Watching a really good movie is one of life's simple pleasures. But that 1.5 hour film you just enjoyed was anything but simple to make. It can take years to complete a feature length movie. And hundreds, if not thousands of people are involved in various parts of the process.

Iron Man 3 set the record for the biggest crew ever, with a total of 3,310 members working on the 2013 blockbuster. Even with that many hands on deck, there were still dozens of mistakes in the movie by the time it hit cinemas. But it certainly didn't break the record for most "oopsies" in a film. That prize reportedly goes to Alfred Hitchcock’s horror film The Birds. The 1963 flick had a total of 552 mistakes, averaging 4.64 per minute.

Bored Panda took a trip to the Movie Mistakes site, and compiled a list of some of the funniest blunders ever to grace the big screen. We reached out to production expert and Creative Director of NoStairway Rob Marshall, for some tips on how to keep movies clean and error-free. 



Actors in cat costumes with visible human hand mistake, highlighting funny movie mistakes.

The film was rushed to theaters, leaving a few mistakes which Universal fixed. In the original cut, toward the end, Judi Dench's human hand is visible, complete with her wedding ring. This was fixed for the re-release.

Sacha/manthabeat Report

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Sara Frazer
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This whole thing was an abomination to cinema that should never have happened

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    Funny movie mistake in Deadpool: left hand severed in scene, then right hand visible.

    In the bridge fight scene where Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead appear, Deadpool tries to escape Colossus' handcuffs by severing his hand. The hand that he cuts off is his left, but when he jumps off the bridge the severed arm is on his right side.

    Casual Person Report


    The New Guy

    Funny-movie-mistakes: Player number 19 changes actor in a scene from "The New Guy," highlighting continuity error.

    During the General Patton speech before the football game, "Gill Harris" approaches a player wearing the number 19 on his jersey, who is black. During the football game you notice the player wearing number 19 on his jersey is now white. (00:45:45 - 00:47:00)

    AidanN/Tiffany Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I looked back and forth confusedly the two pics at the number on the jersey for a full minute trying to spot the difference before re-reading the post....

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    Movie mistakes come in all shapes and sizes. Some you’d need a magnifying glass and the pause button to notice. Others are glaringly obvious. Among the most common mishaps are factual errors. Stuff portrayed in a film that definitely wouldn’t fly in real life.


    Like a detective handling a crime scene without gloves. People crawling through an air vent. Or the scene in Charlie’s Angels where Knox is flying a Huey helicopter, and the Angels use a speargun to create a line that they can use to hitch a ride in the sky.

    As one post on the Movie Mistakes site points out, “Suddenly adding about 200kg to a Huey in flight like that is going to cause all sorts of problems with the trim and airspeed of the aircraft. The pilot would know immediately that something was wrong.”


    Patch Adams

    Man at desk with two different books in separate shots, highlighting funny movie mistakes.

    When Patch and his roommate are arguing about why he wanted Patch out of the college, the book on the desk changes to a very different looking book between shots - note the tabs and red-edged pages.

    Super Grover Report

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    No Stairway is a U.K.-based production company, and their Creative Director Rob Marshall kindly agreed to chat to us about the ins-and-outs of movie making.

    "In a film I co-produced in 2020, ‘7 Hours on Earth’, the entire cast performed the final dance scene to a well known song. Three years later, the publishers of the song renegade on their agreement, denying us a licence for the music. The cast were teenagers and had all changed appearance so we couldn’t reshoot," he told us, when we asked what his biggest movie mistake was.

    "I had to compose a song identical in tempo and arrangement as the original with lyrics that, when mimed, looked like they were singing the original lyrics. Then we re-recorded the cast singing and replaced the famous song with mine. I will never make that mistake again."


    Honey I Blew Up The Kid

    Stunt double in "Honey, I Blew Up the Kid" noticeably older, illustrating funny movie mistakes.

    When Mandy falls inside the Porsche, her stunt double is noticeable because she is way older than her.

    Sacha Report


    Spy Kids

    Crew and camera visible in mirror during a scene, showcasing funny movie mistakes.

    When Ingrid sits at the vanity table in the bedroom, in the shot just after Gregorio's screen reads, "Type password," but just before the close-up of Ingrid's fingers typing on her makeup, there is a lovely reflection of a crew member behind the camera, which is perfectly clear in the mirror to Ingrid's right. (00:07:30)

    Super Grover Report


    Continuity mistakes also aren’t uncommon. That’s basically consistency between shots so that things make sense. For example, if an actor is wearing a red shirt, we’d expect them to be wearing a red shirt in the next shot. Unless they - or the scene - changed.

    "When watching content of any kind, the aim is to draw the spectator into the narrative. There are many techniques to do this: Rhythm of the edit, visually and dialogue, the music or lack of music, camera techniques, lighting and many more," Marshall told Bored Panda.

    "If an actor's hair changes colour between shots, all this creative work is waisted as the viewer is jolted out of the moment. I provided ADR for a feature film where a scene was shot over a period of a week. In the middle of the week, the actress had some lip filler which rendered the scene somewhat confusing."


    Home Alone

    A funny movie mistake from "Home Alone" showing a dining error with food placement.

    Kevin sits down with a meal before the Wet Bandits arrive at the house consisting of macaroni and cheese on a plate. When Harry eventually makes it to the dining room, he is pelted with feathers. Look at the table to the left. A three part microwave meal still in its white plastic container now sits on the plate.

    ibgreg3002 Report


    The Dark Knight

    Movie scene error in The Dark Knight with a cameraman visible in the reflection. Funny movie mistakes.

    During Batman's interrogation of the Joker, when he picks him up and slams him against the wall, for a very brief moment you can see the camera and the cameraman in the reflection of the mirror on the right. (01:29:10)

    Super Grover Report

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    Sara Frazer
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Meh, still a solid movie. Pretty much the only "superhero" move I can watch



    Camera visible on set during Ben-Hur chariot race scene, highlighting funny movie mistakes.

    Visible crew/equipment: During the chariot race, just as Judah (stunt double) flips over in his chariot in the wide shot, a low angle camera is visible on the track under a canopy, at the right side of the screen.

    Super Grover Report

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    Paul C.
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sadly a stuntman d!ed during the chariot race and during filming a number of horses d!ed. Films these days are very carefully monitored for animal welfare.

