45 Times Jerks Got What They Deserved By Getting ‘Destroyed’ In The Comments (New Pics)
As long as people throw around some questionable bits of wisdom like it's no big deal, we have the unofficial karma police, aka ‘murderers by words.’ Except murder by words has nothing to with violence, weapons, or blood, which makes the act inherently peaceful, yet brutally powerful.
It’s because the fight is fueled by words, but not by any words. I mean witty, well-argued, and solid arguments that pierce straight through misinformation, fake news, and any other online BS that's so prominent these days. The targets can be anyone from Covid deniers to anti-vaxers to flat earthers and extreme right Trump supporters who support the Capitol riots or similar bursts of terror. And when the words come back, they do so with double the initial power.
Thanks to the prominent corner of Reddit known as the subreddit “Murdered By Words,” the karma evening selection of putdowns, clapbacks, and counter-arguments are in to show that everything you utter in this world can come back to you. Psst! Part 1 of the post with people who got brutally shut down is available here.
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You Dense Mother ---!
Due For Some Good Luck Eventually
Beautifully Pointing Out How Jack Doesn’t Know Why A Vaccine Is
Previously, comedy writer Ariane Sherine told Bored Panda that when it comes to witty comebacks, they can be both planned and totally spontaneous.
"I've definitely come up with comebacks that are spontaneous. For instance, I told my daughter that if she didn't behave, I'd give her inheritance to a donkey sanctuary. She said, 'You wouldn't,' and I came back, 'You bet your ass!' But though I hadn't used that comeback before, I clearly had knowledge of the pun and might have used something similar in the past."
But not every comeback is equally powerful. The ones that make us thank the lord it’s not us who received them have to be well-timed, super-fast, exceptionally witty, and totally understandable to everyone. If it’s super complicated or said at the wrong time, or worst, in the wrong place, you can get scolded with an agonizing moment of silence.
Dammit George!
Sarah Has Been Reported Dead
Apparently She Was A Raging Dumbass Five Years Ago, Too
I'm very much against violence towards women, but Katie Hopkins might have turned out to be a more worthwhile human being if she'd been punched in the face a little more often for saying things like this.
This Belongs Here
Room Temperature Iq Is My New Favourite Insult
Maybe She's Just Not Getting Any
I Proudly Served In The Gay Wars Of '07
All Of A Sudden “Law & Order” Doesn’t Apply?
I love this chicks reply. This woman was told multiple times to stop or they WILL SHOOT HER!! Just because she was a woman and in the service does not mean she does not need to comply with the law. My niece is retired from the Marines and I would say the exact same thing if she were dumb enough to do what this woman did, thankfully my niece has common sense. It sucks she was killed but she broke into a FEDERAL BUILDING WITH SECRET SERVICE AND POLICE AND MILITARY OFFICERS!!!!
Pray Away The Gay
I guess it will take another 200 years before idiots understand that you can't "pray the gay away." But "therapy camps" are indeed perfect locations for gay people to meet each other. And it's true: Covid deniers often are homophobes, racists, sexists and white supremacists who also believe in practically every conspiracy theory they can find.
Such Delicate Snowflakes
Kindness is the easiest and the hardest quality depending on who has to show it
Cow Goes Moo
if they seriously didnt know only female cows give milk i-. smh
I Think You Will Survive The Vaccine
Nobody knows what's in a hotdog either, but I bet they've eaten one of those.
And Now, For Something Not Involving Politics
Men are afraid of being rejected. Women are afraid of being killed.
Grandmothers Are Overrated
I Love It
'murica, Heck Yeah!
In America, the customer is expected to pay the workers through tips.
Hits It Right On The Nose
The Nerve Of The Man!
I can’t wait for this guys reaction to Trumps biography then. Sure it’ll be written in crayon and printed on orange paper but that s**t will have a million i’s in it because it’ll be all me, me, me.
Who Need Vaccine
The Part About Pilot's Salary Surprised Me
In Luxembourg, teachers and most of state essential workers (bus drivers etc) are paid between 4000 and 7000 euro a month. An it’s formidable
Do Some Research Before Spouting Nonsense
Murdered By The Movement They Were So Eager To Have
It's Simple Logic, And Therefore Completely Unfathomable
Found In The Window Of My Very Small, Very Red, Upstate NY Town Hardware Store
He Is Right!
I Wonder If Op Ever Saw That, But Nevertheless
the fact that the dude has 6.9k upvotes but the person who clapped-back only has 1.1k upvotes is very sad.
Millennials Are Killing The... Baby Industry
Better Hope His House Doesn't Catch On Fire!
They're Complaining About The Wrong Type Of Female Armour
This was probably the stupidest complaint about Star Wars I’ve seen, and that’s saying a lot
Mbw And Accurate ! 1 - 0
How The Turns Have Tabled. Trumper (Red) Gets "Triggered" And Blindly Defends Ashli Babbit
She is absolutely a terrorist. And a douchebag. And now she’s dead. Stupid is as stupid does.
1) Open Mouth 2) Insert Foot 3) ??? 4) Profit!
Red Is An Investor Who Keeps A Doctor On Staff, So You Know He Knows What He's Talking About
Seriously, people should wear masks at flu season. I’ve never been so healthy as I was the last year. When I get sick it can drag out for months (I’m not exactly healthy) and I have disabled friends who could die from a cold. If anything, Corona proved that we should keep in wearing masks and washing our hands, even after it’s over
Oh Boy, Alanah Pearce Didn't Hold Back
Ben Franklin Was A Smart Fella
World population 1820 around 1 billion, 2020 nearly 8 billions. Partly thanks to vaccines.
I'm Betting Corgis Taste Like Chicken
Just Wow
It's My God-Given Right To Spit On Other People
Be gentle. You can't expect a person such as this, to strain the few brain cells they actually possess by thinking, do you?
Chinese Government Celebrates Their Human Rights Accomplishments
👉 The entire f*cking west of China is a political mess. (edit)👉Just look at Chinese Traditional Medicine for ONE second.
Wth Are Light Language And Sacred Geometry?
How Much Could A Private Island Cost, $10?
These people only thrive because other people give them the power. Take that away and they have nothing to offer to society