Mothers have to deal with a lot in their lives, and their superpowers are highly underrated. Until you become a mother yourself, it’s hard to understand and appreciate the emotional rollercoaster of raising kids, managing everyone’s lives, and keeping up with the house chores.
With the number of things moms are juggling, we can’t blame them if their patience runs short or if they’re squeezing in some extra me-time. Rather often, out of everyone in the household, mums deserve a break the most.
We hope this list of relatable mom memes offers our beloved mothers relief and puts a smile back on their tireless faces. Scroll through our collection of comical mom’s life moments, and let’s come together to honor all the fantastic supermoms.

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“Hold My Hand, Please”

A Mom meme depicting a figure skating pair on an ice rink. The male skater is in a navy military-style costume, pulling the female skater, who is stretched out horizontally on the ice, holding his hand. The text above the image reads, "Please hold my hand and walk next to me." Below that, it says "Kid:" humorously illustrating how a child might dramatically interpret the simple request to hold hands and walk.

inhealth_ire Report

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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When my daughter was 2, she refused to hold my hand when crossing the street. Then we saw a baby squirrel that hadn't made it all the way and was sadly flattened in the middle of the road. She asked what happened and I replied "He didn't hold his mommy's hand when crossing" - worked like a charm for the next few years! There was never a fuss about holding hands.

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Silent Treatment

A Mom meme featuring an image of a man in a suit, smiling smugly while holding a glass of whiskey. The text above the image reads, "When my kid threatens to not talk to me for the rest of the day." The meme humorously captures a parent's amused reaction to a child's attempt to "punish" them by staying silent.

j_marie629 Report

Stay-at-Home Moms Could Be Earning Thousands

According to 2018 research by Beike Biotechnology, a center that does societal and stem cell studies, a stay-at-home mom with four children is estimated to be continuously working the equivalent of 26 years (1). The research group conducted this study using statistical data, salary metrics, and time estimates for each job of motherhood across various countries. 

The study then projected the commercial value of the usual tasks performed by stay-at-home mothers, like cooking, cleaning, shopping, laundry, and general home management tasks, putting a value on each role versus the projected number of hours. 

If moms were paid for these tasks, they should be raking in substantial salaries. For instance, a stay-at-home mom would take home between USD 5,300 and USD 5,900 in Switzerland.

In a recent study, four US cities were ranked among the top 10 cities where stay-at-home moms would earn the highest salaries if paid for all their work. These cities are San Francisco, Washington DC, New York, and Los Angeles, with potential earnings of up to USD 5,400.


Job Description: Popstar Snack Holder

A Mom meme featuring an image of a glamorous woman dressed in a black outfit with a large hat and sunglasses, holding several snacks and juice boxes. Next to her is a young child eating a snack. The text above the image reads, "Motherhood is being the snack holder for children no matter how fabulous you look." The meme humorously highlights the reality that being a mom means always carrying snacks for kids, regardless of how stylish or elegant you appear.

humanitarianmom Report

Why Moms Carry Their Kids on the Left

According to Abigail Tucker (Smithsonian Magazine, 2021), whether a mom is left or right-handed, they would still cradle their babies on the left side of their body, especially in the early months (2). 

The left-handed bias is due to the human brain’s lopsided layout: sensory information on the left side of the body is processed on the right side of the brain, where emotions are processed. 

A 2018 study published in Biology Letters Journal demonstrated that holding and observing the baby on the left may help transmit social information to the right side more efficiently (3). Babies also prefer to keep their mother on the left side, which makes the exchange of information and emotional connection more convenient. 


Lead By Example

A Mom meme showing a social media post where the user states, "My own mom uses me as a bad example for other’s kids." Below, a reply reads, "Someone's mom is totally using you as a bad example for her kids." The meme humorously highlights the relatable experience of feeling like a cautionary tale used by parents to teach their children what not to do.

tea_snob10 Report

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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

See? You're no completely useless, you can be use as a bad example


Avoid Eye Contact at All Costs

A Mom meme featuring a close-up image of a child lying in bed, eyes wide open, with a serious expression. The text above reads, "Never make eye contact with a child on the verge of falling asleep," and below, "They will sense your excitement and abort mission." The meme humorously captures the delicate moment when a child is almost asleep, and how easily that moment can be disrupted by a parent's hopeful gaze.

mummyhereandthere Report

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Just another bot
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Omg so true, that's exactly when they decide they have your attention, so I might as well go play now

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“Mommy Brain” is a Real Phenomenon

When mothers feel forgetful, it’s due to a biological reason known as “mommy brain.” A study published in the Nature Neuroscience Journal in 2016 found that mothers experience a reduction in gray matter during pregnancy, and these changes can last for at least two years (4).

