Memes, like laughter, have become a global language. Check your socials, and you’ll likely find messages in meme-speak (internet memes used in speech) all over the place. The back-and-forth wit and humor, combined with references to relatable scenes from everyday life, set the stage for boundless laughs.
Whether you’re looking for a quick chuckle during a work break or a full-on laugh session, here we’ve rounded up some of the top funny memes of 2024 that had us all smirking and rofling — they are simply too good not to share. Forward them along and spread the cheer!
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The Funniest Joke of the Year?
It will have you moving around like a spy as you tick off your to-dos.
Did Someone Just Do It Deliberately?!
They just came in to check if you were awake. Well, now you are.
“Me Waiting for the Meme to Die”
You never really know what trend will come next.
Why Do We Love Funny Memes So Much?
Meme culture today has become a totally different animal. In fact, Helen Brown accurately points out that memes have gone beyond being a mere source of light entertainment in her 2022 BBC feature titled “The surprising power of internet memes (1).”
Here are the key reasons this may be happening.
- Memes may ease tension. Many memes tackle sensitive topics in a satirical, ironic, or humorous way, prompting us to laugh. Because humor can break the ice, it allows people to address matters in a more lighthearted way.
- Memes force you to think. A 2015 research by the University of Westminister reveals that aside from the obvious visibility and transmission, a meme’s additional superpower is its mental application in provoking thought (2). More specifically, several brain regions are utilized while processing a joke, including the left hemisphere, frontal lobe, and occipital lobe, says Linda Wilson-Barlow, a doctoral candidate in clinical psychology at Texas Tech University (3). So, to comprehend why a meme, video, or picture is supposed to be funny, we have to utilize a significant portion of our cognitive perception.
- Sending out funny memes makes you a good friend. In busy times, building and sustaining connections can be challenging. Memes can bridge this ever-increasing gap, says Dr Mary Kempnich, a psychologist at Oxford University, in an Instagram post on June 22, 2023, on the @oxford_uni channel (4). According to Kempnich, sending a meme shows that you know your friend well, and it’s a powerful way to bond online.
New Password Again?!
Passwords must belong to the part of the brain with the shortest-term memory.
The Saviour
All parents need a Stilgar (from Dune) to save them in case the internet goes down.
“Attack on Titan” Has Foreseen It All
The deeper you dig, the more cultural references you’ll notice.
“IG, That’s Old News — X Beat You to It”
In the platform battleground, we call it social déja vu.
Laughter Makes for Good Exercise
In a 2006 study, Sophie Scott, a neuroscientist at University College London, found that hearing laughter triggers our facial muscles to prepare for joining in (5). Essentially, when we witness laughter, our bodies are wired to follow suit.
According to the Britannica encyclopedia, approximately 15 facial muscles are activated when we laugh (6). Professionals in gelotology, the study of laughter’s physiological effects (yes, such a branch of medicine exists!), compare laughing to aerobic exercise, as it involves the contraction and relaxation of various muscles, easing tension and spasms that can cause chronic pain.
Therefore, sharing those hilarious memes with your friends is like getting a workout because you’re using your muscles in similar ways. It’s a win-win situation.
Eyes on the Prize
If this is the “special award,” it makes you wonder what you’ll get when you’re named “employee of the year.”
Not a Beach Person
Even Patrick hates ’em summer bugs.
2024 Just Keeps “Donkeying” Around
We asked nicely, didn’t we?
The Fountain of Youth
It makes you wonder if maturity is running backward, too.
Things Are Getting Out of Control in Cyberspace
Can virtual love survive the digital evolution?
“You Just Get Used to It...”
It finally makes sense why they call it “graveyard.”
I think this bloke used to be famous. I wonder what happened to him?
Teenage Relationships in 2024 vs Teenage Relationships in 1424
Being a teenager back in the 1400s must have been rough.
Einstein Was Right About the Time
Thank God we’re born in the age of hair transplant.
Catching Up With Technology
If you can’t beat ’em, join them.
The Exotic has become the Mundane.. What interesting times we live in..
“We All Have a Spirit Animal Inside of Us”
The animal kingdom is truly diverse.
Science Is Simple
Science teachers simply enjoy making lives difficult.
Against All Odds
Even God is baffled that we’re still hanging on.
What was that line? Something about God not wanting to come here because he lives in fear of what he created...
Can I Take It Back?
No one said my brilliance is for the public.
I think I got a problem, cause anxiety is the emotion I can most relate with
“When Life Gives You Lemons”
“Run” is what we would do.
The Gut Logic
This is how intellectual conversations evolve when food gets in the way.
Stress Management Gone Wrong
Everyone is telling you to get a cat. Lord, what are they thinking?!
Bouche, audi and shyla oh my!: "The soft can-openers are just weak!"
The Struggle is Real
If you have survived, you should be proud of yourself.
There was no comment here so I put mine in to fill the void. [overly snobby] You're welcome
Science vs Religion
No wonder we’re more drawn to Astrology. It’s much more cute.
Astrology is stupid. No self-respecting Scorpio would ever believe that nonsense.
Ohh I See The Problem Now
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
How Quick We Forget
Before criticizing someone else’s appearance, honestly assess whether those bangs looked better on you.
Levels of Ice Cream Struggle
If you know, you know.
“Good Morning Sunshine!”
She must be exhausted.
Some People Just Never Learn
It’s okay to shut the door when it feels like talking to a brick wall.
“She’s Everywhere”
“When you’re trying to forget someone badly.”
Instagram Isn’t Real
Why you should never trust what you see on social media.
That's why I tailor my algorithm to be funny things about men by men. e.g. "Guys will see this and go hell yeah" (And cute animals, obviously!)
- Helen Brow. “The surprising power of internet memes.” BBC, September 29, 2022. |
- Linda Wilson-Barlow, MA. “The Physiological Effects of Laughter.” National Register Of Health Psychology Experts -, 2015. |
- EPQ team and Anastasia Denisova of the Communication and Media Research Institute. “Knowing meme knowing you - How memes influence our society.” University of Westminster, 2019. |
- @oxford_uni. “Yes, you should send memes to your friends!” Instagram, June 22, 2023. |
- Jane E. Warren, Disa A. Sauter, Frank Eisner, Jade Wiland, M. Alexander Dresner, Richard J. S. Wise, Stuart Rosen and Sophie K. Scott. “Positive Emotions Preferentially Engage an Auditory–Motor ‘Mirror’ System.” The Journal Of Neuroscience, December 13, 2006. |
- Arthur Koestler. “humor.” Britannica, July 8, 2024. |
Poll Question
Which meme theme did you find most relatable?
Science and Religion
Stress Management
Teenage Relationships
Social Media
The commentary provided under these is incredibly annoying and most of them are really not that funny.
The commentary provided under these is incredibly annoying and most of them are really not that funny.