Being a parent is challenging in the best of times, but add a pandemic on top of that and your kids might drive you even crazier than usual. Bored Panda has collected some of the funniest things that parents are sharing about their everyday quarantine struggles raising their kids, so scroll down, upvote your favorites, and drop us a comment if you’re parents yourselves, dear Readers. When you’re done with this list, check out our earlier post about the funny pics that parents stuck in quarantine with their kids have shared.

Bored Panda reached out to Lenore Skenazy, president of the nonprofit organization Let Grow that is dedicated to fighting overprotection, promoting independence, and making kids “future-proof.” We spoke with Lenore to learn about how kids having more unstructured time and independence because of the quarantine is a positive thing. “Before the pandemic, a whole lot of kids were scheduled to the max: school, super-short recess, more school, extracurriculars, sports, homework, reading for the reading log (which is also homework!), sleep, repeat,” she told us.

“Zero unstructured time was making kids anxious. More than two-thirds of teens said anxiety and depression were ‘major problems among their peers,’ according to a 2018 Pew Research Center survey, and by the way, this pressurized childhood was not just among the one percent. Across the economic spectrum, parents felt they were supposed to schedule, hover—even ‘helicopter’ their kids.” Scroll down for the rest of our in-depth interview with Lenore.


My Daughter Backed Into A Light Pole And Promptly Got Out Of The Vehicle And Fled The Scene. Her Very First Hit And Run

My Daughter Backed Into A Light Pole And Promptly Got Out Of The Vehicle And Fled The Scene. Her Very First Hit And Run

Grace-Face13 Report


    “And then—well you know what happened. An explosion of free time. And while some of it is spent in distance learning, most of it is free-form, which means…it’s videogame time! Three hours later, it’s still videogame time! But at some point, even that gets old for most kids, and they start figuring out new things to do.”

    According to Lenore, kids are now finding new hobbies and activities to enjoy, from riding bikes to making pancakes. “One mom told us her daughter was so bored (‘or a pod person has taken over her body’) that she started folding her own laundry. Then she folded her mom’s! And so many kids have started sewing, it’s like Little House on the Prairie out there.”

    The president of Let Grow explained that this is happening because adults are handing over the reins to their kids. “Our whole belief is this: When adults step back, kids step up,” Lenore shared the core belief of the organization.


    My Wife Dressed My Son Up As Frida For A Project For His Class To Recreate Her Art. Today In His Zoom Meeting We Found Out That Meant A Drawing Or Painting

    My Wife Dressed My Son Up As Frida For A Project For His Class To Recreate Her Art. Today In His Zoom Meeting We Found Out That Meant A Drawing Or Painting

    NumberJ5 Report


    My Son Found Some "Stickers" In The Bathroom

    My Son Found Some "Stickers" In The Bathroom

    GreedyJester Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Write Banksy below it and sell the whole bathroom for $ 3 500 000.

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    “What’s good about this new independence? Well, that’s like asking what’s good about those canals in Venice. For years they were so outrageously busy, the water was filthy. But now, you can see fish—it’s coming back to life. And that’s what’s happening to kids. For years, they were so outrageously busy with adult-run, adult-supervised activities, they couldn’t see all the other things they were capable of, or who they were deep down.”

    Now, kids are helping their parents out more at home, some are getting along with their siblings better than before while many families are reporting that they feel closer than ever.


    “The reason is that at last, they’ve got time. They don’t have to get out the door at 7:03 every morning or make it to soccer by 4:15,” Lenore pointed out. “We wish we could say that everything is this rosy everywhere, but of course, that’s not true. There’s frustration and fear. Some parents are out of work. Some families are worse off than that. Nonetheless, we are hearing stories of kids becoming the competent, confident young men and women they were secretly ready to become all along. As the single dad of an 8-year-old told us: ‘My daughter can do more than I realized on her own.’”


    These Are Troubling Times

    These Are Troubling Times

    fmanjoo Report


    Lockdown Day 17. In Case Anyone Is Wondering How Us Parents Are Doing, This Is My 3-Year-Old Cleaning His Potty With My Toothbrush

    Lockdown Day 17. In Case Anyone Is Wondering How Us Parents Are Doing, This Is My 3-Year-Old Cleaning His Potty With My Toothbrush

    Ka3de Report


    An Actual Text I Had To Send Today. I'm So Tired

    An Actual Text I Had To Send Today. I'm So Tired

    Timmybear2 Report

    Bored Panda also spoke to Lenore about the lessons that parents should keep in mind about raising their kids for the future when the pandemic is finally over. She shared her opinion that our overprotective and overscheduled culture is stunting kids’ growth, even though they’re more resilient and resourceful than many think. “Allow them to flourish by letting them do more themselves,” she said.


