We’re not getting any younger, and there’s little we can do about it. And we may ignore it, but the reality sometimes shamelessly comes right into your face.

For example, when looking at your phone pictures from last year, or when lathering your skin with anti-aging cream, or when suddenly meeting your unrecognizable childhood friend in a supermarket, or when scrolling for your birthdate in a drop-down menu. These painful reality checks hilariously remind us of the passing time.

So when someone asked “What made you realize ‘you're old?’” it hit a soft spot for too many people out there. A whopping 16k comments later, the all too relatable responses are in, and oh boy, I never felt as ancient as I do right now.


50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young I almost fell over when a local radio station called songs from the '80s the 'golden oldies.' No! The golden oldies are the '50s/'60s!

RichieNRich , Breakingpic Report


    I find more and more people are being stupid and annoying.

    Wahooney Report


    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young Getting annoyed when they rearrange the grocery store.

    tamarainspace , Pixabay Report

    Laura Wasser, a family law expert and chief of divorce evolution at, told Bored Panda that a positive outlook on getting older involves accepting it as a natural part of life and concentrating on the upsides. 

    “As time goes by, we acquire valuable experiences, insight, and a better comprehension of ourselves and our surroundings. Instead of getting hung up on the unavoidable bodily changes, let's appreciate the wisdom, personal development, and connections we've made over the years,” she explained.


    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young Doing nothing became my favorite thing to do on the weekend.

    MooreDubs Report

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    Baseball is Life
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Absolutely nothing wrong with this, we don't always have to be doing 'something'

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    I used to sneak out of home to go to a party, now I sneak out of the party to go home

    Dman7419 Report

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    Onion Patch Petunia
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And if they won't let me leave, I find a comfortable chair and go to sleep!

    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I remember we wouldn't even consider going to a party until at least 10pm. Now I wouldn't consider even staying out that late.

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For introverts everywhere, I can say this isn’t just an old people thing. My personal hack is that I don’t go to parties in the first place.

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I always wanted to do that from my earliest days, so it doesn't count.

    Fergus Corgi
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I snuck out of plenty of boring parties in college. The difference is, back then I'd find something else to do rather than head home. When you are young, you want to experience everything possible. Now when I think about all the crazy stuff I did, I'm just grateful that I survived. At this point I don't want to push my luck 😉

    H G
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    1 year ago

    This comment has been deleted.

    Seamus Crumley
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The punishments you gave to your children are now what you love for yourself- as above, you are not going to that party, and if you complain, you can go to bed. You're grounded, go to bed and read a book. You better be back home by 6, if you are not you will go to bed early. I think you can get the jist of what I'm saying.

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    Sleeping straight through the night is a thing of the past; if it's not a hip or shoulder screaming at me to roll over, it's a bladder wanting releif.

    drshawn001 Report

    According to Laura, “keeping our spirits up and feeling thankful help us nurture a happier, more satisfying attitude toward aging while still looking after our mental and emotional health.”


    Being in a relationship as you grow older offers many positive aspects. Laura explained that one of the main perks is the sense of companionship. “Sharing life experiences, memories, and moments with someone you care about makes life richer and more satisfying,” she said.


    I'm disgusted by TikTok

    k_1181 Report


    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young Whenever I have to enter my birthdate in a drop-down menu

    didfart , Qixotl LFC Report


    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young I teach writing to college freshmen. I had a student writing about standardized testing who started a paragraph with the phrase: 'Beliefs about education at the turn of the century worked from the assumption that...' It took me two paragraphs to realize that the turn she was talking about was 1999 to 2000. This was two years ago. The resulting existential crisis is still unresolved.

    HGFuller , Dom Fou Report

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    Tucker Cahooter
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When Pointless asks contestants a question involving "Greatest music artists of this century", it takes me a while to cotton on they don't mean groups like The Jam or The Beatles

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    “Additionally, being in a healthy partnership leads to better mental well-being. Research indicates that people in strong relationships experience increased happiness, reduced stress, and a lower likelihood of depression.”

