These surreal photos are not Photoshop inventions. Art Director Stephen McMennamy looks for simple backgrounds, takes two photographs, and then carefully arranges them together. The early #combophoto project shots were taken with an iPhone, but McMennamy recently bought a new camera to improve the quality, and occasionally uses a drone.
“It’s really just from looking around and seeing what things are out in the world might make for an interesting fit or what would make for a nice contrast once combined,” McMennamy told PetaPixel. “As far as process, it’s just a matter of me hunting things down and aiming for the cleanest shot possible.”
More info: | Facebook | Instagram | Tumblr (h/t: petapixel, demilked)
Share on FacebookI especially love that this isn't shopped to the max. He left it clear that this are just two parts of two different photo's and stick them together. Nothing is blended in to mask just that.
I didn't notice that on my own. They're close enough in background color that it was in my zone of not seeing it til someone says something.
Load More Replies...The ice cream ones are my favorites. That is exactly how I feel about it.
loved all of clever made...especially the french fries in the cigarette box...
i love the simplicity! these are awesome and i look forward to more! great job!
Very nice article. I would like to see something similar about Coffee.
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I especially love that this isn't shopped to the max. He left it clear that this are just two parts of two different photo's and stick them together. Nothing is blended in to mask just that.
I didn't notice that on my own. They're close enough in background color that it was in my zone of not seeing it til someone says something.
Load More Replies...The ice cream ones are my favorites. That is exactly how I feel about it.
loved all of clever made...especially the french fries in the cigarette box...
i love the simplicity! these are awesome and i look forward to more! great job!
Very nice article. I would like to see something similar about Coffee.
Colaborare cu castiguri din prima luna! 100-285 de euro lunar! Selectam urgent persoane din toate localitatile tarii, pentru colaborare part-time sau full-time. Castigurile, de 100 de euro lunar (part-time) sau 285 euro lunar (full-time), vin din prima luna, iar activitatea este extrem de simpla. Garantam seriozitate maxima si cerem acelasi lucru. Pentru mai multe informatii, solicitati acum detalii unuia dintre membrii echipei noastre, la una dintre adresele noastre de email: