You can read every book on parenting and join all the Facebook mommy and daddy groups but when the time comes and you start raising kids, they will undoubtedly find a way to surprise you. Every. Single. Day.
Want to admire your boy playing with his toy? Too bad, he breaks your front tooth in half. Won't let your girl keep a handful of coins in her mouth? Get ready for a furious meltdown. At least you now have a story for the Internet.
As a follow-up to our previous list, we at Bored Panda have compiled a set of photos that perfectly sum up parenting in just a single frame. Enjoy!
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Bathroom Kid
Vicki Broadbent, a writer, director, broadcaster, and founder of the parenting blog Honest Mum, told Bored Panda that it's important to have realistic expectations when it comes to first-time parenthood. "I naively thought that my first born would be some sort of fun accessory I could dress up and play with when in reality all babies are hard work and parenting a baby—while joyful—is equally tedious and tiring," the author of The Working Mom: Your Guide To Surviving and Thriving At Work and At Home said.
"All they do in the early months is eat, sleep and poop. You as a mother will also be undergoing great physical and mental changes post-birth and those coupled with sleep deprivation will be tough-going."
I Guess There's Something To Be Said About Knowing Proper Anatomy
This might sound scary, but when you know what to expect, you can begin to prepare yourself for it. "My advice is to create a parenting self-aid kit for emotional and physical wellbeing spanning meditation apps (I like the free Insight Timer)," Vicki said.
Get yourself a set of short but effective mindful exercises, a stocked freezer full of healthy and filling meals, and a support network you can rant, cry and share with (on and offline), and you're good to go. "It takes a village to raise a child and a village to raise a mother."
We Found My Wife’s Phone In The Toilet Yesterday. We Weren’t Sure Which Of Our Three Kids Put It There Until My Wife Scrolled Through Her Pictures Today
I Have A Feeling This Happens Often
Psychologist Romeo Vitelli, Ph.D., acknowledged that becoming a first-time parent can have a dramatic impact on many people, both in terms of the stress they experience and the impact that it has on marital satisfaction and emotional well-being.
"New parents can report considerable stress for different reasons," he wrote. "Along with the added financial burden of a new child, new mothers and fathers often experience significant conflict between work and family life along with realizing that becoming a parent means taking on a lifelong responsibility."
Thanks To The Neighbor
In The Future When Someone Asks What It Was Like To Work From Home In 2020. I'll Just Show Them This Picture
Vitelli also mentioned an interesting study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. According to the paper, for new moms and dads who have problems with forming attachments, the stress involved in making the transition to being a parent is especially high.
They usually have a history of poor relationships and are often loners who have difficulty asking others for help.
Since they are uncomfortable acting as caregivers, taking care of an infant is particularly difficult for them. Furthermore, they also get less satisfaction from their children than most new parents and are more likely to focus on their work while leaving most of the childcare duties to their partners. Since gender differences play a strong role in how attachments are formed, men are more likely to avoid attachments than women.
A Comedy Of Errors Every Day With This Kid
Took Kids Parasailing And They Played Dead
If you're a parent, conflicts (both inner and outer) are inevitable. But it's how you deal with them that matters the most. After all, problems provide not only a headache but also an opportunity to grow. "As psychotherapist and author Philippa Perry advocates in her excellent bestselling book, The Book You wish Your Parents Had Read (And Your Children Will Be Glad That You Did), you need to recognize that your reactions/triggers to your children are usually reflective of experiences in your own childhood," Vicki Broadbent added.
"When you recognize this and treat yourself with compassion, you can change your responses to your children. With every stage of childhood, you will come across new challenges but taking a breath so you can respond rather than react, is key."
My Son Just Made A Huge Mess. This Is His Just Let Me Explain Face
I Can’t Say I Haven’t Wondered This Myself. Still Funny Though
Our Airbnb Had A Translucent Bathroom Door. I’m Used To My Impatient Toddler Stalking Me Through The Bathroom Door, But This Took It To A Much Creepier Level
Vicki said that the more you practise this, the more you can rewire your brain to take a measured, calm response. It's something she is constantly working on with an 11-year-old child experiencing puberty herself.