    “Kids want to help out. Even if they complain about chores (and they will!), making dinner or keeping their little brother out of mom’s office makes them feel proud to be givers, not just takers. Let’s let them keep helping,” Lenore explained.


    She added that free play is also educational because kids gain essential life skills when they solve problems and make decisions on their own. There’s a huge difference between when a child is forced to do something for a grade and when they do it for fun.

    “One mom told us that her daughter has ‘dysgraphia’—difficulty with handwriting. Getting her to do her homework was torture. But since the pandemic? Her daughter is writing a diary,” Lenore shared with us. “Kids are like seeds buried in the earth—they need water to grow. Free time is that water. When kids get it, they blossom.”


    From 1st Day Working At Home. She Got Pink Slime In Her Hair

    From 1st Day Working At Home. She Got Pink Slime In Her Hair

    vellowitty Report


    He's Crying Because He Bit His Own Arm

    He's Crying Because He Bit His Own Arm

    k90de Report


    No Toilet Paper? No Problem

    No Toilet Paper? No Problem

    elle1205 Report

    According to the president of Let Grow, action breeds bravery. She shared one mom’s story about how her 7-year-old had always been scared of the woods behind their house. However, a couple of weeks into the quarantine, the child asked his mom to explore the woods with him. “In the woods, he fell off a log and it knocked the breath out of him. But then he sat up, brushed himself off, and got right back on the log. ‘When the sun started to set, he didn't want to leave,’ said his mom. One afternoon—and one mishap that he dealt with—made those woods his own.”


    Lenore stressed the fact that every child feels better when they’re pushed to be more independent—even kids who appear to need constant parental assistance. She shared another story about how one 10-year-old who was always relying on their mom wrote to Let Grow and told the organization how the pandemic changed their mom’s availability and now the kid does all of their own chores without being asked to.

    “Kids have talents that they may never get to show off in school. A kid who fixes the toilet during the quarantine is smart—and a hero. A’s are not the only measure of success,” said Lenore. “When kids see we believe in them, it’s the wind beneath their wings. We demonstrate that belief by letting them do more and more on their own. Now that so many parents are trusting their kids to chop the vegetables, or scooter around the block, the kids feel terrific—and so do their parents.”


    Quarantine Day 37: The Kids Are Trying To Cook Each Other

    Quarantine Day 37: The Kids Are Trying To Cook Each Other Report


    Let The Fun Begin

    Let The Fun Begin

    LurkAtHomeMom Report

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    Roxy Eastland
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As someone that has home educated for a decade and a half, can I assure you - the current situation is *not* home education.

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    Do You Laugh Or Throw More Bread At Him?

    Do You Laugh Or Throw More Bread At Him?

    kimberlycongdon , MrMikeCox Report

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    Noez 🇸🇪
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Reading this list I am also glad to be without these loud and quite funny and cute but still very weird things you call children.

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    But what should parents who are struggling to handle their kids during the quarantine do? Well, Lenore explained that the important thing is not to worry if your kids are falling behind. “They’re learning all sorts of important things they couldn’t get back when there was no time goof off or goof up. Making meatballs, changing a diaper—even getting to the next level in a videogame— all take focus, patience, and practice. Those are not nothing! Those are transferable skills.”

    Lenore pointed out that when Einstein was a kid, he spent a lot of his time making card houses. “That is an activity about as pointless as pointless can be….but it doesn’t seem to have slowed him down. The idea that every childhood moment must be spent ‘productively’ is not true. It’s not even true for grownups—as you must know, because here you are on Bored Panda,” Lenore quipped. “It’s a pandemic out there! Give yourself a break and your kids, too.


    Let Grow has a free Independence Kit with lots of ideas for kids to do on their own right here. The organization’s website also has a lot of info and support for parents while they’re navigating school closings and trying to give their kids more independence.


    No Explanation Needed

    No Explanation Needed

    jaime0007 Report


    "Now I Know My Abc's, I’ll Write Them On Our SUV"

    "Now I Know My Abc's, I’ll Write Them On Our SUV"

    PieterJanSmet Report


    My Son Stuck His Finger In My Eye And Scratched Off The Whole Top Layer Of My Cornea

    My Son Stuck His Finger In My Eye And Scratched Off The Whole Top Layer Of My Cornea

    shermiezzz12 Report

    Plenty of parents who are working from home have realized that the quarantine has meshed their work and home life into a seamless blob. Another thing they’re learning is that kids are, well, kids—they love playing, mucking about, and then sharing everything they did with the people they look up to the most.

    However, not all kids are misbehaving and wreaking chaos with every teeny-tiny footstep. Some are behaving far better than usual because they’re glad to be spending more time with their parents, sleep more, and don’t have to rush around getting to countless afterschool activities.