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    It’s easy to make continuity mistakes because a movie scene isn’t always shot in order, and the shots might even be filmed days apart. High budget films will often have a script supervisor, or continuity director, who is in charge of making sure there are no continuity errors. But as we've seen, time and again, that person is only human. And try as they might, mistakes do happen.


    "In the good old days of Hollywood (let’s say pre-digital) a continuity director would yield quite a lot of power on set," explained Marshall. "As budgets got squashed and technology improved, this role became the reserve of big budget projects only."


    Jaws 2

    Shark animatronic with visible hydraulics in Jaws 2, showcasing a funny movie mistake.

    There's one bit where we see the shark slamming into a boat and gliding along the side with its mouth open. Not only does the shark's latex mouth bend beneath the snout, narrowing from pressure, but within the mouth you can clearly see yellow hydraulic tanks to open the mouth. (01:22:05)

    Movie Mistakes Report

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    Nathaniel He/Him Cis-Het
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hydraulic shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo. Hydraulic shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo. Hydraulic shark!

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    The Fugitive

    A woman in a blue coat experiences a funny continuity movie mistake with a dress change between scenes.

    When Kimble goes back to the hospital as a janitor to check the hospital computer, the lady working in the lab is wearing two different dresses. (01:05:15)

    Super Grover Report

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    Peter Pan

    Funny movie mistake: In Peter Pan, a ceiling light fitting disappears between scenes.

    When John says, "You offend reason sir," Peter floats up. The large light fixture is hanging from the ceiling. However, in the next shot facing Peter when he says, "Just think happy thoughts," where is the light fixture? It's gone so Peter can fly around the ceiling, but it's back again in later shots. (00:21:15)

    Super Grover Report

    According to Screen Rant, The Twilight Saga: New Moon is filled with regrettable errors "including visible mic wires, hairstyles that change from shot to shot, and vehicles that go from clean to dirty to clean again."

    The site even mentions a character's nipples changing colors over the course of the movie. And a "magical moving tattoo," which goes from the top of one character's arm to a few inches lower in the next shot.

    "Continuity errors make the Final Cut for various reasons," said Marshall. "Mostly, it’s because shooting has finished and there’s no budget to go back and reshoot. Sometimes the director decides the error isn’t glaring enough to warrant reshooting, perhaps if an actors hair is slightly out of position or the glass has mysterious emptied itself in 5 seconds. And occasionally, the error isn’t spotted or it’s seen too late to stop distribution."


    The Rock

    Ferrari in "The Rock" crashes through two different windows, highlighting funny movie mistakes.

    When Nicolas Cage drives through the window in the yellow Ferrari and the shot changes, he is coming out from a different window than in the first shot. In the first shot he emerges from the window to the left of the 7th Street Garage storefront ('Classic Autos' written on the window), but next shot he emerges from the window to the storefront's right. Also, note the now glassless window to the storefront's left, due to a previous take.

    Cochrane Report



    Actor wearing sunglasses with a boom mic and reflector screen visible, highlighting funny movie mistakes.

    At Hoover Dam, after the salute, when Defense Secretary Keller speaks with Lennox and Epps, the reflection of the white reflector screen is visible on Keller's glasses. What's more, the boom mic's reflection is actually visible within the reflector screen's reflection. Two for the price of one. (01:35:30)

    ployp Report


    The Goonies

    Funny movie mistake: Refilled water cooler bottle in "The Goonies" scene.

    In the scene in the basement, Chunk is about to drink from the water cooler bottle that is mostly empty. When he stands up and tries to catch it, it's more than half full. (00:40:25)

    Super Grover/hunter Report

    "I have spotted continuity errors that others have not seen and I’m sure many others have done the same," Marshall revealed during our interview. "I know directors who have scant regard for continuity and are even dismissive if their attention is brought to one. And I know directors who cost a project a fortune because of their adherence to continuity."


    Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince

    Ron in Quidditch gear with part of his body missing, showcasing funny movie mistakes in "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince."

    During Quidditch tryouts, when Ron blocks the Quaffle with his head in the closeup, Ron's body disappears at the bottom of the screen below the digital editing line. (Only visible on fullscreen DVD).

    Super Grover Report


    Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle

    Film crew visible in jungle scene, illustrating funny movie mistakes.

    The scene where Spencer throws the boomerang for the first time and misses the bikers they take off running. While they are running from the bikers, there is a shot right before the boomerang hits the bikers where you can see a camera man sitting in the bushes on the left side. You don't have to pause it, but can to see it better. (00:36:30)

    jimba Report


    The Mask

    Crew member mistaken for actor in The Mask; funny movie mistake.

    Towards the end of the film you see the long haired baddie grab Milo by the hind legs (just before Milo puts the mask on). As Milo starts to change you can just about see the baddie who is holding his legs, except he is now a different person with brown curly hair, nobody who is seen prior or following this shot. Presumably he is the dog trainer. (01:23:15)

    Super Grover/Dragon Report

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    The classic blockbuster Forrest Gump also blessed us with a gaffe that was pointed out by those who know their Apple history. There's a scene in the movie where the main character, played by Tom Hanks, invests in Apple stock. When he receives a thank you letter from the company, it's dated 1975. However, Apple didn't go public until 1980. Oops!


    Bad Boys

    Computer screen from "Bad Boys" displaying funny movie mistake involving a printer driver.

    When the computer is being hacked and the password and/or code for the database is shown on the screen, most of the display is for an Autodesk printer driver. (01:39:00)

    Movie Mistakes Report

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    Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa)
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    LOL I literally pause movies to read screens like this. "Select paper size" is a HUGE CLUE!

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    Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle

    Actors in "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" highlight funny movie mistakes with disappearing bullet holes.

    When the Angels are walking through the sprinklers after getting shot, you can see the bullet holes in each one of the Angels' shirts. When they get to the car, and it blows up, Cameron Diaz's bullet hole disappears. (01:20:00 - 01:21:30)

    Movie Mistakes Report



    Surgeons in a scene with a crewmember error highlighted from a funny movie mistake.

    When Mr. Bean is in the operating room, there is a man standing behind a machine who is not dressed like the other surgeons.

    Turangaa_Maxx Report

    Sometimes it’s celebrities and actors themselves who point out the mistakes—rather publicly. Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is set in the year 1969. Toward the end of the movie, Leonardo DiCaprio’s character, Rick Dalton, reportedly arrives back in Hollywood from Europe on a Boeing 747.

