26 Random And Confusing Moments Of Humans Just Being Humans, As Shared On This Facebook Page (New Pics)
Some things people do are unexpected, others can even be shocking, but there are times when they embark on adventures so random, you’re not even sure how to react. For example, an elderly woman on roller skates getting a lift from a bus, which she holds on to using her cane, is something you would most likely feel puzzled about.
This is just one example of “Humans Doing Human Things”, as shared by the Facebook page named exactly that. With over 140k followers, it is dedicated to pictures of people on their most bizarre missions, as well as perfect-timing-like shots that cover some top-tier surprising moments. Scroll down for more examples shared by the page and enjoy.
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This is the USA. Kudos to dad for being a boss, but it would have cost him $5000 to $10000 for an ER visit. Extra motivation.
It is believed that cognitive abilities are the thing that distinguishes a human being from an animal. That seems to make sense, considering there are definitely animal species with way better physical abilities, including those faster, stronger, or with way more heightened senses.
This universal theory aside, the descriptions of what makes us human would likely differ from person to person. And if I was to come up with one based on the pictures on the list, it would likely be something along the lines of “doing one’s best, often encountering something unexpected”.
Some of the situations in these pictures are indeed quite perplexing, but that might also be due to lack of context and the factor of surprise. For instance, a group of Ronald McDonalds in a parking lot might make more sense when you know that they’re shooting an ad in the area; however, without any context, it simply looks like a very confusing dream.
The incongruity theory is arguably one of the main reasons why we find certain unexpected things funny. It is one of the three main theories of humor, together with the superiority and relief theories, which is based on the way we perceive the world and the way it actually is—the humor in that arises from when reality violates our mental patterns and expectations. For example, we see something that we didn’t expect to see in that place (because of certain expectations or the way we typically perceive that given environment) and we find it amusing.
Professor of Philosophy at Bucknell University, Sheila Lintott, pointed out that “The incongruity theory purports to define the formal object of comic amusement, which it locates in certain kinds of incongruity. The superiority theory is concerned with the affective response that often accompanies comic amusement, which it maintains is an enjoyable feeling of superiority to the object of amusement. Finally, the relief theory focuses on the expression of comic amusement in laughter, which it considers a welcome release of pent-up tension and energy.”
Prof. Sheila Lintott added that, “We might say that the incongruity theory focuses on the cognitive aspects, superiority the emotive, and relief the physical [aspects] of comic amusement.” And that’s where the cognitive abilities that differentiate a human being from an animal seemingly come in handy, as they allow us to perceive humor through incongruity theory.
According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, the incongruity theory is currently the dominant theory of humor in philosophy and psychology. The encyclopedia revealed that the first person to use the term incongruous in this context was Scottish philosopher and poet, James Beattie, in the late 18th century.
He believed that the reason for humorous laughter was “two or more inconsistent, unsuitable, or incongruous parts or circumstances, considered as united in one complex object or assemblage, as acquiring a sort of mutual relation from the peculiar manner in which the mind takes notice of them”. And indeed, a seemingly fragile elderly woman with a skateboard in her hand or a homeless person sitting on the ground with VR glasses sure feel incongruous enough to evoke a giggle.
Omg I have to watch this 🤣 I'm not sure on definitions but I think this is Chaotic Neutral?
Even though he didn’t refer to it as incongruous, German philosopher Immanuel Kant also expanded on this theory of humor, emphasizing that even though it stimulates our brain, it doesn’t provide us with any useful information. As pointed out by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, according to him, a joke might amuse us by evoking and dissipating thoughts, and such “jostling of ideas” results in “physical jostling of our internal organs”, which we enjoy.
It’s pretty safe to say that viewing pictures of humans doing human things hardly provides us with any useful information. It does, however, make our bodies move once we start laughing looking at the image, and a hearty laugh is something most of us arguably enjoy.
So much wasted potential, would-be greats stuck on the throne -sent from my iThrone
CNN Health seconded the idea that people enjoy a good belly laugh and pointed out that it can have a positive effect on their well-being and even relationships. Studies reveal that couples satisfied with their relationships laugh more than those who are seemingly less content. Moreover, individuals in general tend to laugh more when they’re around other people—a person is reportedly 30 times more likely to laugh when they’re with someone else compared to being on their own.
Barber school. Practicing on each other. They'll lose a bit more hair with each new skill, until they are clean shaven.
Laughing together with their loved ones or even people they’ve just met, for that matter, is seemingly a common human thing humans do. Luckily, there’s plenty of entertaining online content to make them giggle. If you enjoyed the pictures shared by this Facebook group, give our previous edition of their pictures a go next or browse these hilarious pics of people doing exactly what they were asked to do to continue the ab exercise.
I am American and I don't know what's going on either
Load More Replies...I pledge allegiance to the Coke and to the corporations for which it stands. One nation overweight, and with liberty and justice for some.
"I pledge allegiance to the Coke of the United States of America, and to the people for which it stands, one nation under Coca-Cola, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
must be playing the national anthem. while waiting to feed their sugar cravings
havent a clue...but humpty dumpty with the vest on,needs a drink to worship
only in the USA will you see people stop what they are doing to pledge allegiance to a piece of fabric. this idiotic cult tradition is scary as s**t.
We're all americans. Canadians, us residents and mexicans. We're North american.
I am an American. My guess is that they are on weekend pass from the local mental institution or they're about to go to a Jenny Craig meeting.
The building looks like an abandoned / converted Lowes Home Improvement store.
Annual fat folks pledging to not stray from their terrible life decisions
If they'd spend those 5 minutes running a few laps each day, then there would not be so much obesity in this picture.
Finally, a realistic image of Americans pledging their allegiance to Capitalism.
He looks like a toddler with a fake mustache wearing his dad’s oversized glasses with his head superimposed on his dad’s body.
A better title might be, "People with Too Much Time on Their Hands."
A better title might be, "People with Too Much Time on Their Hands."