Being a parent is challenging in the best of times, but add a pandemic on top of that and your kids might drive you even crazier than usual. Bored Panda has collected some of the funniest things that parents are sharing about their everyday quarantine struggles raising their kids, so scroll down, upvote your favorites, and drop us a comment if you’re parents yourselves, dear Readers. When you’re done with this list, check out our earlier post about the funny pics that parents stuck in quarantine with their kids have shared.
Bored Panda reached out to Lenore Skenazy, president of the nonprofit organization Let Grow that is dedicated to fighting overprotection, promoting independence, and making kids “future-proof.” We spoke with Lenore to learn about how kids having more unstructured time and independence because of the quarantine is a positive thing. “Before the pandemic, a whole lot of kids were scheduled to the max: school, super-short recess, more school, extracurriculars, sports, homework, reading for the reading log (which is also homework!), sleep, repeat,” she told us.
“Zero unstructured time was making kids anxious. More than two-thirds of teens said anxiety and depression were ‘major problems among their peers,’ according to a 2018 Pew Research Center survey, and by the way, this pressurized childhood was not just among the one percent. Across the economic spectrum, parents felt they were supposed to schedule, hover—even ‘helicopter’ their kids.” Scroll down for the rest of our in-depth interview with Lenore.
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My Daughter Backed Into A Light Pole And Promptly Got Out Of The Vehicle And Fled The Scene. Her Very First Hit And Run
Cereal Bowls
Honestly, I Can Relate
“And then—well you know what happened. An explosion of free time. And while some of it is spent in distance learning, most of it is free-form, which means…it’s videogame time! Three hours later, it’s still videogame time! But at some point, even that gets old for most kids, and they start figuring out new things to do.”
According to Lenore, kids are now finding new hobbies and activities to enjoy, from riding bikes to making pancakes. “One mom told us her daughter was so bored (‘or a pod person has taken over her body’) that she started folding her own laundry. Then she folded her mom’s! And so many kids have started sewing, it’s like Little House on the Prairie out there.”
The president of Let Grow explained that this is happening because adults are handing over the reins to their kids. “Our whole belief is this: When adults step back, kids step up,” Lenore shared the core belief of the organization.
My Wife Dressed My Son Up As Frida For A Project For His Class To Recreate Her Art. Today In His Zoom Meeting We Found Out That Meant A Drawing Or Painting
My Son Found Some "Stickers" In The Bathroom
“What’s good about this new independence? Well, that’s like asking what’s good about those canals in Venice. For years they were so outrageously busy, the water was filthy. But now, you can see fish—it’s coming back to life. And that’s what’s happening to kids. For years, they were so outrageously busy with adult-run, adult-supervised activities, they couldn’t see all the other things they were capable of, or who they were deep down.”
Now, kids are helping their parents out more at home, some are getting along with their siblings better than before while many families are reporting that they feel closer than ever.
“The reason is that at last, they’ve got time. They don’t have to get out the door at 7:03 every morning or make it to soccer by 4:15,” Lenore pointed out. “We wish we could say that everything is this rosy everywhere, but of course, that’s not true. There’s frustration and fear. Some parents are out of work. Some families are worse off than that. Nonetheless, we are hearing stories of kids becoming the competent, confident young men and women they were secretly ready to become all along. As the single dad of an 8-year-old told us: ‘My daughter can do more than I realized on her own.’”
These Are Troubling Times
Lockdown Day 17. In Case Anyone Is Wondering How Us Parents Are Doing, This Is My 3-Year-Old Cleaning His Potty With My Toothbrush
An Actual Text I Had To Send Today. I'm So Tired
Bored Panda also spoke to Lenore about the lessons that parents should keep in mind about raising their kids for the future when the pandemic is finally over. She shared her opinion that our overprotective and overscheduled culture is stunting kids’ growth, even though they’re more resilient and resourceful than many think. “Allow them to flourish by letting them do more themselves,” she said.
“Kids want to help out. Even if they complain about chores (and they will!), making dinner or keeping their little brother out of mom’s office makes them feel proud to be givers, not just takers. Let’s let them keep helping,” Lenore explained.
She added that free play is also educational because kids gain essential life skills when they solve problems and make decisions on their own. There’s a huge difference between when a child is forced to do something for a grade and when they do it for fun.
