The Christmas holidays seem to be a perfect time to recharge our batteries for another yearly bender. But for many, it’s quite the opposite. The surveys have shown time and again that huge chunks of population find the “most beautiful time of the year” daunting as they struggle with festive burnout.
For example, a quarter of the British population finds Christmas the most challenging thing in the whole year, with 19% saying it has a fairly negative impact and 7% very negative impact on their mental health, according to this survey. And a similar study on Americans from Slumber Cloud found that a whopping 35% are burnt out on the holiday season before even Christmas arrives.
While there are ways to fight the festive burnout, like practicing mindfulness and setting down your priorities, one of the best ones is to simply have some fun. And by fun, I do not mean hours of grueling last-minute gift shopping or trying too hard to please everyone with your perfect panna cotta. What we mean is taking your silly side out for a walk and imagining that Christmas is a stand-up in a comedy cellar where no pinch of humor would ever be too much.
Below are some of the funniest examples of people greeting Christmas with a humorous twist, and there’s a whole lot to learn from them! Psst! More hilarious Christmas moments can be found in a previous post right here.
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The Amazon Driver Who Delivered My Package At 6pm On Christmas Eve
Made Myself A Christmas Jumper
Humor is no joke. I mean, it surely is a lot of fun, no doubt about it. But it turns out, it goes a long way in making us feel better emotionally. Having in mind that winter holidays are particularly draining for so many of us, women especially, joking around may be a gateway to a more uplifting and less stressful festive season. No wonder when dinner is over and we can finally lay on our back, giggling over the TV sitcom we like, all these negative emotions go away.
According to psychologist Samantha Symes, the festive burnout which happens so often is rooted in the pressure we put on ourselves. “At this time of year we take on more at work and at home. We want to get home, clean and tidy, and organize the kids, the pets, the holiday—and get it all done by the time we finish up at work so we can start fresh next year,” Syme argues. That’s how a year’s worth of administrative tasks, shopping and celebrations all fall into the timeframe of two weeks.
I Found This Jacket At A Thrift Store And Have Waited 4 Months To Wear It. Merry Christmas
My 81-Year-Old Grandma Didn't Look Close Enough At The Jumper She Bought For Xmas This Year
Every Year For The Past 7 Years, I've Photoshopped Myself To Be My Own Awkward Family. This Year I Rented An Airb&b So I Could Take Pictures In A Hot Tub (Yes, They Are All Me)
The end of the year also adds some psychological pressure. “The end of year is a tough time, emotionally. People look around at their families, or they feel the lack of family, or that they should be doing ‘happy families’ but they’re not.”
But what the people in this post have done right is to not take things too seriously and have some fun. Laughter is the best medicine, they say, but is it really? Well, kinda. According to the Mayo Clinic, a good laugh has great short-term effects. When you start to laugh, it doesn't just lighten your load mentally, it actually induces physical changes in your body. One such effect is that by laughing, we stimulate our organs, enhancing our intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulating our heart, lungs and muscles, and increasing the endorphins that are released by our brain.
Kinda A Selfie? Whatever I Did It For The Old Folks At My Nursing Home And They Laughed. Mission Accomplished. Merry Christmas
Every Christmas Eve I Go To Work In A Different Suit This Is Year 7
I Had A Guy Come Dressed As Santa To Take Photos With My Baby Because I’ve Completely Lost My Mind
Moreover, a good laugh activates and relieves our stress response by firing it up and cooling it down. As a result, our heart rate and blood pressure increase and decrease, creating that relaxed ‘had a good laugh’ feeling. And if you’ve been feeling on edge lately, laughing is a great way to relieve that built-up tension. The physical symptoms of stress can be reduced while laughing because it stimulates blood circulation and aids muscle relaxation.
But apart from the short-term effects, celebrating the festive season with a sense of humor is a mindset we all want to have. It aids resilience, eases social situations that otherwise would feel pretty tense, and prevents us from getting into that non-return burnout zone. Not taking things too seriously and simply enjoying the moment should be something we all strive for. Not just on Christmas, but that’s when it should be prescribed by our GPs.
Every Year My Parents Recreate The Christmas Card Our Friends Send Them Of Their Kids, Here’s This Years
Our First Christmas In Our First Apartment. Funds Are Tight But I Wanted To Make It Fun For Us. His Favorite Part Was The Tinsel
Merry Festive Selfie Day
Decided To Do A Mall Goth Photo With Santa. Turned Out Gloriously. I'm In My Mid 30's (The Blonde)
Yet Another Year As The Last Unmarried In The Family
The Other Day My Dad Fell Off A 10 Ft Ladder And Through A Drop Ceiling. I Just Happened To Be Walking By And Was Able To Catch Him On His Way Down
This was the tile he went through and now his Christmas present is finished.
My Dad Didn’t Want My Cat To Feel Left Out This Christmas
I Ran Out Of Wrapping Paper And Had To Improvise. It's Nearly Unnoticeable
My Wife Made Me A Coffee Table Book For Christmas. All Quotes Out Of Context Me Gaming With The Buds Online
Time To Be Smarter
We know their names are "Dancer, Prancer and Vixen" and yet we somehow all thought they were male? At least we know our latent misogyny is still working as intended.
I Didn’t Have An “Ugly Christmas Sweater“ For The Party, So I Made One
For The 5th Year, My Friends And I Got Christmas Photos Taken At Our Local JCPenney
Christmas Hair 4.0
My Daughter's Holiday Craft. Need To Talk To Her Kindergarten Teacher
My Friends Sent Me A Christmas Card With Their Kid's Foot On It. I Don't Have A Kid, So This Is What They're Getting Back
I Got A 3D Printer For Christmas. My Friend Had A Simple Request
My GF Gets Frustrated That She Has To Share Birthday And Christmas A Few Days Apart. I Decided To Have A Professional Cake Made To Celebrate Her Day
Our Employee Overcooked The Brownies, So We Turned Them Into A Coffee Table. Taking Christmas Pre-Orders Now
Parents Combined Ugly Sweater Outfit
I Took A Picture Of Christmas Lights At The Zoo. This Guy Was Randomly In The Picture. We Liked Him So Much That We Gave Him A Name, Put Him On Christmas Cards
We are mailing them to people without saying who it's from.
Every Year My Parents Send Me Texts Such As "He Is Risen" Or Bible Verses To Me On Religious Holidays. This Year I Decided To Send Them Something
Christmas Cards Are A Success
Sioux Falls Police Department Arrests Mr. Grinch For Attempting To Steal Holiday Cheer
I Heard We're Posting Awkward Holiday Photos. This Is My Friends And Me
This Amazon Delivery Driver Is Dressed As An Elf
I Might Have Been A Bit Excited That My New Skates Fit. Merry Christmas
I'd be a bit excited that I could balance like that! Merry Christmas!
Saw This At Work. Merry Christmas Everyone
Merry Christmas You Lovely People
My Friend’s Family Christmas Card
Djeez, I only see one thing. Technically two things. Now I understand why my mom always told me to cover up just a bit more.
All These Chests And So Little Rump. Allow Me To Rectify
I Love My Dad. This Is Where He Put His X-Mas Gift
Army of the Czech Republic shot down Santa from the skies with Gripens to save Christmas
Army of the Czech Republic shot down Santa from the skies with Gripens to save Christmas