There’s nothing like coming home to your beloved pets after a long day. They run up to you asking for cuddles and suddenly everything feels right in the world. However, some cats and dogs don’t seem to understand the meaning of boundaries—in the most wholesome way possible.

Our animal-friendly team here at Bored Panda has collected the most soul-healing and goofy photos of people’s pets completely ignoring their personal boundaries. They’re incredibly relatable if you happen to have any snugglebugs at home. And for anyone who doesn’t yet have an animal BFF, well, don’t blame us if you have the sudden urge to rescue someone from your local shelter.

The friendly team at the PDSA, the UK's largest veterinary charity, was kind enough to shed some light on why our pets want to spend so much time close to us. Scroll down for Bored Panda's interview with PDSA Vet Nurse Shauna Walsh, who shared some great insights.


Java And Monkey Once Again Compromise On Space In The Sun Square

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"It’s not uncommon for pets to want to be close to their owners and spend time with them—some pets are social animals and being with their owners brings them joy. Often owners are their pet’s whole world and spending time with their owners is one of the key points of their life! Owners can bring pets a sense of happiness, making them feel secure and safe," Walsh, from the PDSA, said.

“Pets are often inquisitive creatures, wanting to know what you’re doing and be involved in anything exciting happening around them. Whilst we know we’re just popping into the bathroom—our pets don’t know that and don’t want to miss out on whatever exciting thing you are up to!" the vet nurse told Bored Panda.


"Some pets do take real comfort in being physically close to their owners, snuggling up to them or sitting on their laps," she said. "It can be equally comforting to owners to have the constant companionship of a pet, but sometimes pets can’t understand the ‘personal space’ that us humans might need!"


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I Have A Very Clingy Cat And I’m Working From Home. This Baby Sling Helps Us Both

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Being A Mom Means No Personal Space

Being A Mom Means No Personal Space

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samanthaeddy avatar
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12 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

She's trying to take a time out. Good luck little lady.

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“It’s vital for owners to adequately meet their pets’ Five Welfare Needs, in order for them to be happy and healthy. Whilst some pets do simply just want to be near their owners, sometimes a pet may be ‘invading’ their owner’s personal space because they are actually trying to tell them something," PDSA Vet Nurse Walsh explained to Bored Panda.


"A pet might want attention, may be hungry or thirsty, may be bored and want to play or need reassurance from you if something has worried them. Or perhaps they need to go to the bathroom—the possibilities are endless but always remember your pet can’t speak, and is communicating using their body language. If your pet is crowding your personal space, especially if it’s a change in their behavior, have a think about what they might be trying to tell you."


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Personal Space? What's Personal Space?

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Weekends Are For Sleeping In And Not Understanding Personal Space

Weekends Are For Sleeping In And Not Understanding Personal Space

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Found This Kitty At The Gas Station And Brought Her Home A Few Days Ago. It's Okay, Maxie, We Don't Need Personal Space In This House

Found This Kitty At The Gas Station And Brought Her Home A Few Days Ago. It's Okay, Maxie, We Don't Need Personal Space In This House

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According to Walsh, cats are quite independent when compared to other animals. "Spending time close to you is definitely on their terms, not something you can force! However, regardless of how much they like to be close to their owner, all pets need their own personal space that they can retreat to whenever they want," she said.


"It’s important owners provide their pets with their own area and activities to keep them entertained. Cats will need plenty of toys (bring different ones out every couple of days for variety), scratching posts, lots of different height levels for them to explore, and also quiet areas so they have somewhere to escape to if they do need a bit of alone time."


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Our "Puppy" Moose Has Roughly Half A Brain Cell. Personal Space Means Nothing. The Other Dogs Simply Tolerate Him

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waihi avatar
My O My
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12 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

White doggo has given up trying to explain things to Moose.

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My Mom Is In The Home Office, And I Love It. When I'm Bored, I Make Noises Until She Gets Me Out Of My Tank. Today I Wanted To See What She Was Doing

My Mom Is In The Home Office, And I Love It. When I'm Bored, I Make Noises Until She Gets Me Out Of My Tank. Today I Wanted To See What She Was Doing

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It’s absolutely fantastic when your pet acts affectionately toward you instead of ignoring your need for cuddles, playtime, and warm naps together. Depending on your pet’s character, it might spend far more time in your company than some other members of its species. But no matter how aloof a floof might be, they still enjoy the occasional snuggle (though perhaps on their own terms).


By being physically next to you, your pets show you that they appreciate and—dare we say it?—love you. Either that or they enjoy how warm you are. Being in contact with another living being is pleasant, calms us down, and can boost our mood. No animal and no human being can thrive for long without constant physical contact. 


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However, no matter how much we might love our animal besties, it can be a bit difficult to get anything done if they always want to be close to us. Working from home can become next to impossible when all your cat wants to do is nap on your keyboard or sit on your shoulder.