    Fellow actor John Travolta didn't skip a beat when he noted this would have been completely impossible. “Well, the 747 had its test flight in February 1969, but it went into service in January 1970," quipped Travolta, a trained pilot and plane enthusiast. "They’re nine months off! He would have been on a Boeing 707!”


    Bridget Jones's Diary

    Mistake in Bridget Jones's Diary: visible sheet "snow" not covering the ground.

    When they're driving back to the Darcys' in the snow, you can see that as they pass through the village near the house, the snow on the ground is in fact a white ground sheet and has not been pulled up to the edges of the wall surrounding the green. (01:17:25)

    Movie Mistakes Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's really kind of funny... but you have to think how much lower resolution was then... they knew they could get away with it.. just poor execution lol

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    Mr. And Mrs. Smith

    Funny movie mistakes in "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" showcase headrest design changing between shots.

    While being chased by the 3 BMWs, the passenger's headrest of the Dodge minivan driven by Brad changes from a 1-piece (part of the seat), to a headrest that you can adjust the height and it keeps changing during the scene.

    Andrew Quattropani Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    nah - hers just had a seat cover on it... you can see his head rest is different than hers in the first one

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    The Jackal

    Funny movie mistake: Helicopter number changes from 28 to 29 in "The Jackal" scene.

    As the FBI and Richard Gere rush to the hospital to save the First Lady they are flying in a helicopter. You see a shot of the helicopter flying over buildings then it cuts to dialogue inside then back to the landscape shot. However in the first shot the helicopter carries the number "28" on the side. When it cuts back after the dialogue it has "29" on the side of it. (01:36:35 - 01:40:00)

    Super Grover Report


    Rambo: First Blood

    Boom mic visible in a scene from Rambo: First Blood, showcasing funny movie mistakes.

    Visible crew/equipment: At the beginning of the movie, Sheriff Teasle escorts Rambo to the outskirts of town. As the sheriff drives off, the boom mike is visible in the reflection of the car's right rear passenger window. (00:07:30)

    Mister Ed Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No. It obviously reflects the paranoia and PSTD of the character. It is a deep easter egg!

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    Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

    Pirate movie scene highlighting an unlit candle that suddenly lights up, showcasing a funny movie mistake.

    At Tia Dalma's, when Jack says, "Look, an undead monkey," and shoots the monkey, the flame of the candle above the monkey is extinguished from the gunfire. However, in the next shot that candle is burning brightly. (00:49:30)

    Super Grover Report


    Men In Black

    Funny-Movie-Mistakes: Scene from "Men in Black" with a table that shifts position between cuts.

    When Will Smith and the other recruits are taking their written tests, the white table first appears to be situated between the second and third men from the left. When Smith goes to the table to pull it across the room, it is much further to the right of the scene. (00:24:25 - 00:26:35)

    Sacha Report

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    Ron Man
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not a mistake. The movie clearly shows the table being moved by someone.

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    Funny movie mistakes in McLintock! showing a door turning into a window and changing siding.

    In Kate's hotel room, when she's trying to get away from GW she steps backwards through the hotel room's doorway onto the porch, and falls straight through the broken wood railing, but when GW looks down at Kate on the pile of hay, there's now a window behind GW, not a doorway, and clapboard siding has suddenly appeared on the hotel wall as well.

    Super Grover Report

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    Taxi 2

    Stunt crash mats visible on a truck in Taxi 2 scene, highlighting funny movie mistakes.

    When Émilien is chasing after the Ninjas on foot, they jump from a bridge onto the top of an orange lorry. The orange crash mats that the 'Ninjas' land on are visible in the overhead shots. (00:47:35)

    Oliver Hunter Report

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    Bruce Almighty

    Scene from Bruce Almighty highlighting funny movie mistakes with character continuity errors.

    In the scene where Bruce is confronting the g**g that beat him up earlier, he has the monkey come out of the guy, who falls to the ground in pain. After the other guys run away, there is a shot of Bruce taunting them, but the injured guy is not on the ground behind him, even though he should be visible. A second later, he reappears when Bruce turns to face him. (00:38:35)

    Movie Mistakes Report

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    Scene from "Spaceballs" showing a mirror edge, illustrating funny movie mistakes in a desert setting.

    When we see Dark Helmets' hoverjeep in the desert, watch the front end: you can clearly make out the edge of the mirrored box they used for the "hover" effect.

    Movie Mistakes Report

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    David Beth
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And that "jeep" is a 1973 Volkswagen Thing. Pretty sure that mirror was there, with visible front, intentionally.

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    Toy Story

    Floating door bolts in Toy Story illustrate a funny movie mistake.

    When Woody falls out of the closet wrapped in the string lights he hears Buzz's voice, and in the next shot as Woody sneaks up to Hannah's room we see Sid's open door and doorway, which looks perfectly normal. However, after Woody rescues Buzz from Hannah's tea party they both stop in the hallway, and there's another shot of Sid's open door and doorway, only this time it's not normal to say the least. Five of the six hasps, bolts, and locks that should be (and normally are) screwed into and attached to the inside of Sid's door (one hasp mechanism, third one down from the top, is attached to the door's frame) are now actually kind of floating there in mid-air right beside the doorway, as if there's an invisible door there. Weird that Pixar artists deliberately did this, but it's bizarrely funny to see.

    Super Grover Report

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    PeepPeep the duck
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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If they deliberately did it, it would be for more of a way to emphasise visually to kids that Sid is naughty and bad news. Insinuating subtle things in art is common in a lot of children’s themes. Without the ‘floaty locks’, it just appears to be another bedroom of a normal child.

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    Last Action Hero

    Dogs stacked in a pyramid with visible metal supports as a funny movie mistake.

    When Benedict snaps his fingers and the dogs form a pyramid to show how well they are trained - look at the dog's feet and you can see the rails that the dogs are standing on. (00:43:50)

    Super Grover Report

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    Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa)
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think that may be the first movie I walked out on. I was 13yo. Some people love that movie, but I thought it was hot garbage. Is it a comedy or an action movie? It tried to be both and did neither well.

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    High School Musical

    Funny movie mistakes: a milk carton on the floor disappears in the next scene of High School Musical.

    We see a close up of Gabriella slipping in some milk, but in the wide shots there is no milk or carton on the floor. (00:41:30)

    Hamster Report

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    Sweat stain disappearing between shots in "Sahara" movie scene, highlighting funny film mistakes.

