50 Funny Memes That Men Might Find Funny, Shared By The “Men’s Humor” IG Account (New Pics)
The last decade or so has conclusively proven that you really can make a meme out of really anything. Jobs, generations, the specifics of dorm life, you name it, there are memes about it. The “Men’s Humor” Instagram page is dedicated to memes and posts that encapsulate the sorts of things guys joke about.
If you don’t fall into that category, don’t fear, there will be something here for you as well. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and be sure to share your own thoughts in the comments below.
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Never understood this myself. My college had a freaking NUCLEAR REACTOR but the football team was the focus of attention.
While “male humor” is a pretty broad spectrum, for better or worse, fart jokes (or flatulence humor, if you are being fancy) is part of it. Indeed, it is, in many ways, a time-honored tradition, going back to ancient Sumer. Not only did they perhaps invent, among other things, the fart joke, fart jokes might be one of the oldest recorded topics of humor on the planet.
For those who are curious, it goes like this “Something which has never occurred since time immemorial: a young woman did not fart in her husband’s lap.” Not, perhaps, the greatest joke of all time, but we can at least see their thought process.
Is this a custom model? The one that comes with an actual truck bed. I like the green, nice change.
It wasn’t just the Mesopotamians who were into flatulence, it shows up as a form of humor in numerous Greek plays. The ancient Romans, loving all things Greek copied this motif, for example, an excerpt from The Pumpkinification of Claudius: “At once he bubbled up the ghost, and there was an end to that shadow of a life…The last words he was heard to speak in this world were these. When he had made a great noise with that end of him which talked easiest, he cried out, "Oh dear, oh dear! I think I have made a mess of myself."”
Reminds me of the fact that Mr. Rogers always said when he fed the fish because a blind little girl asked him to so she'd know he was taking care of them.
Importantly, it’s not just the ancients who maintained this. Mark Twain has made them, the first chapter of Moby-Dick contains one, “I always go to sea as a sailor, because of the wholesome exercise and pure air of the fore-castle deck. For as in this world, head winds are far more prevalent than winds from astern (that is, if you never violate the Pythagorean maxim),” so at the end of the day, we might be forced to conclude that fart jokes are here to stay.
I currently live in an apartment that has a heater that is at least 100 years old. Old fashioned hot water radiator. This building has outlived generations.
If that "Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum" thing is still a part of it I'm keen.
If you order a salad, the romaine, butterhead, and arugula lettuce are all fine. Just avoid the iceberg.
Liked Christmas songs until I got my first department store job. Same 12 songs over and over, shift after shift, for months! Started just after Halloween.
Mine is a car transporter with the ramps down, I wanna go full Dukes of Hazzard / General Lee over one of those things 😂😂
My kids aren't particularly loud (I'm not bragging, we're all just quiet, introverted personalities), but from the other side: my childfree neighbor had to have surgery out-of-town and a friend of hers apartment sat for her. He apparently threw a raging party one night. When she returned home and found out, she freaked out because she knows I have kids. She made a point of coming over and apologizing for her friend's thoughtlessness. I assured her that we hadn't even noticed because the kids were at their dad's that night and I work night shift, but I appreciated that she appreciated that I have kids and her friend's party might've disrupted our routine.
My Space was the first major social media site. But it had none of the c**p that we hate about Facebook.
If it's not a front it should be one in a novel or movie at least.
Diabolical. True big brother stuff.my older brother 12 and I, 10, bought little bro, 7, a specific baseball mitt, wrapped it, and it sat under the tree to be felt, held, and touched by small hands. Christmas eve the grimy package was replaced by a stone of the same shape, with a cloth around it, and identically wrapped. Morning comes, 7 zooms to this package, tears it open, and stares in utter shock and disbelief. Even hard-hearted 12 couldn't keep this going, and he got the real package out from under the drape around the tree. 7 looked at it and unwrapped it, expecting another fraud, but was real. He kept that mitt locked to his body for days, not trusting us (with very good reason).
That looks like a pouched rat and they are sometimes pets. They're very good at sniffing out land mines too.