Similarly, if you want to work out or have chores to do, your canine companion jumping on top of you all the time can make things very messy. Cuddles are great! But work projects, exercise, and housework don’t do themselves.

Don’t even get us started about pets who feel that it is their solemn duty to follow you into the bathroom every single time that nature calls. Some owners don’t mind the company. Others, however, wouldn’t mind a spot of privacy every now and then. Having some personal space is important, whether you’re talking about people or pets.


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If your lovable catto or doggo keeps invading your personal space and making life extra hard (though undoubtedly wholesome) for you, you may need to start setting some gentle boundaries. You could start off by explaining to them why having at least a smidge of privacy is necessary, then listening to their side of things, and looking for some sort of compromise. However, the odds are that your message won’t get through to them, even if you have a whole slideshow presentation ready.


You’ll have to teach them what your boundaries are over a long period of time. You’ll need a lot of patience and consistency.

According to the ‘Dezi & Roo’ blog, setting boundaries with your cat might be difficult, but it’s not impossible. You should aim to create a routine in your life so that your pet knows what to expect.


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Working From Home. They Make It So Easy To Get Stuff Done

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cali-tabby-katz avatar
LakotaWolf (she/her)
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have two cats and two dogs. Not only do I not have any personal space, the ENTIRE space (of the house) belongs to them. Such is love.

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For instance, when it’s time to eat and play. You should also make sure that the animal has something to do while you’re working or out of the house, so that they’re not bored. You should have at least a small collection of toys to keep them engaged and moving.


Similarly, if your cat’s always sitting on top of your head or your dog’s favorite activity is lying on your lap, you may want to consider setting up a dedicated area for them in a corner of your home. Alternatively, they might be bugging you because they’re not physically and mentally stimulated enough.

You’ve got to find the time to play with them and take them for walks. If they’re tired enough, they might behave differently. 


You Comfy There?

You Comfy There?

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In the meantime, when you’re doing something important and can’t be distracted, you can ever-so-gently push your pet away and tell them “no” if they’re ignoring your personal space. The key here is to be friendly but firm. You still love them, but if you miss your work deadline, your pets might not have new toys and snacks next month.


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cali-tabby-katz avatar
LakotaWolf (she/her)
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12 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I took my Adventure Cat with me to a pet-friendly resort. Apparently I fell asleep on the sand. She refused to leave me/chase after that bird/etc. (I was only asleep for a few moments, boyfriend was within 2 feet the entire time, and Adventure Cat is leash/harness trained and always wears a leash and harness in public - for those who might worry about the situation.) adventure_...71d419.jpg adventure_cat-65127f871d419.jpg

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kathrynbaylis avatar
Kathryn Baylis
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12 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That cat is plotting. I can see it in their face. Puppy is doomed.

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Alternatively, you can distract your pet with a tasty treat or one of their toys or even set up a small gate in a part of your home.

If things get really out of hand and you find it difficult to enforce any boundaries, you might want to get in touch with an animal trainer or behavior specialist to help you figure out how to discipline the animal better. 


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Mom, Mom, Moooom. Hi

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When you’re done enjoying this list to the fullest, Pandas, let us know which of these photos you loved the most! We’d also like to hear about your own pets and how much they completely ignore your own personal space.

For some more hilarious and goofy pics of pets ignoring boundaries, check out Bored Panda’s previous features.


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Mom Hasn't Felt Good The Last Few Days. So I Keep A Close Eye On Her. Even When She's In The Bath Or Shower. You Never Know When She Might Need A Kiss Attack

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When I Met My Husband 10 Years Ago, He Didn't Think He Was A Cat Person. This Is How He Plays Yahtzee Today. Also, The Cat Clearly Doesn't Understand What The Personal Space Is

When I Met My Husband 10 Years Ago, He Didn't Think He Was A Cat Person. This Is How He Plays Yahtzee Today. Also, The Cat Clearly Doesn't Understand What The Personal Space Is

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samanthaeddy avatar
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12 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Or maybe the cat was never told how to play Yatzee therefore is frustrated.

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Gang’s All Here

Gang’s All Here

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kcvanweel avatar
Tired Panda
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12 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They need to make sure you stay safe. They love you and are concerned.

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Oh, You Want To Work? Sorry, I Don’t Think So

Oh, You Want To Work? Sorry, I Don’t Think So

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bobremillard avatar
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12 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"I must be the center of your attention."

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My Kitten Chainsaw Has No Concept Of Personal Space

My Kitten Chainsaw Has No Concept Of Personal Space

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Dame Just Doesn't Give A Damn About Personal Space

Dame Just Doesn't Give A Damn About Personal Space

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shaynerandlett avatar
Shayne Randlett
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I remember when the prize in a box of cereal was just a cheap plastic toy

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Note: this post originally had 118 images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.

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