    The guard sitting on the back of the train has sweat covering the front of his shirt. In the next shot, the sweat is gone.

    Mortug Report


    Superman III

    Superman flying scene with visible wires, demonstrating funny movie mistakes.

    When Superman is landing to stop the plough machine, the wires holding him are visible.

    Sacha Report

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    Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa)
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The 80s Superman movies are a complete disaster of bad special effects. The first one was fun but every successive film, it's like they were trying to min/max the budget and they just kept going downhill. Superman 4 is almost unwatchable it's so bad.

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    The Accidental Spy

    Accidental Spy scene shows funny movie mistake with a kid swapped for a dummy.

    When Jackie rescues the kid from the burning petrol truck you can see that they used a dummy when he dropped the kid. (01:11:36)

    Panther Report


    Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

    Funny movie mistakes in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" with lighting equipment reflected in a puddle.

    Upon entering the Chamber of Secrets, Harry spots Ginny and runs towards her. After the last close-up of Harry's face as he runs, there is shot that faces Ginny, showing Harry's back. At the very start of this shot, on the bottom left corner of the screen two overhead studio lights, other equipment and scaffolding are perfectly visible, reflected in the puddle to Harry's left. Later when he runs out of the pipe, towards Ginny, some light reflections are visible as well. (Visible on DVD fullscreen.) (02:04:40)

    Super Grover Report

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    Pearl Harbor

    Actor in military uniform with scarf mistake in Pearl Harbor scene. Funny movie mistakes.

    In the scene in front of the hotel on the night before Rafe ships out to England, Evelyn puts a scarf around his neck. There is a camera shot from his back: no scarf; then another one from his front, and he's wearing the scarf again. (00:27:10)

    ployp Report

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    Nathaniel He/Him Cis-Het
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Tbf the whole movie was a mistake other than the story about Cuba Gooding Jnrs character.

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    The Wizard Of Oz

    Funny movie mistakes in The Wizard of Oz; actors struggling to stay serious during a scene.

    Soon after Dorothy slaps the Cowardly Lion, she looks as though she is about to laugh out loud. This happens about 10 seconds or so after the slap. She even tries to put Toto in front of her face to cover up her smirking. (00:48:45)

    Super Grover Report

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    Sparkle Bean
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    next time you watch this, keep your eye on Dorothy's pony tails. They change length and curl almost from scene to scene. But then take another look at the twister in the beginning and remember that it was 1939 and be awed by the complete wizardry of making that Tornado look so real. It totally beats some of the CGI in the film Twister.


    The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement

    Two women in a movie scene with disappearing popcorn, highlighting funny movie mistakes in continuity.

    When they are looking at prospective husbands, Princess Mia and Lilly are eating popcorn and Lilly asks if it tastes like pears. Princess Mia answers its a "Genovian specialty," and the popcorn disappears immediately afterwards. (00:25:45)

    Super Grover/ployp Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's what popcorn does: it disappears like somebody would just inhale them.

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    "Tangled animation movie mistake showing shackle reappearing on Rapunzel's wrist in consecutive scenes."

    Just before Flynn cuts off Rapunzel's hair, there is a shot from behind him and he reaches up with his right hand to push her hair behind her ear. His arm is visible up to his forearm and the shackle is nowhere in sight. However, in the next, wide shot, the shackle is suddenly up around his wrist. (01:01:20)

    ployp Report


    Finding Nemo

    "Funny movie mistake in Finding Nemo, a Ziploc bag changes to a regular bag in an aquarium scene."

    When the dentist wants to put Nemo in a bag, it's a resealable one with a seam at the top. When he finally catches him, it has changed to a normal plastic bag.

    Lummie Report

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    Rocket Surgeon
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Scoop up with the ziplock, which has more rigid edges. Then dump into other bag that ties and so won't break open at the zipped if jostled.


    Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

    Child with smashed candy pumpkin in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," highlighting a funny movie mistake.

    In the scene where Mike Teavee has smashed up the red pumpkin-looking thing, he smashes it cleanly into two or three quite big pieces. When his father says "Mike, please" the pieces behind him are much smaller and all over. (00:41:35)

    Hamster Report

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    Two Weeks Notice

    Scene showing a funny movie mistake with a glove changing hands in "Two Weeks Notice".

    When Lucy is pushing the elevator button to George's penthouse in her bridesmaid dress, she's wearing only one glove. When she's in his closet helping him pick out clothes and giving her 'two weeks notice', she's still only wearing one glove, but now it's on the other hand. (00:25:40)

    Andreas[DK]/Chaz1003 Report


    Rat Race

    Cow scene error with crew member visible in "Rat Race," showcasing funny movie mistakes.

    When Duane hits the second cow while hanging from the rope, if you watch carefully you can see the head of someone, bent down behind the cow, wearing a white hat. (01:01:30)

    Hamster Report


    White Chicks

    Women hold different magazines in a comedic movie mistake scene from "White Chicks."

    When the girls are knocking on the "Wilson sisters' (the Copeland brothers in disguise) hotel door for the slumber party, Karen is holding a stack of magazines, and "Cosmopolitan" is on top. When one of the "sisters" opens the door, the magazine on top is now "Self." (00:48:40)

    Super Grover Report

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    Austin Powers In Goldmember

    A scene from Austin Powers: Goldmember showing a funny movie mistake with a mismatched body double.

    In the scene when Austin Powers goes to visit Dr. Evil in prison to ask about his father there is a shot of Dr. Evil with Austin's head partially in it. If you look at his reflection in the glass, you see he looks nothing like Austin. The person in the reflection is actually a body double. (00:21:20)

    Movie Mistakes Report


    Forrest Gump

    Scene from Forrest Gump with a visible funny movie mistake: the iron changes position.

    In the scene where Forrest goes and visits Jenny (and is introduced to his son), there is an iron on the ironing board in the background. It stands up, then down, then up. The child's artwork in the background also disappears. (01:56:25)

    Movie Mistakes Report


    Johnny English

    Movie scene showing a funny mistake where a tattoo vanishes in "Johnny English".

    When Natalie Imbruglia and Rowan Atkinson are trying to enter John Malkovich's "chateau", when Natalie is climbing a ladder a tattoo is visible on her lower back. Later, when Pascal Sauvage (Malkovich) is being crowned, Natalie is fighting a sniper on the upper-level of the church. When the sniper pushes her away, the stunt double for Natalie falls to the floor and the tattoo is missing.

