In this hectic and competitive world where connections are of the most value, it might not be that easy to be an introvert. Even if you’re not socially anxious or shy, it can be pretty challenging to endure one hour of social interaction or even a minute of a small talk. Finding a fellow introvert might therefore be a huge relief.

Thanks to the internet, you don’t have to look far. We’ve gathered the best introvert memes, as shared by this Twitter account “introverts memes”, for you to feel less alone. The page has gotten 554 million tweet impressions in December 2022, with the most viral post reaching over 16.6 million people. So if you’re one of the ‘sorry, I can’t go out! I’m busy laying in my bed with my phone’ type of people, we believe you’ll find these images very relatable.

For more funny introvert memes, check out our other articles here, here and here.



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    Well-Dressed Wolf
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh my god. So I have a Volkswagen van that has a built-in table in the back. When I worked retail, I’d go eat in my van, in glorious solitude, on my own table. My co-workers would come and bang on the doors and windows and ask if they could come inside my van too. NO. GTFO. My manager would also come and knock on the windows if he had a question about my department that he couldn’t handle. I rarely got a quiet lunch break XD

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    Bored Panda got in touch with the person behind “Introverts memes”, Leonardo Abdala, a Brazilian electronic music producer, to learn more about the idea behind this page. Leonardo shared that when he was 15 and still in high school, he created his “Facts of School” page, which he managed for a long time. However, after he left school, it stopped making any sense to him, so the producer changed it to “Introverts memes”, which he can 100% relate to. “Now I feel so much more connected to my page again, besides going more viral than ever.”


    Leonardo told us that the idea for the “Introverts memes” account came from personal feelings. “I am an introvert myself most of the time, I avoid social interaction and only feel comfortable around my few close friends. The fact is that there are more introverts on social media than I could ever imagine, and they relate a lot to my posts. I think social media is a place to escape from social interaction and life problems for most people, and posting content that can help people laugh and enjoy, sometimes making their day lighter, is something I appreciate.”

    After being asked whether the memes that he shares can be relevant only to introverts, Leonardo replied that he thinks many people can relate to his posts, not only introverts, but he tries to emphasize situations where introverts can relate the most, “like avoiding social interaction, sleeping a lot, daily situations they may face and making fun of it.”



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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have this quote from Aldous Huxley as a tattoo: “After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music” Sums it all up, really.

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    Michael Largey
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For me, if they didn't leave voicemail, then it wasn't important to either of us.

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    We also reached out to Joanna Rawbone, MSc, a training consultant and founder of ‘Flourishing Introverts’ to have an expert’s say on introversion.

    Being an introvert might be difficult at times since social interaction can quickly overwhelm reserved people. But, according to Rawbone, an introvert can learn how to behave like an extravert; in fact, the expert said that that’s how many of us have fitted in and progressed in our societies and businesses “geared towards the extravert ideal”. However, Rawbone warned that there are many potential pitfalls to doing this as we may end up feeling not okay being who we really are. “It is highly likely to lead to introvert hangover and eventually introvert burn-out if we behave like this for too long; the inauthenticity of pretending will deplete our batteries and lower our self-esteem.”

    “The reality is, we can all flex our behavior to meet the situation we’re facing, and it’s at best a short-term solution. What we would do well to get really clear on is the difference between behavior and needs. An introvert’s mental and social battery is recharged by spending time with their own thoughts. This might be in quiet contemplation, in companionable silence, out in nature or by engaging in a hobby or pastime where they can lose themselves as many introverts are highly creative.”



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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Tom > Jerry. Just like Sylvester > Tweety or Wile E Coyote > Roadrunner. Perky thing being malicious isn't as cute as the creators seemed to think.

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    When thinking about a leader (boss, manager, captain, etc.) we usually imagine someone who is outgoing and sociable. These are the traits typical for extraverts. However, can an introvert be a good leader? According to Rawbone, being outgoing and sociable doesn’t automatically make for great leadership. “In fact, the leaders I have withdrawn from in the past were those who like the sound of their own voice rather too much, thereby leaving little space for the voices of their followers to be heard,” the expert shared.


    “Introverts make remarkable leaders and I use that word very deliberately. We are capable of being leaders ‘worthy of remark’. We often lead differently, and in a good way; after all, the days of autocratic top-down leadership are very last century. What we look for now are emotionally intelligent, empathic, inspirational leaders who create psychological safety by embracing diversity of thought and being. Leadership is not for the fainthearted introvert, though, or those who are using their introversion as an excuse for their behavior. That’s why the work I do with mid-career introverts helps them to step up and lead authentically.”