However, losing gray matter during pregnancy may have some benefits. Research has revealed that the brain regions involved in processing and responding to social signals may become more efficient during pregnancy. 

In fact, women who experienced the most significant decrease in gray matter performed better on a standard assessment of maternal attachment to their children. This indicates that the areas of the brain responsible for a mother’s interaction with her child become more active.


Taking A Picture Of Your Kid

A Mom meme featuring a collage of nine different figure skaters making intense, humorous, and awkward facial expressions while performing. The text above reads, "When you ask your kid to smile for a picture." The meme humorously illustrates how children often make funny or exaggerated faces when asked to smile for a photo, capturing the unpredictability of kids’ expressions.



Candy Alert

A Mom meme featuring a group of wide-eyed, excited owls looking intently in the same direction. The text above reads, "candy wrapper makes that crinkle sound Kids:" The meme humorously illustrates how children immediately perk up and pay attention at the sound of a candy wrapper, much like the alert expressions of the owls in the image.

cynicalparent Report

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Cody Eriksen
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Or my dogs when I open the cheese drawer... they are my kids.... my husband comes running, too

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Pregnancy May Actually Be Contagious

A 2014 study published in the Advanced Life Course Research Journal analyzed the pregnancy timing of more than 30,000 German women and found that pregnancy spreads in workplaces (5). In the year after a colleague had a baby, there was an uptick in first pregnancies among colleagues. 

Similar research published in the Demography Journal 2010 showed the same trend followed by families (6). A Norwegian study involving over 110,000 sibling pairs demonstrated that siblings significantly influence each other’s decision to get pregnant, particularly during their first pregnancies.


Goal: “Sleep Like My Husband”

A Mom meme featuring a simple black and white illustration of a smiling mother holding her child against a light blue background. The text reads, "I don't want to sleep like a baby, I just want to sleep like my husband." The meme humorously conveys a mother's frustration with the phrase "sleep like a baby," expressing a desire for the deep, uninterrupted sleep often associated with her husband.


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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is pretty sexist actually. There are parents out there where they guy awakes quicker if the baby screams. No reason to ridicule them.

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Regretting That You Taught Them to Say “Mom”

A Mom meme with two images from animated movies. The top image shows Rapunzel from "Tangled," smiling happily, with the caption, "The FIRST time you hear 'Mom!'" The bottom image shows Merida from "Brave," looking exhausted and frustrated, with her hands on her head, and the caption, "The 7,567TH time." The meme humorously illustrates the contrast between a mom's initial excitement and eventual exasperation at repeatedly being called by her children.

parentnormal Report


Neverending Story

A Mom meme featuring an image of a woman with a wide, slightly forced smile and wide eyes, appearing both amused and exasperated. The text above reads, "When your kids keep telling a story," and below, "And it won’t end." The meme humorously captures the feeling of a parent listening to a child's long-winded and never-ending story, trying to stay engaged while feeling overwhelmed.

j_marie629 Report


Clueless Mom

A Mom meme featuring an image of a woman making an exaggerated, clueless face with her arms raised in a shrug. The text above reads, "Kid: mommy, how come my dinosaur doesn’t roar anymore and all my tractors stopped making digging noises?" followed by "Me:" above the image. The meme humorously portrays a mom's feigned ignorance or playful response when asked about toys that no longer make noise, often due to removing the batteries.

managing.motherhood Report

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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My kids didn't know batteries could be replaced until the oldest hit double digits in age. XD

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Meal Prepper

A Mom meme featuring an image of an elderly woman with white hair, glasses, and a warm smile, sitting in a cozy chair. The text above reads, "Me at age 98 fondly remembering that one time I made a meal and all three of my kids ate it." The meme humorously reflects on the rare and memorable achievement for a mom when all her children actually eat the meal she prepared without complaint.

mommymemest Report


An Extra Kid—“Why Not?”