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    Death Becomes Her

    Woman surprised at a funny movie mistake; a torn paper shifts from straight to jagged.

    When Madeline is given the card with address of Lisle Von Rhoman on it, she tears it down the middle into two, and the two pieces she tears are torn neatly and straight down the middle. Yet later, when Madeline takes the two pieces of the card from her bag, they are torn much differently, and aren't torn straight and neatly. (00:19:45 - 00:28:20)

    Super Grover Report

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    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My sister and I used to love watching this film together. "I can see right through you!"

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    Nanny McPhee

    Funny movie mistake in "Nanny McPhee" with a long rug appearing on the floor between scenes.

    After Evangeline has left with Aunt Adelaide, Nanny McPhee enters the children's room, and as she and Chrissie walk to the bed they pass Eric's, Lily's and Tora's beds, with the bare wood floor at the center - there is no rug. However, when Nanny McPhee leaves their room the long red and white rug is at the center of the floor, between all the beds. (00:51:55 - 00:52:55)

    Mortug Report

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    Resident Evil: Apocalypse

    Reflection of boom mic operator seen in a door window, capturing a funny movie mistake.

    A boom mic operator wearing a white shirt is seen reflected in the door that the female scientist opens, when the Umbrella personnel pick her up, as part of their extraction procedure. He is visible as the door is opening and very faintly when it is closed. (00:04:00)

    Super Grover/HailtotheKing Report


    The Godfather

    Funny movie mistake in "The Godfather" showing a bag of fruit that appears unexpectedly on a car hood.

    When Marlon Brando is gunned down at the fruit stand, he drops the bag of fruit he just bought. However, when he's collapsing against the car, the bag of fruit is now on the hood of the car. (00:43:05)

    Super Grover Report

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    Community Member
    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If life gives you oranges...You will die soon! 💀



    Scene from Constantine showing funny movie mistake with changing shoe soles.

    In the scene where John commits s*****e by slitting his wrist, the soles of his shoes go from brand new and unmarked (quite clearly seen in a couple of close up shots) to scuffed and worn (also seen quite well in a couple of shots). (01:34:25)

    Mad Ade Report


    House Of Wax

    Scene from "House of Wax" showing continuity error; items vanish from the ground. Funny movie mistakes highlighted.

    When Carly locks herself in the truck, the owner throws to the ground the box holding the fan belt and a few other things, right beside the driver's side of the truck. In the next exterior shot, there is nothing on the ground. (00:50:50)

    Oliver Hunter Report

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    Scary Movie 4

    Man in a room noticing a funny movie mistake where a picture changes in "Scary Movie 4."

    When Tom (Charlie Sheen) is about to pick up the picture, you can see that the person on the right on the picture is on the far right of the frame. When it cuts to a close-up of the picture the person on the right has moved to the middle of the picture. In fact it's basically a different picture. (00:05:25)

    Ssiscool Report

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    Mark Wilson
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Maybe there was a witch involved -- like that scene in the pilot for 'Charmed' where the Halliwell sisters are retroactively closer in the picture! That's gotta be it, case closed :)


    The Phantom Of The Opera

    Funny movie mistakes in "The Phantom of the Opera" showing hair changing unexpectedly between scenes.

    As Christine and Raoul race up the stairs of the Opera House, her hair is loose. By the time they come out onto the rooftop, it's partially pulled back in an elaborate fashion. She's never off screen long enough to have done that. (01:05:35 - 01:07:05)

    Sereenie Report

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    Dirty Mary Crazy Larry

    Funny movie mistake showing inconsistent signs in "Dirty Mary Crazy Larry".

    While at the pool hall, Mary indicates that the sign in the window describes Larry perfectly. A close-up shows it reads 'Out To Lunch', but the next wide shot shows it reads 'We're Closed'. (01:01:45)

    johnrosa Report

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    Jurassic Park

    Funny movie mistakes in Jurassic Park, with visible set netting and scaffolding circled in the jungle scene.

    After escaping the T. Rex, when Alan and the kids climb the huge tree we can see a bit of what looks like netting at the top right side of the screen and also the set's scaffolding at the left side, then after the scene with Hammond and Ellie in the dining hall, when it cuts back to Alan and the kids we can see much more of the netting behind the tree set, at the top of the screen.

    Super Grover Report

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    The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King

    Cloak brooch changes direction in "The Lord of the Rings," a classic example of funny movie mistakes.

    On the fields of Pelennor, after the great battle, before Pippin and Merry meet again, Pippin's Lorien brooch points to his right. As Pippin is walking and looking around, his brooch is pointing to his left. When Pippin is next to Merry, the leaf is pointing to his right again. Obviously the second shot is flipped. (02:16:30)

    Cubs Fan Report

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    Michael Largey
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's one of those compass broaches, so popular back then in Middle Earth.

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    Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl

    Funny-Movie-Mistakes: Visible safety floor in a "Pirates of the Caribbean" scene.

    As Will and Jack duel up top in Brown's shop, in two close-up shots a large plank is visible at their feet with two long black marks along each side detailing where the beams are supposed to be, so that Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp know where to land as they supposedly leap from beam to beam and feign keeping their balance. (This is ONLY visible on the video version.)

    Super Grover Report

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    Sara Frazer
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "the video version"?? Do you mean VHS? Genuinely curious.. dang I feel old ...


    Love Actually

    A funny movie mistake in "Love Actually" showing a continuity error with a card and hand position.

    When Karen rips open the wrapping on her gift from Harry, in the close-up of the CD as she holds it with her right hand, it is blatantly obvious that it is not Emma Thompson's hand. Just compare it with the earlier shot of her hand when she sneaks a peak at the card signed - "Sorry I'm such a grumpy bugger.. Bad Harry." (01:27:45)

    Super Grover Report

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    The Simpsons Movie

    Bart Simpson's grip on bomb differs between shots in a funny movie mistake from The Simpsons Movie.

    When Homer and Bart are on the motorcycle trying to get rid of the b**b, the b**b slips out of Bart's grip. When he's hanging onto his father's shirt, Bart first grips the b**b's handle with his palm and fingers facing the front of the b**b, with the clock. Then when he's hanging onto his father's hair, Bart's hand has flipped around and he's now gripping the b**b's handle with his palm and fingers facing the back of the b**b. Something to look out for is the shot just before the close-up of Chief Wiggum, because as Bart raises his arm the b**b actually flips over in his hand while we're watching. Quite impossible. (01:12:55)

    Super Grover Report


    Scary Movie 2

    Scene from "Scary Movie 2" showing a funny movie mistake with grapes vanishing from a turkey platter.

