While some cats and dogs get along so well it’s heartwarming to watch, other pets are such jerks to each other that they remind us that Sunday morning cartoons always knew something more than we did.
Bored Panda has collected the funniest examples of cats acting like the biggest jerks to their live-in canine pals. Scroll down, upvote your fave pics, and let us know in the comments if your cats and your dogs get along well, dear Pandas. Oh, and pray for us because the cattos might be out to get us for outing their dirty little secrets!
There are a bunch of reasons why your cat might be attacking your dog. It’s alright if things stay playful, however, that’s not always the case.
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Please Call Master For Help. I Am Trapped In The Corner By Vicious Beasts
They Were Both Sleeping 3 Minutes Ago
I Was Able To Capture The Raw Anguish He Felt After Losing His Bed To The Void
While some cats might be lashing out because they feel threatened, others might be mean because they fancy themselves as the big bad predator of the house. It’s in every owner’s interest to make sure their pets get along.
If your pets keep on fighting, they might get seriously hurt. So if things are getting out of hand, you might want to separate them when you can’t keep an eye on them. Until you come up with a way to make sure that Mr. Cat and Ms. Dog like each other.
I'm Fine
The Real Murderer Is In Your House
My Cat Recently Discovered The Dog Bed
Cats that act out may in fact be overwhelmed with stress. Maybe your cat’s feeling stressed out because it’s (still) not used to having the dog around the house. Perhaps you’re stressing out about life and your cat’s picking up on your vibes. Or maybe it’s worried that the stuff that we all had to deal with in 2020 won’t magically end with the New Year. Who knows!
The point is, your cat needs to feel calm, so do your best to remove any factors that might be stressing it out from its immediate environment. Also, try giving it some toys to play with or chew to help it relax.
Keep in mind that any friendship takes time and trust to develop. You can’t expect your pets that have been at each other’s throats to suddenly become best buds. However, with a lot of patience, you can help them respect each other’s boundaries and, hopefully, start a magical friendship.
Poor Dog
Look closely: the cat is in a kneading position. Grabbed the first thing to hold onto (dog's skin) and is making biscuits. Look at the concentration in the cat's eyes.
When You Are Trapped Downstairs Because The Catto Says No Passing
"What's the password again? Oh yeah. MIMBLUS MIMBLETONIA"
Oh, I know this. I frequently have to escort my mutt past the dangerous cats.
I had a cat who would block the door to the kitchen where the dog's food was.
Doggy even brought a cuddly toy to bribe kitty with, but it wasn’t any help.
yes i got away from my mess now i can go to my room and play with my toy ............ oh on the cat ! i should go clean
Aww, doggy is so cute with his stuffed animal...all ready for bed, except the monster is in the hallway again
I would use a water spray bottle and make cat move. My animals didn't overbearing. Although I have a dog now I wouldnt trust with a cat or stray animal.
Of course, the problem here is that when the humans tolerate this behavior because they can get cute social media photos, eventually the dog, much bigger than the cat, will snap. And things will not work out well.
My Fiancée’s Coworker Sent Us An Update On The Kitten We Gave Him. Zilla Demonstrating Why We Named Her Godzilla
My Cat Stole My Dog's Bone But The Dog Is Too Nice To Take It Back So Instead He Is Just Watching And Whining
“Why Is Your Dog So Afraid Of Cats?” -Everyone
My Cat Touching My Parents’ Dog Just To Make Her Growl
“I Heard You Were Looking For A Dog Sitter”
When Your Cat Tries To Drown Your Dog
Dog Lost Today
I Picked My Dog Up From The Groomers And My Cat Isn't Too Pleased I Brought Her Back
So hooman, you didn't notice the serene calm and quiet when that woofer was gone?
My Big Dog Won't Pass The Cat Or Even Make Eye Contact For That Matter
LMFAO!!! The look on your poor pups face is so amazingly adorable. Pure fear and no eye contact. My old dog used to have the same look on his face with my cat that looks exactly like your Cat!!