A Mom meme featuring a black and white illustration of a mother holding two babies, with a sarcastic dialogue next to her. The text reads, "'Are they twins?' 'No, I found the extra kid in the parking lot and thought, 'Why not?'" The meme humorously captures the frustration and humor of a mom frequently being asked if her children are twins, with a witty and exaggerated response.

muslimmamas Report

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Lara L.
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I get this question a lot with a short 4- year old and a tall 3- year old

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Finding Your Leftover Coffee

A Mom meme featuring an image of a yellow coffee mug sitting inside a microwave. The text reads, "WHEN YOU GO TO REHEAT YOUR COFFEE" at the top and "AND YOU FIND THE COFFEE YOU NEVER HAD THE CHANCE TO DRINK YESTERDAY" at the bottom. The meme humorously highlights a relatable mom moment of discovering yesterday's forgotten coffee while attempting to reheat a new cup, illustrating the constant interruptions moms face.


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diane a
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5 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

and you take a moment to decide if the milk would have gone off before zapping it. PS I dont even have kids.

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That Baby’s The Bomb

A Mom meme featuring an image of two people wearing full bomb disposal suits, carefully working on a device. The text above reads, "When the baby falls asleep on you and you try to move them to the crib." The meme humorously compares the delicate and cautious effort of moving a sleeping baby without waking them to a bomb squad defusing a bomb, highlighting the tension and precision required in both situations.

alrightmom Report

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Maria Kumar
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This has literally just happened to me. Baby finished his milk and is sleeping on his nursing cushion so am just waiting to make sure he's fully asleep before making the transfer over into his cot.

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Alcoholics Anonymom

A Mom meme showing a conversation between a doctor and a patient. The text reads: "Dr: do you have kids? Me: yes, I have 3 kids. Dr: do you drink? Me: yes, I have 3 kids." Below the text, there is an image of a doctor speaking to a woman sitting on a hospital bed. The meme humorously suggests that having three kids is enough reason for a parent to drink, emphasizing the stress and challenges of parenting.

motherhood_memoirs Report


Parenting A Toddler

A Mom meme featuring an image of a capybara sitting calmly on the grass while a small goat in a red sweater climbs on top of its head. The text above reads, "If you’re ever wondering what it's like to be the parent of a toddler." The meme humorously illustrates the unpredictable and chaotic behavior of toddlers, comparing them to the energetic goat, while the capybara represents the patient but weary parent.

cynicalparent Report

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Dibbo Sadhukhan
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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Co-Sleeping Conundrum

A Mom meme featuring an image from the movie "Titanic," showing Jack clinging to a wooden door in the water while Rose is lying comfortably on it, taking up most of the space. The text above reads, "When your kid takes up all of the space in your bed even though there should be plenty of space for you both..." The meme humorously compares the struggle of a parent trying to find room in a bed dominated by a child to Jack's struggle to find space on the floating door.

themommlife Report


“Got Busy Raising Babies”

A Mom meme featuring an image of two women with surprised and bewildered expressions, dressed in outdated 80s-style clothing with big hair and bold patterns. The text above reads, "When you finally get a night out and you realize your entire wardrobe went out of style while you were busy raising babies." The meme humorously captures a mom's realization that her fashion sense may have fallen behind while she was focused on parenting.


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Just another bot
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And that most of your old party dresses don't fit anyway :) oh the regrets

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Changes In Taste

A Mom meme featuring a simple black and white illustration of a fussy toddler turning away from a spoon of food with a frustrated expression. The text reads, "Oh, excuse me. Today you don't like bananas? I'm sorry, I must have confused you with that toddler that ate three entire bananas yesterday." The meme humorously captures the unpredictability of a child's changing food preferences, highlighting a parent's exasperation with their child's sudden aversion to a food they recently loved.

muslimmamas Report

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John Montgomery
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

To be fair, if the kid got sick on the bananas it could easily change their tastes. I hate green beans. I've been told I loved them until I got sick on them.

