Not every hurtful action deserves jail time. Sometimes, a bad deed is pretty trivial and could even be forgotten. However, we humans are petty and vindictive creatures, so we improvise. We devise detailed plans of vengeance, and when everything is done, we even post stories of the petty revenge ideas we’ve carried out online.
Bored Panda has collected some of the best revenge ideas people have come up with. These stories prove that everyone should think twice before being an asshole to other people. Keep scrolling to find out what epic revenge ideas the human mind can come up with!
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Grandma's Revenge
Petty Revenge
Who Left This On My Car In Lot 30 I Just Wanna Talk
Parking over the line is ridiculously inconsiderate and she's lucky all she got for it was a turtle to color.
Locked My Cat In The Bathroom While I Made A Meal Because He Was Being Annoying. Revenge Was Had
Some People Just Gotta Learn The Hard Way
Should You Go Through With Petty Revenge?
If you’re seriously planning to take revenge on someone, you should ask yourself whether it’ll make you feel better. We often generate what seems to us evil revenge ideas just to irritate people we perceive as our enemies in work or personal life. It’s one of those urges that we feel quite often but rarely discuss, says the director and owner of the Dialectical Behavior Therapy Center, Karyn Hall, Ph.D.
“The struggle with revenge is centuries old,” she wrote for Psychology Today. “Shakespeare said, ‘If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?’ Shakespeare clearly thought revenge was as normal and predictable as the sun rising.”
“But what about the idea that revenge is self-destructive? Confucius said, ‘Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.’ Gandhi seemed to agree with him when he said, ‘An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.’”
Half On Disabled Parking And A Half On The Passway To A Mall. Someone Got Really Pissed And Emptied A Jar Of Jam On It
And it seems to be a warm sunny summer day that it will create a bit of buzz too
Absolutely deserved. Should have added some peanut butter too!!
Load More Replies...Don’t know why,but most of the times I see something like this it is always by BMW drivers (parking on crossing,2 spaces,parking on places infront of the stores where there is no parking spave,etc). Like, 7 out of 10. This makes prejudice,but in my experience it is not prejudice,it is “I saw it too many times” situation.
Well, there's a joke in Germany: "A new law was passed. Tailgaters will get their BMWs confiscated."
Load More Replies...I did this once with superglue and to make sure my nice note didn't fly off his windscreen.
Shame that comes off quite easily with nail varnish remover.
Load More Replies...Looks like a bloody murder scene happen right in front of the car.
You are right...Maybe he parked like an idiot somewhere else and the jelly happened and then he drive here and parked like a jerk too. Maybe some peanut butter should be added.
Load More Replies...Makes it look like they were responsible for a hit and run fatality. They will get pulled over on the way home. Sweet!
It is Lithuania. Idiots with bmw thought it is funny to use red beep and ride in night time in city. First video in link how police took them. Lithuanian speach, dont be surprised.
The attitude of entitlement and inconsideration makes my blood boil.
This looks like one of those car wraps that obnoxious people get. The idea is it looks like the car mowed someone down. They aren't unpopular. I feel like someone is trying to take credit where credit isn't due.
Good, no one deserves it more... add peanut butter so they can make a sandwich...
Well if this person is actually disabled, parking might just be difficult for them. On the other hand. Maybe they are one of those people who think that their car needs to spaces. If that’s the case then they have been jammed with purpose.
Another good one is to nick the valve stems of TWO tires so air leaks out slowly. If you do only one, they can use a spare tire. Two requires a tow.
Nameplate of the car explains it. In my experience, BMW owners tend to feel more privileged and more arrogant than owners of other cars. Does not apply to ALL BWM owners, but more than most.
Good on them it really pisses me off when someone takes handi-cap spot when they don't need it
I'd pay for that jar of jam! I have to use a disabled parking space, and it's a pain in the butt when this happens. Also have to use wheelchar to cross the street, and have almot gotten hit several times.
Shows you visual explanation for the difference between a porcupine and a BMW owner!
