare my mom."'
I’m pretty sure this is a re-enactment of scene from criminal Minds...
Nope, wrong symbol. This is a pentacle of protection, not summoning. Watch more Sam and Dean! Lol
Load More Replies...I had that kid. It's name was Damian and it was a tarantula. My daughter was 4. Where did I go wrong?
It's not the strange way she has arranged her toys or what she is doing that has me concerned...I'm convinced by how perfect she made the star and circle that she is summoning a demon
"Daaaad, We're Bored!" (Day 1 Of Lockdown) "Ummm Ok, Strip This Laptop Down, And This Desktop, And Then Rebuild Them"
My god it's the most peace and quiet I've had all week!
Came Across This On My Morning Walk
Working From Home As A Parent
The New Office View
My Son Discovered That I'm Not Really At Work, But Am Working From Home
My Kiddo Cut His Hair Yesterday, Then Agreed To Let Me Have A Little Fun With It Before We Fixed It
The Children Are Home From School For Two Weeks. Send Help
Schools And Sports Are Cancelled. Social Distancing. I Have Three Kids. Our Cozy Fort
Isolation's Going Well
Using My Tears To Clean The Crusted Green Paint Speckled All Over Our House
Working From Home
Day 2 Of 6 Week Break And My Kid Already Broke Our TV
Tired Of Your Kids Barging In While You Try To Get Some Work Done At Home? Underwear On The Doorknob Works Wonders
Especially if they've been worn already and come complete with skid mark.
I Run A DnD Campaign For My 5-Year-Old And 3-Year-Old. Here Is Our Health And Initiative Tracker
We Went From “Home-Schooling” To A Roller Skating Party Real Quick
I'm Regretting Panic Buying $100 Worth Of LEGO's To End Up With My Children Ignoring Them And Instead Playing With A Cardboard Box And A Can Lid For The Last 2 Hours
I Guess That's How People Will Go Bankrupt
Work From Home
The best thing is the dad (I assume) is fine with the kid texting his boss random letters, numbers, and emojis, so it ends up like:
Day 2 Working From Home With This Little Terror
While The World Is Fighting Over Toilet Paper, My Toddler Is Giving Ours A Bath
Break Time. Homeschooling
Day 7 Of Quarantine. Wearing Minnie Mouse Ears Whilst Bench Pressing Kids
I'm currently living with toddler #2, and I learned a valuable lesson with toddler #1. If you want to keep your toilet paper safe, DON'T put it on the holder. Put it on a shelf where they can't reach it. Also, if the bathtub has water in it, I am IN the bathroom WITH my children. No one is drowning on my watch. Not the children or the toilet paper.
Excellent reminder!!! Parents need to be careful all the time. A child can drown in only 2 inches of water! Never leave a child unattended!
Load More Replies...Okay, I am not understanding why people have paint left out and how children are all tossing toilet paper into water. I have never seen children just throw toilet paper into bathtubs. Is this all just staged? What is with all of the god damn paint? Why?
How are they FINDING the paint and more importantly: how are they getting it OPEN. Even I struggle with those and I know which tools to use and how...
Load More Replies...What I see is a lot of bored kids and a lot of parents that should have been hoarding games and movies as opposed to TP.....
While I mostly agree with this, kids will inevitably pay attention to the same things the parents are focused on. If parents are obsessed over toilet paper the kids will gravitate towards it.
Load More Replies...I 10000% appreciate my kids teachers more now. I even emailed them and told them that after the first day home. Yesterday they even had a small parade and in about a line of 6 of their cars drive around the neighborhood and three candy and bags of chips to the kids in the neighborhood like Mardi gras and was honking.
Load More Replies...These are great! Glad these folks can own laugh at themselves and their situations! Also...Unless you’ve walked in another person’s shoes, it’s impossible to know what it’s really like. The hard part isn’t being home with the kids, it’s being unable to give them the attention they want and need because you’re having to work from home.
Sick of the kids jumping on my bed so now they can break their own. And yes, that's a board game running throughout the place made from masking tape. IMG_202003...dd1275.jpg
That mattress on the floor is an excellent idea. Sometimes you need a little help to actually think of the simplest of ideas. Thanks! My bed also thanks you.
Load More Replies...what's with Americans and toilet paper? we have been on lockdown almost 20 days now, and supermarkets still have it!
I'm American and can confirm, the toilet paper is all gone at our supermarket. It's insane beyond belief.
Load More Replies...Wow!!!!!why are people so ridiculously judgmental and going so far as saying people shouldn’t have kids. These parents are showing these pics for some humor in our lives while going through this pandemic. Thanks for sharing and it was a good laugh! Why are people so stinking serious!!! It’s in their own home nothing to do with you people they are the ones that have to deal with the cleaning not you!!! Seriously!!! Going as far as to say why should people kids???? I guess people must think they are perfect human beings.