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Family Portrait

A Mom meme featuring two photos of a mother and her child at a table. In the first photo, the mom is smiling as her child proudly hands her a drawing. In the second photo, the mom looks less amused, staring at the drawing, which is shown on the right. The child’s drawing depicts a stick figure mom with an exaggerated, angry face, while a smaller stick figure looks scared or upset. The text above reads, "When your kid draws a picture of you," humorously capturing the awkward moment when a child's art portrays the parent in a less-than-flattering light.

cynicalparent Report

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KT Trondsen
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

LOL my son drew me as a super hero with super stretchy arms, he says im mrs incredible <3

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Extreme Makeover

A Mom meme featuring an image of Cinderella from the Disney movie, transforming from rags to a beautiful ball gown with sparkles swirling around her. The text above reads, "How moms feel after an uninterrupted shower." The meme humorously depicts the rare and magical feeling of rejuvenation and transformation a mom experiences when she gets the luxury of a shower without any interruptions.


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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Such bliss! My youngest is 15 finally, so I have had about 3 uninterrupted showers now, lol

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Snow: Expectation vs Reality

A Mom meme with a side-by-side comparison. On the left, a joyful mom and her child are playing in the snow, smiling and looking warm and happy. The text above reads, "What you think playing in the snow with kids will be like." On the right, an image of a frozen Jack Nicholson from "The Shining," covered in snow and looking miserable, with the text above saying, "What it actually is like." The meme humorously contrasts the expectation versus reality of playing outside in cold weather with children.

modernmomprobs Report

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Bored Fox
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don't understand why as a kid I loved snow and -30 degrees Celsius was not a problem - it was still easy to spend couple of hours playing outside. Nowadays I hate snow and cold.

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Mother’s Day Reminder

A Mom meme showing a handwritten note on a yellow piece of paper. The note reads, "Mom, I just wanted to tell you that Mother's Day wouldn't be possible without me. I'll be waiting for my present in the living room. Love, Joshua." The text above the image says, "This kid just cracked the Mother's Day secret." The meme humorously highlights a child's perspective on Mother's Day, suggesting they should receive a gift for their role in creating the day.

cynicalparent Report


If Looks Could Kill

A Mom meme featuring an image of a woman smiling with a slightly intense look in her eyes, giving a seemingly sweet yet forced smile. The text above reads, "That look your mom gives you when you embarrass her in public but she can't kill you yet." The meme humorously captures the expression a mom might have when trying to maintain composure in a public setting while feeling frustrated with her child's behavior.

casualpoliceman Report


Mommy’s Day Off

A Mom meme featuring a collage of three images showing a man with a blissful expression, eyes closed, and hands on his chest, clearly savoring a moment of relief. The text above reads, "When I finally get to leave the house without the kids." The meme humorously captures the pure joy and sense of freedom a mom feels when she gets a rare chance to step out of the house alone, enjoying a brief escape from her parenting duties.

momistas Report


“Let Me Call You Back”

A Mom meme featuring an image of a mother in the kitchen, multitasking while holding a young child who is clinging to her neck. Another child stands nearby, watching. The mother is stirring a pot on the stove while appearing to speak on the phone. The text above reads, "Hey Janice, yeah can I call you back in eleven years?" The meme humorously captures the hectic and overwhelming nature of a mom's life, implying that finding time for a phone call is nearly impossible with young kids around.

themommlife Report


“What Day Off?!”

A Mom meme featuring an image of a distressed woman, Anne Hathaway, with tears in her eyes, saying, "It isn't fair." The text above reads, "When you have the day off from work but your kids also have the day off from school." The meme humorously expresses the disappointment and frustration a mom feels when she expects a day of peace and quiet, only to realize her kids are also home, interrupting her plans for relaxation.

cynicalparent Report

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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yes! I had planned 5 free days last month just! for! me! ... and my 3 years old was sick at home every single day.

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Craving Alone Time

A Mom meme featuring a child playing on the floor surrounded by toy animals enclosed in a circular fence, with one lone cow outside the fence. The text reads, "Some people might feel bad for the one cow, but I would kill for that kind of alone time." The meme humorously reflects a mom's desire for solitude, comparing it to the lone cow outside the busy toy pen.

mommymemest Report

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M O'Connell
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm guessing that cow is a d**k. Babies are excellent judges of character.