Something about two wrongs not making things right comes to mind
- "Do you know what the goat says?" - "Yes, it goes Baaaaah" - "Do you know what a rich goat sounds like? - No??? - "Baaaah Emmm Vaaaah!"
Do you know the difference between a porcupine and a BMW? The prick is IN the BMW
Good idea. I'll keep it in mind for when I'm feeling evil
If it has a handicap plate, I wouldn't be that critical. Theres room to pass ... unless you're rolling a piano.
Not really justified in my opinion. Without seeing the driver you have no way of knowing if perhaps they required room on the driver's side for a wheelchair or other assistive device. Perhaps parking close to another vehicle put that vehicle at risk of being scratched. Have been there after one of my clumbsier episodes. Have been wheelchair bound, on crutches, wobbly on my feet, etc., after attempting to do things I am clearly not capable of completing without bodily injury. You would think someone of my advance age would learn their lesson but, no. Not like to happen anytime soon either. Probably not before I finally croak off, truth be told. Never could really establish my limits of abilities. Always thought invincibility would eventually occur.
Couldn't get fast enough to the jar of jam part... thought a chick had a squat on top of the car.
Lad At Work Just Eats Everyone’s Treats. Tomorrow Will Be A Surprise For Him
Someone Parked Wrong And Shop Clerks Took Revenge
You Park In 2 Spots, I Zip Tie A Cart To Your Car
One day I let a older man pass in front of me in the Supermarkt because he was having a lot of ages and only 3 articles. He call his wife that was carrying a shopping car full to the top. Couple thank me and explained that their son were in town, have car , so they use the help to get all products at one and not only what they can carry themselves.
I Skied Back To The Pole Again... To Take This Photo For All Those Men Who Commented “Make Me A Sandwich” On My Tedx Talk
ready to fly out to Union Glacier tomorrow morning (depending on weather). Then we skied over to the Ceremonial South Pole (probably the Pole that everyone knows as the only South Pole - the barbers Pole with the flags) and the actual Geographic South Pole (which moves around 10m each year), which is marked separately. In the afternoon we were given a tour of the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. It is seriously as close to what a Base on another planet would be like than anything else on the planet - a mini-town based around the scientific work of the National Science Foundation. Tonight (it never gets dark this time of year) I skied back to the Pole again... to take this photo for all those men who commented “Make me a sandwich” on my TEDX Talk. I made you a sandwich (ham & cheese), now ski 37 days and 600km to the South Pole and you can eat it.
My Neighbor Got His Reindeer Decorations Stolen So They Put Out Grinch Ones Instead
Mad Wife
Deserved Petty Revenge
Evil Genius
What Triggers Revenge?
Hall mentioned that revenge seems to be one of the deepest instincts we have, highlighting that uncontrolled revenge, attack, and counterattack can be blinding and destroy the lives of all involved.
“Maybe the purpose of revenge is in preventing certain hostile actions or the threat of revenge ensures people do not hurt you in the future,” she said. “But sometimes people act revengefully when no good can come of their actions other than to inflict suffering on others.”
“Those actions can go to unfathomable extremes. From lovers running over a beloved iPhone or destroying what their ex most values, to businessmen damaging the careers of those who have rejected them, to students opening fire in school hallways, revenge can be an act of anger, hurt, and power.”
I Applaud This Level Of Petty
Joe Mode
My Coworker Is A Flat Earther And It's His Last Day
Making Fish Tacos For The Guy At Work Who Keeps Eating My Lunch
The Best Petty Revenge
Sleep On Your Revenge Ideas
So, how do we deal with the overwhelming impulse of seeking vengeance? Try to fight it for as long as possible. Eventually, it should subside. Analyzing an experiment by Kevin Carlsmith and his colleagues, Hall pointed out that the reason revenge increases anger rather than decreasing it is because of ruminations.
“When people don’t get revenge, they tend to trivialize the event by telling themselves that because they didn’t act on their vengeful feelings, it wasn’t a big deal. Then, it’s easier to forget it and move on. But when people do get revenge, they can no longer trivialize the situation. Instead, they go over and over it and feel worse.”