    My 3-Year-Old Daughter Set Her Chalk Up This Way & Demands It's A Turtle. She Made Me Pet It Twice

    My 3-Year-Old Daughter Set Her Chalk Up This Way & Demands It's A Turtle. She Made Me Pet It Twice

    Landahlia12 Report


    My 3,5-Year-Old Ran Inside To Go To The Bathroom, But Apparently Took A Detour For A Fistful Of Brownies. There's Literally A Handprint In The Middle Of The Pan

    My 3,5-Year-Old Ran Inside To Go To The Bathroom, But Apparently Took A Detour For A Fistful Of Brownies. There's Literally A Handprint In The Middle Of The Pan

    TheTonz Report

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    Dorothy Parker
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope the parent is really sure which came first; brownies or potty. Trust me. It matters.

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    She Wanted A Bath

    She Wanted A Bath

    RecklessDolly Report

    Seagal Hagege was a bit scared about staying at home all day, every day with her 3 kids who are 8, 7, and 4 years old. Fortunately, she had nothing to worry about because her kids became far more independent, far kinder to each other, learned better manners, started inventing new games, and took on new responsibilities like helping her out with cooking.

    “Every day after school we were running to music, running to gymnastics, and then we would get home, do homework, and go to bed,” Hagege told CNN. “Now we have a chance to get stupid and take a break together. They've really stepped up, and they are shining. It's been really eye-opening. I don't want it to go back to the way things were."


    Kid Decided To Play With The Vents In The House Today. What A Brilliant Idea To Leave Them Open

    Kid Decided To Play With The Vents In The House Today. What A Brilliant Idea To Leave Them Open

    croixofwar Report


    3-Year-Old Threw A Toy Through The TV Screen This Morning. Now She Keeps Trying To Turn It On Saying "It's Broken". Yeah, No S**t Professor

    3-Year-Old Threw A Toy Through The TV Screen This Morning. Now She Keeps Trying To Turn It On Saying "It's Broken". Yeah, No S**t Professor

    ProfDallinHoax Report

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    Perfumista Perfumista
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When we were little my brother put a sling shot through the TV. H also broke a window going after a fly with a telephone book.

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    Now, this doesn’t mean that every single child out there is happier because of the quarantine: there are lots of kids who are feeling sad and scared. But some parents are overjoyed that the quarantine has some pros for their kids, not just cons.


    Quarantine Is Going Awesome

    Quarantine Is Going Awesome

    TaikaWaititi Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you do not explain to her why she ought to apologise but instead get your smartphone to tweet, she will do it again.

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    My Daughter Found Scissors And Cut Her Hair. Now She Looks Like Yolandi

    My Daughter Found Scissors And Cut Her Hair. Now She Looks Like Yolandi

    SleepParalysisDemon6 Report


    My Son Is At His Dad's For The Weekend And It Turns Out Today Is The Day He Gets A Haircut

    My Son Is At His Dad's For The Weekend And It Turns Out Today Is The Day He Gets A Haircut

    theonemanbandit Report


    My 7-Year-Old Drew On The Walls And Furniture In His Bedroom And Tried To Pin In On His 3-Year-Old Sister. He Almost Got Away With It, But As A Good Artist Should, He Signed It With His Name

    My 7-Year-Old Drew On The Walls And Furniture In His Bedroom And Tried To Pin In On His 3-Year-Old Sister. He Almost Got Away With It, But As A Good Artist Should, He Signed It With His Name

    Nirahli Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Had To Replace And Shatter My Toilet To See What The Blockage Was. My 2-Year-Old Had Flushed Sully In There. Even He Looks Guilty

    Had To Replace And Shatter My Toilet To See What The Blockage Was. My 2-Year-Old Had Flushed Sully In There. Even He Looks Guilty

    deacon_of_fire Report

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    My 4-Year-Old Son Reassembled My Keyboard After Cleaning

    My 4-Year-Old Son Reassembled My Keyboard After Cleaning

    Wastey111 Report


    The Box Was Left On The Kitchen Counter, Left The Room For Less Than a Minute And This Is How My 2-Year-Old Has Left Them

    The Box Was Left On The Kitchen Counter, Left The Room For Less Than a Minute And This Is How My 2-Year-Old Has Left Them

    J96x_Rob_LFC Report


    It'll Be Fun They Said

    It'll Be Fun They Said

    burginam Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    mud is wonderful and keeps kids busy for days. Plus, you can clean them with the hose.