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When the Kid Didn’t Nap

A Mom meme featuring a screenshot from "The Simpsons" showing Ralph Wiggum sitting on a bus with a nervous smile, accompanied by the text "(chuckles) I'm in danger." Above, the text reads, "Daycare: 'Yeah, she skipped both of her naps today.' Me:" This meme humorously illustrates the anxiety a mom feels upon learning that her child hasn't napped and is likely to be cranky and difficult.

cynicalparent Report


“Mother of...”

A Mom meme featuring an image of Daenerys Targaryen from "Game of Thrones" looking tired and covered in dirt with a small dragon on her shoulder. The text above reads, "Husband: how were the kids today? Me:" This meme humorously depicts a mom feeling exhausted and battle-worn after a day with her children, comparing the experience to a tough battle scene.


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Great Panda Mamu
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Some days I literally tell my husband, "I kept the kids alive." That's the best I could do.

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Home Haircuts

A Mom meme featuring a woman with a large smile and a very short, uneven haircut, evoking the look of a homemade haircut. The text above reads, "When you’re on a budget so you start cutting your kid’s hair," humorously illustrating the potential consequences of a mom trying to save money by doing her child's haircuts at home.

humanitarianmom Report

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Bored Fox
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Here in Finland a haircut like that is called 'pottakampaus' (a chamber pot haircut). It looks like someone puts a chamber pot on the kid's head (like a helmet) and then cut all the hair that was visible under the rim.

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“My Mom’s a Witch”

A Mom meme comic strip showing a mom washing dishes as her son asks, "Hey Mom, have you seen the remote? I can't find it anywhere." The mom responds, "You're holding it, sweetie." The son, looking surprised, glances down to realize he's indeed holding the remote. In the next panel, he exclaims, "WITCHCRAFT!" while the mom, slightly amused, replies, "Definitely." The comic humorously depicts a classic mom's uncanny ability to instantly know where lost objects are.

IdiotoftheEast Report

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Shopping with Dad vs Shopping with Mom

A Mom meme contrasting the difference between shopping with dad and shopping with mom. The first part shows characters from "Rick and Morty," with Rick saying, "Let's go, in and out. 20-minute adventure," representing shopping with dad as quick and straightforward. The second part depicts a scene from "Interstellar," with a character saying, "This little maneuver is gonna cost us 51 years," humorously illustrating that shopping with mom takes significantly longer.

Soggy-Socks420 Report

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YouTube Police

A Mom meme featuring two panels with Doge characters. The first panel shows a Shiba Inu dog watching a computer screen, with the text "Me watching YouTube at 3 am." The second panel shows a larger Doge, wearing an FBI hat, suddenly appearing behind the first dog, with the text "My mom entering my room because I laughed too hard," humorously depicting a mom's sudden entrance when a child makes noise late at night.

MrCoolSunglasses Report

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The Remedy that is Mom’s Kiss

A Mom meme showing two panels mimicking an infomercial. The first panel features a man holding a chainsaw next to a leaking barrel labeled "My scratched knee" and smiling, with the label "My mom" next to him. The second panel shows the leak being instantly "fixed" by a piece of tape labeled "A kiss," humorously depicting how moms believe a simple kiss can heal any injury.

roberto_bored Report

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Lose-Lose Situation

A Mom meme featuring a character from a cartoon looking skeptical with narrowed eyes. The text above the image reads, "IF YOU ANSWER: 'STOP TALKING BACK AT ME,'" and below, it says, "IF YOU DON'T ANSWER: 'AM I TALKING TO THE WALLS?!'" The meme humorously captures the contradictory nature of a mom's reactions, whether you respond or stay silent.


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“Do Them, You Must”

A Mom meme featuring a small green character with large ears looking surprised. The text below the image reads, "MY KIDS WHEN THEY REALIZE THE DISHES DON'T MAGICALLY WASH THEMSELVES." The meme humorously illustrates a child's reaction upon discovering that chores like washing dishes require effort and do not happen automatically.


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“She Just Said Don’t Touch, Right?”

A Mom meme showing a toddler's reaction to a mom's instruction. The top text reads, "At the doctor's office Mom: Please, don't touch anything. Toddler:" Below, the image features a baby chimpanzee licking the ground, humorously illustrating the unpredictability and defiance of toddlers when asked not to touch anything.