So, even if you have come up with some petty ways to get revenge on your colleague for constantly losing your stapler, think twice if it’s really worth it. Instead of wasting time on inventing revenge ideas, you could always just start placing your stapler in the drawer and maintain peace of mind. As they say, the best revenge to take on people who irritate you is to live an unbothered, happy life.
When Your Drawing Teacher Assigns 3 Finals So You Secretly Write "You Got Me F****d Up" In Sign Language On Your Final Piece
My Daughter Said She Was Too Old For Notes In Her Lunch - My Reply And Win
Sonic Savagery
Stay Away From The Coffee Creamer At Work
I've Carried Chalk In My Car For 10 Months Just So I Could Do This Once. Yesterday Was The Day
Wow. This cars people didn't even try. They just straight up crooked parked the wrong way.
Slashed Someone’s Tires Today Because He Parked Like A Jackass.. Was It Justified? I Think So
Ethan Isn’t Playing Around This Semester
These kind of people just expect other people to do the work for them. Just set an alarm and go to the lectures and take your own damn notes instead of expecting other people to do it for you. I would send my notes to someone if they had a legit reason to be absent, like family issues or something, but not just because they're lazy
My Neighbours Like To Throw Their Cigarette Butts Over The Wall And Onto The Sidewalk. I'm Tired Of Seeing Dogs Eat Them And Kids Play With Them, So I Picked Them Up For Them
All you really did was pick them up for them and make it easier for them to throw them in the trash. Should have dumped them out on their front doormat.
Sweet Revenge
I love it when two total strangers are on the same wavelength and pull something like this off.
Pothole Birthday Party
That is a not much of a pothole... should see the one that took out two wheels on my husband's car. Police car coincidentally came along and then stayed with him as his car was stuck on a dangerous corner until a rescue vehicle arrived. Council fixed that one sharpish when I complained with backup evidence from the police.
I’ve Asked My Neighbor To Please, Please Not Let His Dogs Bark All Night. Today I Received Several Packages In The Mail. Early Tomorrow Morning I’ll Have My Revenge
Jason Is A Mad Man
The Punishment For Petty Theft In My Town Is Making Laps Around The Courthouse With A Sandwich Board Sign That States: "I Am A Thief"
Wouldn’t Help With The Housework; Weeks Of Begging For Help (Because He Lives Here Too) And Picking Up After Him, I Had Put His Game In With My Snake Since I Knew He Was Afraid Of Her
As Revenge For My Brother Wrapping My Christmas Present In Duct Tape Last Year, This Year I've Wrapped My Brother's Present In Concrete! Revenge Best Served Stone-Cold
Joined A Gym, And Was Teased By My Fit Friends Who Workout There. Got My Revenge
The Funniest Thing I’ve Seen In A Long Time, My View From Work
My Neighbour Went On Vacation For A Week And I Decorated His House With Some Inspiring Lyrics From His Least Favourite Band
This was payback from the last time I went on vacation and he decorated my house with penises.
Savage Artist
Someone Stole The Pumpkins Off Of My Porch Last Night. Round Two Punks
This Guy Had Printed Checks Of Him And His New Wife So He Could Write Alimony Checks To His Ex
Not enough info here to judge if it is justified or not. He may well be a twat or his ex-wife may deserve it. Does seem top level petty though.
My Boyfriend Asked Me What I Wanted To Eat & I Said I Don't Know & This What He Brings Me
I Mixed Carolina Reaper Powder Into Half A Tub Of Ice Cream As Revenge For Food Thief At My Community Freezer
So I transferred to this new college and been living on a pretty nice dorm. After I got settled in, I bought a small tub of ice cream. After eating my fill, I left the rest in the common freezer in the floor lounge. This dorm is only for sophomore and seniors and is not a frat house so I figured it would be okay. Few days later, the whole tub was gone. I was a bit pissed but passed it off as just bad luck. Next week, I bought another tub, this time making sure to write "do not eat" on the outside and a note on the inner side of the lid where I wrote "don't be a dick." Yet, just two days later, the ice cream was gone. I really got pissed this time. I seriously doubt anyone who can afford to go to a private college and live on a dorm for their sophomore/senior year has to steal another person's ice cream. So I sought out ways for revenge. First thought was to mix in laxatives but read that it could be considered poisoning someone. So my next thought was to mix crushed habanero and tested it out but it was masked out by the ice cream because it wasn't hot enough. So I looked into the hottest pepper I could find and got Carolina Reaper chili powder and did this.
