Sometimes, reading some interesting information at work is just what you need to take your brain cells for a walk and get the creative juices pumping. Fortunately, that’s exactly what the /r/FunFacts subreddit provides - safe-for-work interesting facts!
If your boss catches you scrolling this post or the aforementioned subreddit, consider telling them that this is just what you needed to jog your productivity. In fact, there’s a new fact for that as well - when your brain learns new information, it forms new neuronal connections, and the more it does this, the better it gets at it. That’s called neuroplasticity.
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Fun Fact: There's A Service Called "Cleaning For A Reason" In The U.s And Canada That Cleans The Houses Of Women With Cancer For Free So They Can Focus On Their Health
Fun Fact:
I have seen this multiple times here on BP however it brings a smile to my face everytime I see it .
The process by which your brain actually learns these facts is an interesting and not entirely intuitive one. Let’s dig in.
Most people know that our brain consists primarily of neurons. These cells link to one another with synapses, forming a dense network of connections that send signals through the brain and onwards throughout our bodies. At a basic level, these are the cells that embody the information we learn.
Fun Fact : In Switzerland It Is Illegal To Own Just One Guinea Pig . This Is Because Guinea Pigs Are Social Animals, And They Are Considered Victims Of Abuse If They Are Alone
In 1850 Dmitri Mendeleev Walked Almost A Thousand Miles To Moscow So He Could Apply For The University Of Moscow. Although He Was Not Accepted, He Walked To St. Petersburg Where He Was Accepted, And With That Education, He Developed The Periodic Table Of The Elements
And people made fun of him. He - or someone else - mentioned the analogy the periodic systems carries in regard to music, where each octave, the same tones and intervalls repeat, but with twice the frequency, ... but any F# will have an A as minor-third, so given an F# as base, any and every A is the minor third and acts as such, as well as any and every C# is and acts as a fifth and so on ... Silicone can be made into the same structures as C in a molecule (it's not that truly EVERYTHING could work out with C replaced by Si, but ... some ... 4 vacancies on the outer shell, the results thereof, ... interaction with mass and bond energies cause the deviation, ...) and such, ... people are said to have barked "then, let your atoms sing a song for you!" in an attempt to make fun of what he discovered. Oh my, people suck. People really suck - at least, the benefit of not being disproven should be granted to every idea ... and, keep in mind - at the time this was disregarded by other chemists, the vast majority of even biologists were still believing in a creation myth being the origin of life, species and a never discovered soul that is said to be exclusively issued to humans. Which ... well ... well ... THAT, fun may be made of unhesitantly, because funny is the best this could ever even dare to attempt to wish to be.
When your neuronal connections fire in certain patterns, those connections are strengthened and reinforced, and those reinforced pathways become the basis of all of our knowledge.
This is, of course, a gross oversimplification. Our brains contain lobes and segments that are specialized towards different parts of our thinking processes, but at a basic level, we have neural pathways criss-crossing those regions of the brain that form the basis for what we know.
A Deck Of Poker Cards Has A Metaphysical Meaning: 52 Cards - 52 Weeks A Year, 4 Suits - Seasons, 13 Cards Of The Same Suit - 13 Phases Of The Lunar Cycle. If You Add Up All The Values of The Cards In The Game Deck, You Get 365 Days (Including The Joker). The Second Joker Is A Leap Year
This sounds like what a kid would invent to put in a homework they forgot that was due to the next day. Extremely cool anyway
Fun Fact: A Black Robin Named Old Blue Became The Mother Of Her Entire Species When She Was The Last Fertile Female In A Group Of 5 Robins. There Are Now Over 250 Black Robins On The Chatham Islands, And Have Raised Their Status From Critically Endangered To Endangered
Neuroplasticity, then, is our brain’s ability to learn new information and revise things we’ve learned before. The greater your neuroplasticity, presumably, the more likely you will be to remember more of the cool facts on this list!
In reality, that’s not the only thing that determines your capacity to learn. Learning can be reinforced by many other factors, a couple of significant ones being repetition and emotion. This one sounds like common sense when you think about it - you’re more likely to remember the facts that shocked you, made you smile, or interested you the most.