“One mom told us that her daughter has ‘dysgraphia’—difficulty with handwriting. Getting her to do her homework was torture. But since the pandemic? Her daughter is writing a diary,” Lenore shared with us. “Kids are like seeds buried in the earth—they need water to grow. Free time is that water. When kids get it, they blossom.”
From 1st Day Working At Home. She Got Pink Slime In Her Hair
He's Crying Because He Bit His Own Arm
No Toilet Paper? No Problem
According to the president of Let Grow, action breeds bravery. She shared one mom’s story about how her 7-year-old had always been scared of the woods behind their house. However, a couple of weeks into the quarantine, the child asked his mom to explore the woods with him. “In the woods, he fell off a log and it knocked the breath out of him. But then he sat up, brushed himself off, and got right back on the log. ‘When the sun started to set, he didn't want to leave,’ said his mom. One afternoon—and one mishap that he dealt with—made those woods his own.”
Lenore stressed the fact that every child feels better when they’re pushed to be more independent—even kids who appear to need constant parental assistance. She shared another story about how one 10-year-old who was always relying on their mom wrote to Let Grow and told the organization how the pandemic changed their mom’s availability and now the kid does all of their own chores without being asked to.
“Kids have talents that they may never get to show off in school. A kid who fixes the toilet during the quarantine is smart—and a hero. A’s are not the only measure of success,” said Lenore. “When kids see we believe in them, it’s the wind beneath their wings. We demonstrate that belief by letting them do more and more on their own. Now that so many parents are trusting their kids to chop the vegetables, or scooter around the block, the kids feel terrific—and so do their parents.”
Quarantine Day 37: The Kids Are Trying To Cook Each Other
Let The Fun Begin
As someone that has home educated for a decade and a half, can I assure you - the current situation is *not* home education.
Do You Laugh Or Throw More Bread At Him?
But what should parents who are struggling to handle their kids during the quarantine do? Well, Lenore explained that the important thing is not to worry if your kids are falling behind. “They’re learning all sorts of important things they couldn’t get back when there was no time goof off or goof up. Making meatballs, changing a diaper—even getting to the next level in a videogame— all take focus, patience, and practice. Those are not nothing! Those are transferable skills.”
Lenore pointed out that when Einstein was a kid, he spent a lot of his time making card houses. “That is an activity about as pointless as pointless can be….but it doesn’t seem to have slowed him down. The idea that every childhood moment must be spent ‘productively’ is not true. It’s not even true for grownups—as you must know, because here you are on Bored Panda,” Lenore quipped. “It’s a pandemic out there! Give yourself a break and your kids, too.
Let Grow has a free Independence Kit with lots of ideas for kids to do on their own right here. The organization’s website also has a lot of info and support for parents while they’re navigating school closings and trying to give their kids more independence.
No Explanation Needed
When a photo speaks much much lauder and clearly then 1000 words.
"Now I Know My Abc's, I’ll Write Them On Our SUV"
My Son Stuck His Finger In My Eye And Scratched Off The Whole Top Layer Of My Cornea
Plenty of parents who are working from home have realized that the quarantine has meshed their work and home life into a seamless blob. Another thing they’re learning is that kids are, well, kids—they love playing, mucking about, and then sharing everything they did with the people they look up to the most.
However, not all kids are misbehaving and wreaking chaos with every teeny-tiny footstep. Some are behaving far better than usual because they’re glad to be spending more time with their parents, sleep more, and don’t have to rush around getting to countless afterschool activities.
My 3-Year-Old Daughter Set Her Chalk Up This Way & Demands It's A Turtle. She Made Me Pet It Twice
My 3,5-Year-Old Ran Inside To Go To The Bathroom, But Apparently Took A Detour For A Fistful Of Brownies. There's Literally A Handprint In The Middle Of The Pan
I hope the parent is really sure which came first; brownies or potty. Trust me. It matters.
She Wanted A Bath
Seagal Hagege was a bit scared about staying at home all day, every day with her 3 kids who are 8, 7, and 4 years old. Fortunately, she had nothing to worry about because her kids became far more independent, far kinder to each other, learned better manners, started inventing new games, and took on new responsibilities like helping her out with cooking.
