Artist Draws Absurd Comics For People With A Dark Sense Of Humor (47 New Pics)
Interview With ArtistC-Section Comics have been around for 11 years and have probably ironically touched any subject you can think of, from serious social issues to political satire or geeky pop culture strips. Some of C-Section Comics are lighthearted and harmless while others have darker undertones and a pinch of sarcasm.
The artist behind these humorous comics, Idan Schneider, who shared his cartoons with us for the first time here almost two years ago, talked about his art to Bored Panda:
"I've been drawing ever since I remember myself. I published a few webcomics in the past, but C-Section Comics is my longest-running webcomic, I've been drawing it for 11 years now. It has no consistent theme, I just draw random silly thoughts and jokes that come into my head. Some recurring topics include dark humor, technology, geek humor, existentialism, office humor, programming (I'm a programmer, by the way), politics, social issues, god, religion, relationships, the bible, nihilism, and TV/movies."
The artist said he slowed down a bit with drawing comics since COVID-19 started because he had to rearrange life's priorities, but he assured us that he will be coming back to drawing full-speed now, so this is the perfect time to follow Schneider's work!
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Idan Schneider took us back to when the webcomic started and how its name came about.
"I knew I wanted to draw random comics, and I was thinking about the cartoon section in the paper. It has comics, caricatures, and cartoons, all starting with 'C,' so I went with C-Section. The 'csection dot com' domain was obviously taken so I settled for C-Section Comics (So yeah, one 'C' is redundant there)."
Tin man is heartless because he doesnt have a heart so what about heartless people irl
We asked Idan Schneider about his drawing style, which is unique for the fact that he is not afraid to change up things and try something new.
"My earliest influences as a child were Mad Magazine and European comics such as Asterix the Gaul. They influenced me both in terms of drawing style and humor style. Over the years, I got to develop my own style, but developing 'your own style' is something that happens slowly, gradually. Even today, I like to experiment and try to do new things with my comics. So sometimes I'll draw in black and white, and sometimes in color. Sometimes I'll have more realistic characters and sometimes simplistic drawings. Sometimes I'll have a single panel, and sometimes long form. It all depends on what I feel is right for each particular bit."
Schneider has been drawing comics for over a decade now and has hundreds of strips in the archives on his website, so we wondered how what keeps him inspired and motivated:
"As I mature and change, so does my content. My biggest motivation is knowing that I'm doing what I love to do. I draw first and foremost for myself. But as mentioned earlier, I naturally enjoy sharing my random thoughts with others."
A big part of what keeps C-Section Comics relevant and entertaining is the variety of topics you can find there. When asked what would he choose if he could only draw comics on one topic for the rest of his life, he said: "I could never do such a thing. Having to pick one topic would drive me insane."
"Dark humor is my own personal taste. It tests boundaries, it can make people think about things a bit differently, it can leave a mark. It's a combination of sweet and bitter, just like life," Schneider explained why he went with dark humor for his comics.
He says he is privileged to be able to create and share his art with a wide audience.
"Being a web cartoonist, I have the privilege that was, until 20 plus years ago, reserved only for syndicated cartoonists. My cartoons can be read by millions of people around the world. I get much joy from that."
We asked the artist what is the most challenging and the most rewarding part of creating comics, having in mind he has years of experience in his pocket.
"Using cartoons, I get to grab the attention of my readers, even if it's for a few seconds at a time. I can make them think about an issue I put in the spotlight, or sometimes just share with them a silly thought that I had. That is the most fulfilling part. The main challenge is translating an idea or a thought that you have in your head and putting it on paper—it's harder than it seems."
Despite the challenges, drawing comics can bring a lot of joy. Schneider recollected one of the proudest moments of his career as a comic artist:
"Ten years ago, one of my comics went insanely viral. It appeared on TechCrunch, CNET, HuffPost. A CEO of a very large tech company sent it to his employees in an internal e-mail (I know because a friend who worked there told me so). It was shared everywhere. My website crashed from the flux of visitors. I've had many comics go viral since then, but not on that kind of scale."
Lastly, Schneider shared his piece of advice with upcoming artists who are considering sharing their work:
"Have lots of patience. Your first comics will most likely suck, but it's a phase you have to go through. Have thick skin. Enjoy what you're doing. Be prepared for a lot of hard work, but be certain that a lot of satisfaction will come with it."
If you have never run a marathon at all, technically, you won every one in which you participated.
A storm is a storm no matter where you are, just who you're with.
wait a minute is this published on twitter 😏 . . . i just checked its on instagram phew
If you only pick people based on their skills instead of their race and gender, you are a far-right biggot.