We Rounded Up Some Absurdly Funny Job Titles For Your Entertainment Pleasure
We’ve all heard the saying, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” It’s the mantra of small business owners and ambitious entrepreneurs all over the world. But what if your dream is to be an astronaut food taster? Or perhaps you want to be a professional owl psychologist or even a roller-coaster tester!
If your dream job sounds as crazy as these ones, then congratulations! You’ve just stumbled onto a list of funny job titles that, despite how crazy they may sound, are actually real — or used to be, since some of our submissions are jobs that don’t exist anymore (sigh).
While some people would scoff at these aspirations and say it’s not possible to make a living out of them, others found ways to make it happen and gave life to brand-new unusual jobs. So if you’re feeling down because your dream job doesn’t seem like it will ever become a reality, take heart! These funny jobs may be the sign you need.
We’ve rounded up the most absurd jobs and put them together for your viewing pleasure. Others, instead, are just more original ways to refer to your super normal job, because we all need more fun while on the clock. Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your next career move or want to see just how weird things can get in the job market, this list will surely tickle your fancy — and maybe even inspire some new business ideas!
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Fake Mourner
Description: A person who cries for you at a funeral.
This Was actually a thing in Romania , maybe still is in some rural parts of the country. It was called "bocitoare "
Computer Whisperer
Description: Technical computer cleaning professional.
Huh! Is because if they spoke loudly, or even normally, the air flow could blow dust and bits further into the computer's nooks and crevices?
Description: Someone who communicates by Morse Code.
Oven mechanic
Description: An OB-GYN.
Official Recipient Of Awkward Morning Greetings
Description: Building security.
Dinosaur Duster
Description: Getting paid to dust dirty dinosaurs at a museum.
Space lawyer
Description: A lawyer that drafts international treaties and national laws about engaging in space exploration.
Mail Escort
Description: A mailman.
A Firefighter Positioned in the Arctic
"There's a fire!"
"Yeah, right."
Fire in the coldest of places can be an absolute disaster though. Especially due to abundance of clean oxygen.
Golf Ball Diver
Description: Pond diver at the golf course.
Scuba-Diving Pizza-Delivery Man
Description: The person who delivers pizza to underwater hotels.
Coffee Shortage Scapegoat
Description: Office manager.
welp, I guess if you could get payed extra for that, then you might as well just take that last drop of coffee and get payed for it!
Chief Chatter
Description: Call centre manager.
Legal Bank Robber
Description: Someone who tests how easy it is to penetrate bank security.
Accounting Ninja
Description: A financial manager.
this makes a boring sounding job sound fun I now want to be an accounting ninja
Lifeguard at the Olympics
Description: Do you need help, Mr. Phelps?
To be fair, the diving can go badly wrong. If someone cracked their head on the board on the way down, they might be in seriois trouble.
Class Pet
Description: All you have to do is eat, and sleep.
Description: A hired hand who tends cattle and performs other duties on horseback.
Senior Kindle Evangelist
Description: In charge of all things ‘Kindle’ for Amazon.
Ice Rink Hand-Holder
Description: Ice Rink Hand-Holder.
Problem Wrangler
Description: A counselor.
Description: A person creates the illusion that their voice is coming from elsewhere into a full-time career.
Description: Medieval Welsh kings employed a foot-holder whose duty it was to rub his feet.
Flashlight Holder
Description: If your parents are working on something in the dark, and you have to stand behind them with the tool of light.
Animal Colourist
Description: This person dyes animals for movies and marketing campaigns.
Penetration Tester
Description: One who ensures the online integrity or security of a network.
Hair Boiler
Description: Someone who boils animal hair until it curls.
Oyster Floater
Description: Someone who floats oysters in water until they are free of impurities.
Rental Boyfriend
Description: A fake boyfriend who can go out on a date with a woman and pretend to be her boyfriend for the contracted time.
Groom of the King's Close Stool
Description: A trusted man whose job it was to wipe the king's bottom.
Description: Refers to a person in the textile industry who removes bobbins on a slubbing machine.
Associate to the Executive Manager of Marketeering and Conservation Efforts
Description: Marketing Assistant
Light Bender
Description: Someone who is responsible for the high-tech, precision job of making neon lights.
Sandwich Artists
Description: A person who works in fast-food restaurants and delis where they prepare sandwiches according to customers' orders.
Pet Food Tester
Description: Evaluates the nutritional value of pet food and, yes, taste-test it.
Human Alarm Clock
Description: Prior to alarm clocks, people with big sticks would wake other people up by tapping at their windows.
Bosser Arounder
Description: Someone who tells you what you can and can't do.
Champion of Sun
Description: A person who studies the Sun.
Chief Inspiration Officer
Description: Encouraging ‘belief in the company’ and ‘internal evangelism of its values.’
Cat Behaviour Consultant
Description: Someone who specializes in preventing, managing, and modifying challenging behaviors in cats.
Expert Toilet Attendant
Description: A person who instructs you how to wash your hands in a public toilet.
Sadly, I think we need these. The amount of people who don't wash properly or at all... 🤢
Professional Lazer Tager
Description: A person whose job it is to play with children at lazer tag parties if not enough people show up.
It's laser, not lazer. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emmission of Radiation.
Description: A person who plays piccolo, sometimes called a pickler, usually called annoying.
Gift Skaters
Description: A person who collects flowers, stuffed animals, and other gifts that are thrown onto skating rinks after a performance.