“Every day after school we were running to music, running to gymnastics, and then we would get home, do homework, and go to bed,” Hagege told CNN. “Now we have a chance to get stupid and take a break together. They've really stepped up, and they are shining. It's been really eye-opening. I don't want it to go back to the way things were."
Kid Decided To Play With The Vents In The House Today. What A Brilliant Idea To Leave Them Open
3-Year-Old Threw A Toy Through The TV Screen This Morning. Now She Keeps Trying To Turn It On Saying "It's Broken". Yeah, No S**t Professor
When we were little my brother put a sling shot through the TV. H also broke a window going after a fly with a telephone book.
Now, this doesn’t mean that every single child out there is happier because of the quarantine: there are lots of kids who are feeling sad and scared. But some parents are overjoyed that the quarantine has some pros for their kids, not just cons.
Quarantine Is Going Awesome
Thank You, Children, Very Cool
My Daughter Found Scissors And Cut Her Hair. Now She Looks Like Yolandi
My Son Is At His Dad's For The Weekend And It Turns Out Today Is The Day He Gets A Haircut
My 7-Year-Old Drew On The Walls And Furniture In His Bedroom And Tried To Pin In On His 3-Year-Old Sister. He Almost Got Away With It, But As A Good Artist Should, He Signed It With His Name
Had To Replace And Shatter My Toilet To See What The Blockage Was. My 2-Year-Old Had Flushed Sully In There. Even He Looks Guilty
All of these children look well-provided for and happy so I'm sure they didn't just 'discover' them. There's nothing on this whole list that indicates these are bad parents. Being a parent is a hard job and for those who are trying to work from home, home schooling and their normal chores - it just got a lot harder. This was meant to be funny and entertaining - no need to be an a*****e.
Load More Replies...Many people have a hard time comprehending how children think. Many of these are funny, for the show how clever your kids are. Some are not funny, but really the parents are to be blamed. And a few only show brats.
One thing to add: factor in that children suffer greatly from the shutdown, even if many do not show it directly. A few weeks feel like years to us, and the missing contact to peer and other important persons (grandparents, teachers) stresses them in a much greater fashion than adults are stressed who cannot socialise.
Load More Replies...This. Most of the photos here exhibit the the lack of supervision and parenting skills. Also, nobody child-proofs their home anymore?
Why did you down-voted Hanni's comment? All those silly posts proof the comment is valid.
Most of the post were done by 3 years old and below. It's normal kids behavior for those age, specially if they are stuck at home for long time. I don't see why people are bashing the parents for this. Try to take care toddlers and work at home at the same time. I don't understand the lack of discipline that some people said here... Do they expect parents to discipline kids below 3 years old that hard? Like spanking them or such?
No Anggi, you teach them right behavior from very young age by talking, by good example (even infant observes) by playing games (there are board games for the 2 - 3 year olds) and by reading to them, even to infants. Simply by interacting with children. - And also women used to have four, six children, were stay-at-home moms, were homemakers (talking about work at home), they didn't have babysitters, nannies, cleaning ladies....and their children were well-behaved, were sent to school already disciplined - that's parents' jog, not responsibility of schools.
Load More Replies...No Christina. There have always been children that were naughty, parents who had different approaches. Being an educator of young children I will tell you no matter how many board games you play, and no matter how much you teach them the 'right' behavior, children are still going to act out during a difficult/strange time such as this. If you're thinking of a time when it was more common for women to not have jobs fine - but they do now and now they are trying to take care of the home, the children, home-schooling (to some degree) and some of them are still working. They're doing all this without the usual support and respite they have from it and probably more anxious than usual.
I'm so curious how many kids you have. And how much money you have that you can stay home and do your "job" of mothering without using any daycare service. Clearly you are a stay at home mother who has superpowers and has talked your kids into having no creativity and behaving at adult standards at all times. I'm fascinated. Please give me the details of how this is working out for you.
As I said Christina, every child are different. What's work for one child doesn't always work for another. Im glad if your method works with your children. Sadly it doesn't work with mine. And I don't believe that in the old days, all children well behave just by parents giving them good example. Should I remind you that in old days harsh punishment is common and old days parents did many things that will be considered today as dangerous for kids?