I Heard My Dog Growling And Went To Check On Her
My Cat Stealing The Dogs Bone
Send Me The Catnip And The Dog Lives
My Dog Is Scared Of The Cat And She Knows It
He Pretends To Be Nice To The Dog, But He's Really Just A Jerk
My Dog Is Stuck Because The Cat Knows She Controls The Stairs
Louie Is Begging Me, With His Eyes, To Make Allie Move
My Cat Thinks He's A Dog. And My Dog Is Unamused
My Idiot Cat Performing A Sneak Attack On My Poor Senior Dog
My Dog Is A Saint, Cat Not So Much
Our Cat Urinated In Our Dog's Water Bowl. Guess It's A Payback For The Dog Eating The Cat's Food
Found An Old Series Of Pictures From When My Dog And Cat First Met. It Did Not Go Well For My Dog
Caught My Cat In The Act Of Definitely Not Trying To Smother My Dog
"Kayla Come!" She Doesn't Come, I'm Going To Check... The Still Dog That Cries, And The Cat That Doesn't Give A Damn
Seriously? Can You Please Do Something About This Hissy Bitey Thing
Sam Will Sit On Top Of The Dog’s Food Container, Forcing Me To Feed Him First
She Swatted His Head One Time
My Cat Sits In The Doorway To Stop The Dog From Going Inside
Copper (Cat) Hates It When Cooper (Dog) Tries To Play With Him
This Is An Obstacle My Dog Faces Every Day
My Girlfriend's Cat Is A Jerk To My Dog
The Beginning Of 18 Years And Counting Of Being A Jerk
My cat hated my dog, until cat got sick. While recovering, cat took to sleeping in the dog bed because it was bigger. The dog would still lay in her own bed (cat was not contagious) while making sure not to sit on the cat, cat discovered that dog was warm and started to lay on the dog to sleep. Cat and dog have been best friends ever since.
Awwww - sometimes you just have to learn who your friends really are.
So that cat hated her till she found a use for her? So very cat.
I just hope these owners help their dogs and move the cats out of beds/off stair etc. They shouldn't have to live in fear of anyone in their household.
Yeah, many of these show cats physically hurting the dogs, and here people are upvoting it. Why? It's the same mentality where peiple laugh at men who are victims of domestic violence: they think it's funny because women are small and men are big. Not funny though. I hope these poor dogs get rescued from cats who bite and scratch them.
Load More Replies...Allowing one animal in the home to abuse another only shows how abusive these owners are especially to find that behavior is funny and do nothing to stop it. If they were children would you find it funny to find one child constantly every day abusing another? I dont think so, stop that animal behaviour in your home now.
Would you believe it, san, that there are people who favor one child over another and let the former one bully his/her sibling(s)?
I thought your name said "ReroRero" as in the sound Kakyoin makes when he eats a cherry XD I'm not sorry whatsoever
Half of the pictures are the cats just playing, it's easy to tell when a cat is in fight mode. But they're very cute pictures.
Yes- many of those bites are just play-bites. Our cats do that all the time.
Load More Replies...When my male cat "plays" with the other one, she cries out for help; is it because of "play bites"???
9 years ago today we said goodbye to our beautiful little kitty. She was very small but thought herself a lion and dog hunter.
This is why I like dogs better. If a dog barks or bites, it gets disciplined/trained to behave. If a cat does it, it's "awwww look at what the cat did!"
i think dogs being mean to cats would not be as funny! Cuz it could get real ugly fast
Agreed. When was the last time a cat got put down for aggressive behavior? Yet cats are far more aggressive than dogs, they're just smaller.
Load More Replies...Bob Belcher - not so in shelters. Time and funds are given to dogs deemed vicious - months of rehab sometimes. You get a frightened and confused cat, stuff it into a cage, have it hiss or swat, and BOOM! It gets the needle right away. Deemed vicious and "unadoptable". 25 years in shelter volunteering taught me this sad fact. That's why I stopped onsite volunteering. I couldn't rehab them all 💔
I wish my dog was afraid of cats so that I could have my grandma's kitten be able to roam around the yard freely(we live separate but in one home so the animals never cross paths unless outside)
My cats love my dog, and vice versa. Dog was dumped as a puppy, with his mom. One day he was very sick, so I brought him in the house. The only time he ever snapped at one of my cats. But it was her fault, she has a bad habit of sticking a claw in anyone she encounters, and stuck one in his head. She's not being mean, just clueless! But he is never afraid of the cats. If one is in his bed he just snuggles up to them..and they are never afraid of him.
The cat knows who's Boss in this house. She was always picking on him. It's his bed. IMG_201803...a016d5.jpg
We had a Collie/German Shepherd mix we called Corky when I was growing up. We "acquired" a kitten when someone left them in a box by the drive entrance to the old drive entrance to my dad's family farm. We used to spend spring holidays and summers there in the old home place. We found families for all but the one I wanted to keep, a solid grey long hair, possible "Persian" mix, that we named "Smokey". Smokey did have a white "star" on the center of his chest under his chin. Corky tolerated the kitten for a little while, then one day I got up early to let Corky out before feeding him. I found Smokey curled up in the middle of Corky's belly, with his chin resting on Corky's legs and them both in my dad's recliner. Fortunately, the recliner had a heavy vinyl covering and was easy to keep clean.
