152 Hilarious Tweets From Exasperated Parents Trying To Feed Their Kids At Mealtime
As every parent knows, kids can be remarkably fickle when it comes to food. Seemingly on the slightest whim dietary requirements can drastically change, now your little bundle of joy will only eat foods that are orange, for example.
Luckily, for the majority of kids fussy eating is just a phase. We all know that it just comes with the territory, and we need to find creative and funny ways to get around it.
Bored Panda has compiled a list of hilarious tweets from parents in the midst of dinnertime dramas, if you’ve had kids yourself you’ll be sure to raise a knowing smile (or grimace). Check them out below and tell us your experiences in the comments!
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My mother did that to me and I did that to the floor and I will be doing this to my children cuz it's just good parenting
Boy, I’ll say it counts. But there’s always the old “Fine, you can go to bed hungry.”
I think that's natural... I mean, doughnuts are the best thing ever. They make the perfect sacrifices
This sounds like every cat I have had. "Hey, HEY, give me some of your food, it's probably delicious... thanks human but this is disgusting. HEY I bet this piece is AMAZING, give me some".
1 bag of Goldfish crackers stashed on a top shelf five feet from the floor, one 5 minute bathroom stop, 1 active 2 year old and 1 kitchen chair = totally trashed living room.
I never get that... Toddlers sucking on a piece of something until it looks like it's been half digested already and parents then eating that disgusting goop 🤢
This sounds too much like me but I don't even have kids ...I just say it to myself !😂😂
When my son was almost 2, I caught him chewing on our dog’s rubber bone. And yet they survive.
4 year old: if Grandma dies, will the hearse take her body to the cemetery? Me: yes 4: can we ride in the limousine?!
Do they actually have 2 matching socks? we just let them wear different socks and call it haute couture :)
it's like that for the first few years... then they start devouring everything that isn't nailed down.
Oh yes, the Spicy phase, haha, don't miss this one at all! Hang in there!
My mother always told me that unless I try it once how my supposed to know whether I like it? but she wouldn't force me to eat it afterwards if I didn't like it.
My second son didn't tell me he didn't like the béchamel sauce and cheese on lasagna for three years. He likes the rest so would sneak it to the dog and ask for more. I made it more often because he "liked" it. The other three kids do actually like my lasagna, I hope?!?
In the uk all dog and cat food are tasted by humans and have to be suitable for human consumption. Due to this my pets regularly dine on minced lamb, chicken or beef while I have noodles!
OMG IT NEVER FAILED the MINUTE I put the first bite in my mouth my daughter: I NEED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM...ONCE she asked BEFORE my food came and I was like AHHH NOW is my chance to EAT W/O interruption....NOPE first bite:I NEED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM...AGAIN
Lol I hid mine in frozen veggie boxes... broccoli never tasted better👍
Ok this one bugs me come on people control your children...some of us (who don't have kids and I'm sure some who have them) don't want your kids Germy gross paws all over community food
My mom loved to try this. Once everyone fled the house when she craftily substituted goat's milk for cows milk. The house reeked for a week.
LOVE being told when your out to eat with your kids and a friend WHO HAS NO KIDS HOW to parent them so they will sit and behave...I just smile and think BACK to my single days of when I WAS THE PERFECT parent too...BEFORE KIDS...ME NOW: holding food shaking:YOU'LL EAT IT IF I LET YOU EAT IN THE LIVINGROOM....GO GO PLEASE EAT IT IN THE LIVINGROOM !!!!
My school does't do this, I end up with a lunch box full of bits of crisps and smeared Yoghurt
Yeah your son is spoiled. Hopefully not, but he’s probably a brat too.
Tell ya what, Pat. YOU have a litter or two. The human race is in no danger. Of course, it's the smart people who don't have kids, so there's that.
Load More Replies...What happened to parents with backbones. I was 17 when I had my first one, and did all this crazy stuff to get him to eat. He is still a picky eater. 4.5 years later, I figured it out. As a toddler, his snacks were mixed vegetables. What we ate he ate. Today, eats well, willing to try new stuff, no eating issues. YOU are the parent. start early and NEVER give up your authority.
Tell ya what, Pat. YOU have a litter or two. The human race is in no danger. Of course, it's the smart people who don't have kids, so there's that.
Load More Replies...What happened to parents with backbones. I was 17 when I had my first one, and did all this crazy stuff to get him to eat. He is still a picky eater. 4.5 years later, I figured it out. As a toddler, his snacks were mixed vegetables. What we ate he ate. Today, eats well, willing to try new stuff, no eating issues. YOU are the parent. start early and NEVER give up your authority.