And unless they want to live in f*****g POVERTY (been there, don’t recommend it), then both parents MUST work. And THEN, those working moms have to come home as do the MAJORITY of childcare, cooking, shopping, housework etc because they actually DON’T have the money to pay for “nannies and cleaning people” and their male partners have largely been trained to think of it as “women’s work” and don’t (or often WON’T) pitch in AND DO THEIR FAIR SHARE.
I was born in ‘67 and raised by parents who were born in 1926 and 1929, had a TOTALLY DEVOTED stay at home mom when stay at home moms were the norm, and I am laughing my A*S off at this because you are full of C**P. I think your assumption that stay at home moms had it “harder” than workin moms of today because apparently, ALL working moms have “babysitters, nannies, and cleaning ladies” ASTONISHING. I would bet a great deal of money I do t have that you are one of those a******s that assumes that 2 working parent households only exist so that the adults can buy all sorts of luxuries that nobody needs, and you are holding a lot of resentment over that because of how you struggled as a single mom with no help. HERE IS THE REALITY: MOST families with both parents working do so for the reason that almost NO JOBS these days (and for probably about the last 30 years) actually pay decent enough wages + benefits for a single worker to be able to support JUST A PARTNER, let ALONE a family
Lea, I agree, I done that, raised my two kids alone, plus I had a nasty relative, constantly on my back, doing everything possible so we would fail. No Jo, I was poor, did not stay home, no superpowers, was humiliated in front of my children, very hard times. I don't know how I managed, I remember talking to kids a lot and explaining what I want them to do, or not to do, and why, I used every situation, for example when kids asked me to buy them something their classmates had, I explained that I don't have money, "See, this is why I want you to get good grades, so you can buy everything you want by yourself." - I don't know if that satisfied your curiosity.
Most of these are of children too young to go to school, so I'm not sure how they fall into the homeschooling category.
Preschool, kindergarten, daycare, nanny, day camp, kinder camp, call it what you want. Most people who work full time have some sort of childcare - lots of it has shut down and now they are trying to do it all at the same time from home.
Load More Replies...Gotta start them young or they'll be behind when they enter kindergarten.
Nothing wrong with not having children, it's actually responsible, not like people who find out that having one child is not their 'cup-of-tea' but keep having more and all of them are mess. Seriously, having children should be a privilege, not the right.
Load More Replies...For people dragging on the parents... kids do weird stuff. It’s because their brains aren't fully developed yet. Even really good kids have their behavioral moments when they aren’t stuck in quarantine with their siblings & parents 24/7. And even the *best* parents have to go to the bathroom, take a shower, make dinner, you name it (or now work from home)—that’s exactly when children will do the wackiest thing they can think of. It’s just a fact of life.
Cristina, I think that all people who are "dragging on parents..." are talking from their own experiences, they know what they are talking about. The parents who shared their stories here, had time to follow social media and submit posts. Believe it or not, but sometimes 12 - 13 year - old kids are more responsible than their parents and they are taking care of their younger siblings. Sometimes the brains of parents are not still fully developed.
Load More Replies...My mom was a devoted full time stay at home mom, AND YET- she not ONLY did not follow us around every second of the day with her eyes glued on us to make sure we NEVER acted like actual children, she...wait for it...actually DID THINGS FOR HERSELF THAT DID NOT INVOLVE US KIDS!!!!11!! GASP! I know, right?! How DARE she take even FIVE MINUTES out of her day for HER SELF! What an entitled, selfish, neglectful, self centered TERRIBLE PARENT!!! Except, NO. My mom was f*****g AMAZING and hands down, one of the best parents I’ve ever known IN MY LIFE. You have the most unrealistic expectations for parents I have ever heard, and you actually HAVE children. SMGDH
My children never did one of these slime in the hair, no sharpie drawings on the walls of furniture... once my daughter cut off some of her hair, that's all....
Lucky. My daughter at around 3 years old, the worst thing she did was cutting her hair and opened jar of honey by herself. My son at the same age, did almost half of the thing described above. Same method of discipline. Just kids aren't the same.