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    Was In The Process Of Trying To Remove "Slime" From One Kid's Hair When The Other Decided She Wanted To Join The Fun. Now They Both Have Monk Haircuts

    Was In The Process Of Trying To Remove "Slime" From One Kid's Hair When The Other Decided She Wanted To Join The Fun. Now They Both Have Monk Haircuts

    jaymcdan Report


    We Tried To Teach Her Soccer. She Tried To Climb The Net Instead

    We Tried To Teach Her Soccer. She Tried To Climb The Net Instead

    Bllewellyn1 Report


    This Is How All The Dinosaurs Died, And Also Why We Can't Have Milk

    This Is How All The Dinosaurs Died, And Also Why We Can't Have Milk

    42icu Report

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    Becca Gizmo the Squirrel
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When my daughter was 18 months (I was a single working mom then, she's 22 now) I had to get ready for work. I sat her in front of the tv. While I was in the shower (like 5 minutes) she climbed over baby gate, got eggs out of fridge, climbed back over with eggs, and broke every egg in the carpet in front of the tv. after that I would tie her in her high chair in the bathroom when I had to take a shower.

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    "Son, Did You Write On My Tablecloth?", "Mom, That Is Obviously Dad's Name. I Bet He Did It"

    "Son, Did You Write On My Tablecloth?", "Mom, That Is Obviously Dad's Name. I Bet He Did It"

    marzirose Report

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    kasa alex
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    my little brother carved my name into our wooden table when we were kids. I got in trouble, because no one thought he was smart enough to carve my name so I'd get in trouble instead of him (he was really young) - it's still there almost 3 decades later! He's finally owned up to it, though (:

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I Think I Need To Give Up On The Quarantine Cooking

    I Think I Need To Give Up On The Quarantine Cooking

    marigoldandgrey Report


    My Son Doing His Schoolwork In My Gaming PC. This Quarantine Need To Stop ASAP. He Seems To Enjoy Doing His Work At Home, I Don't

    My Son Doing His Schoolwork In My Gaming PC. This Quarantine Need To Stop ASAP. He Seems To Enjoy Doing His Work At Home, I Don't

    Dolorax28 Report


    I Told My 11-Year-Old To Wash His Laundry. This Was Waiting When I Opened The Dryer

    I Told My 11-Year-Old To Wash His Laundry. This Was Waiting When I Opened The Dryer

    Bizzle_worldwide Report


    Quarantine With A 3-Year-Old: Day 10

    Quarantine With A 3-Year-Old: Day 10

    ThexGreatxBeyondx Report


    I Think I'm Failing As A Teacher

    I Think I'm Failing As A Teacher

    murd_tdot Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've seen this one a lot in other categories, so no it's not since quarantine

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    Before/After - My Son "Maybe Dropped Zelda Into The LEGO Box At Some Point?"

    Before/After - My Son "Maybe Dropped Zelda Into The LEGO Box At Some Point?"

    garatth Report

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    Vicky Zar
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah, I learned that lesson too. Except I never found our minecraft...

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    Ran In Between My Legs To Watch Me Pee. I'm Glad I Hadn't Started

    Ran In Between My Legs To Watch Me Pee. I'm Glad I Hadn't Started

    b1r0_ Report


    3-Year-Old Trying To Burn The House Down

    3-Year-Old Trying To Burn The House Down

    Pinophytologist Report

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    Luisa Vasconcelos
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This could have gone soooo wrong. Buy protection urgently. It's like one of first things you buy when you baby proof the house.

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    Today My Youngest Brother-In-Law Gave My 2-Year-Old Son An “Iron Mike” Face Tattoo

    Today My Youngest Brother-In-Law Gave My 2-Year-Old Son An “Iron Mike” Face Tattoo

    Leotix Report


    My Son Is Two And Is Practicing Throwing

    My Son Is Two And Is Practicing Throwing

    wed_niatnuom Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Gloss Paint And New Flooring, Should Have Got The Snip

    Gloss Paint And New Flooring, Should Have Got The Snip

    Hightideuk Report

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    Jovita A
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well if you put the paint where kids can access it, it's all on you. :D

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    Quarantine Stir Crazy With Tape And A Truck

    Quarantine Stir Crazy With Tape And A Truck

    podfoto Report


    He Found The Permanent Marker

    He Found The Permanent Marker

    Zoomerang4 Report


    Kids Demand My Full Attention 24/7

    Kids Demand My Full Attention 24/7

    miss.sarahyvette Report


    Our 2-Year-Old Decided To Flood The Bathroom During The Night

    Our 2-Year-Old Decided To Flood The Bathroom During The Night

    CMDR_Anarial Report

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    Vicky Zar
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    1 point for sleeping with small children in the same bed or at least in the same room

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    andyholloway Report

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    Adam Guillemette
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I actually, seriously need context to this question. "Draw lines to show the different shapes that make each figure" may be the vaguest instructions I've ever come across...

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