37 Genius Parents Who Know How To Deal With Misbehaving Kids
Being a parent is hard, but being a parent to a kid who is on the phone 24/7, talks in #hashtags and was born into the world of selfies and social media, is something else. That's when you know you have to be super creative to make them do their chores - just telling them to tidy their room won't do. Bored Panda has collected funny yet genius parenting hacks that will make you wonder how you lived without them.
How do you make your kids do their chores? Share your parenting tricks with us in the comments or by uploading a picture.
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Clever Motherhood
The Ungrounded Game
So Yesterday I Yelled "Fuck You" At My Parents And Today They Gave Me This
You'll Find The Key Hidden In Your Room. Better Get Cleaning
Father Leaves His Messy Teens The Perfect Threatening Note
It becomes more threatening if the father has Liam Neeson baritone!
Fake Tooth Fairy Letter
Mom Catches Daughter Cyber-Bullying
Parenting Level: Expert
My Daughter Is Currently Pulling A D- In Math. This Is Her Phone
My Sister Lost Her Phone At A Bar. This Is What My Mom Sent Her When She Asked For A Replacement
Smart Parents Response
This makes sense. how often I got in trouble for eating all the cereal after school when there's plenty of other things to eat not meant for breakfast. Many half bowls of cereal in the morning...
Tax Lesson
Parenting Level: Hipster
Today´s Wifi Password
Parents Went Out Of Town For The Weekend. Mom Left Me Laundry Instructions
Instructions unclear, crawled inside washing machine while wearing dirty clothes
Janiya Was Caught Pretending To Be 18 Years Old Online. Her Dad Made Her A Special T-Shirt And Made Sure They Circulated The Internet
Pick Up Chore Box
What My Friend Made His Daughter Wear To School For A Week As Punishment For Coming Home Past Curfew
Dad Wore Short Shorts To Show Her How Ridiculous It Is To Wear It
Will dad also wear dresses and skirts? Let the girl wear what she wants and teach her that her attitude towards herself and others matters more than a piece of fabric.
Scream Of Truth
This Mom
Ensuring Our Son Doesn't Lose His Trombone Mouthpiece Again
I'm sure this is not the first replacement they've purchased. Probably more like the 10th from the tone.
Missed Curfew Note
More Parents Need To Do This
Yes, it is sad that teens post this kind of thing, and that is what social media is encouraging, but if you look at what part of her face is showing, she looks so sad. Parents, your kids will make mistakes, and some of them will be worse then others but DO NOT shame them on the internet or in front of people, it will make them hate you and go against your wishes just to spite you.
Charger Jail
Solution For Kid’s Messes
This Note
Me And My Wife Decided To Find A New Way To Convince Our Son Do To His Chores By Getting The Tooth Fairy To Ask Him
Not Sure If Public Shaming Of His Children, Or If He Wanted To Dress Like This In The First Place
She's So Proud Of Herself
Earn Your Needs
Loving Mom Struggling With The Digital Age
I wonder if this was a joke or the mother actually didn't know it was on her to do it?
Son Was Studying For His Sat Test And Asked For Help, But A Father Can Only Do So Much?!
It has been a while since I have been upset by anything posted here. Most times, it is about art, it is funny, it is cute, or it is nice. This series has a good intention, and it truly has some very funny entries. However, many entries are funny at first look but if you think about them, they reveal very, very questionable parenting ethics. Shaming your children publicly? Using normally positive things and turning them into punishment? Even using psychological violence? What seemingly might be "old style parenting" and getting rid of an "anti-authoritarian" style of raising kids truly reflects the immaturity of those parents. Since when is it wise to replace trust by fear? Since when does incomprehensible punishments lead to learning? I am sure that this posting along with some comments I left will get me tons of downvotes since people are here for the fun, but seeing something I perceive to be so wrong simply quenches my desire to post funny or puny comments.
parenting is certainly hard...some ideas are ingenious...but why do you have to put pictures of your kids' punishment online??
@Arty: you are not alone with this question. If you do not teach your children that a family should stick together – including not to sahe each other publicly – which values should they learn? This of course does not mean not to say "sorry" to others.
Load More Replies...A lot of the behavior by the parents is no better than the wrong done by their kids. It's no wonder the kids are acting out.... just look at the parenting here.
It has been a while since I have been upset by anything posted here. Most times, it is about art, it is funny, it is cute, or it is nice. This series has a good intention, and it truly has some very funny entries. However, many entries are funny at first look but if you think about them, they reveal very, very questionable parenting ethics. Shaming your children publicly? Using normally positive things and turning them into punishment? Even using psychological violence? What seemingly might be "old style parenting" and getting rid of an "anti-authoritarian" style of raising kids truly reflects the immaturity of those parents. Since when is it wise to replace trust by fear? Since when does incomprehensible punishments lead to learning? I am sure that this posting along with some comments I left will get me tons of downvotes since people are here for the fun, but seeing something I perceive to be so wrong simply quenches my desire to post funny or puny comments.
parenting is certainly hard...some ideas are ingenious...but why do you have to put pictures of your kids' punishment online??
@Arty: you are not alone with this question. If you do not teach your children that a family should stick together – including not to sahe each other publicly – which values should they learn? This of course does not mean not to say "sorry" to others.
Load More Replies...A lot of the behavior by the parents is no better than the wrong done by their kids. It's no wonder the kids are acting out.... just look at the parenting here.