    Moreover, Laura noted that sharing your life with a partner comes with practical advantages. “Life becomes easier when you can tackle daily tasks, financial matters, and important decisions as a team. This shared responsibility leads to a more enjoyable and manageable lifestyle.”


    When I realized that I own t shirts that are older than people I work with

    abigore Report

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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My oldest grandson is 18, almost 19. My microwave is several years older than him. Also at least one of my printed tshirts for that matter. EDIT: PS - Bonus Points - I bought that 1997 Panasonic microwave used at a garage sale for I think about $15. LOL! It was fairly new-ish then but some people were moving or something. Folks that looked like they had money and could afford to get new stuff wherever they moved to.

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    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young You know all the celebrities that die. I remember celebrity deaths to me for years were just always random people that might as well have been from Ancient Rome for how well I knew of them and how old they were. Now, every celebrity death is like, 'What?!??! She died?? But she was just in that movie!' But then you remember that for you, 'just in that movie' was a movie 30 years or more ago sometimes.

    BigMax , Mike B Report

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    Jake B
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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When they are older than you, oooo boy, weird! edited: autocorrect stinks

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    Look at an intact cardboard box you have in your house. What do you think? If the answer is: Oh, this is a good cardboard box, I should hold on to it, you know it has started.

    Otherwise_Skill_4189 Report

    We also wondered why our society is so obsessed with staying forever young. Laura explained that “people love the idea of staying young because it reminds them of a time full of chances, energy, and new beginnings.”

    “Being young means having more freedom and fun, and as we age, we often miss those simpler times without many responsibilities. By trying to stay youthful, we hope to keep enjoying life like we did when we were younger,” she said.

    Moreover, our society values and promotes youthfulness, Laura argues. “You can see young people and new ideas in movies, music, and ads, which makes us think that being young is something worth chasing after.”


    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young Viggo Mortensen is now older than Ian McKellan was when he played Gandalf in Fellowship..

    silox250 , The Hollywood Reporter Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Okay, that’s just weird, like time doubling back on itself or something…

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    Wait a minute - let me get my glasses and put the main light on to read this properly...

    jinglesan Report


    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young When my Mom moved into my mirror.

    hazelhas2 , SHVETS production Report

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    Michelle C
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’m starting to look more like my mother and late maternal grandmother. I’ll take it!

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    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young Spent my 30th birthday itching to go home and take my new cordless vacuum cleaner for a spin.

    SamCropper , cottonbro studio Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I recall on my 5th Christmas I felt sad my mom got household appliances for a present. But I was confused why she was so excited and not sad she doesn't get any of the cool, fun toys I got. She said it was her version of toys and I'd know the feeling when I'm older. She was right. However, I still wouldn't mind getting a few cool kids toys, still.

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    When "ow that hurt" became "I hope that's not permanent"

    Tall_dark_and_lying Report


    Guy at the liquor store looked really quick at my license. I said that was fast. He said it starts with 19--

    sperbro Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The LC people take an uncomfortable long time on mine cos my picture is a decade old. I was supposed to get it replaced but then the pandemic hit and the license issuers were not doing photos. They sent me a replacement when mine expired with my old picture. When restrictions lifted I called to book an appt. for retakes, as they said I could. But they said I now have to wait until my new card expires unless there's a major difference in my appearance.

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    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young I was reading Rolling Stone at the doctors office and realized I hardly knew any of the bands on the billboard #1 singles list. 90s music to my kids is like what 60s music was to me.

    wholesomeorgange , Blair Fraser Report


    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young A bunch of things lol.

    Bent down to pick up my 20 lb pup and threw my back out.

    Seeing athletes get drafted into the NFL that were born after 2000. Also watching guys I saw get drafted now retiring.

    Wanting peace and quiet instead of parties.

    Getting excited about grocery or furniture shopping.

    Well_thatwas_random , Kindel Media Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i hate grocery shopping. The Safeway near me has now blocked off access of the exiting area from the entrances, and the exit area has the public washroom. I used to just go under the chains or lift the gates up in the closed checkouts. Now they chain shopping carts in the closed checkout aisles. So if I need to use the washroom I have to push past people in the tight check out lanes, or try to hold it and wait to pay for something. It's giving me so much anxiety. what if there's a fire? What if someone has realized they needed a shopping cart instead of a basket? What if someone just needs to leave because they realized they forgot their wallet? Why do we have to be trapped in? That's what it feels like. Trapped.

