50 Hilarious Examples Of Pareidolia That Prove Our Brains Will Truly Come Up With Anything
InterviewIf you were to take a couple of minutes and look around, you’d be surprised by how many faces and familiar-looking creatures surround you. You may ask, 'Where?' Well, everywhere! If you’re still not familiar with the term, let us introduce you to pareidolia. Is this your first time encountering this term? Despite its exotic sound, it's a rather common phenomenon. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, it is defined as 'a situation in which someone sees a pattern or image of something that does not exist, such as a face in a cloud.' Now we're on the same page! Haven't we all experienced that at some point?
For some people, it's a delightful coincidence, while others are dedicated to focusing their attention and seeking new examples of pareidolia. What they share is the practice of capturing their discoveries and sharing them with others online. Thanks to this, we've been able to curate this fascinating collection of images featuring various things spotted by people from around the world.
Scroll down to see the best instances of pareidolia spotted and shared by people, as well as to read our interview with the founder of the Stone Face account curating the best images showcasing faces appearing on beach stones.
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I Looked Up At The Moon And Felt As If The Moon Was Looking Back Down At Me
This Duck Has A Perfect Cartoon Dog Face For A Beak
Look At This Kitty
Bored Panda reached out to Jules behind the Stone Face Instagram profile. On her profile, the pareidolia enthusiast has so far shared a wide range of nearly 2k examples of stones with some facial features.
We wanted to know what initially inspired Jules to start searching for and sharing cases of pareidolia in beach stones on her account. We found out that: “I’ve always collected stones. Every holiday, when everyone else was swimming or sunbathing, I would be pacing the beach, head-down, intrigued by the stones and pebbles. I’ve always spotted stonefaces on the beach, but during lockdown I started photographing them and putting them on Instagram. Because the stones have such different personalities, I was soon writing little funny sentences or stories about them. People joined in and soon I discovered that there were quite a few pareidolia accounts out there. People spot faces everywhere and in everything!”
This Sunflower With Lips
The "Heartwood" Of This Tree Is Shaped Like A Human Heart
Or an advertisement about chainsaw safety depicting a fingerless hand…
I Was Trying To Make A Heart
We were curious if Jules could describe one of the most striking or memorable instances of pareidolia that she’s discovered. The founder of Stone Face mentioned her best finds: “My holy grail is finding stones with ancient sea urchins as eyes (like this, this, or this one). Quite a few of my followers (and I follow them too because they are SO interesting) are fossil hunters and they really appreciate the stonefaces and join in with #stonefacesunday!”
A Cat Reaching For The Sky
My Pepper Looks Like A Fist
Look At This Little Mushroom Owl
Asked what some of the most common reactions or comments Jules has received from Stone Face’s followers were, she said: “Most common reaction is joy! My followers are such a fantastic, eclectic, wonderful tribe of people. They follow every post and comment on it, or laugh, or suggest another take on what they see. I always respond and appreciate every emoji and every like. It’s an ever-growing tribe of interesting, lovely people!”
I Accidentally Created A Porcupine By Pouring Instant Coffee Over An Americano
Sad Person Sitting On A Ledge
I Found A Baby Groot
Lastly, we were wondering how curating these pareidolia examples on Instagram has affected Jules’ perception of the everyday objects and patterns around her. She shared with us: “I see faces in literally everything now! I’ll go for a run and see faces in the leaves (there are Instagram accounts for just faces in leaves) or on every building or in the clouds. If everyone just stopped and looked, they would see them too.”
My Knee Imprint At The Gym Looks Like An Ear
I Started Drawing Over To Show What I See In Detail. Here's A Sad Bear Trapped In A Wall
This Jalapeno Looks Like A T-Rex
Rocky Face
I Overcooked An Egg And It Looks Like A Person Is Trying To Climb Out Of It
Yellow Yukon At Work Today. I Felt Bad Peeling It
A Rock Created Bird-Shaped Window Art On My Car
This Cactus That Looks Like A Bird
A Piece Of Driftwood That Looks Just Like A Seagull
Unsure If I Saw A Cloud Or A Dragon The Other Day
My Little Peanut Friend
Staring Contest
This Cross Section Of An Onion
This Ice Melted Into A Shark
This Yam That Looks Like A Human Hand
I Found This Tree With Eyes
A Seal In My Potatoes
Tree Fox
Whilst Walking Into A Kitchen I Saw This Guy
My Wife's Bag Has A Grumpy Face
This Terrier
The Camera In The ER Looks Like A Surprised Panda
This Knot In The Wood Looks Like A Frog
Dragon Tree In The Chellah Necropolis, Rabat
I can't tell you how many times I walked in the Chellah, but never saw anything beyond a tree. Will now never be able to unsee the dragon.
I Went Boating On Saratoga Lake, NY And Saw This Cloud That Looked Like A Victorian Lady
Snow Elephant On A NYC "Citi Bike"
The Imprint Of My Spoon Handle Looks Like A Cat
My Toothpaste Came Out Looking Like A Nose
Water Stain On A Wall That Looks Like A Pirate With A Long Beard
The Back Side Of This Studio Microphone Appears To Be Holding Its Head, Screaming In Pain
This Potato Looks Like A Reptile Or A Dino
Wasps Built A Wasp
Cute Kitty On A Windshield
Pepper Monster
Puppy At The Barbeque
I Asked To Have A Motion Sensor Light Installed. I Guess I Should Have Asked To See It First
These Cameras Look Like A Pair Of Eyes
The eyes don't really care for what they see. Where is the excitement around here?
It Looks Like There's A Dog Trapped In This Tree
They certainly are, but we nevertheless need to brace ourselves for the painful comments about how the poster hates it, this was stolen from social media, and BP should never do it again. 😰 🙄
They certainly are, but we nevertheless need to brace ourselves for the painful comments about how the poster hates it, this was stolen from social media, and BP should never do it again. 😰 🙄