Load More Replies...Most of these are results of a lot of things (boredom, the lockdown, anger, whatever) but they're mostly our fault as parents, for not supervising our children and explaining things to them. Like just right now as I was writing this, my 18 month old boy grabbed a knife, that I forgot whom knows where and I heard the blade as he picked it up and I rushed to him. I can't punish him if it's me who made the mistake of leaving the knife at his reach. Let's teach our children that we CAN accept our mistakes as well.
what i find hard right now it's the absence of soccer for my kids. it's so rewarding to Watch them compete, Watch them smile and celebrate when they score or when my older one make a stop (he's a goaltender)… it's so fun to Watch them take their place and grow as a person… this is the thing my girlfriend and i find hard these days.
A fun indoor game I know of is balloon volleyball. Tape a line or decide on a line halfway through the room, then using just a normal balloon try to keep it in the air on your side and not let it land, try to get it to land on your opponents side (We added a no spiking rule lol)
One time when my mom was upstairs my 3 year old sister asked us if she could watch on the couch. I couldn't exactly hear what she said but she had the iPad in her hand so I said yes. I went upstairs for a little bit and came back down to find an absolute PILE of lemon scented sanitizer in the middle of a couch cushion. If you haven't guessed already, she asked is she could WASH the couch, not watch on it. She still loves sanitizer a bit more than the average kindergartener lol
The kid and the vent with the cat - I left our living room for two minutes and my 3 year old took the thermostat apart to see why the red line moved. It only takes a minute or two for things to happen. So glad the cat is safe!
Will never ever have kids. Gross stupid disgusting obnoxious ignorant monsters
To all the grumpy people, kids will be kids. No matter how you train them, somethings will only be taught by experience. Nobody is perfect.
Yep. To all the morons who told me I was "missing" something because I don't have kids....Nya Nya Ne Poo Poo!
And now you all know why teachers go on strike for higher wages and hazard pay! 😊
Kids are a royal pain in the f*****g a*s!! It grates on my nerves when I hear a kid having a f*****g meltdown in either Walmart or a grocery store because they're not allowed to get what they want.
I swear young children are different species, with no coherent thoughts in their tiny heads
Almost all of these are non-typical kid actions. Dont let these put you off having kids, any more than we should take the actions of a few criminal men to show that all men are criminals. Most of these are the parents fault. You're supposed to watch your kids and look after them!
this shows, yet again, that people can reproduce, but parenting is clearly a skill you have to work at. Now these morons raise miscreants and post it online. You think GenY and GenZ are a pita, just wait.
The sad thing is that they have no problem to tell the world that they don't have what it takes to raise a child, just the opposite, they must show off.
Load More Replies...Wow... "Miscreants". In my opinion those just showing the reality of parenting. I never post what my kids did online indeed, but considering one of them did some of the stuff above, means I'm a moron raised a miscreant. And no I'm not millenial
Don't worry Anggi, you aren't moron, I'm sure you tried your best and did not raised a miscreant. However, those posts did not show reality of parenting, they just showed off.
All of these children look well-provided for and happy so I'm sure they didn't just 'discover' them. There's nothing on this whole list that indicates these are bad parents. Being a parent is a hard job and for those who are trying to work from home, home schooling and their normal chores - it just got a lot harder. This was meant to be funny and entertaining - no need to be an a*****e.
Load More Replies...Many people have a hard time comprehending how children think. Many of these are funny, for the show how clever your kids are. Some are not funny, but really the parents are to be blamed. And a few only show brats.
One thing to add: factor in that children suffer greatly from the shutdown, even if many do not show it directly. A few weeks feel like years to us, and the missing contact to peer and other important persons (grandparents, teachers) stresses them in a much greater fashion than adults are stressed who cannot socialise.
Load More Replies...This. Most of the photos here exhibit the the lack of supervision and parenting skills. Also, nobody child-proofs their home anymore?
Why did you down-voted Hanni's comment? All those silly posts proof the comment is valid.
Most of the post were done by 3 years old and below. It's normal kids behavior for those age, specially if they are stuck at home for long time. I don't see why people are bashing the parents for this. Try to take care toddlers and work at home at the same time. I don't understand the lack of discipline that some people said here... Do they expect parents to discipline kids below 3 years old that hard? Like spanking them or such?
