Introverts In This Online Group Are Sharing Painfully-Hilarious Memes About Being Introverts, Here Are 50 Of The Funniest Ones
InterviewIntroversion is a personality trait characterized by a focus on internal feelings rather than on external sources of stimulation. But the thing about introverts is that you don’t have to tell them they are introverts. Quite on the contrary, introverts have been very well aware of the fact since the dawn of time, or rather the second grade when they realized they preferred spending time with two friends max rather than a large group.
The best part of being an introvert is how well we can relate to fellow introverts without uttering a word. There’s this shared understanding of our existence we have in common, which makes us both laugh and cry, and then laugh again.
If you're wondering if you’re one of this crowd who doesn’t enjoy crowds, pull your seat closer, because today we wrapped up some of the funniest introvert memes shared on this Facebook page. Titled “Introvert Memes,” the group is home to 107.5k self-confessed introverts who totally relate to the content shared here. Scroll down for our selection of the memes below!
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We often hear the terms “introvert” and “extrovert” when referring to human personalities, so this theory of two opposites is very popular. Individuals like to define themselves as belonging to one of the groups, which reflects in their behavior and lifestyle choices. But since there is an abundance of information, both accurate and not so much, surfing online about the subject, we reached out to an expert.
Bored Panda spoke with Helen Marlo, a licensed clinical psychologist and Jungian psychoanalyst who provides psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and consultation. Helen is also a Professor of Clinical Psychology and the Department Chair at Notre Dame de Namur University and she shared some very interesting thoughts about extroverted and introverted minds and how their perspectives differ.
Marlo explained that the key difference between introverts and extroverts is in the characteristic and distinctive ways they direct and use consciousness and, consequently, how their attitude of consciousness impacts their psychic energy.
“An individual who becomes energized when their consciousness is oriented towards internal sources exhibits a more dominant introverted attitude while an individual who is energized when directing consciousness to external sources exhibits a more dominant extroverted attitude,” she explained the main difference.
Moreover, according to Marlo, “extroverts, who obtain more gratification from sources outside themselves, especially human interactions, are frequently described as more social, gregarious, community-minded, and oriented towards group activities.” Meanwhile, “introverts, who obtain more gratification from sources inside themselves, are typically described as more introspective, reflective, solitary, and oriented towards individual pursuits.”
What is less known about this theory of human personality is that it does not simply divide people as being either introverts or extroverts, and that it’s complex, contrary to common belief. “Rather, everyone has extroverted and introverted sides, which fall on a continuum. Jung’s theory of typology, for example, describes how the typological attitudes of introversion and extroversion interrelate with the psychic functions of intuition, sensation, thinking, and feeling, which influence how we gather information and make decisions, respectively,” Marlo explained.
HOW?!? it may not be illegal here in florida... just asking for a freind..
The Jungian psychoanalyst said that “the introverted and extroverted attitudes and these psychic functions intersect with the panoply of inner figures in one’s personality, such as the persona and shadow, which impacts how they are expressed.” This is one reason why generalizations about the personality and activities of introverts and extroverts often do not fit into simple categories, Marlo argues.
“While the personality traits and activities ascribed to introverts and extroverts have some validity, frequently, such characterizations are overgeneralized and simplistic. For example, a frequent overgeneralization is that extroverts are not introspective or reflective while introverts are not social nor relate well to others,” she told Bored Panda.
I liked the post about an introvert woman that was invited to a Halloween party and she said she was going as Amelia Earhart and never showed up.
When asked whether we are born introverts or we become them later in life, Marlo said that research finds that introversion and extroversion are, generally, a combination of factors. These factor include “what we are born with, along with what we experience in life, including influential relationships, our social and cultural world, life circumstances, stressors, and traumas.”
Me thinking that they're just being polite and they actually hate me
OMG! No you cannot call me! Who makes phone calls? Just leave a voice mail, which i haven't checked since 2004.
Good news to all the fellow introverts! There are tremendous benefits of being one, Marlo assured us. She explained: “The consciousness of introverts, relative to extroverts, is more primed to absorb, reflect upon, analyze, endow meaning, and organize external material from fellow human beings as well as the objects of our external world.”
Moreover, introverts help to make our relationships, with others and ourselves, as well as the events of the external world more meaningful! “Introverts enable us to learn from our experiences by inspiring reflection. Moreover, introverted attention fosters creativity, and when met with extroverted consciousness, it inspires innovation,” the psychoanalyst concluded.
I can talk myself out of doing pretty much anything that involves effort to get dressed.
The lion inside of me has been eaten by the beluga whale of depression
This is me! Once told my friend this "its not that I dont like you but I just spent a day with you, so I wont be talking to you for the next three days. I need to charge my social battery again"
Fair enough! Everyone needs time for themselves, it's very important!!
My brain: wanna see this? Me: umm actually not rea- My brain: and away we go!!
There is only one answer to this question: existential crisis and staying home
Wow. More like something in kindergarten. Or at least five years.
Ok but cat. Cats are worth talking about. No sleep, only cat.
I don't even need to be alone.. my sister thinks I'm I freak. I think I'm frckn hilarious
Wrong. Someone will always love you, regardless of what attitude you have, what looks you have or what you do. I'm serious. Even if you really don't believe it, it's true. :>
Maybe that's how serial killers are made? They're just introverts who kept being bothered by other people, so they killed them just to get some damn peace and quiet! 🤔
Honestly I would want the power of healing. I would love to be able to take people's pain and suffering away and it would be a bonus if you could use the power on yourself as well.
whenever someone asks if your dying just say "only on the inside". it's smooth.
Hi! I'm just here to point out that introversion and social anxiety are not the same thing. I know plenty of introverts who are witty, talkative people and just don't have the energy to put up with everyone else.
Oh hey that’s me. People are SHOCKED when I say I’m an introvert because I’m well spoken, funny, and apparently engaging. I just go Home and collapse after that lol
Load More Replies...I cannot be the only introvert tired of people confusing shyness and social anxiety with introversion
Not all introverts are quiet and shy. Introverts get their energy by being alone; extroverts are recharged by social activity. I’m an introvert but I love having small (very small) gatherings at my house—but I am able to be sociable without being awkward.
That's my position...I love social interaction, I just have to plan for the expenditure of energy and the recovery from same.
Load More Replies...Hi! I'm just here to point out that introversion and social anxiety are not the same thing. I know plenty of introverts who are witty, talkative people and just don't have the energy to put up with everyone else.
Oh hey that’s me. People are SHOCKED when I say I’m an introvert because I’m well spoken, funny, and apparently engaging. I just go Home and collapse after that lol
Load More Replies...I cannot be the only introvert tired of people confusing shyness and social anxiety with introversion
Not all introverts are quiet and shy. Introverts get their energy by being alone; extroverts are recharged by social activity. I’m an introvert but I love having small (very small) gatherings at my house—but I am able to be sociable without being awkward.
That's my position...I love social interaction, I just have to plan for the expenditure of energy and the recovery from same.
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