    The purple grapes around the turkey platter disappear then reappear. (00:23:25)

    Hamster Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Fast Times At Ridgemont High

    Continuity error in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" with changing hairstyle, showcasing funny movie mistakes.

    When Mike is trying to get Mark to ask Stacey out, there is a shot of her behind the counter and Stacey's hair is pulled back on the sides in french braids with ribbons on the ends. Then when Mark approaches Stacey, her hair is pulled back in a clip. The first shot of Stacey with the braid, is actually cut from a scene later in the film, when Mark and Stacey talk at the counter. (00:27:35 - 00:28:20)

    Super Grover Report

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    Michael None
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There's only one 10 second clip of that movie that has ever been put under intense scrutiny and this ain't it.

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    The Last Boy Scout

    Funny movie mistake in "The Last Boy Scout" with a disappearing and reappearing windscreen.

    When the red Sunbird and the Caddy are driving sown the steep hill, the windshield on the Sunbird changes from passenger side busted out, to completely gone, to completely intact, when they hit the tree at the bottom. (01:18:15)

    Movie Mistakes Report

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    Airplane II: The Sequel

    Security guard pointing at a screen showing a continuity error with empty chairs in "Airplane II: The Sequel".

    At the beginning, when people are walking through the metal detector and on the screen it shows them nude, the background is different on the screen. For example, the screen shows two people sitting down, but there are no people sitting down. (00:02:35)

    Casual Person Report

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    Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa)
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If that's the only continuity issue that sticks out in THAT movie, you weren't having a good time, and you're probably German.

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    Just Married

    Funny movie mistake in "Just Married," where a drawing changes position between scenes.

    During their sightseeing in Italy, Sarah and Tom pose for an artist who sketches the two of them. In the first shot, their portrait is tacked on the left of the easel with two other portraits. In the next close-up, their portrait is tacked on the right of the easel. (00:55:30)

    Super Grover Report


    How The Grinch Stole Christmas

    A camera shadow visible in a scene from "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," illustrating a funny movie mistake.

    Visible crew/equipment: When the Grinch is building the sled as he is putting the tin sheets on it there is an overview shot where you can see the shadow of the camera. (01:01:01)

    AidanN Report

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    Smokey And The Bandit

    Police car in Smokey and the Bandit with a funny-movie-mistake; damaged hood is magically fixed in the next scene.

    After the Bandit jumps the bridge Sheriff Justice rear-ends the cop car in front of him, smashing the hood of his car. In the next scene Sheriff Justice's hood is fine.

    Super Grover/johnrosa Report

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    Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed

    Actor in Scooby-Doo 2 scene with visible protective pad, highlighting a funny movie mistake.

    When Fred rushes in to fight the Black Knight Ghost in Mr. Wickles' castle, he is hit in the face several times with the back of his shield. As he falls, you can see the pad on the back of the shield to protect his face. (It is not noticeable when he first runs in.) (00:23:20)

    Ssiscool Report

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    Garfield: The Movie

    Dog's collar magically disappears in a scene from Garfield: The Movie, illustrating funny movie mistakes.

    When Odie comes out on the porch to keep Garfield company, his collar and tags are visible; even more so when he attempts to get back in. But when the shot pulls away to show Odie alone on the steps (before running off after the scooter), his collar is gone. Part of the plot hinges on Jon trying to find Odie, who wasn't wearing his tags.

    Movie Mistakes Report

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    Problem Child 2

    Child in a movie with misaligned vomit stream, showcasing funny movie mistake.

    Junior can't get on the Crazy Dance because he is a milimeter too short. After seeing Murph (the 20-year old in his class) and Trixie (on heels) get on it, Junior speeds up the ride and all the kids on it get dizzy and barf everywhere. If you look where the p**e shoots out, it's a bit obvious it's not coming from their mouths, but from a point behind them. Most obvious are Trixie and the boy wearing glasses.

    Miguel Campos Report



    Scene showing funny movie mistakes with tape covering brand names in "B.A.P.S."

    While Nisi and Mickey are in the kitchen, when Isaac and Manley walk in, on the counter is a box of instant grits with tape covering its brand name (Quaker) and a bit of tape covering the face of the company logo. Then when Mr. Blakemore takes out the ice cream there's tape covering its brand name as well.

    Super Grover Report

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    Deta Rossiter
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    if you not paying for product placement, they will not advertise your product. it is well known. Same how iPhone and Mac laptops are not allowed to be used by the Villans in movies either.

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    Big Momma's House

    Funny movie mistakes with a visible fake shower head in a "Big Momma's House" scene.

    When Big Momma is taking a shower, you can clearly see that the shower head is a mirror, with the water coming only out of the top, and when Big Momma bends over, you can also see her reflection in the shower head. (00:12:00)

    Super Grover Report

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    Planes, Trains & Automobiles

    Actor with glove continuity error in "Planes, Trains and Automobiles," showcasing funny movie mistakes.

    When Owen arrives at the hotel to meet Neal and Del to drive them to the train station, Owen is wearing gloves on both hands. As he introduces himself and shakes their hands, Owen's right hand is now bare even though there wasn't enough time to remove the glove. (00:33:55)

    pinkwafer Report

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    Sparkle Bean
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    1 month ago

    This comment has been deleted.


    Mr. Deeds

    Funny movie mistakes in "Mr. Deeds" where a cup of tea vanishes between scenes.

    When Deeds meets the three old women on the bench, the woman farthest to the right in the orange coat has her hands empty, yet when the shot changes she has a cup of tea in her hands. The tea then disappears in the next shot. (00:09:15)

    Hamster Report

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    Hot Fuzz

    Man in sunglasses with missing triggers on shotguns, showcasing funny movie mistakes.

    When the Sergeant has the shotguns in the backpack on his back, and you see a close up of his face, you can see that the shotguns do not have triggers. On plastic prop rifles, the trigger is usually molded into the trigger guard in the pulled back position, and you can see this on these prop shotguns.

    AidanN/Ian Hunt Report

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    Julie S
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why do you think there is so little gun crime in the UK, because our guns don't have triggers.


    Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory

    Character in top hat using cane on prop, highlighting a funny movie mistake.