Maybe they are sick of other people's spoiled unruly monsters overrunning every public place screaming climbing, whining, and destroying things. You can't even go to a movie or theater anymore because people bring their screaming kids.
Load More Replies...I can't believe so many people suck at parenting. Why do they even have kids? They just had them because everyone does and figured they'd just outsource them to schools and babysitters? It's time for a parenting test before you're allowed to have any children.
Well some parents have to work and cant give every second to their kids so, of course, they'll mess up and "suck at parenting" we are also human.
Load More Replies...I did the toothpaste on the chair trick when I was about that same age. There were at least three fully functional adults in the house at the time. Children are VERY sneaky.
The parents who got all creative to complain could put it to better use teaching their kids something new. Kids think like kids. Everything goes in the mouth, on your best stuff, your electronic gizmos and they kiss the dog. All while used underwear keeps everybody at a social distance. I'm afraid to let these little germs lose. COVID-19 is mutating as we speak all while painting everything. I would too. Seeing that light bulb go off above a kids head is what you're missing. Working for the school system as let me share those moments. I complain all the time about the kids I work with, but o come back everyday because they do something that makes me smile. I'm still glad to see them go home though. And have the evening to get my sense of hearing and ability to speak in sentences. Now maybe you'll appreciate those teachers dealing with everyone's kids. Job and for sissies.
So what I am taking away from this post... 1) how to tie/tape up my sister and 2) that I need to start building forts again😂😂😂
These are great... especially the wedding dress at lunch... thank you!
loving the zoo animal vids and all the funny things - thanks guy for sharing :)
My mom made my family Surviving the Covid - 19 writing packets. we do creative writing in them and tell the person reading it how we are surviving and how things are going CrAzY. she has the best ideas to me
I had wanted 4 kids and my husband and I were working on a third because I work from home already so we wouldn't have to pay for daycare. I have two older boys and this seriously has made me question if I could handle having a baby with me while I work. My boys have done nothing this bad but OMG, trying to work AND help them with schoolwork is so hard. Then they of course bicker constantly!
Load More Replies...How is it that parents don't childproof their home? Why are children in two pictures playing with paint?
Child proofing does nothing. The second they turn 3 they can unlock all the childproof devices. The second they turn 2 they can climb over any baby gates and learn to push chairs and other things to reach what they want. If you have kids, you go to the bathroom or shower in fear...and you worry about the days when they quietly get up at 5am while you are soundly sleeping...
Load More Replies...The toddlers are the reason why I’m never giving birth. Going to adopt kids after they turn 7.
Edward Hobbs from savannah ga. The way back from the dead. When you come out your body. Turn around and you will be throne back into your body. Spread the word.
My child was kicked out of school as a toddler because he did tricks like shown above while at school, because he was bored as f**k. he's been homeschooled ever since and we have a easy ride through since as I can costume style his learning, we are missing our homeschoolgroups for sure. But here we are enjoying being all under one roof and daddy works productive as ever in the kitchen 👌 Btw English is not my first language so there you go for my spelling mistakes. Hang in there and please as long as you are all healthy try to enjoy this time together.
Sorry I can't fight it! It has to be said!!!!!Say NO! No! No! I'm a teacher and have to cope with up to 33 children at a time!!! And you can't get your own kids to sit down and do some school work!!! Theses are the people for whom you should be the final call for rewards and sanction. Parents you're not inventing the wheel here just get your kids to do the work the teachers are working at home to prepare and get to you. Their doing this as well as volunteering their holiday time to provide child care for key medical and shop workers. (In the Uk) I'm not saying don't to exciting things but start by getting them to sit down and do the basics! I know these pics are all taken fun but teacher teach every day and people out there are dying!
What about the parents where one is a key worker and the other is deemed fit for work although not an essential worker but can't work from home and the government has said work as normal? Trust me it's a nightmare. What the hell do you do?
