As we've already showed you previously, sometimes kids ask and say the craziest things. However, when it comes to drawing - things get even worse. Where a child might see a hat or a whistle, you would probably see something... let's put it this way - different.
So here's a challenge for you: take a look at Bored Panda's list of these innocent kid drawings and tell us you don't see anything dirty. Yep, this is how messed up you are!
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Little Girl Drew A Picture Of Her Mom At Work. The Mother Is Actually Selling A Snow Shovel At Home Depot
My Friend's 8 Year Old Cousin Made This Self Portrait In Art Class. He Was Wearing A Minions Shirt. Needless To Say His Family Was Confused At First
My Daughter Drew Me A Giraffe
My Daughter's Dolphinarium
My 2nd Grade Teacher Friend Had A Class Assignment To Draw The Best Way To Prevent Germs. This Kid Did Not Fail To Disappoint
I Think The Kid Meant "Cook"
Well, there is nothing wrong with that picture. It even states "...the best c**k ever"
You Don't Have To Do This
I think, if you read the bit at the top it says Jesus washes his disciples feet
Found A Drawing I Did As A Child. I'm A Little Bothered
I'm in my 30s and I still can't draw hands and fingers. I can relate.
Made A Book For My Dad For Father's Day. My 13 Year Old Sister Could Use Practice Drawing Whistles
It Is My Cat, Cosmo
Kids Drawing Of A Volcano
I Worked A Kindergarten Graduation Service A Couple Of Years Ago Where The Kids Drew Their Own Programs. I Had To Save This One, Obviously, It's A Lighthouse
My Uncle's A Firefighter. One Of The Kids They Rescued Drew Up A "Thank You" Note
And One Night While We Were Listening To Old School Rap He Drew Two Turn Tables. I Was Just Glad He Didn't Draw A Microphone Too
Happy Horse Family
This Is My Daughter Billie's Drawing Of A Fox Running Away From An Alien
My 5-Year-Old Did This For Preschool. Mummy And Daddy On Their Wedding Day
My Kid's Drawing About Her First Day Of Kindergarten: Her Teacher. It's Pretty Accurate
My Kid's Drew This Mother's Day Card For Me. It's Supposed To Be A Rocketship, I Think
My 5-Year-Old Daughter Drew A Picture Of Her At The Farm, Holding A Shovel
At What Point Should You Tell Someone That Their Kid Is Drawing Questionable Art?
Friend Of Mine's Kid Drew This. He Said It Was "Daddy Shaking Hands With Santa Claus"
Here Is A Father's Day Card From A Friend's Student
I Teach English. One Of My Student's Drawing Looks Horribly Wrong
Yep - Its A Duck
My Son Was Studying Famine And This Was His Poster To Raise Awareness And Money
My Friend's Son Drew A Picture Of Mommy Mowing The Lawn
My 4-Year-Old Son's Drawing Of Santa. Yep, That's His Hat. It Was On The Wall At Preschool
Drawing Vases With Flowers In Art Class
Drawing Of A Giraffe. This Kid May Have Been Misinformed
My Son's Christmas Card Design
My Daughter's Skeleton This Is In The Classroom. Apparently, A Daddy Skeleton
An Elementary School Kids Drawing Of A Slave Playing A Guitar
My Son Drew This Last Year In The Kindergarden. It's Supposed To Be A Fish With Its Tail Out The Bottom There
My Daughters Kinder Flower - The Kindy Teacher Kindly Sent Me A Picture Via Sms
My Son Got In Trouble For Drawing Eyes At School
Those are boobies. He says they are full of milk. At least he knows what they are for. It's Not like he drew a penis pounding on them.
My Daughters "spider"
Portrait Miss 3 Did Of Her Dad
This Was My Daughters Artwork About A Monkey And A Lion
I Teach 1st Grade: A Students Drawing Of A "Dog Bone" With A Rainbow Coming Out Of It
My Friends Kid Drew A "Whale"
This Is The Start Of My Son's Dinosaur He Drew
Looks Like Rudolph Is Getting Excited About Christmas Already
My Little Brother's Innocent Drawing Ruined By My Dirty Mind
My Son's Homework. Say The Name Of Each Item Then Draw A Picture That Rhymes (with Dick)
Sun, Tree, And Person (by My Friend's Son)
My Daughter Drew This Picture Of A Cat In Kindergarten!
Innocently Inappropriate Children's Artwork
My 4 Year Old Was Playing On Snap Chat. He Says It's A Drawing Of A Man. Yep.
My Sons Get To Know You Book. Rainbow Ice Cream Anyone? Lol
I miss that innocence. On the other hand, never knew there so many ways to accidentally draw a penis.
There isn't anything wrong with that kids' pictures. Circles are easier to draw than other forms and as children don't have that insane motoric skills, they draw it that way. And if a child sees a giraffe, a dolphin or whatever and you see a penis, this is just you being perverted
This exactly is the funny thing about this. The children's drawings make us think they thought about sexual topics, even though they did not add all. It reveals in a funny way how likely we are to abstract into the wrong direction. The children might not always have superios drawing skills, but it is us that have the dirty mind!
I miss that innocence. On the other hand, never knew there so many ways to accidentally draw a penis.
There isn't anything wrong with that kids' pictures. Circles are easier to draw than other forms and as children don't have that insane motoric skills, they draw it that way. And if a child sees a giraffe, a dolphin or whatever and you see a penis, this is just you being perverted
This exactly is the funny thing about this. The children's drawings make us think they thought about sexual topics, even though they did not add all. It reveals in a funny way how likely we are to abstract into the wrong direction. The children might not always have superios drawing skills, but it is us that have the dirty mind!