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    when 30 seems like "just a kid"

    GhostEntropy Report


    Nearly busted my a*s in the shower and suddenly life alert made sense 🤣

    Luxcrluvr Report

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    kitten levels tokyo
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I slipped and fell on wet shower tiles in my 40s. I learned what pain is that day.

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    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young My everyday routine: Come home from work, watch Wheel of Fortune, look at the newspaper and sit outside(weather permitting), to watch the birds and squirrels. If that doesn't mean I am old, then nothing does!

    ripmerle , cottonbro studio Report


    When I discovered my sciatic nerve

    Cattlemutilation141 Report


    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young I recently saw a reddit post about things that were popular 25 years ago and I thought about the 80s until I saw a comment that pointed out that we are talking about 1998. I also then realized that I am older than 25.

    I also recently used the phrase '20 years ago' when I was talking to a friend. That hit different.

    No_Scale7584 , cottonbro studio Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm still 26 in my head. My body will just have to tag along the best it can.

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    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young At 44 I don't feel old but when I'm going to do something now a days I think about it if I could get hurt

    Youhurtmypee , Diana Polekhina Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is why I don't learn how to skateboard, and I'm now afraid to try ice skating and roller skating again. But I really want to.

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    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young Both parents have died and their siblings are also gone.

    brian2funny , Brett Sayles Report


    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young When I gave dating sites a try and found that the people my age were old looking.

    No-Handle-3515 , Good Faces Agency Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I still find guys in their 40s up too old and seem creepy on dating apps where there's so many young women. Or maybe I just find dating apps creepy in general. Idk. I have bf now, anyways and I hope we grow old together and I'll never have to resort to trying a dating app out again. Last time I got hit up by the same guys and recommended the same guys week after week. Tried looking for someone new, messaged a few guys. I had on my profile I'm looking for a long term commitment but men would just ask if I'm looking to hook up. Shows no one reads profiles, or takes females seriously. One guy started messaging me back. After the 3rd message he was like "Are we going to meet up or what? I'm not doing this messaging b******t." Like, whoa bucko. Chill out. So I immediately blocked him cos that was scary af. It was a learning curve, finding more about who I am, really, and discovered I need more time to heal from my previous abusive relationship and come to terms that I'm more asexual.

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    Discovered I had a favorite spatula

    IRErover Report


    I was taking to my team (early 20s, I’m basically their parents’ age) about the actress Gillian Anderson and when it didn’t ring a bell, I said “you know, Agent Scully from X-Files. No one knew X-Files or who Agent Scully was but one of the girls chipped in “oh, the mother from Sex Education” and they all clicked.

    Sattaman6 Report

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    3 Trash Pandas in a Trenchcoat
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You'll be happy to know my parents show my brother and I X-files this summer, and we loved it. We're on season 4 now.

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    My sister, a decade younger than me, asked about a band I was listening to. I told her I'd burn her a CD for her car. She told me her car doesn't even have a CD player.

    MrPBsErica Report


    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young When kids refered to the 90s at the "late 1900s"

    riphitter , J Huang Report


    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young I had to go to a Walgreens to get my passport photo taken. They use a digital camera. The clerk helping me was so young, she said something like, 'I’ve never used one of these old type cameras before.' I had to help her get the SD card out and put it in the printer.

    mmm_unprocessed_fish , Ryunosuke Kikuno Report


    I stepped in a hole in the concrete at the gas station and fell over. That simple fall to the pavement broke my foot, my ankle, and three ribs. I'm 56 and now officially old.

    Typical_XJW Report

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    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young When I started mixing corn flakes with frosted flakes because frosted flakes alone was too f*****g sweet.

    7 year old me would be shocked at old me

    1_UpvoteGiver , Tiard Schulz Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm shocked I was able to eat just the icing on a cake and only the marshmallows in Lucky Charms. I miss my old sweet tooth.