No Anggi, you teach them right behavior from very young age by talking, by good example (even infant observes) by playing games (there are board games for the 2 - 3 year olds) and by reading to them, even to infants. Simply by interacting with children. - And also women used to have four, six children, were stay-at-home moms, were homemakers (talking about work at home), they didn't have babysitters, nannies, cleaning ladies....and their children were well-behaved, were sent to school already disciplined - that's parents' jog, not responsibility of schools.
Load More Replies...No Christina. There have always been children that were naughty, parents who had different approaches. Being an educator of young children I will tell you no matter how many board games you play, and no matter how much you teach them the 'right' behavior, children are still going to act out during a difficult/strange time such as this. If you're thinking of a time when it was more common for women to not have jobs fine - but they do now and now they are trying to take care of the home, the children, home-schooling (to some degree) and some of them are still working. They're doing all this without the usual support and respite they have from it and probably more anxious than usual.
I'm so curious how many kids you have. And how much money you have that you can stay home and do your "job" of mothering without using any daycare service. Clearly you are a stay at home mother who has superpowers and has talked your kids into having no creativity and behaving at adult standards at all times. I'm fascinated. Please give me the details of how this is working out for you.
As I said Christina, every child are different. What's work for one child doesn't always work for another. Im glad if your method works with your children. Sadly it doesn't work with mine. And I don't believe that in the old days, all children well behave just by parents giving them good example. Should I remind you that in old days harsh punishment is common and old days parents did many things that will be considered today as dangerous for kids?
And unless they want to live in f*****g POVERTY (been there, don’t recommend it), then both parents MUST work. And THEN, those working moms have to come home as do the MAJORITY of childcare, cooking, shopping, housework etc because they actually DON’T have the money to pay for “nannies and cleaning people” and their male partners have largely been trained to think of it as “women’s work” and don’t (or often WON’T) pitch in AND DO THEIR FAIR SHARE.
I was born in ‘67 and raised by parents who were born in 1926 and 1929, had a TOTALLY DEVOTED stay at home mom when stay at home moms were the norm, and I am laughing my A*S off at this because you are full of C**P. I think your assumption that stay at home moms had it “harder” than workin moms of today because apparently, ALL working moms have “babysitters, nannies, and cleaning ladies” ASTONISHING. I would bet a great deal of money I do t have that you are one of those a******s that assumes that 2 working parent households only exist so that the adults can buy all sorts of luxuries that nobody needs, and you are holding a lot of resentment over that because of how you struggled as a single mom with no help. HERE IS THE REALITY: MOST families with both parents working do so for the reason that almost NO JOBS these days (and for probably about the last 30 years) actually pay decent enough wages + benefits for a single worker to be able to support JUST A PARTNER, let ALONE a family
Lea, I agree, I done that, raised my two kids alone, plus I had a nasty relative, constantly on my back, doing everything possible so we would fail. No Jo, I was poor, did not stay home, no superpowers, was humiliated in front of my children, very hard times. I don't know how I managed, I remember talking to kids a lot and explaining what I want them to do, or not to do, and why, I used every situation, for example when kids asked me to buy them something their classmates had, I explained that I don't have money, "See, this is why I want you to get good grades, so you can buy everything you want by yourself." - I don't know if that satisfied your curiosity.
Most of these are of children too young to go to school, so I'm not sure how they fall into the homeschooling category.
Preschool, kindergarten, daycare, nanny, day camp, kinder camp, call it what you want. Most people who work full time have some sort of childcare - lots of it has shut down and now they are trying to do it all at the same time from home.
Load More Replies...Gotta start them young or they'll be behind when they enter kindergarten.
Nothing wrong with not having children, it's actually responsible, not like people who find out that having one child is not their 'cup-of-tea' but keep having more and all of them are mess. Seriously, having children should be a privilege, not the right.
Load More Replies...For people dragging on the parents... kids do weird stuff. It’s because their brains aren't fully developed yet. Even really good kids have their behavioral moments when they aren’t stuck in quarantine with their siblings & parents 24/7. And even the *best* parents have to go to the bathroom, take a shower, make dinner, you name it (or now work from home)—that’s exactly when children will do the wackiest thing they can think of. It’s just a fact of life.
