151 Hilarious Introvert Tweets That Are Worth Cancelling Your Plans For
Do you pray that nobody picks up the phone whenever you have to call somebody? Do you feel like partying when somebody decides to cancel a party? Do you fear living with somebody more than you fear the prospect of dying alone? Then this funny list of introvert tweets is especially for you. Compiled by Bored Panda, the collection below is sure to give you something to laugh about, regardless of whether you're an introvert or not. But if you are then don't laugh too loudly. The last thing you want to do is draw any unwanted attention to yourself!
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When people give you unsolicited advice, they aren't listening. When people early wait for their turn to speak again, they aren't listening, you can't listen when you are also speaking.
lol i really need to borrow this one lol I typically make plan a week or two out, and by the time the date approaches, I really just want to stay in, cuz .... peopling is tough sometimes.
Why?? why do they always need to do that in every possible class if they're going to forget everybody's name right after it
I've heard this a million times. People say i'm quiet and shy, but really I haven't warmed up yet!
True! And to add to that, silence is not necessarily a bad thing while hanging out together
I relate to this one a lot. When it comes to matters of the heart, or point making, i articulate myself in terms of writing. However, my humor is almost always better in person.
...trying to comment on how true this is ....deletes everything...tries again ...delete...I'll just let someone elts comment
True, today I saw someone reading one of my favorite books before class, and I spent the next few minutes debating whether or not to mention it to them. Needless to say, my decision was that I had waited too long to say anything, and that, therefore, I had an excuse not to say anything.
The three dots of "your friend is typing" can also be very nerve-wracking
When they sign you up for a team sport because "it would be good for your social skills" *weeps silently*
Sometimes I pretend to be talking on the phone with someone so people won't talk to me :) People who know me to well though know I'm lying lol... I don't ever actually talk on the phone ahahaha
It freaks me out when people are nice. My thoughts: "strange person holding door open...may be plotting my death," "teacher asks me how I'm doing; may be searching for blackmail," "acquaintance offers me snack; may be trying to poison me."
I haaaate teachers that do that ugh... What is there reasoning behind this? "Let's see, no one knows the answer... If no one will willingly make a fool of themselves, I'd better pick someone to fail miserably"
Man these tweets make it seem like I'm the only introvert who loves the outdoors... Doesn't any other introvert like outside?
My advice : speed up, as if you were late and NO TIME to share. No, nothing more than a "hi ! Sorry, I'm late !". It works. It always works.
Can someone PLEASE get this for me? But just mail it to me. Wait no I don't want to talk to the delivery person. Just put it on my doorstep. Wait no, I don't want to go outside. I KNOW! Please send it to me by flying turtle. It can come in through my window and I DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING YAY!
TRUE THAT DANG IT. It hurts to smile for that long, but it's better than everyone asking, "Are you ok?"
I'm curious to know why extraverts like staying at parties that long... What are you doing that makes you so happy to flail your arms around for 8 hours @_@
Hence why I don't host any gatherings. My birthdays are better spent without acknowledgement.
I'm happy with my own company and I don't want to jeopardize my happiness. Thanks for the invite.
Was forced to do this about three times at my new job. Why do they make you do this?
That's because we still don't have to say anything, since we type it instead
My list would replace #3 with "Long for warmer weather even though it isn't cold yet."
Man some of these are make out introverts to seem really sad though... I love being introverted, and I like being alone, but I do get lonely sometimes, and so I also love people, just... in small doses
This is the most relatable post EVER!! I'm a middle schooler and I have only hung out at someone else's house ONCE this school year to do a project, and at school i only have a few people I am comfortable with, and I have a hard time keeping a conversation sometimes with even them.
Man some of these are make out introverts to seem really sad though... I love being introverted, and I like being alone, but I do get lonely sometimes, and so I also love people, just... in small doses
This is the most relatable post EVER!! I'm a middle schooler and I have only hung out at someone else's house ONCE this school year to do a project, and at school i only have a few people I am comfortable with, and I have a hard time keeping a conversation sometimes with even them.