I Created A Dino Standup Comedian That Is On A Mission To Spread Bad Jokes And Puns (30 Pics)
Ever since I was little, I’ve always loved bad jokes, like the really terrible ones. So I always told my best (worst) jokes to anyone I met.
Honestly, I hate it when people laugh at my jokes, I prefer that sigh or groan or look of “are you serious right now?”.
In the middle of the lockdown in 2020, with very few people around I could torment with my jokes, I got the idea to open an Instagram page to share my jokes.
Thus @standup.trex on IG was born. The idea is simple, Cooper the dinosaur struggles to make his audience laugh with his bad jokes.
Creating this page has helped me realize that I’m not the only one in love with bad jokes. The page grew rapidly and now has 465 thousand followers. I also created a YouTube page called standup.trex this year so I can share my jokes with even more people.
I, however, do not make up all the jokes I tell myself. Some are told to me by friends, coworkers, and family and some are submitted by my followers on Instagram.
More info: Instagram | youtube.com
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So when I decided to create an Instagram page, I talked to my brother, who is a graphics designer, about it. Initially, I just wanted it to be a text-only page, where I just write the jokes and post them. My brother suggested I have a character say the jokes and he designed that template for me. The Dino is named after me!
I post all kinds of jokes, but I really prefer puns and double entendres. I try to select jokes which are easy to understand, have no very big words, not very geographically specific (e.g. if the pun is about a dish only eaten in Singapore, people reading it from Brazil might not get the joke). Also, I try to vary the jokes as much as possible, some people like the really simple, straightforward “dumb” jokes, while some like the more clever ones.
My all-time favorite joke would be “If you're ever skydiving and your parachute fails to open, don't panic…you still have the rest of your life to try and fix it.” Not exactly a pun, but I noticed that when I posted that joke, my audience especially loved it. In fact, the post went viral, getting about 60k likes. I think my audience like dark jokes!
I just try to keep it simple, I don’t really consider myself an “influencer.” I’m still that guy who just wants to share his bad jokes with the world. So I just continue sharing the jokes as if I had only 10 followers.
I’m so happy when my followers message me telling me how they told the joke they saw on my page at a family dinner or at work and everyone groaned.
When I opened the YouTube page last month, I was scared because I learned animation from scratch and honestly, I didn’t think my animation was particularly good, but my followers were so supportive and I appreciate that!
signs of alcoholism: magnetically attracted to drinking establishments.