Make you wonder why dogs can be dominated by cats? Or are do they know they are really the dominant ones and are just trying to be kind .
Cats are ninjas and often strike before the dog even realizes it's an option
I'm sure it (this post) had 56 images. "People" like violence, and love to show off and share it.
I don't see the humor in this, people should put manners on their cat's same as you would with children, you wouldn't let a child do that to a dog so why let a cat do it.
Crazy tuxedo cat raises his tail and presents butt for sniffing by the dog. The cat is a wacko.
We have an unspayed female cat (she's a rescue; when I find the money she's going in!) She was recently in heat--noise, no bother, both boys were denutted long ago. But as she's waving her rail in the air, desperately looking for the wrong type of attention, here comes the dog with his cold nose. And she screams in outrage, and whirls, while he scrambles back out of range. 30 seconds later, she's stropping on him. Critters!
I just got a kitten 3 weeks ago. My dog isn't too happy that the cat likes his food better than hers.
Be careful though, cats need different nutrients in their food to dogs and take care to help the dog adjust, it was their home first and it can cause considerable anxiety for them.
Load More Replies...Thank's for your tips, but don't worry. The food l was talking about is just some goodies(ice dried meat) they can't reach each other's food bowls. Fortunately my dog is not the anxious type and right now they only meet each other for short periods of time while I'm present.
Thanks for the feedback Nela - glad you are on top of it. Hope they soon become the best of friends. I'd love a kitty but neither of my dogs would cope. One is very anxious and the other would just have her nose put out of joint if she ceased to be the boss! Which is a teeny bit likely with a cat!
My bigger doggo bites cats right on the butt, she HATES the strays around my house. Pretty funny tho
Here it's exactly the other way around: our Havanese is bulling our angel-like cat all day long... or at least when it comes at food. She even hid a piece of chicken in my daughter's bed this evening as she was full but didn't want the cat to get it.
Raine the GSD and the cats got along fine. They really loved each other. Raine had her own loveseat - she sat there all the time. And the cats had Raine to sit on. Pics of them using Raine as THEIR loveseat.
My cat (18 lbs) and dog ( 4 lbs) used to chase each other thru the house. First one would chase then turn around and the other would chase. This lasted until the cat got tired of it and the cat swatted the dog, making him go rolling across the floor. On a carpet(more resistance) my dog would grab the cat's ear and pull him around in circles, UNTL he got tired of it. Then the swat would come again, sending poor Puppy several feet. I wish we had cameras in our phones back then.
My dog was the jerk first. When I got Sora she tried so hard to lay with him and cuddle but Eli wouldn't have any if it. They'd play but no snuggles. She'll put up with a lot of his c**p even letting him win a lot, but she can throw him across the room if she really wants to (and has). Now? 7 years later? Oh she'll try to steak his spot, fight for couch rights, and smack him. She can't bite him, no more teeth, but he's still a jerk too. If he knows she's under the covers he'll lay on her or walk on her to get her to move. Both of them, tit for tat, have made me laugh a lot.
Tive 3 cachorras idosas, primeiro as tive, depois vieram os gatos, no começo foi dureza, deixar todos juntos, aos poucos foram se acostumando, com o tempo, aqui na minha casa, tive 7 gatos e 4 cachorras. Com muita luta, eu consegui fazer que eles ficassem amigos e depois de algum tempo, ambos já estavam até dormindo e convivendo juntos no mesmo ambiente, viveram juntos por mais de 5 anos, agora tenho 6 gatos, porque as cachorras morreram e recentemente perdi um gato, mas enquanto as cachorras viveram, se deram bem com os gatos, mas foi difícil essa união.
My 6 pound cat would chase the 60 pound dog. Poor dog would not go near the other cats even though they never threatened him.
Everyones cats are so wholesome in this comment section, but my cat is a bish. He peed on my sisters stuffed animals (right on top of her favorite). Im so proud.
I wish all the cats can have that kind of good, peaceful environment to have a chance to be jerk to dogs...I still try to forget that I read recently some idiot, murderer human's idiot pitbull strangled the poor stray cat in the park full of humans...
People apparently find it cute when cats are aggressive, hurt and draw blood on dogs, as shown above. If a dog fights back, people don't find it so cutesy, because yeah most dogs can kill a cat. But when people like and endorse these "a*****e cats" it's no wonder than dogs sometimes exact revenge on a sometimes unsuspecting kitty. We shouldn't endorse either type of aggression.