    In the scene where Willy Wonka and the group of golden ticket holders enter the room with the chocolate river, Willy Wonka picks up a mushroom head with his cane. If you look closely, you can see holes under the mushroom head where he has previously done this, probably more than one take for that scene.

    Super Grover Report


    Thomas And The Magic Railroad

    Thomas the Tank Engine scene with visible rope mistake on a bridge.

    As Thomas crosses the viaduct gap, a rope can be seen pulling him.

    RustingLynx Report


    The Greatest Showman

    Bar scene from "The Greatest Showman" showing funny movie mistakes with visible stunt and actor marks.

    While Barnum and Phillip sing "The Other Side" Phillip uses two stools to get up and down from the bar top. When he steps down from the bar top, in this wideshot (also the first shot of them in the pub and other shots) the two upright stools Phillip used are secured with additional support, note the floor area underneath the stools' legs have the same pattern as the rest of the floor, though we can see the outline where the pattern's lines don't match up. Additionally, we also see three actors' marks (in the shape of an "L") on the floor in front of the bar, which will be where Barnum and Phillip will stand when they agree on the ten percent. (00:36:05)

    Super Grover Report



    Rusty truck facing opposite directions in movie scenes from "Australia," showcasing funny movie mistakes.

    As Mr. Fletcher is riding up on horseback to greet Lady Ashley, you can see him riding up next to a parked, red truck, that has the front end pointed away from the house. Keep an eye on that truck, because it will have the front end pointing towards the house, as Fletcher gets closer to Lady Ashley. (00:27:50)

    Super Grover/ployp Report

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    Michael Largey
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not that surprising on a continent where everything is turned upside down.


    Transformers: Age Of Extinction

    Funny movie mistakes in "Transformers: Age of Extinction" with wall continuity error highlighted.

    Just after Lockdown stabs Optimus in the chest with his own sword, Cade runs closer and shoots at Lockdown. He then hides behind some bricks. In that shot, the bricks are a broken wall that is two separate pieces. Then it cuts to a different shot as Lockdown returns fire at Cade, and now the wall is one piece. Not only this, but some random guy suddenly appears in the shot next to the wall and right where the explosion happens where Lockdown shot the wall. He is wearing the same color clothes as the wall and only visible for a moment. There was no other guy present until that moment and he just suddenly appears behind Cade and gets hit. It's presumably a special effects member setting off the charge in the wall by the looks of it and it detonated before he got out of the shot. (02:30:55)

    Quantom X Report

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    Ghost Ship

    Fireproof vest visible in burning scene from Ghost Ship, illustrating funny movie mistakes.

    When Santos catches fire and falls over on deck, the fireproof vest is very visible on his right arm. (00:46:05)

    Ssiscool Report

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    Alvin And The Chipmunks

    Umbrella and skateboard swap positions in "Alvin and the Chipmunks" scene - funny movie mistakes highlighted.

    When Dave leaves his house for work, there is a skateboard leaning up against the wall by the door and there is an umbrella stand with a lot of umbrellas in it. But when Dave gets back home from work the skateboard is now on the other side of the door in the corner and there are now fewer umbrellas in the stand. (00:03:35 - 00:09:30)

    Hamster Report

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    Sara Frazer
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Once again, I don't believe that this was necessarily a masterpiece of cinema... Matter of fact my boss at my last job (bartending) tried to put it on the TV behind the bar, and I told her that I'd leave if she did 😹


    Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

    Funny movie mistake in "The Phantom Menace" where a boy's hand placement changes between shots.

    When Anakin attaches 3PO's right eye, one shot has the eye in his left hand, then the angle changes and the eye is being applied with the right hand. (00:37:20)

    Lummie Report

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    Furious 7

    "Funny movie mistakes in Furious 7, showing a continuity error with the 'Captured' stamp."

    When we first see Hobbs he is marking a load of paperwork as captured. On the first sheet, he punches "captured" directly on the photo. In the next shot the word "captured" has changed its position on the photo. (00:09:35)

    Ssiscool Report

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    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Because these films are such masterful pieces of cinema otherwise /s


    E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial

    Funny-Movie-Mistakes: A milk carton appears on the shelf after it is shown spilling on the floor in E.T.

    When Elliott gets food for himself and ET he takes the milk container from the top shelf of the fridge, and we see an empty space beside the Skippy peanut butter where the milk had been, but after Elliott drops everything onto the floor, in his next two closeups note the milk container (it has a distinctive curved design) is back on the shelf in the same spot beside the Skippy jar.

    Super Grover Report



    Animated character from Zootopia with door lock mistake highlighted for funny movie mistakes.

    When the landlady shows Judy to her "luxury apartment" note the position of the vertical deadbolt lock affixed to the front door and jamb, but the next morning when Judy leaves for the ZPD, as she unlocks the door the deadbolt lock has moved higher up on the door and jamb (note wallpaper). Additionally, just as Judy opens the door we can see that although the interior deadbolt is affixed higher, its key cylinder on the exterior side is much lower, which makes no sense, but then the deadbolt is back to normal.

    Super Grover Report

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    Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom

    Crew members visible on set of Indiana Jones, a classic funny movie mistake.

    After Willie spits in Indy's face it cuts to Short Round running through the mine, and just as Shorty turns his head toward the camera behind him, we can catch a glimpse of something blue which does not belong in this dark dreary environment, at the right side of the screen. There is a tall spotlight and two crew members, one is wearing a solid blue shirt and a cap, and the other a blue/white striped shirt with white pants. (01:21:25)

    Super Grover Report

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    Stunt cables visible in "Face/Off" scene, highlighting funny movie mistakes.

    In the shoot 'em up scene at the hangar near the beginning of the film, right after Tito and Wanda take down Pollux, when Troy shoots an agent in the stomach and the agent flies back - you can see at least two cable wires pulling him backwards. You can first notice the 2 wires when the agent is running in slow motion right before he shoots him. (00:14:15)

    Super Grover Report

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    Big Fat Liar

    Man with blue face in a movie scene showing funny movie mistakes, earpiece popping out but reappearing in different shots.

    During Marty's drive to the bogus address, when he is done speaking with Monty, just as he says, "Wolf out!" he pulls the phone wire and the earpiece actually pops out of his ear, but in all of the following shots that earpiece is still in his ear. Since the super-glued earpiece is one of the main plot points, this is bizarre to say the least. (00:44:25)

    Super Grover Report

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    Bad Boys II

    Scene from "Bad Boys II" showing a funny movie mistake with a book switching hands.

