We humans are wonderful creatures. We have been gifted with a unique intellectual power, capable of forming deep thoughts and creating complex works. But sometimes, just sometimes, our mind wants to take a break and our actions can seem absurd and, well, just plain stupid. Where there is so much space for creativity, the situations in which we all become the masters of unwise actions are inevitable.
Let us introduce you to a Twitter page called “No context idiots”, a place proving that no one is completely immune to foolishness. With over 1.3 million followers, it is a treasure trove for all things irrational and absurd. From unbridled internet jokes to images that leave us wondering what exactly these people were thinking, this page presents us with an unexpected variety of ideas and actions.
Scroll down to witness the peculiarities of human behavior and let us know your thoughts in the comments!
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I always do 2nd pic straightaway so my cereal is never soggy.... I just add it in bits
Load More Replies...They're just warning you that if you pour the milk too vigorously, your Cheerios will launch out of the bowl.
Cheerios are made of cat? I know Bouche would launch out of the bowl if someone poured something wet in it. Of course, she would viciously murder that person.
Load More Replies...I always pour my cereal first, then the milk. if I have extra milk, instead of pouring it down the drain, I pour a little bit more cereal until the milk is gone. is this just me?
Then add more milk, because it's too dry. Repeat steps 1-4 and behold: The Never-ending Bowl of Cereal
And sorry boss, can't come to work today, hang on while I think of a reason.
Load More Replies...I thought everyone knew this! are you telling me people do this the opposite way? It' s like make your own food 101 when you're like 5
I have a medical reason (lol) for doing this. I am lactose intolerant, and must limit my milk intake but there’s no restriction on cereal.
It is a vicious cycle for me. Add cereal, add milk Finish cereal first Don't want to waste milk so I add more cereal Too much cereal for that amount of milk Add more milk Repeat
I hope all you cereal-first bozos enjoy your soggy piles of sadness xD
Cheerios float. Therefore, there are no Cheerios in the second bowl.
Seriously 😳 I'm doing it wrong all life. Well, whatever I won't change 😉
Put milk in the bowl. Then add a bit of cereal--only as much as you can eat before it goes soggy. Add a bit more cereal when the first bit is gone. No soggy cereal.
‘No Context Idiots” joined Twitter in 2020. It didn’t take too long for them to reach an impressive number of followers and become one of the most popular pages that brings laughter and giggles to everyone that stops by. We sincerely hope these images will lift your spirits too!
Human behavior and decisions are often complex and depend on a variety of factors. Who knows why we sometimes get involved in questionable situations and do things we feel embarrassed about later on?
However, we believe that we've all had those moments where we begin to analyze our past irrational actions and wonder ‘what was I thinking?’ In moments like these, it may be better to think of any wrong decisions we have made in the past as important components contributing to our maturity. Since there’s nothing we can do to change our past actions, it’s better to learn from them to improve our present.
In case you were wondering, there are ways to better manage our irrational tendencies. To act in a way that won’t leave you embarrassed in the future, it is important to know how to control strong emotions. That can reduce impulsive actions and make you reflect on your behavior before making any decisions.
Awareness and self-reflection are necessary qualities to better understand yourself and your motivations. Critical thinking and the ability to reflect on one's actions can help discover the reasons why the irrational behavior occurred. By understanding these reasons, it is possible to look for alternative ways of acting in the future.
Let’s not forget that by discussing our decisions with loved ones or relying on trusted advice, we can gain new perspectives and insights. Also, by interacting with others, we can learn from their experiences and receive support to improve and manage our irrational and sometimes foolish tendencies.
As we can see from the images, we humans are not always rational decision-making beings. Reckless instincts, emotions, or even unconscious processes are often at work. Some psychologists believe that our choices can be automated, based on learned patterns of behavior. So, sometimes we act in almost mechanical ways, even if we appear absurd or plain silly.
I'll help you. You know what, I'll also bring the pitchforks (sorry, i'm out of burning torches at the moment)
I asked it to draw me a circle and it said "no I can't but I can send you a pic of one" so I was like ok send a pic and it said "sorry I can't send pictures"
Guess the kids would need to wait until they're 20 to be given a car!
Gave one of my kids a used Altima on her 18th birthday. Later that night I am awakened by her standing at the foot of my bed saying she needs me to come outside and pay the tow truck driver.