Load More Replies...So -- first of all, gosh yes, being home with a bunch of bored, social-distanced-from-their-friends kids is tough. I get that. Trying to work from home with your kids around -- gotta be a nightmare sometimes. But here's what worries me: Complaining about being home with your kids, even as a joke, is going to get stuck in their heads and especially the little ones aren't going to understand it's a joke. I really do think there will be kids who will grow up with emotional scars because they keep overhearing their parents "joking" about what a pain their kids are, or how they can't wait to get back to work or for the kids to go back to school because THEY'RE DRIVING ME CRAZY. It will stick. And some kids will be messed up by that. Let your kids know how much you love them. It's okay to be frustrated and tired, etc., but please, please don't let your kids think you'd rather they (or you) were anywhere else. Make home feel safe, make YOU feel safe. It does matter.
true parents forget to put cleaning product,toilet paper away just common scenes
I'm guessing very little is staged, and it all being 99.9% the real deal! What I see in most of these pics is children not being supervised properly bcuz the parents dont normally have them during these hours of the day and all they know is work, and are clueless to the needs of their child. A child will do anything for the attention of a parent that is hardly around, and go to the ends of the world, or a parents patience, for any amount, and even any kind, rather it be angry or happy attention from them, anything that validates their existence, and will continue the behavior that gets the most attention!
This is a collection of attention seekers, naughty children, bad parents, and people who should be working form home doing more pretending than real work! Not impressed.
Boo hoo you chose to have children. You chose to be a parent. Now hey guess what, you actually have to BE a f*****g parent full time. You all made your beds, now go lay in them and suck it up!
SO many arrogant and stupid comments from people without kids. ... -_- I hope they all will end up with at least two really active kids!
People are stupid and believe the lies that children and parenting is the greatest joy. It's a delusion
This comment is hidden. Click here to view.
Load More Replies...I'm currently living with toddler #2, and I learned a valuable lesson with toddler #1. If you want to keep your toilet paper safe, DON'T put it on the holder. Put it on a shelf where they can't reach it. Also, if the bathtub has water in it, I am IN the bathroom WITH my children. No one is drowning on my watch. Not the children or the toilet paper.
Excellent reminder!!! Parents need to be careful all the time. A child can drown in only 2 inches of water! Never leave a child unattended!
Load More Replies...Okay, I am not understanding why people have paint left out and how children are all tossing toilet paper into water. I have never seen children just throw toilet paper into bathtubs. Is this all just staged? What is with all of the god damn paint? Why?
How are they FINDING the paint and more importantly: how are they getting it OPEN. Even I struggle with those and I know which tools to use and how...
Load More Replies...What I see is a lot of bored kids and a lot of parents that should have been hoarding games and movies as opposed to TP.....
While I mostly agree with this, kids will inevitably pay attention to the same things the parents are focused on. If parents are obsessed over toilet paper the kids will gravitate towards it.
Load More Replies...I 10000% appreciate my kids teachers more now. I even emailed them and told them that after the first day home. Yesterday they even had a small parade and in about a line of 6 of their cars drive around the neighborhood and three candy and bags of chips to the kids in the neighborhood like Mardi gras and was honking.
Load More Replies...These are great! Glad these folks can own laugh at themselves and their situations! Also...Unless you’ve walked in another person’s shoes, it’s impossible to know what it’s really like. The hard part isn’t being home with the kids, it’s being unable to give them the attention they want and need because you’re having to work from home.
Sick of the kids jumping on my bed so now they can break their own. And yes, that's a board game running throughout the place made from masking tape. IMG_202003...dd1275.jpg
That mattress on the floor is an excellent idea. Sometimes you need a little help to actually think of the simplest of ideas. Thanks! My bed also thanks you.
Load More Replies...what's with Americans and toilet paper? we have been on lockdown almost 20 days now, and supermarkets still have it!
I'm American and can confirm, the toilet paper is all gone at our supermarket. It's insane beyond belief.
Load More Replies...Wow!!!!!why are people so ridiculously judgmental and going so far as saying people shouldn’t have kids. These parents are showing these pics for some humor in our lives while going through this pandemic. Thanks for sharing and it was a good laugh! Why are people so stinking serious!!! It’s in their own home nothing to do with you people they are the ones that have to deal with the cleaning not you!!! Seriously!!! Going as far as to say why should people kids???? I guess people must think they are perfect human beings.
Maybe they are sick of other people's spoiled unruly monsters overrunning every public place screaming climbing, whining, and destroying things. You can't even go to a movie or theater anymore because people bring their screaming kids.
Load More Replies...I can't believe so many people suck at parenting. Why do they even have kids? They just had them because everyone does and figured they'd just outsource them to schools and babysitters? It's time for a parenting test before you're allowed to have any children.
Well some parents have to work and cant give every second to their kids so, of course, they'll mess up and "suck at parenting" we are also human.
Load More Replies...I did the toothpaste on the chair trick when I was about that same age. There were at least three fully functional adults in the house at the time. Children are VERY sneaky.
