“Never Microwave Eggs”: 50 Times People Learned The Hard Way How NOT To Use A Microwave
Many people, including us, have what we think is a rather peculiar relationship with technology. Household appliances sometimes feel like they have a life of their own. And you have to know how to coax them to do what they were built for. We find microwaves, in particular, to be extremely temperamental! And we’re not alone.
Bored Panda has compiled a list of the unluckiest and most painful microwave heating fails from around the net. Scroll down, upvote the pics that made you cringe the hardest, and remember to always, always treat tech with respect and to put your safety first.
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My Microwave Just Called Me A Child For Hitting On Its Top For 4 Times Because The Timer Was All Screwed Up
Mine does the same thing when I accidentally press buttons out of order. It assumes I’m a little kid playing with the buttons and will not turn on unless the “Clear” button is pushed twice (or it’s unplugged and then plugged back in).
My Dad Told Me To Put A CD In The Microwave
We used to cook piles of those free AOL cds like that. One year we decorated the Christmas tree with them.
Ever Wondered What Happens When You Microwave A Frozen Uncooked Croissant? Wonder No More
If you ever wonder whether or not you can safely microwave something, it’s really not a sign of weakness to take the time to do some honest research. Sure, you might be hungry, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially where home appliances are concerned. The last thing you want is to start an electrical fire at home because you wanted some popcorn.
If you don’t happen to have your microwave oven’s manual, it’s best to do some Googling. Don’t just rely on half-remembered myths about what is and isn’t safe to pop in the oven. One thing that you definitely don’t want to microwave is aluminum foil. It burns and ignites and can be incredibly dangerous. So, first off, avoid placing aluminum or any other metal inside the appliance. That means no forks in plates of takeaway and no spoons in mugs either!
This Happened When I Put Cream In The Microwave
Thought The Clock On My Microwave Was Glitching, Turns Out There Is A Cockroach Stuck In It
Tried To Make A Mug Cake. One Minute Later My Microwave Birthed This Monstrosity
Microwave mug cakes can be amazing! Pro tips: the amount of cake mixture you make using one egg is far more than you can fit in one mug. The mixture should fill about 1/4 of the mug, definitely no more than 1/3. Bake on full power for 40-50 seconds. Serve with double cream. Nom.
You also want to avoid microwaving run-of-the-mill paper bags. For instance, ‘American Home Shield’ points out that popcorn usually comes in bags that have susceptors that ‘eat up’ the radio waves that your microwave oven produces, and are safe to use. However, regular grocery bags would catch fire.
The New Jar Of Nutella My Girlfriend Tried To Heat In The Microwave
My Son Tried To Microwave An Oreo And Burned It, It Left An Imprint On The Plate
My Wife’s Favorite Night Time Snack. Microwave The Pepperonis Until They Are Finished Bleeding Horrible Yellow Oil
Similarly, you don’t want to microwave any plastic grocery bags, either! Heating plastic up can release hazardous materials. Plastic containers are generally a big no-no, too, unless specifically stated that they’re safe for heating.
The same goes for travel mugs. If it has steel or isn’t labeled as microwave-safe, don’t plop it in the microwave oven. Opt for a regular mug, instead.
Toddler Learned How To Use The Microwave
This Girl Got Her AirPods Wet So Put Them On The Microwave To Dry Them
Who are these people? How do you even manage to come up with an idea like this?
My Microwave Caught On Fire
Though it’s obvious to most of us (well, hopefully…), you really shouldn’t be drying your clothes in the oven either. That’s what dryers are for. Or go the simple route and just hang your clothing on a rack or line. Microwaving your wet dress shirt before an important meeting isn’t how you want to start your day, believe us!
After 60 Hours Of No Power In Middle Of Freezing Winter, I Got Electricity For An Hour And I Thought That It Would Be A Good Idea To Thaw Frozen Honey But I Forgot To Open Lid
Don't Try To Microwave An Avocado
Thawing Chorizo In A Microwave
Furthermore, you should avoid microwaving hardboiled eggs (they’ll explode, or rather, eggsplode) and hot peppers (they can cause fires and will release chemicals that can burn your eyes). Also, steer clear of heating up styrofoam containers and Chinese takeout boxes. You should also avoid turning on the microwave without anything inside because it may damage the appliance!
I Got The White Mug For Christmas In 2018, Microwave Safe. I Got Black One For Christmas In 2019, Not Microwave Safe
If I had stayed in the room while it was in the microwave for 1 minute, I probably would have noticed.
My Microwave Lunch Jumped Up And Flipped
This Is My Luck
According to the National Fire Protection Association, you should never plug microwave ovens into extension cords. Always plug them directly into the wall outlet. The organization also warns not to open the oven too quickly: do it slowly and away from your face to avoid getting burned by the steam.
Just Tried (And Failed) To Install My New $450 Microwave. It Was On The Ice Chest When I Went To Grab A Drill And The Cat Knocked It Off
Mom Spray-Painted A Perfectly Good Microwave With Fridge To Match
8-Year-Old Remembered To Take The Foil Flavor Packet Out. She Forgot To Add Water
What’s more, microwaves can and do heat food unevenly, so you ought to stir the food, say, before giving it to your kids. You don’t want them burning their mouths. The NFPA also warns to never microwave baby bottles for the same reason. Instead, warm them in a bowl or under the tap, but make sure you're not using hot water to do so.
Listen, Britney, All I Wanted Was Some Hot Chocolate Before Bed
You literally microwaved a photo of someone’s melt down, what did you expect?