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    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young You know what's a totally not fun game to play with your younger coworkers? Asking them what cartoons they grew up watching. Asking them where they were on 9/11 is also a good one.

    Civilized_Primate , Karolina Grabowska Report

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    Jake B
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Try when the space shuttle blew up or we landed on the moon….

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    Nirvana being considered Classic Rock.

    scienceforbid Report


    Clerk in a store was singing along to Soft Cell Don't you want me/ Where did our love go. I said "ur too young to know this" He said he "lived with his Grandpa and knows all the oldies"

    Daggerscar Report

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    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young The first time the barber asked if I wanted my eyebrows trimmed.

    jgriss , Nikolaos Dimou Report


    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young Asked a young relative what music she was into, thinking I would be able to impress her with all I know about the "cool" bands. She listed quite a few and I had never heard of a single one, instantly humbled.

    greeenlander , Lopsan Report


    Appreciating a well mown lawn.

    StAUG1211 Report


    The setting in Back to the Future was the same distance from the 1950’s as we are to the 1990’s.

    52hrz Report

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    My job has an ipad that we use for certain things. I asked a younger coworker how to adjust the volume, and he said "oh it's just an ipad. Wait, do you not know how to use an ipad?" & he was genuinely surprised that I'd never used one before. I'm a millennial. My mom used to say I was tech savvy with my flip phone. Now look at me, pathetic.

    frieshie Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm a millennial and know how to use an ipad...the first ones came out around 2010 if im not mistaken...I had one in my 20s...maybe you're not as tech savvy as you think?

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    Hangovers lasting into a 2nd day and waking up with random sore muscles.

    PNWCoug42 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I got tipsy one night and woke up with such a terrible hangover I have never drunk alcohol since. That was in 2002

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    Looked in the mirror. Thats not my face, and it's way older than me. Then my voice said "damn, I'm old" and I had to agree, but was very confused who said it.

    Unstable_Stable19 Report

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    Caiman 94920
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    keep scaring myself when my grandma pops up in my mirror each morning

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    I hit 49 years of age and my body decided at that point that I'm old. Every bad decision I made regarding my health came back to bite me.

    ToasterOven31 Report

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    Irish woman abroad
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yup - all that junk food and alcohol from your 20s will eventually come knocking at your door 😭😭😭

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    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young When celebrities would come on late night shows and they looked SO much older… then I would think “I guess I do too…”

    superdopeshow , Report


    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young When i started working with kids, and they were told "You listen to [my name]! Do what she tells you, okay?" Hang on, i am in charge here? Of tiny people? F*ck.

    Ieatalot2004 , Taylor Flowe Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Even though I've parented my own daughter and she's an adult now, I still feel powerless around teens and kids. Try to rein them in and it's their parents that intervene and encourage rude behaviour. If they're being a nuisance towards you, starting getting a reaction then they whip out their phones and start recording the "Karen". Now you got them AND online trolls bullying you. You can't discipline online trolls. You can't discipline kids who are not yours. Adults have lost so much power in just one generation of kids. This is one of the reasons kids should not have smart phones and easy access to social media. I've put my foot down and dying on this hill.

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    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young When the supermarket started playing the music I listened to in high school

    Edit: wow ty for the gold and rip my inbox!

    thekillercook , Nathália Rosa Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Several years ago, I actually heard a muzak version of a led zeppelin song in a grocery store and I simultaneously thought I had lost my mind and realized I must be old. *sigh*

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    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young Butt problems.

    There, I said it so you don't have to.

    BlackLetterLies , Vadim Artyukhin Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Get your colonoscopies. I have had two - both fine but had a few polyps removed (extremely common). My neighbor who is a bit older than me never did ant is currently dealing from colon cancer. And his brother just died from it last week. His brother's was farther along. My neighbor may survive.