If you put laxatives in your ice cream and someone happen to steal it, how can this be considered poisoning.? It's your ice cream, you do what you want with it.
My Roommate Fed A Few Of Us Dog Food Saying It Was Jerky. He Went Away This Weekend. 1km Of Clinging Revenge
We wrapped everything individually and created a giant ball with his shoes randomly through it (bottom left). The testicles are his basketballs with around 100 meters of wrap on each. Around 4 hours of work with help. Its late, he just got back from his flight and he has to work early in the morning. Here we go...
When Your Ex Writes You An Apology Letter So You Grade It To Send It Back
Every Time I Get A Spam Fax At Work I Put The Spammer's Number On A Free Monkey Flyer And Post It Somewhere Around Town
Revenge Cookies
Pettiness Level 100,000,00. My Husband Was Angry This Morning So He Decided He Was Only Making His Half Of The Bed
Our Neighbors Very Precisely Cleaned Only Their Part Of The Wall
Just a bit of advise on getting even with food stealers. You get your victims as you find them. For example. The person using rotten eggs to poison, their co-worker could (in some jurisdictions) be charged with a crime for poisoning someone, even if they did steal their food. Suppose they had a weak immune system or other ailment and died. The fact that they were stealing your food, isn't going to fly in court. It's about the intent. You don't respond to a crime, by commiting one yourself. I personally never put things in the company refrigerators. One, they are usually disgusting. I bring a cooler bag with ice packs, besides my desk.
I think a lot of these are unjustified and that the people committing the "revenge" are as petty or more so than those who did the thing in the first place. One s****y act is not made better by another!
A former employer was tired of people putting bags of rubbish in the shop dumpster so it was always overflowing. At the end of his patience he resorted to going through the bags looking for anything to identify the culprits. Several times he found mail envelopes etc so he drove to the address and dumped the contents of the bag at the front door.
I lived in an apartment building and commercial trucks -- mostly construction, landscaping, tree trimming -- would fill the dumpster. The business across the alley had tapes of all activity between our buildings and five businesses were busted and charged with "theft of services." All five were settled out-of-court for $2,000 -- by precedent, they could have been forced to pay up to ten times that amount.
Load More Replies...Petty Revenge is kinda of sickening...Grow up and just say something to the person.These examples turned me off..
When I was in the US Army in Texas I lived off post in a small apartment house. A bunch of Army finance clerks lived upstairs. Finance works directly for CONARC (Continental Army Command), outside of any local jurisdiction. Their offices were in a battalion area run by a Major, a real tight a*s. He'd wait outside their office as they came to work and gig them for unbuttoned pockets, untucked in shirts, hair touching their collars, etc. Every petty little thing he could find and file charges against them. Their response was exquisite: they made out a donation to the Red Cross for $250/month (from his base salary of $728/month). The papers were handled by a clerk who filed them on the day before his discharge. It took 2 months before the Major noticed his auto-deposited check was short. A career man couldn't ask the Red Cross for it back. He filed papers to have it ended but they 'mysteriously' disappeared As did the 2nd set. It took him 7 months to get it sorted. ;-)
Don't know if this qualifies but in 1988 I worked at an engineering company on a large industrial estate. The loading bay was used a lot and kept closed when not in use. A neighbour had a client who would park his BMW in front of the laoding bay despite there being signs saying not to and that we would not be held responsible for any loss or damages. Any car parked there was at the owners risk. One day it happened the boss asked him to move his car and he laughed at my boss and said he would move it at the end of the day. So, as soon as he went into the factory next door my boss lift his car up with a fork lift truck and parked his car in a pay and display car park on the far side of the estate (2 miles away). Needless to say he didn't park there again... Oh and he accrued parking fines of £175 which would have been less if we didn't pretend not to know where his car was and left him looking for it for 3 hours
End of the day - the pettiness doesn't make you feel better, it might even make you a worse person.