    Rawbone has also shared some of the most admired leadership skills that come fairly naturally to introverts:

    • “Empathic listening: introverts often hear beyond the words, so they pick up what’s not being said too. They are more likely to let people finish what they’re saying and rarely talk over people. Unless they’ve been ‘cut off in their prime’, which is a fairly common occurrence.
    • Observation: introverts are great noticers and pay attention to subtle signals that are often missed by others. This enables them to check in with where people are at and how they are doing or feeling.
    • Clarity: introverts are known for being sparing with their words, so they say what needs saying without the fluff and padding. This skill is invaluable in a leader.
    • Empowerment: introverts prefer to stay out of the limelight so enable others to shine. When they do take center-stage, though, they are composed, structured and calm. Hype only lasts for so long!
    • Situational humility: being prepared to say I don’t know enables others to do the same. When leaders model this behavior, the foundations for psychological safety are laid, trust is built, and loyal followership is close behind.”

    To discover your particular type of introversion, you can take a free quiz here!

    The internet is full of introvert memes. Because of their popularity, one might wonder whether they are accurate or perhaps they just simply depict a situation that most of us (regardless of our personality type) can relate to. Rawbone shared that a lot of the introvert memes she sees are self-limiting. “Some are funny and let’s face it, if we can laugh at ourselves, we stop taking ourselves so seriously. The problem arises when the memes feed our limiting beliefs or provide fodder for our inner critics to regurgitate. Usually, at exactly the wrong time. Have you ever heard the ‘You can’t do that!’ or ‘That’s not for you!’ or even the ‘What will they think of you?’ messages from some part of you? They are the mutterings of your inner critic, and we need to understand what they’re trying valiantly to keep us safe from. We explore that in my longer courses and that understanding enables powerful shifts in beliefs and behaviors. So, I’m more in favor of memes that accurately depict the challenges that introverts face, without the conflation of social anxiety, misanthropy or depression. These issues are not the same as introversion and can be experienced by extraverts too. Conflating them only clouds or muddies the challenges we face in our world biased towards the extravert ideal.”



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    Shay Tracy
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was younger, I always had an extroverted friend that dragged me around and made me do stuff. It was exhausting but fun but mostly exhausting

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    “Let’s face it, most of us will have been asked if there’s anything wrong when we’re quietly trying to hang onto the charge in our battery or trying a bit of subtle recharging.

    ‘Nothing is wrong … I’m actively listening.’

    ‘Nothing is wrong … I’m recharging.’

    ‘Nothing is wrong … I’m thinking.’

    ‘Nothing is wrong … I’m paying attention.’

    ‘Once this introvert is recharged, she’s capable of anything.’ and ‘The quietest people have the loudest mind, and you probably don’t want to be in my head right now!’


    So, memes have their place, and let’s keep them positively funny, rather than unnecessarily deprecating.”



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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    YES! And I'm already in my pjs secretly hoping they cancel and I don't have to get ready!

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    But why do introverts find social interaction tiring and sometimes even scary? Rawbone explained that social interaction can be tiring for introverts if they’re with the wrong people. “It can drain our batteries faster than a smartphone due to an upgrade! It’s wrong to imply that all introverts fear social interaction, though, as this is the territory of those with social anxiety. These might be introverts or extraverts. Those already in, or aspiring to leadership positions, know how to pre-charge, prepare and play to their strengths during social interactions.”


    “Both introverts and extraverts can experience ‘performance anxiety’ and as I work through with my management and leadership clients, this just means you care enough to do a good job. We need to work on any imposter syndrome and understand the messages delivered by our inner critics. Both of these tend to sustain our limiting beliefs, which is why building more empowering ones, grounded in reality, is the answer.”

    If you know that you hold yourself back, check out Rawbone’s self-paced course! The expert was very kind to give a special Bored Panda discount code that you can use at the bottom of the payment page -  BPDEC22!



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    Yeah, okay.
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OMG THIS. then you find out "oh, we just needed to review your schedule for next week" or something ridiculously unimportant that they could have resolved in the same breath it took to say that.

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    Rawbone’s next facilitated program starts in March 2023, and you can register your interest here. “This doesn’t commit you to anything, but it does send a powerful message to your subconscious that you’re ready to flourish.”

    To find out more about Rawbone’s work, her podcast and her TEDx talk, please visit her website:

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don’t mind working, although I should have retired three years ago. I’m not pressured, I work with one other person, and the job isn’t stressful, which is a blessing. Putting vinyl decals on cars is kinda fun.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a uh.....Coming up with excuses class that day sorry

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    Let’s Be Kind
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My favorite friends do and it is wonderful! We are like the best classical music - piano pianissimo to forte-fortissimo, depending on who we are with.

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    Elita One
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Instagram is s**t anyway, its just full of influencers, thots and art thieves.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No thanks, Spotify. I have a folder ful of music that; doesn't come with adverts, I can play in any order, won't randomly force something down my throat and doesn't require a subscription. But thanks for playing.

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