A Picture Of Dr. Religa Monitoring His Patient's Vitals After Completing A 23-Hour-Long Heart Transplant. At The Bottom Is A Picture Of The Same Patient, 30 Years Later. He Managed To Outlive His Doctor
You can also see his exhausted assistant passed-out/asleep in the corner of the room
Armadillos Can Hold Their Breath For Up To Six Minutes And Are Known To Walk Underwater To Cross Streams!
The Eggplant Is Called The Eggplant Because When It Is Young It Looks Like An Egg
Fun Fact:
The phrase is " kill you" Getting really tired of this unalive bullsh it.
Fun Fact: Don't Get Bitten By A Chinese Water Deer
As we mentioned earlier, learning new facts is one way to maintain your neuroplasticity! In addition to that, this great article on Healthline has a few other fun ways to improve your neuroplasticity (which, you guessed it - tends to degrade as we get older):
- Video games
- Learning a new language
- Creating music
- Traveling
- Exercise
- Creating art
Fun Fact: A Rural Japanese Town Under Siege By Monkeys Is Defended By Three Elderly Women Armed With Airguns Who Call Themselves The “Monkey Busters”
They can defend the village without having to kill anything. Airguns still hurt, not as much as a real gun though.
Load More Replies...Fun Fact:
They have the shortest beak of all birds, since beaks are measured from the nostrils to the tip!
The Meaning Of The Greek Word "Cerberus" Is "Spotted" So Technically Hades' Dog's Name Is "Spot"
Fun Fact: LEGO’s The Largest Tire Manufacturer In The World
Fun Fact: Ethan Zuckerman, The Man Who Invented Pop-Up Ads, Apologized To The World For Unintentionally Creating One Of The Internet’s Most Hated Forms Of Advertising
In 1985, After An 8.0 Magnitude Earthquake Hit Mexico City, Nearly All Newborn Babies Survived A Collapsed Hospital. They Are Known As "Miracle Babies" For Surviving 7 Days Without Nourishment, Water, Warmth Or Human Contact
Poor Guy
Poor blob fish isn't blob. It's names after its dead body :(
Fun Fact: Research Shows That Some Fish Eggs Remain Alive Even After Being Swallowed By Mallards, A Breed Of Ducks. These Eggs Then Come Out As The Ducks’ Poop And Hatch When They Find Water Again. This Explains How Some Fishes Emerge In Ponds And Pools Without A Hint
Which fish eggs? Don't just say some fish eggs. Tell us which fish, please.
Found On Insta
She had to sit down for a bit in the middle of the shoot, as she was pregnant at the time and got quite tired.
Fun Fact:
“Fun Fact “ Koalas Have Fingerprints That Are Almost Indistinguishable From Human Fingerprints
This Is A Piranha. Contrary To Popular Belief, They Almost Never Attack Humans (Unless Crazy Starved). I Work At An Aquarium And Clean Their Tank While They Are In There (About 12 Of Them). Quite The Scaredy-Cats, Actually. Won't Go Anywhere Near Something Living As Large As A Human
There Once Lived A Viking Called Harald Bluetooth. He Was Called That Because He Loved Blueberries. The Bluetooth Technology We Know Nowadays, Has Been Named After Him. And The Symbol Are The Runic H And B Put Together
Bluetooth was not a viking, he was a christian king. While one theory about his name claims he had a love for blueberries, which I find very wholesome, another more crass theory is that he just had bad teeth and bruised gums.
Narwhals Tusks Are Actually Teeth, Can Grow Up To 10 Ft, And Can Bend Up To A Foot To One Side Without Breaking. Their Purpose Is Still Not Well Understood. Some Narwhals Do Not Have Tusks. Their Skin Is Very Rich In Vitamin C, The Same As An Orange By Weight. There Are None In Captivity
Fun Fact: There’s A Species Of Sheep That Has Two Pairs Of Horns Called Jacob Sheep. They Are One Of Very Few Species Of Sheep To Have Multiple Pairs Of Horns. Here’s A Picture Of Its Skull:
My parents kept Jacobs. They can have 2, 4, or 6 horns. They're normally pretty small on the females. This is likely a fairly old ram.