Cats are hilarious and have a sense of humour. Many dog people don't understand cats and think they are aggressive, but they aren't unless they've been abused and have had to learn to defend themselves. Cats are usually very calm and assured and only wary of dogs because they are bigger and noisy. I prefer cats over dogs any day. Much more intelligent, much cleaner, quieter, really sweet and can be very funny. Cats are lovely.
My cat hated my dog, until cat got sick. While recovering, cat took to sleeping in the dog bed because it was bigger. The dog would still lay in her own bed (cat was not contagious) while making sure not to sit on the cat, cat discovered that dog was warm and started to lay on the dog to sleep. Cat and dog have been best friends ever since.
Awwww - sometimes you just have to learn who your friends really are.
So that cat hated her till she found a use for her? So very cat.
I just hope these owners help their dogs and move the cats out of beds/off stair etc. They shouldn't have to live in fear of anyone in their household.
Yeah, many of these show cats physically hurting the dogs, and here people are upvoting it. Why? It's the same mentality where peiple laugh at men who are victims of domestic violence: they think it's funny because women are small and men are big. Not funny though. I hope these poor dogs get rescued from cats who bite and scratch them.
Load More Replies...Allowing one animal in the home to abuse another only shows how abusive these owners are especially to find that behavior is funny and do nothing to stop it. If they were children would you find it funny to find one child constantly every day abusing another? I dont think so, stop that animal behaviour in your home now.
Would you believe it, san, that there are people who favor one child over another and let the former one bully his/her sibling(s)?
I thought your name said "ReroRero" as in the sound Kakyoin makes when he eats a cherry XD I'm not sorry whatsoever
Half of the pictures are the cats just playing, it's easy to tell when a cat is in fight mode. But they're very cute pictures.
Yes- many of those bites are just play-bites. Our cats do that all the time.
Load More Replies...When my male cat "plays" with the other one, she cries out for help; is it because of "play bites"???
9 years ago today we said goodbye to our beautiful little kitty. She was very small but thought herself a lion and dog hunter.
This is why I like dogs better. If a dog barks or bites, it gets disciplined/trained to behave. If a cat does it, it's "awwww look at what the cat did!"
i think dogs being mean to cats would not be as funny! Cuz it could get real ugly fast
Agreed. When was the last time a cat got put down for aggressive behavior? Yet cats are far more aggressive than dogs, they're just smaller.
Load More Replies...Bob Belcher - not so in shelters. Time and funds are given to dogs deemed vicious - months of rehab sometimes. You get a frightened and confused cat, stuff it into a cage, have it hiss or swat, and BOOM! It gets the needle right away. Deemed vicious and "unadoptable". 25 years in shelter volunteering taught me this sad fact. That's why I stopped onsite volunteering. I couldn't rehab them all 💔
I wish my dog was afraid of cats so that I could have my grandma's kitten be able to roam around the yard freely(we live separate but in one home so the animals never cross paths unless outside)
My cats love my dog, and vice versa. Dog was dumped as a puppy, with his mom. One day he was very sick, so I brought him in the house. The only time he ever snapped at one of my cats. But it was her fault, she has a bad habit of sticking a claw in anyone she encounters, and stuck one in his head. She's not being mean, just clueless! But he is never afraid of the cats. If one is in his bed he just snuggles up to them..and they are never afraid of him.
The cat knows who's Boss in this house. She was always picking on him. It's his bed. IMG_201803...a016d5.jpg
We had a Collie/German Shepherd mix we called Corky when I was growing up. We "acquired" a kitten when someone left them in a box by the drive entrance to the old drive entrance to my dad's family farm. We used to spend spring holidays and summers there in the old home place. We found families for all but the one I wanted to keep, a solid grey long hair, possible "Persian" mix, that we named "Smokey". Smokey did have a white "star" on the center of his chest under his chin. Corky tolerated the kitten for a little while, then one day I got up early to let Corky out before feeding him. I found Smokey curled up in the middle of Corky's belly, with his chin resting on Corky's legs and them both in my dad's recliner. Fortunately, the recliner had a heavy vinyl covering and was easy to keep clean.
Make you wonder why dogs can be dominated by cats? Or are do they know they are really the dominant ones and are just trying to be kind .
Cats are ninjas and often strike before the dog even realizes it's an option
I'm sure it (this post) had 56 images. "People" like violence, and love to show off and share it.
