Anyone who has kids in their environment knows just how funny they can be, whether they realize it themselves or not. That’s because some of them are rather gullible or naive, which results in them believing the funniest and most impossible things ever, others are too cute for their own good, and some are simply… well, not the sharpest tools in the shed.
Today, we want to shed light on situations that show how eventful and entertaining life can be when there’s kids around. Shared on a subreddit with 4.5 million members—a goldmine of humorous content—they ought to bring a smile to your face, whether or not you deal with similar situations on a daily basis yourself. Scroll down to find them on the list below and enjoy!
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Get This Man A Phd
I Dont Know What To Say
Guinea pigs should always be kept as pairs it's cruel to only have one, so weirdly this worked out for the best
Fun For All The Family
There are an estimated two billion children in the world right now, ages zero to 14; each one more imaginative than the last. It’s safe to assume that the number of adults having to look after them is even higher, especially as the little ones tend to let their imagination run wild - be it with crayons on the kitchen walls or with markers on their little brother.
Using walls as a canvas is only one of the many possible ways kids tend to cause havoc around the house; but it is a popular one, nevertheless. A survey in the UK found that the most common types of damage kids cause in their homes are spilling food and drink on the carpets or smashing kitchenware, The Mirror reports. The two are followed by said creative outbursts on the walls, as well as breaking vases, tearing wallpaper apart, and jumping on beds until they break, among other things, of course.
Kids Are Way Too Gullible
According to the Mirror, the collective effort of children in Britain adds up to a staggering £3.5 billion pounds (roughly $4.4 billion US dollars) worth of damage to homes throughout their childhood, with three-year-olds being the most expensive group.
While it gets better when they become older (around 10 years of age is reportedly a somewhat calmer time in regards to damages), things tend to go downhill again right as kids become young adults - somewhere between 16 and 18 years of age.
What Was The Thought Process?
That girl has the genee of a gufted Mesolithic hunter
A Better Version Of Hide N Seek
So Caring
Going back to the expenses caused by the most dangerous group - three-year-olds, statistics show that wallpapers (or paintwork) tend to take a hit the most often; however, they’re not the most expensive things that are damaged by the little hell raisers. Statistics reveal that the most costly damages caused by toddlers relate to damaged windows and appliances, as well as bookcases and shelving units.
yeah nobody knows, oh sweet summer boy. That's actually cool genuine childhood story
Having To Call Toxicology
Never Felt Better
ohhhh i seen this‼️ 10/10 would watch again. its hilarious to see the kids reaction.
Amazing how calm the dad remained. After the second attempt I'd have taken spoiled kid and moved him to the back.
I was the kid once... Honestly I got confused when everyone counted down. They meant to sing 'happy birthday' but I didn't know they meant that and assumed we were all going to blow out the candles. They re-lit them and congratulated me on blowing them out from the other end of the table... I apologised.
He threw a big crying fit when the dad kept blocking him. That's probably where the title "spoiled" comes from. Though, I think your assessment is more probable as the dad is clearly NOT spoiling him
Load More Replies...Fixing constant damage can understandably take a toll on the parent both financially and emotionally. That’s why they might have to get creative themselves, and look for innovative ways to make sure their child is well-behaved or use white lies to paint them a picture of what might happen if they don’t listen. (No matter how old one is, being told that there’s a monster under the bed that might catch you if you’re not asleep by 10pm is uncomfortable, at best.)
Glad This Didn’t Exist When I Was A Kid
Can I just say that once it gets to a certain age this crosses the boundary from secure peranting to just plain creepy. I've still got this $hit hooked up to one of my google accounts! I'm 17 for fu(ks sake! I'm legally old enough to have sex, quit school and drive independently and yet my perants still think they need to moniter every image, word and video that crosses my screen online. Good thing they don't know about guest mode...