"I do believe the kinder you are with yourself, the more understanding you will be with your kids and everyone else. It's a privilege and a joy to raise children but it's also a huge responsibility. Cut yourself some slack. Perfect parenting doesn't exist, simply try your best, apologize when you fail, always be honest and empathetic."
"Screw You And The Clothes You Bought Me"
My Friend’s Kid’s Diaper Report From Daycare *faints*
Ahh The Fresh Smell Of Vaporized Piss In The Morning
7-Year-Old Girls Really Know How To Hit You Where It Hurts
After 9 Months WFH, This Morning Was The First Time My Daughter Has Seen Me In A Suit. Did Not Approve
It’s Moments Like These That I Wish I Didn’t Go All “Balls Out” On Having Children. Here’s Penny, Showing Her Class “Something That Smells Good”
She Couldn't Hear Him
Now This Is Real Life
It Took Her Mom 20 Hours To Get That Out After Her Brother Poured A Container Of “Bunchems” In Her Hair
Found Out My Kid Had This On His School Classroom Wall All Year
Parsley Or Weed
There Goes Their Screen Time
Texts From The Babysitter Never Surprise Me Anymore
I Think It's Quite Brilliant
Imagination Is Cool
Emergency Situation
Tell your kid they are healing due to his/her hard work and going back to their parents.
My kid 5 years old loves Earth worms. I get chill all over my body when he brings the hand full to show me.
Load More Replies...When I was 4yo. I used to to catch tadpoles. Keep it in jar, and put it in a hidden place around the pond, where i used to visit it every weekend. At the next visit, all of it gone. I was mad, and tantrum. My aunt having a hard time to explain that they turn into frogs. Internet was not a thing. The next day my aunt drop me at library, to borrow a science book and explain to me through a picture.
Tadpoles are cute, not disgusting! I used to catch them in a bottle and watch them grow legs. Feed them pieces of bread, fish, cooked egg yolk and.
Load More Replies...I used to build bug race tracks with my friends in the summer! We’d make a rectangle of sticks about a foot long and then go find some bugs and stuff to race. We found that pillbugs were the fastest 🙃
I used to keep mine under a funnel in a heap in the garden. Poor things probably died of asphyxiation. Your kids slugs have no idea how good they have it.
Well, this is cute, but please teach your kid not to do that with these leaves. I'm near-positive that those are Convalaria majalis (Lily of the Valley) and they are poisonous. Not worried about the slugs, more about your kid.
You have a budding malacologist on your hands. Also, those are terrifyingly large slugs.
awww thats so lucky though! most kids do weirder things. so unless its indoors its fine.
You have a very compassionate child and a whole lot of holes in your garden plants now.
yesterday 3/14/21 there was a slug on my brothers dinosaur i was scared of that thing
Thats changeling energy. You are raising a faerie and they are raising your kid somewhere.
The parenting book never saw this coming. Also, I really love snails and slugs.
Please tell me they didn't touch them with their hands. Also tell me they weren't sucking their thumbs afterwards.
Next time, tell her to put salt around it. That'll turn it into a graveyard. Problem solved.
That's A Silly Reason To Cry
He's Actually Far Too Smart For Me
My Neighbor's Toddler Was A Little Too Quiet
My Toddler Found A White Ink Pad And Immediately Turned Into Saruman
It’s Always Nice Getting Pictures From Our Son’s Teacher Showing How He’s Excelling In School
I Woke Up To My Daughter Standing Over Me Like This. I've Never Been So Proud (Or Terrified)
Of Course Not
I Die Basically Every Day
Biggest Mystery Of All Time
*sigh* Your name was on the packaging when we bought you from Kmart, happy now?
Stealing Air
Our House Has 10 Rooms
My 5-Year-Old Son Stole My Wife’s Wallet The Other Day And Ran Off To His Room Quietly. Today She Got Pulled Over And This Was All She Had For ID
It's The Small Things That Make Being A Parent So Rewarding
Honestly, I Can Relate
I Come Home From Work To My Purple Son, Painted By My Daughter
Parents, How's That Home Schoolin' Going?
Wait-what? I'm not a joy? after i did 19 ASSIGNMENTS THAT WERE MISSING TO PLEASE YOU?!?!