The parents who got all creative to complain could put it to better use teaching their kids something new. Kids think like kids. Everything goes in the mouth, on your best stuff, your electronic gizmos and they kiss the dog. All while used underwear keeps everybody at a social distance. I'm afraid to let these little germs lose. COVID-19 is mutating as we speak all while painting everything. I would too. Seeing that light bulb go off above a kids head is what you're missing. Working for the school system as let me share those moments. I complain all the time about the kids I work with, but o come back everyday because they do something that makes me smile. I'm still glad to see them go home though. And have the evening to get my sense of hearing and ability to speak in sentences. Now maybe you'll appreciate those teachers dealing with everyone's kids. Job and for sissies.
So what I am taking away from this post... 1) how to tie/tape up my sister and 2) that I need to start building forts again😂😂😂
These are great... especially the wedding dress at lunch... thank you!
loving the zoo animal vids and all the funny things - thanks guy for sharing :)
My mom made my family Surviving the Covid - 19 writing packets. we do creative writing in them and tell the person reading it how we are surviving and how things are going CrAzY. she has the best ideas to me
I had wanted 4 kids and my husband and I were working on a third because I work from home already so we wouldn't have to pay for daycare. I have two older boys and this seriously has made me question if I could handle having a baby with me while I work. My boys have done nothing this bad but OMG, trying to work AND help them with schoolwork is so hard. Then they of course bicker constantly!
Load More Replies...How is it that parents don't childproof their home? Why are children in two pictures playing with paint?
Child proofing does nothing. The second they turn 3 they can unlock all the childproof devices. The second they turn 2 they can climb over any baby gates and learn to push chairs and other things to reach what they want. If you have kids, you go to the bathroom or shower in fear...and you worry about the days when they quietly get up at 5am while you are soundly sleeping...
Load More Replies...The toddlers are the reason why I’m never giving birth. Going to adopt kids after they turn 7.
Edward Hobbs from savannah ga. The way back from the dead. When you come out your body. Turn around and you will be throne back into your body. Spread the word.
My child was kicked out of school as a toddler because he did tricks like shown above while at school, because he was bored as f**k. he's been homeschooled ever since and we have a easy ride through since as I can costume style his learning, we are missing our homeschoolgroups for sure. But here we are enjoying being all under one roof and daddy works productive as ever in the kitchen 👌 Btw English is not my first language so there you go for my spelling mistakes. Hang in there and please as long as you are all healthy try to enjoy this time together.
Sorry I can't fight it! It has to be said!!!!!Say NO! No! No! I'm a teacher and have to cope with up to 33 children at a time!!! And you can't get your own kids to sit down and do some school work!!! Theses are the people for whom you should be the final call for rewards and sanction. Parents you're not inventing the wheel here just get your kids to do the work the teachers are working at home to prepare and get to you. Their doing this as well as volunteering their holiday time to provide child care for key medical and shop workers. (In the Uk) I'm not saying don't to exciting things but start by getting them to sit down and do the basics! I know these pics are all taken fun but teacher teach every day and people out there are dying!
What about the parents where one is a key worker and the other is deemed fit for work although not an essential worker but can't work from home and the government has said work as normal? Trust me it's a nightmare. What the hell do you do?
Load More Replies...So -- first of all, gosh yes, being home with a bunch of bored, social-distanced-from-their-friends kids is tough. I get that. Trying to work from home with your kids around -- gotta be a nightmare sometimes. But here's what worries me: Complaining about being home with your kids, even as a joke, is going to get stuck in their heads and especially the little ones aren't going to understand it's a joke. I really do think there will be kids who will grow up with emotional scars because they keep overhearing their parents "joking" about what a pain their kids are, or how they can't wait to get back to work or for the kids to go back to school because THEY'RE DRIVING ME CRAZY. It will stick. And some kids will be messed up by that. Let your kids know how much you love them. It's okay to be frustrated and tired, etc., but please, please don't let your kids think you'd rather they (or you) were anywhere else. Make home feel safe, make YOU feel safe. It does matter.
true parents forget to put cleaning product,toilet paper away just common scenes
I'm guessing very little is staged, and it all being 99.9% the real deal! What I see in most of these pics is children not being supervised properly bcuz the parents dont normally have them during these hours of the day and all they know is work, and are clueless to the needs of their child. A child will do anything for the attention of a parent that is hardly around, and go to the ends of the world, or a parents patience, for any amount, and even any kind, rather it be angry or happy attention from them, anything that validates their existence, and will continue the behavior that gets the most attention!
This is a collection of attention seekers, naughty children, bad parents, and people who should be working form home doing more pretending than real work! Not impressed.
Boo hoo you chose to have children. You chose to be a parent. Now hey guess what, you actually have to BE a f*****g parent full time. You all made your beds, now go lay in them and suck it up!
SO many arrogant and stupid comments from people without kids. ... -_- I hope they all will end up with at least two really active kids!
People are stupid and believe the lies that children and parenting is the greatest joy. It's a delusion
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