Maybe but sometimes it is the only way people learn not be jerks.
Load More Replies...I never get into revenge...that's what karma is for...and no matter how much time passes or where you are, you always hear about the time I worked on Wall Street & read in the Times how all my former douchey, evil, bosses wound up going to jail! THAT was sweet!
Karma is the most ridiculous, nonsense concept in the world. Explain karma to a 4yr old with cancer. Explain karma when North Korean dictators die of old age. Karma is literally the dummest concept ever. The universe absolutely does not make things balance out. At all.
Load More Replies...Hello, I bring you good news. Do you need black magic spells to get rid of your husband's mistress ? Do you want to fix your marriage or relationship or you want to get back with your ex after the breakup or you want to put a stop to that Divorce? Do you want revenge on your enemies or do you want a death spell cast on someone who has wronged you in the past ? If yes then let me recommend a tested and trusted voodoo man called Dr noble who has helped me to destroy my enemy (Donald) that almost ruined my life just because I got promoted before him at our place of work. I contacted Dr Noble for his powerful death spell and in 48 hours Donald died in an accident. It was the greatest news to me that day. Finally my enemy is out of the way thank you Noble. Here is Dr Noble's website noblesolutiontemple. com
Hello, I bring you good news. Do you need black magic spells to get rid of your husband's mistress ? Do you want to fix your marriage or relationship or you want to get back with your ex after the breakup or you want to put a stop to that Divorce? Do you want revenge on your enemies or do you want a death spell cast on someone who has wronged you in the past ? If yes then let me recommend a tested and trusted voodoo man called Dr noble who has helped me to destroy my enemy (Donald) that almost ruined my life just because I got promoted before him at our place of work. I contacted Dr Noble for his powerful death spell and in 48 hours Donald died in an accident. It was the greatest news to me that day. Finally my enemy is out of the way thank you Noble. Here is Dr Noble's website noblesolutiontemple. com you also add him on WhatsApp via +2349 05961 0643 or call him on 2348139452225
When a person takes food, over and over, they need a lesson, however, where to draw the line ???
It might have been better to explain why both sets of parents were involved in this kind of distraction. Was this just a joke? Albeit a badly chosen joke. Did the couple offend their perspective parents? It all just sounds like a mean thing to do, not at funny. Just my perspective and not knowing what the reasoning behind this was.
Load More Replies...Just a bit of advise on getting even with food stealers. You get your victims as you find them. For example. The person using rotten eggs to poison, their co-worker could (in some jurisdictions) be charged with a crime for poisoning someone, even if they did steal their food. Suppose they had a weak immune system or other ailment and died. The fact that they were stealing your food, isn't going to fly in court. It's about the intent. You don't respond to a crime, by commiting one yourself. I personally never put things in the company refrigerators. One, they are usually disgusting. I bring a cooler bag with ice packs, besides my desk.
I think a lot of these are unjustified and that the people committing the "revenge" are as petty or more so than those who did the thing in the first place. One s****y act is not made better by another!
A former employer was tired of people putting bags of rubbish in the shop dumpster so it was always overflowing. At the end of his patience he resorted to going through the bags looking for anything to identify the culprits. Several times he found mail envelopes etc so he drove to the address and dumped the contents of the bag at the front door.
I lived in an apartment building and commercial trucks -- mostly construction, landscaping, tree trimming -- would fill the dumpster. The business across the alley had tapes of all activity between our buildings and five businesses were busted and charged with "theft of services." All five were settled out-of-court for $2,000 -- by precedent, they could have been forced to pay up to ten times that amount.
