30 People Who Got Some Of The Most Ridiculous Food Servings In The Restaurant Business (New Pics)
We Want Plates is a community of both regular people and dedicated foodies who are joining their forces to make restaurants serve food on actual plates, not on bits of wood and roof tiles. To do so, they are shaming all the ridiculous food presentations they are receiving online, and their crusade has made them quite famous.
Founded in 2015 by Ross McGinnes, We Want Plates already has 157K followers on Twitter, 100K on Facebook, and 30K on Instagram. However, the biggest unit of their army is located on Reddit — over 650K troops. I think it's safe to say that the growth of the project is a pretty good indication that restaurants should think twice before serving cured meat on a bone or pouring a cocktail into a baby bottle. At least I hope so.
More info: wewantplates.com | Facebook | Instagram |Twitter | Reddit
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“Our Environmentally Friendly Tempura Is Made With Sustainable Seafood And Vegetables, Harvested In Ways That Consider The Long-Term Well-Being Of Our Precious Land And Oceans.”“Wonderful! How’s It Served?”“On A Large Polystyrene Block.”
Cocktail Bathtub Complete With Rubber Ducky
“Here’s Your Beef Wellington Starter. Is There Anything Else I Can Get You?”“Tetanus Shot, Please.”
Caesar Salad Or Charlie Brown Christmas Tree?
So a caesar salad is lettuce, 2 crusty pieces of bread and sauce.
"Waiter, I Prefer My Pie To Be At Least 9 Inches Off The Table"
The Chips Come In A Rock
Coz nothing says fancy like 2 chips randomly placed on a rock.
This Is A Take Out Dish - Diners Were Instructed To Plate Like This At Home. Part Of A $115 Tasting Menu
Turns Out The Best Plates Are At Arm's Reach
Espresso... To Go
Please Take A Charcuterie And Have A Seat
That's not even too bad with the paper. Weird yes, but looks hygienic.
(a) the food itself makes sense, (b) it's batch-made so can be handed out quickly as soon as you sit down, (c) there's not that much 'extra' --- on balance, this is OK. Doesn't belong here.
Load More Replies...It is on wax paper. Both the meat and cheese have a high water content...so they very easily "stick" to a treated surface such as wax.
Load More Replies...Yes, but not on the back of the tablet, which touches the food immediately behind ...
Load More Replies...Nice idea but i would prefer not to touch each other and not to stay there for ages
They’re not touching, they’re inserted into slots in the piece of wood. You can see better on the back row.
Load More Replies...that is what I was thinking...that cheese is going to dry out if there is even 20 mins out..
Load More Replies...Administration themed? Are the waiters dressed as civil servants, and the menus are legal forms ?
It's like a mini sandwich. That got taken apart and stuck on a clipboard.
One of those weird hiring exams. "What can you make out of these items?"
When you want your customers to know what you think of them without saying it.
"Please save your cheddar cheese as there will be a quiz later. You'll be writing with it." ~ Your Host.
Unless there is paper on the back of each clipboard, I wouldn't touch this. . .
As long as it isn’t in the open air for too long (as bread/meat/cheese goes stale quickly enough), I think it’s kinda cute! 😊
Raw meat, do not care what is called, just raw meat Yuck! One of the cheeses looks edible though
Mmmm, just look at all the lovely spittle covering those tasties. Even if this is pre-Covid, it's seriously gross.
Ok. And? Many do not like obnoxious, overly-used emoji comments that do nothing to add to the discussion. I am looking at myself...what am I supposed to be seeing again?
Load More Replies...Yes, I Would Like Your "Mini Corn Dogs On A Ceramic Decorative Pillow" Please
Looks like someone has ripped open the poor pillow, showing its bowel...
Venison Cubes On A Deer Antler (Was Actually Incredible)
Gravy In A Urinal
This? Oh, It's Just An Orthodontic Mould Of The Restaurant-Owner's Mouth From Barcelona
Repeat After Me, Hub Caps Are Not Plates
Chocolate "Horse Turd" Truffles On A Manure Fork. Just No
My Cocktail Was Caged Because What If It Flies Away
Ah yes, my cocktail flies away pretty often too. I should get a cage like that 9_9
Nachos On A Rusty Bin Lid
Beignets Growing On A Tree
Found On Yelp & Now I Don’t Want To Stay At This Hotel Anymore
What A Time To Be Alive
Full Breakfast In A Jar
Please Stop
My Cocktail Came In A Box
This is the traditional way to drink Sake. Maybe they're going for a fusion thing. It is a silly thing to do for many drinks, but if woodiness is part of the flavour, it's a great option.
Syphon Tower Of Onion Rings
Fish And Chips On Paper
Charcoal Waffle Eggs Benedict On A Shovel In Barcelona
This Is Not How I Want My Biriyani To Be Served!