Apparently, The Kids Were Too Distracted To Shut The Door
My 6-Year-Old Got Tattoo Markers For Christmas And Disappeared For Half An Hour. Bonus: We Can't Get It To Come Off
She Wanted To Play With The Laptop
Kid Is Secretly A Medium
All The Stuff My Son Has Put Down The Air Conditioning Vent In The Last 6 Years
I Sat On The Toilet, Closed The Door, And My 2-Year-Old Decided I Wasn't Pooping Myself Fast Enough
I'm awed at those who can rationally decided to have kids, despite knowing they're a chaos at some times. my ovaries shrivelled up and died just reading these lol
The catch is they don't get easier as they get older. They just come with a whole new set of chaos. My 12yr old is a giant attitude and my 8 year old is just tornado. They make me crazy and stress me out. But when I get the "I love you,mom" or the watercolor paintings my son does at school just for me, it makes it worth it. Many just are not cut out for the chaos, and that's okay. My sister loves having my kids for a few hours or overnight. She just can't handle 24/7 madness that comes with them. She is a great aunt and loves them to death, but she knows she doesn't ever want to be a mother.
Load More Replies...Rissie and mymymy, they look at these posts so they can appreciate not have kids any more than they already do! I would do the same if I didn't have kids. The people who have kids look at these posts so they can say "at least my kid didn't do that," and then laugh because kids are funny. Sometimes you just need to see that no one is perfect at parenting. But at the end of the day, it was all worth it!!
Load More Replies...Just reinforces that not having kids was the right decision for me!
Starting to understand where all the douche nozzles come from now. Why would a kid put his full hand in the brownies and not be taught to give a rats behind for other people.
Load More Replies...I have kids but the worst was my little brother- we’re 11 yrs apart and I remember some of the stuff this crazy kid did— Tossed moms ID out the car, while she was driving. Put a Ernie toy down the toilet and clogged it. I had the pleasure of being 15 and finishing it out... Got his fingers stuck in the window and yelled about it. We still don’t know how. Used to cry when his favorite show wasn’t on. All. The. Time. We didn’t have cable. Tried to go swimming in the canal to be a duck. Got mad when I wouldn’t let him.
these threads make me glad I didn't get to have kids. I wanted to but realize we are just fine without them.
Most of these are just lousy and unfit parents letting their little beasts be little dìcks... Kids do weird stuff, but some of these are just fckn brats.
Vom. This seems like a nightmare, all of it. Nothing cute for miles.
I think it was refreshing to see these post because sometimes it’s the reality of having kids. It can be challenging yet so rewarding and brings much joy to our lives. Kids are a blessing because you learn to take care of another person beside yourself and it makes you less selfish (hopefully). Generally a person who has kids becomes more caring and understanding for others because they have dealt with a lot. We need more unselfish people in America. Having children is one way to help this mindset and also have a family. Part of stagnant societies are the ones who do not have children. Like Chinas one child policy is terrible they now have stopped this because they are having so many issues. Also Japan 🇯🇵 society is aging out and don’t have enough people to care for the aging society and the financial burdens as well.
So you can't take care of anyone else if you've not wrecked your vajay by pushing out a semen demon? Give me a break. Why do parents think they're saving the world or doing everyone a favor by having kids? YOU"RE NOT! You're forcing people into this world that's overpopulated and running out of resources, just so you could have a little copy of yourself to stare at and admire? Narcissism is what it is. Good grief!
Load More Replies...If you are making children decisions based on a bp post then something is wrong with you.
As someone who hasn't children yet all I can do is keeping telling me that I won't have such a hard time with my kids
Yeah, that is not how children work. At some point though, you just quit being surprised by the things kids do. And learn to have cheap things and lots of places with locks.
Load More Replies..."Look at what that dog/cat just did!" "Ha-ha, the mess is all over the place, how cute. Maybe I need to have a dog/cat. The are such fun!!" "Hey, look at what this kid just did!" "Oh my gosh! Paint patches on furniture!? Thanks Good I decided to not have kids ever!" Yeah, you gonna be extinct, people. And that's alright with me.