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    I mentioned the band ‘Pearl Jam’ and no one had heard of them!?!

    kaz22222222222 Report


    I was watching Derry Girls and thinking, “Finally, they cast *actual* teenagers in a show about teenagers!” They were all over 25 and one of them was 31.

    wex52 Report


    My teenager had a camera that prints out the picture!!! It's amazing! Look it prints out the picture right after you take it!!


    brnitdn Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'll never understand why some folks want those newer polaroid cameras. The pictures are more expensive and lower quality. The appeal back in the day was being able to see the picture right away (at the expense of not having a negative to make more copies.) But with digital you CAN see the picture right away and you can instantly send it to a friend on the other side of the world.

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    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young I was browsing a thrift store a few years ago, an RCA wooden console TV caught my eye because we had an identical one growing up so I checked it out for fun, read the back of it and everything. A while later as I was standing in line beside the TVs, a kid behind me points to the wooden console one and goes "MOM, LOOK AT THAT ANCIENT TV!"

    It was made the same year I was born

    MotherOfBorzoi , WindowsXP-5-1-2600 Report


    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young I've been a gigging musician for over 30 years and in the last 10 those late nights just started killing me.

    ThunderClap_Fween , Jens Thekkeveettil Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I did tour/ road management for a while but had to quit because of this. The hours are gruelling.

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    Music that I listened to as a kid being played on the "oldies" radio station.

    Caterham7 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Back in '98 a guy in my class was flipping out because he heard Nirvana being played on an oldies station. Probably he meant the classic rock one, and not AM radio. But he said AM radio. So, I don't know. Tried listening to AM radio to see if any Nirvana would play but didn't hear it. I believe him though. Since then, I just assume any music 10 years old or more, is deemed an oldies.

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    Two friends and I were backpacking in the high Sierras in California. Dan and I had been up this same trail twice before with no problems. It starts around 8000’ (2440 m) and goes up to a pass at 11,400’ (3480 m) in about 8 miles. This time however, by 9000’ we were all quite tired and took a long break. We moved on and up and within another mile we were all ready to stop but the canyon is very narrow with no camping spots. We had to continue, but we searched for campsites every step.

    By 10,000’ we were all nearly exhausted, one of us in particular. He threw off his pack and was going to camp right in the trail, which is not allowed. I volunteered to scout ahead for a campsite. Maybe 1/3 of a mile on and about 10,300’ I found a nice area next to a beautiful lake. I left my pack and went back to get my friends. We were moving on shaky legs. It took forever to set up camp, fix dinner, pump water, clean up the cooking stuff, and so on. We were in bed before dark and slept like logs.

    From then on, for the rest of the week, we were fine. But it surely highlighted aging. (I was 70).

    Mentalfloss1 Report


    When I was about to turn 50 and I got my first AARP application in the mail.

    h2ohow Report


    Ear hair

    Paravachini Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    yeah, i commented on that eyebrow post - but first time the barber asked me if I wanted him to trim my ears. I managed to not say a lot of the thoughts that flew through my head and just go with yes please. -- I saw the little runt sitting there on a log I asked him his name and in a raspy voice he said, "Yoda" Y-O-D-A, Yoda Yo-Yo-Yo-Yo-Yoda

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    When I went out to the bar and thought that some of the people there looked like children to me. They were probably 25…

    EngineeringOne1812 Report

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    Cassi Lyris
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Uh oh, you've become "the old guy" at the bar. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.


    50 Moments That Made People Realize They're No Longer Young The song '1979' by The Smashing Pumpkins is closer to the year 1979 than it is to our current time, and not inconsiderably so. Released in 1995

    amsterdam_BTS , wikimedia.commons Report


    My kid makes fun of me because I mix white milk with chocolate milk because it's too sweet. Just leave me alone and grab my Lactaid

    camp-cariboo Report

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    Onion Patch Petunia
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Remind me of when I had to drink Ovaltine to get the label to get a secret code decoder ring

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    When all of my fellow welding apprentices at work started calling me their "Shop mom."

    KateCobas Report


    Work with a young lad named Dillon. He just got back today from a two week holiday and I greeted him with a -

    "Dillon!... You Son Of A B***h!"

    -He looked confused and I said " Yano? From Predator?"...

    ... he asked me what Predator was.

    *cries internally*

    agingercow Report