63 Neighbourly Notes You Wouldn’t Want To Find On Your Doorstep
Do you get along with your neighbors? For some, coming home means unplugging from the rest of the world, other people included. But for others, neighbors can make the difference between a lonely, fearful, life, and a happy one.
These hilarious letters from neighbor-to-neighbor capture those special moments when it's hard to get along. Have you ever written an angry letter to, or received a complaint letter from, a neighbor? Post it below, or vote on your favorite!
(h/t: 22words)
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Seems Legit
It's hard enough to break a bad habit, don't enable those who need to quit!
The Pooper Stooper
Wrapping-Paper Note Stuck To The Wall With A Band-Aid
To The People Who Kept Us Up All Night
A Funny Neighborly Note
Toilet paper on Amazon? Does it have some special print on it or something? Just wondering
Decided To Use Reverse Psychology On The New Neighbors
Saw This On A Neighbor's Door Coming Home At Midnight
Stealing Plants
I think this one is my favorite. You could sub a bunch of things in for "plants" and it would be equally as funny, like stealing people's lunches from the fridge at work! :o)
My Neighbor Left Some Notes For The Maintenance Guy
My Neighbor Is Clearly Not Pleased With Someone
The Neighbors Need To Stop
So My Neighbors Had A Dispute
FYI From Your Neighbors Across The Way
You’re A Wiseass, Harry
I once lived in an apartment under a couple who had a 2-3 year old girl. She ran from one end of the apartment to the other for hours at a time. In addition, the boyfriend had a set of drums in the master bedroom (yep, right above my bedroom) and played - badly - at all hours.
Please Do Not Feed The Pigeons
Like poop everywhere and multiple and once they have babies the generations to come will never leave as long as part the building still stands.
Hey I Just Met You
This Happens When You Live Next Door To Edward Scissorhands
Note To Neighbor
I'm Sure She Is Friendly With The Neighbors
A Friend Of Mine Posted This On Her Neighbor's Door
Note To Neighbor
A Friendly Haiku
Friend's Neighbor Left Her A Note On Her Front Door
Thank You For Making My Day, Neighbors
A Friend Left A Note For His Neighbor
I Know I've Been Tempted To Do This To My Neighbor
My friend had a neighbour tell her she should get her dog's vocal chords cut. Yep. The thing is, if a dog is barking when you aren't home; you don't know. I check with neighbours, to see if that's the case and honestly, I'd rather someone had the decency to tell me. That way, the dog's separation issues, boredom or fear of the nieghbour notes could and would be addressed.
Country Sorority Girls Leave A Note On Our Door
The 1st apt building I lived in I was the youngest in it at the time (19). I was blamed all the time for stuff. I was finally believed it wasn't me when my mom was apt/cat sitting well I was out of the city for 2 weeks. I was a huge nerd, I didn't do party's.
Thanks For The Note, Neighbor
Honestly I never understood why people had to be vulgar and insulting everytime they have a problem. The same people who will complain after that people are aggressive with them... Just try to be polite for once, it can do miracle to ask NICELY.
Thanks, Good Neighbor
The Weird Thing Is My Neighbor Got The Same Note An Hour Later
Dear Potential Hot Woman
Jock Block
Happy New Year, Neighbor
House For Sale
Not very smart if you want to get rid of the house .... who would want to live next to an a*****e neighbor?
I Love My Neighbor’s Passion
Note To Neighbor
Hide Yo' Kids
The Note That My Frat Bro Neighbors Got Today
Neighbor Note
"she's Got The Look" - Poster Found On The Staircase Window.
How To Be The Worst Neighbor Ever
Lol...They shame the person for their vulgar language; meanwhile, their own grammar is atrocious.
A Note Someone Left On My Neighbor's Door
Note To Neighbor
Angry Neighbor Note
Thanks In Advance, Random Neighbor
Note To Neighbors
Nice Little Note Our Neighbors Left On Our Door Last Night
We Do Not Own A Rooster, Nor Have We Ever Seen Or Even Heard One
This Note Was Left In Our Temporary Mailbox
Wonder if their neighbor is Martha Stewart? It's sad they're so shallow and it bothers them that much. I'd get an uglier permanent box!
Friendly Neighbor Note
Note I Found On Neighbor's Door
The Neighbor Doesnt Like Me Parking In Front Of His House
Wheelie Wars: A Warning To An Irresponsible Dog Owner, And The Reply That Appeared Next Day!
Death By Incense!
This Anonymous Note Was Taped To An Iron Bench In Front Of Our House
We're that house on our street. I really don't care what they think lol I also use the dandelions as a treat for my rabbits and the leaves for my lizards. My kids pick them too.