Have you ever seen a dog painting the walls with a pen or taking your laptop to shower?
Load More Replies...They just want you to suffer like they do. Parents generally don't like people actually being critical of the idea of having children because most of them had them by accident or are obsessed because they haven't got a personality of their own and most live through their kids
Load More Replies...I'm awed at those who can rationally decided to have kids, despite knowing they're a chaos at some times. my ovaries shrivelled up and died just reading these lol
The catch is they don't get easier as they get older. They just come with a whole new set of chaos. My 12yr old is a giant attitude and my 8 year old is just tornado. They make me crazy and stress me out. But when I get the "I love you,mom" or the watercolor paintings my son does at school just for me, it makes it worth it. Many just are not cut out for the chaos, and that's okay. My sister loves having my kids for a few hours or overnight. She just can't handle 24/7 madness that comes with them. She is a great aunt and loves them to death, but she knows she doesn't ever want to be a mother.
Load More Replies...Rissie and mymymy, they look at these posts so they can appreciate not have kids any more than they already do! I would do the same if I didn't have kids. The people who have kids look at these posts so they can say "at least my kid didn't do that," and then laugh because kids are funny. Sometimes you just need to see that no one is perfect at parenting. But at the end of the day, it was all worth it!!
Load More Replies...Just reinforces that not having kids was the right decision for me!
Starting to understand where all the douche nozzles come from now. Why would a kid put his full hand in the brownies and not be taught to give a rats behind for other people.
Load More Replies...I have kids but the worst was my little brother- we’re 11 yrs apart and I remember some of the stuff this crazy kid did— Tossed moms ID out the car, while she was driving. Put a Ernie toy down the toilet and clogged it. I had the pleasure of being 15 and finishing it out... Got his fingers stuck in the window and yelled about it. We still don’t know how. Used to cry when his favorite show wasn’t on. All. The. Time. We didn’t have cable. Tried to go swimming in the canal to be a duck. Got mad when I wouldn’t let him.
these threads make me glad I didn't get to have kids. I wanted to but realize we are just fine without them.
Most of these are just lousy and unfit parents letting their little beasts be little dìcks... Kids do weird stuff, but some of these are just fckn brats.
Vom. This seems like a nightmare, all of it. Nothing cute for miles.
I think it was refreshing to see these post because sometimes it’s the reality of having kids. It can be challenging yet so rewarding and brings much joy to our lives. Kids are a blessing because you learn to take care of another person beside yourself and it makes you less selfish (hopefully). Generally a person who has kids becomes more caring and understanding for others because they have dealt with a lot. We need more unselfish people in America. Having children is one way to help this mindset and also have a family. Part of stagnant societies are the ones who do not have children. Like Chinas one child policy is terrible they now have stopped this because they are having so many issues. Also Japan 🇯🇵 society is aging out and don’t have enough people to care for the aging society and the financial burdens as well.
So you can't take care of anyone else if you've not wrecked your vajay by pushing out a semen demon? Give me a break. Why do parents think they're saving the world or doing everyone a favor by having kids? YOU"RE NOT! You're forcing people into this world that's overpopulated and running out of resources, just so you could have a little copy of yourself to stare at and admire? Narcissism is what it is. Good grief!
Load More Replies...If you are making children decisions based on a bp post then something is wrong with you.
As someone who hasn't children yet all I can do is keeping telling me that I won't have such a hard time with my kids
Yeah, that is not how children work. At some point though, you just quit being surprised by the things kids do. And learn to have cheap things and lots of places with locks.
Load More Replies..."Look at what that dog/cat just did!" "Ha-ha, the mess is all over the place, how cute. Maybe I need to have a dog/cat. The are such fun!!" "Hey, look at what this kid just did!" "Oh my gosh! Paint patches on furniture!? Thanks Good I decided to not have kids ever!" Yeah, you gonna be extinct, people. And that's alright with me.
Have you ever seen a dog painting the walls with a pen or taking your laptop to shower?
Load More Replies...They just want you to suffer like they do. Parents generally don't like people actually being critical of the idea of having children because most of them had them by accident or are obsessed because they haven't got a personality of their own and most live through their kids
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