If any restaurant owner / chef is here, I have an idea to serve food. Off the floor. Hear me out. There's no need for tables and chairs, people will be sitting on the floor, maybe on a cushion. It's cozy and homey. Then you take the food and throw it on the floor and people will eat it using their hands (the 5 sec rule obviously doesn't apply - you can take your sweet time). So no need for plates and cutlery, which means no need for dishwashing!! For liquids, you just make your hands like a cup and the waiter serves your beverage there. Awesome and progressive, right? Right??
Sarcasm is really underrated! I laughed a lot with your comment!
Load More Replies...My main concern with this pretentious presentations is the hygiene. Pretty sure that certain objects are not as easily washable as normal dishes.
I believe in most cases, they are ALL single-use. Our urban elites pay indulgences to their phony environmentalist gods, but live like disgusting, planet-killing slobs.
Load More Replies...As a chef, I can honestly say some of these are standard plating in a lot of places, but most are just pretentious and ridiculous hipster trends that serve no purpose to the food nor to the client. There's a fine line between being creative and being stupid.
Whenever I see plating theatrics like this, I firmly believe they are trying to distract you from something not good. Flavors, prices?
The worst part of most of these is that the "plates" they're using aren't made of food-grade materials. I don't want to eat from a wooden board that someone else has eaten from. And I don't want to eat from a shovel or hubcap at ALL.
I did think the fish and chips on a sheet of paper would work, though. After all, that is a traditional way to serve them (wrapped, though), and the paper gets thrown away or perhaps tossed on a fire afterwards, so this is hygienic and allows for a normal-sized meal.
I wish they would have included prices. I'd like to see if I could be even more incredulous.
I just gotta say: I'm sure the dishwashers in these restaurants hate their bosses.
It's totally ok to be creative, and if the guests of these place like the trash looks of these plates I'm fine. But are all of these things hygienic and not toxic? There is a reason if some things are not usually used as plates or pots, some materials are not suitable to contain food.
All those crazy ideas might be "innovating" but if my food is served on a towel, a piece of paper, a rusty bin lid or a hub cap they found on the roadside, I'm walking out without paying.
All of these are just gross and unhygienic. What is wrong with your food that it needs this stupid presentations?
this "culinaire progressive" restaurants can existe because of the snobisme of "nouveau rich" without any education education and totally tasteless like drinking champagne in a plastic cup at the vernissage of fake artists like M.A.
great work overall, but the autorun ads overheat my computer, could you please stop them?
Most of these are a great way to get guests to pay a lot for almost microscopic portions! aka a ripoff.
These were all probably meant to be "artistic," or "fancy." They actually look "stupid" and "gross."
Oh my God! What a bunch of tossers! I bet they charge ridiculous amounts of money for their disgusting messes!
With so many people photographing their food you have to do something to get your place free publicity.
At the risk of sounding like a philistine, I really don't see the point in food served this way. It's artsy-fartsy yes but so impractical. Unless these things are merely meant to be seen and not eaten.
So conceptual "art" has its version on cuisine... go figure. caballos-6...6f1ddd.jpg
These remind me of that scene in Grandma's Boy where they go to the vegan restaurant.
By the end, the comments were along the lines of, "It's not so bad." I think our brains were taken hostage by the first few pictures.
There used to be a chrome-and-auto themed bar around here with a non-sequitur idea for getting and paying your tabs: There was a four-inch wide stream of water just inside the bar rail that gently flowed by you as you sat. You could launch those little plastic, rectangular dishes you get your bill in and send your payment off to the bartender like a little boat. I loved it. I'm a little weird, though... I like flowing water so much that when I was a kid I used to watch the water that ran off driveways as they were cleaned form streams like microcosmic rivers. Besides minor mishaps, I'm not sure WHAT was wrong with this (the flow prevented algae, for instance), but I'm sure something was.
This is basically and advertisement of "Our food really sucks, so we have to get you in using gimmicks that may distract you long enough to not realize that we're charging you way too much for this slop."
I'm sure those all taste crap. What lacks in taste usually also fails in presentation.
I'm quite sure the majority of those are not food grade, meaning it's not safe to put food on them or eat off them... who is supervising these establishments because I'm sure using serveware that isn't food grade is a no-no.
If anywhere served me food on anything but a plate, I'd walk out. NASTY
So many of these are so terribly unhygienic that the trend MUST be conspicuous waste: objects like concrete blocks, logs, etc., that can't possibly be used more than once without visibly being contaminated. So keep in mind when you see the wealthiest areas of America (or... what's up Barcelona?) vote 99% Democrat (Lower Manhattan, San Francisco, D.C., Loop Chicago, even downtown Houston) how hypocritical these elites are. These places don't cater to some conservative minority; they're the trendy locales of the dominant culture. PLEASE DON'T MISUNDERSTAND ME: Ad hominem is a fallacy! Their hypocrisy doesn't mean conservation isn't needed. It just means we shouldn't follow the elites in how to be conservationists! LIVE SIMPLY. Simply means cheaply.