I don't see the humor in this, people should put manners on their cat's same as you would with children, you wouldn't let a child do that to a dog so why let a cat do it.
Crazy tuxedo cat raises his tail and presents butt for sniffing by the dog. The cat is a wacko.
We have an unspayed female cat (she's a rescue; when I find the money she's going in!) She was recently in heat--noise, no bother, both boys were denutted long ago. But as she's waving her rail in the air, desperately looking for the wrong type of attention, here comes the dog with his cold nose. And she screams in outrage, and whirls, while he scrambles back out of range. 30 seconds later, she's stropping on him. Critters!
I just got a kitten 3 weeks ago. My dog isn't too happy that the cat likes his food better than hers.
Be careful though, cats need different nutrients in their food to dogs and take care to help the dog adjust, it was their home first and it can cause considerable anxiety for them.
Load More Replies...Thank's for your tips, but don't worry. The food l was talking about is just some goodies(ice dried meat) they can't reach each other's food bowls. Fortunately my dog is not the anxious type and right now they only meet each other for short periods of time while I'm present.
Thanks for the feedback Nela - glad you are on top of it. Hope they soon become the best of friends. I'd love a kitty but neither of my dogs would cope. One is very anxious and the other would just have her nose put out of joint if she ceased to be the boss! Which is a teeny bit likely with a cat!
My bigger doggo bites cats right on the butt, she HATES the strays around my house. Pretty funny tho
Here it's exactly the other way around: our Havanese is bulling our angel-like cat all day long... or at least when it comes at food. She even hid a piece of chicken in my daughter's bed this evening as she was full but didn't want the cat to get it.
Raine the GSD and the cats got along fine. They really loved each other. Raine had her own loveseat - she sat there all the time. And the cats had Raine to sit on. Pics of them using Raine as THEIR loveseat.
My cat (18 lbs) and dog ( 4 lbs) used to chase each other thru the house. First one would chase then turn around and the other would chase. This lasted until the cat got tired of it and the cat swatted the dog, making him go rolling across the floor. On a carpet(more resistance) my dog would grab the cat's ear and pull him around in circles, UNTL he got tired of it. Then the swat would come again, sending poor Puppy several feet. I wish we had cameras in our phones back then.
My dog was the jerk first. When I got Sora she tried so hard to lay with him and cuddle but Eli wouldn't have any if it. They'd play but no snuggles. She'll put up with a lot of his c**p even letting him win a lot, but she can throw him across the room if she really wants to (and has). Now? 7 years later? Oh she'll try to steak his spot, fight for couch rights, and smack him. She can't bite him, no more teeth, but he's still a jerk too. If he knows she's under the covers he'll lay on her or walk on her to get her to move. Both of them, tit for tat, have made me laugh a lot.
Tive 3 cachorras idosas, primeiro as tive, depois vieram os gatos, no começo foi dureza, deixar todos juntos, aos poucos foram se acostumando, com o tempo, aqui na minha casa, tive 7 gatos e 4 cachorras. Com muita luta, eu consegui fazer que eles ficassem amigos e depois de algum tempo, ambos já estavam até dormindo e convivendo juntos no mesmo ambiente, viveram juntos por mais de 5 anos, agora tenho 6 gatos, porque as cachorras morreram e recentemente perdi um gato, mas enquanto as cachorras viveram, se deram bem com os gatos, mas foi difícil essa união.
My 6 pound cat would chase the 60 pound dog. Poor dog would not go near the other cats even though they never threatened him.
Everyones cats are so wholesome in this comment section, but my cat is a bish. He peed on my sisters stuffed animals (right on top of her favorite). Im so proud.
I wish all the cats can have that kind of good, peaceful environment to have a chance to be jerk to dogs...I still try to forget that I read recently some idiot, murderer human's idiot pitbull strangled the poor stray cat in the park full of humans...
People apparently find it cute when cats are aggressive, hurt and draw blood on dogs, as shown above. If a dog fights back, people don't find it so cutesy, because yeah most dogs can kill a cat. But when people like and endorse these "a*****e cats" it's no wonder than dogs sometimes exact revenge on a sometimes unsuspecting kitty. We shouldn't endorse either type of aggression.
Cats are hilarious and have a sense of humour. Many dog people don't understand cats and think they are aggressive, but they aren't unless they've been abused and have had to learn to defend themselves. Cats are usually very calm and assured and only wary of dogs because they are bigger and noisy. I prefer cats over dogs any day. Much more intelligent, much cleaner, quieter, really sweet and can be very funny. Cats are lovely.