50 Of The Funniest Memes From “Men’s Humor” That Women Can Enjoy Too (New Pics)
Laughter is a key ingredient when it comes to creating a happy life. And according to a 2022 report, a whopping 88% of people are actively looking for new experiences that will make them smile and laugh. So if you’re a part of that majority, pandas, we’ve got a great list of memes to share with you below.
We took a trip to the Men’s Humor Instagram page and gathered some of our favorite pics that can be enjoyed by people of all genders! We hope you have fun scrolling through and getting a kick out of these posts, and be sure to upvote the ones that have added a little bit of joy into your day!
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Or starting your own business with the help of your obscenely rich parents?
We’re big fans of the Men’s Humor Instagram page here at Bored Panda, so it’s actually not the first time we’ve featured it. This account shares hilarious memes, relatable posts and funny content that, contrary to what the account’s name suggests, can be enjoyed by all people! And it’s clear that the page has been successful in its goal to entertain followers, as it has amassed a whopping 4.1 million followers over the past 12 years.
Whether you’re looking for funny memes about what it’s like to be in a relationship, memes that you’ll relate to if you hate your job or simply silly observations about the human experience, you’ve come to the right place. Men’s Humor has captivated followers on Instagram, Facebook, and X, and now, the company even has their very own, thriving online shop!
The fact that they didn't start this course specifically to sell their own book blows my mind. Fantastic professor there.
While we all know that a funny joke is a funny joke, regardless of who says it, the name of this page did get me wondering if humor varies at all between genders. According to PsychCentral, the reason why men and women might sometimes find different things to be funny is because we often view humor in different ways.
“Although both sexes say they want a sense of humor, in our research women interpreted this as ‘someone who makes me laugh,’ and men wanted ‘someone who laughs at my jokes,’” Rod A. Martin of the University of Western Ontario explained. We all want to be funny and want to be around other funny people, but our definition of who is considered funny can vary.
PsychCentral also notes that women tend to share funny stories and take a narrative approach when trying to get others to laugh, meanwhile men are more inclined to use one-liners and slapstick comedy. Women are also more likely to use puns, wordplay and self-deprecating jokes, while men more often use physical and active humor. In fact, the way that men and women use humor tends to shift based on their audience as well.
Northwestern University psychologist Jennifer Hay found through taped conversations that men are much more likely to tease and one-up each other when only around other men than when they’re around women. Women, on the other hand, tease men more than they’ll tease fellow women.
Carol Vallone Mitchell at HuffPost also says that men and women sometimes have different goals that they’re trying to accomplish when using humor. She notes that boys are often taught about competition and trying to be “top dog” from a very young age, so they might use humor to gain status or to knock someone else down a peg. Girls, on the other hand, are more likely to play games when they’re younger that build connections and necessitate working together. The way that we internalize these games from our youth can later impact how we decide to use humor.
The same thing happened to me in 6th grade. I had to wear a Boston brace for scoliosis, hard plastic from under my boobs to below my butt. Had a bully bothering me. Don't remember how it happened exactly. But I told her she that she was weak, and to go ahead and pinch me in the gut as hard as she could. She did and her whale was fantastic. I don't think she broke any fingers though. I hadn't thought about that part of my life in years. My experience with that brace, which, other than being a punching shield was pretty bad, was one of the motivating factors that lead me to become a physician. Hope you are doing well after your brace experience too.
Mitchell goes on to explain that men will be more likely to use jokes to subtly provide negative feedback or to “knock someone down a peg,” while a woman is more likely to use humor to break tension. They might want to provide comedic relief in a stressful situation or keep a running joke going during an intense meeting at work. Women are also less likely to use their humor to put others down, as they tend to utilize self-deprecating jokes instead.
You see, there's this cool thing about being a grownup you'll learn some day. We get to do whatever the f**k we want. You go back and keep doing what you think is "correct" and get back to me when you understand.
I would learn yoga so I’d become flexible enough to bend over and kiss my a*s goodbye.
IFLScience also explored what differences come up between what men and women find funny. Of course, there’s plenty of overlap. I can watch a comedic show with my partner, and we both laugh at plenty of the jokes. We can also send each other memes that we both find hysterical and enjoy the humor in them. But according to IFLScience, men are more likely to get a kick out of visual jokes while women prefer jokes that involve political commentary or touch on the dynamics of close relationships.
Just ignore it, it's fine,it'll get better on its own.
The lead researcher of the study analyzing which jokes men and women prefer, Professor Robin Dunbar of the University of Oxford, suggests that the differences found in men and women’s humor preferences come from the “remarkable differences in social style of the two sexes.”
“This explanation has previously been overlooked because psychologists and others have concentrated on IQ-type differences, which are minimal,” Dunbar shared in a statement.
This is actually really important for pets because tap water that isn’t filtered or purified has a high concentration of minerals that can lead to blockage and kidney stones. I’ve had two cats pass from kidney stones and this is the first thing you learn when trying to help them. So, good job on doing the right thing for your fur baby! 🙌
At the end of the day, funny is funny. And many factors contribute to whether or not we’ll enjoy a joke, including our upbringing, if we understand the context of the joke, what kind of mood we’re in at the moment and who said the joke to us. I’m sorry, but if you’re under the age of 8 or over the age of 80, you’re just naturally much more funny to me. And nowadays, I think plenty of “men’s humor” can be enjoyed by anyone and everyone!
I mean, if there were a big floofy bear in the lower right image I wouldn’t be able to tell 🐻
We hope you’re enjoying these memes, pandas. Keep upvoting the ones that you find particularly hilarious or relatable, and feel free to let us know which ones are your favorites in the comments below. Then, if you’re interested in checking out even more posts from Men’s Humor that might make you chuckle, you can find another Bored Panda article featuring the page right here!
Wonderful when you have a sick burn in mind but just can’t say it out loud for fear of the entire relation being destroyed (:
No bras sounds good. And no need to walk home in uncomfortable heels either.
For anyone who doesn't understand this either it means: I'm not lying your clothes are amazing
How else will landlords be able to pay their own mortgages? Gotta keep renters renting.
Some 3 year old kid in my neighbourhood had a haircut with a spiderweb design shaved onto the side of his head
My boyfriend is 43 and is still very good friends with his 3 friends he made at age 15 XD