If you’re a fan of laughing about the absurdity of life late at night (I am not judging what time you are reading this, even if it's 3 AM and you should be up by 6), then "Life Jokes" might just deliver what you need today.

This page perfectly captures the essence of life's most relatable and, well... ironic moments. With a blend of dark or sometimes even surreal humor and a dash of ever-crushing reality, this page cooks up memes showcasing stuff like a solemn Batman reflecting on his unpopular support for Tom over Jerry to a hilarious take on how astrology people overreact to the most mundane horoscope predictions (Daily Tarot websites, I am looking at you). So Pandas, if you'd like to see more, feel free to scroll down!

    See Also on Bored Panda
    See Also on Bored Panda
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