If any restaurant owner / chef is here, I have an idea to serve food. Off the floor. Hear me out. There's no need for tables and chairs, people will be sitting on the floor, maybe on a cushion. It's cozy and homey. Then you take the food and throw it on the floor and people will eat it using their hands (the 5 sec rule obviously doesn't apply - you can take your sweet time). So no need for plates and cutlery, which means no need for dishwashing!! For liquids, you just make your hands like a cup and the waiter serves your beverage there. Awesome and progressive, right? Right??
Sarcasm is really underrated! I laughed a lot with your comment!
Load More Replies...My main concern with this pretentious presentations is the hygiene. Pretty sure that certain objects are not as easily washable as normal dishes.
I believe in most cases, they are ALL single-use. Our urban elites pay indulgences to their phony environmentalist gods, but live like disgusting, planet-killing slobs.
Load More Replies...As a chef, I can honestly say some of these are standard plating in a lot of places, but most are just pretentious and ridiculous hipster trends that serve no purpose to the food nor to the client. There's a fine line between being creative and being stupid.
Whenever I see plating theatrics like this, I firmly believe they are trying to distract you from something not good. Flavors, prices?
The worst part of most of these is that the "plates" they're using aren't made of food-grade materials. I don't want to eat from a wooden board that someone else has eaten from. And I don't want to eat from a shovel or hubcap at ALL.
I did think the fish and chips on a sheet of paper would work, though. After all, that is a traditional way to serve them (wrapped, though), and the paper gets thrown away or perhaps tossed on a fire afterwards, so this is hygienic and allows for a normal-sized meal.
I wish they would have included prices. I'd like to see if I could be even more incredulous.
I just gotta say: I'm sure the dishwashers in these restaurants hate their bosses.
It's totally ok to be creative, and if the guests of these place like the trash looks of these plates I'm fine. But are all of these things hygienic and not toxic? There is a reason if some things are not usually used as plates or pots, some materials are not suitable to contain food.
All those crazy ideas might be "innovating" but if my food is served on a towel, a piece of paper, a rusty bin lid or a hub cap they found on the roadside, I'm walking out without paying.
All of these are just gross and unhygienic. What is wrong with your food that it needs this stupid presentations?
this "culinaire progressive" restaurants can existe because of the snobisme of "nouveau rich" without any education education and totally tasteless like drinking champagne in a plastic cup at the vernissage of fake artists like M.A.
great work overall, but the autorun ads overheat my computer, could you please stop them?
Most of these are a great way to get guests to pay a lot for almost microscopic portions! aka a ripoff.
These were all probably meant to be "artistic," or "fancy." They actually look "stupid" and "gross."
Oh my God! What a bunch of tossers! I bet they charge ridiculous amounts of money for their disgusting messes!
With so many people photographing their food you have to do something to get your place free publicity.
At the risk of sounding like a philistine, I really don't see the point in food served this way. It's artsy-fartsy yes but so impractical. Unless these things are merely meant to be seen and not eaten.
So conceptual "art" has its version on cuisine... go figure. caballos-6...6f1ddd.jpg
These remind me of that scene in Grandma's Boy where they go to the vegan restaurant.
By the end, the comments were along the lines of, "It's not so bad." I think our brains were taken hostage by the first few pictures.
There used to be a chrome-and-auto themed bar around here with a non-sequitur idea for getting and paying your tabs: There was a four-inch wide stream of water just inside the bar rail that gently flowed by you as you sat. You could launch those little plastic, rectangular dishes you get your bill in and send your payment off to the bartender like a little boat. I loved it. I'm a little weird, though... I like flowing water so much that when I was a kid I used to watch the water that ran off driveways as they were cleaned form streams like microcosmic rivers. Besides minor mishaps, I'm not sure WHAT was wrong with this (the flow prevented algae, for instance), but I'm sure something was.
This is basically and advertisement of "Our food really sucks, so we have to get you in using gimmicks that may distract you long enough to not realize that we're charging you way too much for this slop."
I'm sure those all taste crap. What lacks in taste usually also fails in presentation.
I'm quite sure the majority of those are not food grade, meaning it's not safe to put food on them or eat off them... who is supervising these establishments because I'm sure using serveware that isn't food grade is a no-no.
If anywhere served me food on anything but a plate, I'd walk out. NASTY
So many of these are so terribly unhygienic that the trend MUST be conspicuous waste: objects like concrete blocks, logs, etc., that can't possibly be used more than once without visibly being contaminated. So keep in mind when you see the wealthiest areas of America (or... what's up Barcelona?) vote 99% Democrat (Lower Manhattan, San Francisco, D.C., Loop Chicago, even downtown Houston) how hypocritical these elites are. These places don't cater to some conservative minority; they're the trendy locales of the dominant culture. PLEASE DON'T MISUNDERSTAND ME: Ad hominem is a fallacy! Their hypocrisy doesn't mean conservation isn't needed. It just means we shouldn't follow the elites in how to be conservationists! LIVE SIMPLY. Simply means cheaply.