@parentingdankmemes Report

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Bare Necessities

A Mom meme depicting a humorous response to kids saying, "You never buy me anything." The image shows four household items (a light switch, faucet, stove burner, and groceries like bread and milk) with decorative gift bows attached, implying that parents provide essential items and utilities, which kids might take for granted. The text above the images reads, "When your kids say 'You never buy me anything.'"


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“My Own Colony of Seagulls”

A Mom meme showing a group of animated seagulls from the movie "Finding Nemo," all repeatedly saying "Mom." The image humorously captures how children often continuously call out for their mom. The text above the image reads, "My kids, pretty much all the time."


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Best Mother’s Day Present

A Mom meme featuring a tweet from "Sarcastic Mommy" with the text: "I don’t know what my husband is planning on doing for me for Mother’s Day but I hope it’s the laundry." The tweet humorously reflects the desire for practical help over traditional gifts on Mother's Day.

@sarcasticmommy4 Report

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When It’s Way “Too Quiet”

A Mom meme depicting two animated characters with suspicious expressions sitting in an office setting. The text above reads, "Parents when their kid is being too quiet in the other room," and the caption below says, "He's doing something illegal." The image humorously illustrates a parent's concern when their child is unusually quiet.

@momhashtags Report

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A Mom’s Work is Never Done

A Mom meme showing a humorous comparison between two characters: one is Leonardo DiCaprio's character walking happily with the text "Dads going to work," and the other is the Joker from "The Dark Knight" dressed as a nurse, looking distressed, with the text "Moms doing E-learning with kids." The meme humorously contrasts the perceived ease of dads going to work with the chaos moms experience while managing online learning with children.

Funny Mom Memes Report

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Mother’s Masterpiece

A Mom meme featuring a classic painting of a woman artistically drawing a childlike doodle of an animal with awkward spots. The text above the image reads, "When my kid recognizes the things I draw," and below, it says, "Art is my passion." The meme humorously captures the pride a mom feels when her child's simple recognition of her basic drawings is seen as a great artistic achievement.

@momhashtags Report

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Mom’s Messenger

A Mom meme showing a dog sitting on a blue rug with a phone charger hanging around its neck. The text above reads, "Asked my mum if she could bring my charger downstairs, she replied 'shout the dog.'" The image humorously depicts the mom's creative solution to a simple request by using the dog as a messenger.

lupomeme Report

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Fave Mom Words: “Keep the Change!”

A Mom meme featuring an excited man with a surprised expression. The text above the image reads, "12 y/o me: returns from the grocery store Me: Mom, here's the extra $5. Mom: It's fine. You can keep it. Me:" The image humorously captures the joy of a child being allowed to keep change after running an errand for their mom.

mijuzz7 Report

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Mommy Manipulator

A Mom meme featuring a woman squinting and leaning forward with a concentrated expression, as if searching for something. The text above the image reads, "Me pretending to help my kid look for a toy I threw out weeks ago." The image humorously depicts the mom's feigned effort in looking for a toy that she secretly discarded.

Hi_Im_Chantelle Report

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“I’ll Give You Something to Cry About”

A Mom meme showing a three-panel sequence in a kitchen. In the first panel, a mom is chopping red chili peppers while her child, standing nearby, begins to cry. In the second panel, the mom holds the child's face, saying, "Stop crying." In the third panel, she continues, "or I’ll give you something to cry about," while the child looks distressed. The meme humorously captures the tough love approach some moms use to handle their children's crying.

shotolic Report

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  1. Beike Biotechnology. “The Value of the Stay-at-Home Parent in 2024.” Beike Biotechnology, 2024. |
  2. Abigail Tucker. “14 Fun Facts About the Science of Motherhood.” Smithsonian Magazine, May 7, 2021. |
  3. Andrey Gijov, Karina Karenina, and Yegor Malashichecv. “Facing each other: mammal mothers and infants prefer the position favoring right hemisphere processing.” Biology Letters Journal, 2018. |
  4. Elseline Hoekzema, Erika Barba-Müller, and Oscar Vilarroya. “Pregnancy leads to long-lasting changes in human brain structure.” Nature Neuroscience. |
  5. Sebastian Pink et al. “Fertility and social interaction at the workplace: Does childbearing spread among colleagues?” Advanced Life Course Research Journal, September 2014. |
  6. Torkild Hovde Lyngstad et al. “Do siblings’ fertility decisions influence each other?” Demography Journal, November 2010. |