The Anniversary Of This One.. I Was The 11 Year Old
We called the police when my little brother, then aged 5, went missing. He went upstairs to go to bed. Mum went up to tuck him in and turn the light off about 15 minutes later and he was gone. 5 hour police search covering several km radius from our house. Found him when the sniffer dogs were called in. He had pulled the mattress ever so slightly from the wall, slotted himself in the gap and pulled the blanket over the top of himself and gone to sleep. Legit looked like an empty made bed.
Rip Cakey
Thinking about the things you were told—and believed—as a kid is quite amusing when you grow out of the tooth-fairy years. However, if you have your own children, you might turn to using such lies yourself, as many people before and after you did.
It’s safe to assume that quite a few parents have arguably told their children white lies for one reason or another; for instance, seeking to make such things like losing incisors, canines, premolars, and molars (or teeth, to put it simply) a tiny bit more magical.
Ah Yes, How To Get A 'Free' Cookie
What The Heck
A survey of adults in the UK found that the most common white lie told by parents is that carrots will help kids see in the dark, which was followed by stating that Santa knows if they’ve been bad or good and that screens can make their eyes square. In addition to all that, some parents have managed to convince their children that their noses will grow if they tell lies themselves.
Kick Me Again When I'm Sleeping
My Brother Everybody...
I Have No Idea How Mad I Should Be
Even with having to lie to your children about who takes their tooth from under the pillow or being forced to repeatedly clean walls, the majority of parents seem to love being a mom or a dad. According to Pew Research Center’s data from 2022, the majority of parents—roughly eight in ten of them—find their role enjoyable and rewarding most or all of the time.
5 Year Old Donated $400
Aaaaand that’s why five year olds shouldn’t have access to the internet
My Daughter's Elementary School Emailed This Photo So Parents Can Claim Lost Glasses. The School Only Has 190 Students
Kid Drew All Over My Mom’s Ralph Lauren Purse
Anybody remember shopkins? Guess what this image reminds me of 😜
For more laughs and giggles of a similar sort, continue scrolling the lists depicting life with children who simply don’t know how funny they are, which you can find here and here.
Beautiful Message For Veteran’s Day
My Little Brother's Got This On His Wall
I just wanna say, as a kid in primary school, we had to make a little picture book for the younger kids, and I decided to add a fake logo/company to the back. It was also named
What A Pleasant Thought
My 2 Preschoolers Just Did This To An *entire Bag* Of Cable Ties
Baby Sees His Dad In His New Haircut
This is just a meme. You will never be able to prove to me that this isn't a meme format...and therefore we should start making it a meme.
This Is What "Help Me" Looks Like
Our cat has his own rule that he will put up with all forced hugs, as long as when he gives the sign of "times up" that he gets let go. The kids know his sign and have agreed to the "forced hug treaty". It's a two way street that works well in our house. I don't think our cat knows how lucky he is not ever having a moment like this.
My Literal 7 Year Old Daughter Answering A Philosophical Question For School Work
Sometimes the only true answers to philosophical questions are the most blatantly simple ones.
Why I Hate Commercial Planes
Kid Forgot To Clear His Search History
My 6yo Begs Me To Play Minecraft With Him And Then Does This The Whole Time To See His Half Of The Screen Better
They Really Are
I remember this. There was a lot of stupid going on; everybody but the glass-blower who made it. Thing was 60 kilos of hand blow glass and 24 karat gold placed in a children's museum/exhibit. So the museum should've put it on a very solid, untippable (without major effort) stand and in a protective case, not the basically pedestal and theater ribbon. Kids shouldn't have been running around the non-interactive section, parents should've had control, etc.
Behold, My Enderman Costume From When I Was 11
These are mostly terrible. Just screenshots from tiktok videos with very little context.
90% of the content on BP is reposted from other platforms (reddit, tiktok, insta...). I come here because it's more convenient than to have to browse all those separatly for my daily dose of mindless entertainment ^^
Load More Replies...These are mostly terrible. Just screenshots from tiktok videos with very little context.
90% of the content on BP is reposted from other platforms (reddit, tiktok, insta...). I come here because it's more convenient than to have to browse all those separatly for my daily dose of mindless entertainment ^^
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