Load More Replies...Petty Revenge is kinda of sickening...Grow up and just say something to the person.These examples turned me off..
When I was in the US Army in Texas I lived off post in a small apartment house. A bunch of Army finance clerks lived upstairs. Finance works directly for CONARC (Continental Army Command), outside of any local jurisdiction. Their offices were in a battalion area run by a Major, a real tight a*s. He'd wait outside their office as they came to work and gig them for unbuttoned pockets, untucked in shirts, hair touching their collars, etc. Every petty little thing he could find and file charges against them. Their response was exquisite: they made out a donation to the Red Cross for $250/month (from his base salary of $728/month). The papers were handled by a clerk who filed them on the day before his discharge. It took 2 months before the Major noticed his auto-deposited check was short. A career man couldn't ask the Red Cross for it back. He filed papers to have it ended but they 'mysteriously' disappeared As did the 2nd set. It took him 7 months to get it sorted. ;-)
Don't know if this qualifies but in 1988 I worked at an engineering company on a large industrial estate. The loading bay was used a lot and kept closed when not in use. A neighbour had a client who would park his BMW in front of the laoding bay despite there being signs saying not to and that we would not be held responsible for any loss or damages. Any car parked there was at the owners risk. One day it happened the boss asked him to move his car and he laughed at my boss and said he would move it at the end of the day. So, as soon as he went into the factory next door my boss lift his car up with a fork lift truck and parked his car in a pay and display car park on the far side of the estate (2 miles away). Needless to say he didn't park there again... Oh and he accrued parking fines of £175 which would have been less if we didn't pretend not to know where his car was and left him looking for it for 3 hours
End of the day - the pettiness doesn't make you feel better, it might even make you a worse person.
Maybe but sometimes it is the only way people learn not be jerks.
Load More Replies...I never get into revenge...that's what karma is for...and no matter how much time passes or where you are, you always hear about the time I worked on Wall Street & read in the Times how all my former douchey, evil, bosses wound up going to jail! THAT was sweet!
Karma is the most ridiculous, nonsense concept in the world. Explain karma to a 4yr old with cancer. Explain karma when North Korean dictators die of old age. Karma is literally the dummest concept ever. The universe absolutely does not make things balance out. At all.
Load More Replies...Hello, I bring you good news. Do you need black magic spells to get rid of your husband's mistress ? Do you want to fix your marriage or relationship or you want to get back with your ex after the breakup or you want to put a stop to that Divorce? Do you want revenge on your enemies or do you want a death spell cast on someone who has wronged you in the past ? If yes then let me recommend a tested and trusted voodoo man called Dr noble who has helped me to destroy my enemy (Donald) that almost ruined my life just because I got promoted before him at our place of work. I contacted Dr Noble for his powerful death spell and in 48 hours Donald died in an accident. It was the greatest news to me that day. Finally my enemy is out of the way thank you Noble. Here is Dr Noble's website noblesolutiontemple. com
Hello, I bring you good news. Do you need black magic spells to get rid of your husband's mistress ? Do you want to fix your marriage or relationship or you want to get back with your ex after the breakup or you want to put a stop to that Divorce? Do you want revenge on your enemies or do you want a death spell cast on someone who has wronged you in the past ? If yes then let me recommend a tested and trusted voodoo man called Dr noble who has helped me to destroy my enemy (Donald) that almost ruined my life just because I got promoted before him at our place of work. I contacted Dr Noble for his powerful death spell and in 48 hours Donald died in an accident. It was the greatest news to me that day. Finally my enemy is out of the way thank you Noble. Here is Dr Noble's website noblesolutiontemple. com you also add him on WhatsApp via +2349 05961 0643 or call him on 2348139452225
When a person takes food, over and over, they need a lesson, however, where to draw the line ???
It might have been better to explain why both sets of parents were involved in this kind of distraction. Was this just a joke? Albeit a badly chosen joke. Did the couple offend their perspective parents? It all just sounds like a mean thing to do, not at funny. Just my perspective and not knowing what the reasoning behind this was.
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