Cristina, I think that all people who are "dragging on parents..." are talking from their own experiences, they know what they are talking about. The parents who shared their stories here, had time to follow social media and submit posts. Believe it or not, but sometimes 12 - 13 year - old kids are more responsible than their parents and they are taking care of their younger siblings. Sometimes the brains of parents are not still fully developed.
Load More Replies...My mom was a devoted full time stay at home mom, AND YET- she not ONLY did not follow us around every second of the day with her eyes glued on us to make sure we NEVER acted like actual children, she...wait for it...actually DID THINGS FOR HERSELF THAT DID NOT INVOLVE US KIDS!!!!11!! GASP! I know, right?! How DARE she take even FIVE MINUTES out of her day for HER SELF! What an entitled, selfish, neglectful, self centered TERRIBLE PARENT!!! Except, NO. My mom was f*****g AMAZING and hands down, one of the best parents I’ve ever known IN MY LIFE. You have the most unrealistic expectations for parents I have ever heard, and you actually HAVE children. SMGDH
My children never did one of these slime in the hair, no sharpie drawings on the walls of furniture... once my daughter cut off some of her hair, that's all....
Lucky. My daughter at around 3 years old, the worst thing she did was cutting her hair and opened jar of honey by herself. My son at the same age, did almost half of the thing described above. Same method of discipline. Just kids aren't the same.
Load More Replies...Most of these are results of a lot of things (boredom, the lockdown, anger, whatever) but they're mostly our fault as parents, for not supervising our children and explaining things to them. Like just right now as I was writing this, my 18 month old boy grabbed a knife, that I forgot whom knows where and I heard the blade as he picked it up and I rushed to him. I can't punish him if it's me who made the mistake of leaving the knife at his reach. Let's teach our children that we CAN accept our mistakes as well.
what i find hard right now it's the absence of soccer for my kids. it's so rewarding to Watch them compete, Watch them smile and celebrate when they score or when my older one make a stop (he's a goaltender)… it's so fun to Watch them take their place and grow as a person… this is the thing my girlfriend and i find hard these days.
A fun indoor game I know of is balloon volleyball. Tape a line or decide on a line halfway through the room, then using just a normal balloon try to keep it in the air on your side and not let it land, try to get it to land on your opponents side (We added a no spiking rule lol)
One time when my mom was upstairs my 3 year old sister asked us if she could watch on the couch. I couldn't exactly hear what she said but she had the iPad in her hand so I said yes. I went upstairs for a little bit and came back down to find an absolute PILE of lemon scented sanitizer in the middle of a couch cushion. If you haven't guessed already, she asked is she could WASH the couch, not watch on it. She still loves sanitizer a bit more than the average kindergartener lol
The kid and the vent with the cat - I left our living room for two minutes and my 3 year old took the thermostat apart to see why the red line moved. It only takes a minute or two for things to happen. So glad the cat is safe!
Will never ever have kids. Gross stupid disgusting obnoxious ignorant monsters
To all the grumpy people, kids will be kids. No matter how you train them, somethings will only be taught by experience. Nobody is perfect.
Yep. To all the morons who told me I was "missing" something because I don't have kids....Nya Nya Ne Poo Poo!
And now you all know why teachers go on strike for higher wages and hazard pay! 😊
Kids are a royal pain in the f*****g a*s!! It grates on my nerves when I hear a kid having a f*****g meltdown in either Walmart or a grocery store because they're not allowed to get what they want.
I swear young children are different species, with no coherent thoughts in their tiny heads
Almost all of these are non-typical kid actions. Dont let these put you off having kids, any more than we should take the actions of a few criminal men to show that all men are criminals. Most of these are the parents fault. You're supposed to watch your kids and look after them!
this shows, yet again, that people can reproduce, but parenting is clearly a skill you have to work at. Now these morons raise miscreants and post it online. You think GenY and GenZ are a pita, just wait.
The sad thing is that they have no problem to tell the world that they don't have what it takes to raise a child, just the opposite, they must show off.
Load More Replies...Wow... "Miscreants". In my opinion those just showing the reality of parenting. I never post what my kids did online indeed, but considering one of them did some of the stuff above, means I'm a moron raised a miscreant. And no I'm not millenial
Don't worry Anggi, you aren't moron, I'm sure you tried your best and did not raised a miscreant. However, those posts did not show reality of parenting, they just showed off.