    When Tapia is giving the mural artist a dressing-down, his daughter has a book in one hand for most of the scene, but when the shot changes to one from above Tapia and his daughter, the book changes to the other hand. (02:03:15)

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    Animated character on horseback experiencing a funny movie mistake with a self-sheathing sword.

    The wagon, which is full of explosives, is on fire, so Mulan cuts Kahn (the horse) free with her sword and jumps onto Khan. She starts to ride away, while she holds the reins in her left hand and the sword with her right hand, up in the air. The wagon explodes and in the next shot, she still holds the reins in her left hand, though the sword, still in midair in her right hand, is now actually in its sheath, which is always attached to the left side of her belt. Some arrows are missing on the ground as well. Then her sheathed sword lands on the ground beside her. (00:53:45)

    Super Grover Report

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    Honey I Shrunk The Kids

    Cereal with a screw floating in milk; a noted funny movie mistake from "Honey I Shrunk The Kids."

    When Nick is in the spoon, the milk around him turns green.

    Sacha Report

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    Mamma Mia!

    Movie scenes showing wall damage error in different rooms from Mamma Mia, highlighting a funny-movie-mistake.

    After Sophie faints at her bachelorette party, during the next scene it cuts back and forth between shots taking place in two rooms - Donna walking into Tanya and Rosie's room, then Sophie walking into Ali and Lisa's room, and both rooms have the very same cracks and stains on the walls revealing it was filmed in the same room, but with different furniture.

    Super Grover Report



    Supergirl flying scene error with mismatched halves, showcasing funny movie mistakes.

    When Supergirl flies through the window to fight the invisible monster, half of the screen shows her jumping in a school uniform and the other half exiting with the Supergirl outfit. Watch closely and you'll notice that her halves don't match, giving the sense that she is missing part of her body.

    Sacha Report

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    Police Academy 3: Back In Training

    Funny movie mistake in "Police Academy 3" where stains appear on a woman's dress before being splashed.

    At the Policeperson's Dance, Copeland spills punch over the Commissioner's wife's white dress. As the camera view switches, her dress is already stained before she is splashed.

    Mortug Report


    The People Under The Stairs

    Stuntperson with wig noticeable in scene from "The People Under the Stairs" highlighting movie mistakes.

    When Alice trips and falls on the staircase, the Woman gets on top of her and tries to s**b her. Throughout their struggle, you can clearly see that Alice is in fact replaced by a stuntman. (01:28:00)

    Super Grover Report


    Coyote Ugly

    Signature inconsistency in Coyote Ugly, showcasing one of the funny movie mistakes in the film.

    At the beginning "Pete" asks Violet for her autograph on a time card. She signs it and the "T" is not crossed, and when Pete puts it on the board it is crossed. Then at the end when Violet's dad buys it from Pete it is again not crossed. Also if you look at the "V" when she signs it and after Pete puts it up they are different. And lastly, when Violet signs her last name it is spaced but when Pete puts it up it is jumbled together. Her signature is different all around. (00:01:30 - 01:27:30)

    Ronnie Bischof Report

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    Vegas Vacation

    Man entering porch with wire-screen, then inside holding a lamp, highlighting funny movie mistakes.

    At the beginning of the movie when Clark is entering his house and the camera angle is from inside, just as he opens the door there is something red on his front porch. If you look at any of the previous scenes, that red thing isn't there. It's the bottom of a sunscreen being used to block the bright sunlight (which would have flooded the camera) behind Clark as he enters the house. (00:01:44)

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    Actor in a Scooby-Doo scene with visible tape on arm, highlighting a funny movie mistake.

    When Fred smashes his arm through the round window of the garage and grabs Shaggy, if you look you can see some kind of clear tape on his arm to protect him from the glass. This is quite noticeable in closeups. (00:47:10)

    Hamster Report

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    Warrior in "Troy" blocks arrows; funny movie mistakes seen as arrows bend and vanish.

    When Ajax slams the hammer end of his spear into a man, he has his shield at his back. The top arrow in the shield is bent at a 90° angle and as Ajax moves the top (plastic) arrow droops down and the bottom arrow actually flops around. While still in the same location, when he sticks his spear into the sand and pulls the arrow out of his thigh, the arrows on his shield are gone. (00:42:20)

    Super Grover Report

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    The Twilight Saga: New Moon

    Funny movie mistake: A book appears and disappears on the bed in The Twilight Saga: New Moon scene.

    After Bella awakes from the first nightmare, we see her Romeo and Juliet book on the pillow beside her. When Charlie brings in her presents the book is gone, but then reappears on the pillow between shots. (00:03:00)

    Movie Mistakes Report


    Back To The Future Part II

    Hoverboard scene from Back to the Future Part II showing funny movie mistakes with visible stunt wheel.

    In the scene where Doc Brown is following Biff into the tunnel, as Marty starts to pass between the cars on his hoverboard, one of the wheels on the rig supporting the hovering DeLorean is visible. (01:30:30)

    Super Grover/M-90 Report

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    Mad Max

    Hand holding a chain mistakenly in a scene from Mad Max, highlighting funny movie mistakes.

    In the widescreen edition DVD, when Max's wife tugs at the chain on the back of the car after they have escaped the g**g members, before she sees the ripped-off hand tied to it, you can see a crew member's hand holding the chain. (01:00:50)

    johnrosa Report

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    2 Fast 2 Furious

    Funny movie mistakes in 2 Fast 2 Furious: words appear on pad before cop writes.

    When Suki and Tej are being booked for speeding when they took Brian's and Roman's cars, the police officer next to them should be writing on his notepad, but instead the words are already written and he is just moving the pen over these words. (01:24:25)

    Ssiscool Report

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    Sara Frazer
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well knowing the cops in this country maybe the words were already there in light gray font for him to trace over, kindergarten worksheet style...



    Two girls in a scene from a movie, switching positions, highlighting a funny movie mistake.

    Tai and Cher are hugging when they are watching Travis' skateboarding competition. Cher starts out on the left and Tai on the right. They hug in that position and then mysteriously end their hug on opposite sides.

    Super Grover/ployp Report

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    Novel Idesa
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They didn't switch positions, the camera angle changed. The backgrounds are clearly different.


    Poll Question

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