Today I Learned That 3 Minutes Is Too Long To Microwave Milk
When Only 4 Seconds Are Left... Never Ever Will Try Cooking Eggs In The Microwave
Some research has shown that microwaving food can lead to some loss in its nutritional value. Other research indicates that the story isn’t so black-and-white. The BBC reports that shorter cooking times don’t compromise nutrition (that’s one minute for broccoli). However, this will depend on what veggie you’re heating up and how much water you might be using, so there’s no easy answer here.
My 9-Year-Old Sister Destroyed Our Microwave Doing A “Tik Tok Life Hack” (The Starburst Melted Into The Actual Microwave)
Microwaved Cookie I Made At Midnight
Microwave Door Blew Up. House Built One Year Ago
Which of the microwave fails in this list made you facepalm the hardest? Have you every made any major mistakes while heating up food? Share your (embarrassing) experiences in the comments. And for some more epic microwave mistakes, take a peek at our previous feature right here.
Accidentally Set The Timer For 20 Minutes And Walked Away
Did the same thing to popcorn. 10 years ago. You can still smell it in the kitchen....
I Will Match Your Burnt Popcorn And Raise You A Burnt Macaroni And Cheese Up Without The Water
My Microwave Noodles Came In A Bowl That Is Not Microwave-Safe
Every Italian within a 15 mile radius are notified just now and are coming for you now...
When Your Kid Puts A Plastic Bottle In The Microwave And It Explodes
Microwave Handle Broke When I Went To Open The Door Today. $200 Part
My Mom Wanted To Make Tea But Instead Of Asking For Help With The Electric Kettle She Microwaved My Chargeable Self Heating Mug And Caught It On Fire
My Coffee Was Cold. So I Microwaved It. I've Had This Mug For 4 Years And Never Looked At The Bottom I Guess
For those of you wondering what's happening, this is what happens when you microwave ceramic mugs not rated for microwaves. The material is slightly porous and that tiny amount of water that gets in expands violently when it turns to steam and can crack the cup more. Ceramic itself does not absorb microwaves, but many minerals in the glaze do, so it's able to get hot enough to severely burn your hand and even melt the glaze. Don't ask why I know this, but if you lick the outside of a cup that this happens to, it tastes like an odd combination of chemicals and whatever drink was in the cup.
Ever Microwaved A Porcelain Mug For Tea But Forgot The Water?
No, because I’m not a cretin and I own a kettle. Bloody yanks, disrespecting tea. Disgraceful.
Friend Of Mine Hid My AirPods In A Box Of Chicken Nuggets That I Proceeded To Microwave Without Opening The Box
Bought A Microwave Via Online For My Staying At Campus. I'm Leaving Tomorrow But The Microwave Arrived Today
Was Cooking Sunnyside Eggs In A Cup In The Microwave But It Exploded All Over My Shirt And Hand As I Grabbed The Handle
It's Probably My Fault For Microwaving Bacon
I Guess I’m Not Microwaving Today
My Kid Microwaved A Cup-Noodle. Without Water. Plastic Wrap Still On It. For Many Minutes
So This Has Never Happened Before. I Was Heating Up Taco Beef In The Microwave And Take It Out After 50 Seconds. The Bottom Broke Out. I Guess They Do Break
Ever see a Corelle plate break?! I dropped one and it completely shattered into tiny little stabby swords. Everywhere.
Trying To Reheat Breakfast, Heard A High-Pitch Whirr, And A Pop... My Microwave Was On Fire
Microwaved Cup Eggs From Hell
Mom Doing Christmas Baking And Was Trying To Soften/Melt Some White Chocolate In The Microwave. Ended Up Burning A Whole Bar
I Went To Microwave Some Delicious Leftovers At Work And Heard A Pop
Someone Broke My Microwave By Microwaving Something Metal, Probably A Camera
I Microwaved Some Beans For 12 Minutes Instead Of 1 Minute And 20 Seconds
Tried To Heat Up My Dinner. The Plate Just Exploded In The Microwave
Microwaved My Instant Lunch, Only To Find Out I Forgot To Add The Water
Microwave ovens are not idiot-proof. Some of these people would have benefited from reading a) the microwave instruction book and b) the cooking instructions on the food. (And why would anybody want to microwave an avocado? Sheesh!)
Sadly they aren't. We gave our aunt an old microwave, it had lasted for years and my mother upgraded. My aunt killed it in a few weeks. She also melted the spout off a stainless steel kettle. Then couldn't work out why our family refused to give her things.
Load More Replies...50% stoned or drunk. 20% kids and dry ramen. 10% low quality products. 10% stupidity (sober). 10% eggs.
There were a couple of just plain bad luck. I was heating a couple cups of tomato soup once, just like i had many dozens of times in the same ceramic container I always use. About 30 seconds in there was a loud noise and the microwave jumped several inches. Stopped it. Inside about half the soup was all over the inside of the microwave. The soup left in the container was still cold. The container was fine. Our best guess: it super heated one spot in the viscous soup until it exploded out. Weirdness can happen.
Microwave ovens are not idiot-proof. Some of these people would have benefited from reading a) the microwave instruction book and b) the cooking instructions on the food. (And why would anybody want to microwave an avocado? Sheesh!)
Sadly they aren't. We gave our aunt an old microwave, it had lasted for years and my mother upgraded. My aunt killed it in a few weeks. She also melted the spout off a stainless steel kettle. Then couldn't work out why our family refused to give her things.
Load More Replies...50% stoned or drunk. 20% kids and dry ramen. 10% low quality products. 10% stupidity (sober). 10% eggs.
There were a couple of just plain bad luck. I was heating a couple cups of tomato soup once, just like i had many dozens of times in the same ceramic container I always use. About 30 seconds in there was a loud noise and the microwave jumped several inches. Stopped it. Inside about half the soup was all over the inside of the microwave. The soup left in the container was still cold. The container was fine. Our best guess: it super heated one spot in the viscous soup until it exploded out. Weirdness can happen.