It's no big secret that going to work day after day after day can be a numbing experience. The Office's Michael Scott knows it. Parks and Recreation's Leslie Knope does too. Of course, that is, if your colleagues don't know how to live it up a little.
We, for one, love a good-natured prank to kick the day off. In our books, it's one of the few things that make coming to the office worthwhile. For that reason, we've handpicked the funniest pics that capture the sidesplitting moments when employees turned their workplace into comedy gold - a place we wouldn't mind coming to every day.
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Happy Retirement To My Coworker That Always Brought Us Candy. Thanks For Always Being Awesome, Mark
In the fast-paced and demanding world of modern-day offices, where deadlines loom and stress levels skyrocket with each day, one element shines through like a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day: humor. It has become increasingly clear that a workplace infused with humor is not only a happier place to be in but also a more productive and innovative one.
Multiple studies have consistently demonstrated that humor in the workplace offers more than just a pleasant experience or a perception of time passing swiftly; it delivers tangible advantages to the bottom line. When employees share laughter, they exhibit heightened levels of creativity and collaboration, leading to increased productivity and profitability.
I Came Into The Office Early And Switched As Many M And N Keys On Keyboards As I Could. Some Might Say I'm A Monster But Others Will Say Nomster
According to a study by Stanford University researchers Jennifer Aaker and Naomi Bagdonas, there is a notable decline in the frequency of laughter as we age. They refer to this phenomenon as the "humor cliff," highlighting that an average four-year-old child laughs around 300 times a day, while it takes the average 40-year-old adult approximately two and a half months to reach the same amount of laughter.
This decline in laughter is particularly evident on weekdays, it turns out. As an analysis of Gallup revealed in 2013, we laugh significantly less during the workweek compared to weekends. Thus, it seems that our work-centric, hustle culture plays a role in this disparity.
My Coworker's Motivational Strip On His Computer
It Is My Friend's Birthday And The Girls He Works With Decided To Make Him Feel Special
Undoubtedly, when discussing workplace humor, it would be remiss not to mention the iconic character of Michael Scott from the TV series The Office. This beloved show adeptly captures the significance of humor in the workplace. From Michael's comically inept attempts at leadership to the witty exchanges between Jim Halpert and Dwight Schrute, The Office exemplifies how humor can bridge the gap between hierarchical levels and diverse personalities, fostering a sense of camaraderie.
We Sent The New Kid At Work On A Fool's Errand To Go Buy Some "Elbow Grease". He Came Back With This. This Kid Is Going Places
My Coworker Spilled Wine In The Office
However, it is important to acknowledge that The Office also serves as a cautionary tale, illustrating the potential pitfalls of office banter. As Kai Chi (Sam) Yam, a Provost's Chair Professor of Management at the National University of Singapore Business School, emphasizes in his research discussed in a Harvard Business Review article: "Some forms of humor on the part of a leader can also act as a powerful signal to team members that it’s OK to break the rules in negative ways."
Coworker Said She Would Only Accept An Official Apple Mouse So I Dug This Out Of Storage And Left It On Her Desk
Saw This At Work And Thought You Guys Might Appreciate
In order to learn more about how some good-hearted monkey business can turn any “soul-sucking, fun-sucking, Dilbert-like” job into a place where workers willingly go without feeling like Office Space's Peter Gibbons, Bored Panda reached out to Michael Kerr, one of North America's leading speakers on workplace culture and the author of 'The Humour Advantage: Why Some Businesses Are Laughing All the Way to the Bank.'
Yesterday, I Came Into Work With A Mustache. Today When I Arrived, This Was Waiting For Me
There Is A Tile Moved At Work For Some Reason. It’s Been Moved For About Two Weeks. I Decided To Have Fun With It
"I always like to remind people that there's a chicken and egg relationship or maybe a rubber chicken and egg relationship [when it comes to humor at a workplace]. Humor helps build a better workplace where people want to show up and do their best work. But humor also reflects a positive workplace culture," Kerr explained over a Zoom call. "So if people feel valued and appreciated and there's open and honest communication, there's high levels of trust," which in itself is one of the key ingredients of great results.
My Coworker Decided To Put This Picture On Our Card Reader
I had one at my check out window at a doctors office when I would go to lunch , a pic of the terminator, “ I’ll be back “
I Told My Coworker That Our Blueberry Containment Area Had A Leak... He Was Not Amused
At first glance, humor and productivity may appear like an odd couple in the world of work, sure. According to Kerr, however, there's more to it than meets the eye. "We know from all sorts of research that when you deliver your messages with humor, people are more likely to hear your messages. We remember them more," he argued. "We know that 'ha' plus 'ha' equals 'haha'. So if you wanna be more creative at work, adding more fun and being more playful in your meetings can help you be more creative."
A Great Way To Get Some Work Done
In an open space like this, everybody who talks at all- talks to me. I would never fckin ever get anything done
Dating At Work
Michael Kerr is right. Leaders who possess a sense of humor are regarded as 27% more inspiring and respected than their more serious counterparts, according to research. Not only that, but employees of bosses who incorporate humor into meetings exhibit 15% higher levels of engagement, and their teams are over twice as likely to conquer the hurdles of creative challenges—a phenomenon that undoubtedly translates into better results.
My Coworkers Got Me A Cake For My Last Day On The Job
My Mom Works At A Nursing Home With A Covid-Positive Patients. One Of Her Coworkers Found A Safe Way To Cheer Them Up
Undoubtedly, humor is a subjective matter, and certain forms of it, such as sarcasm or aggressive humor, have a tendency to backfire. With this in mind, Kerr advises individuals to avoid such styles and instead focus on good-natured, clever banter, especially if they don't naturally possess a comedic inclination. "If you're a manager, a supervisor, you have to be super careful that you're not using humor to punch down [on employees]. You have to be able to show that you can take a joke, that you can laugh at yourself," said Kerr.
I Went To My Coworker With A Question And Found Him Totally Alert And Focused On The Job
My Daughter hated distance learning during the pandemic and one day I checked in on her right on time to find her propping her life size Moana doll in front of her screen. I laughed so hard.
After Getting Hit By A Forklift Twice In One Week, My Coworker Started Wearing Protection
"If you're on a team building event or you're doing something kind of fun at a retreat or a social event," he said, "be the first person to step up and be willing to laugh at yourself - give people around you the ability to laugh at you a little bit. That sends such a powerful message as a leader."
These Are My Bosses. I Love My Job
Maybe we can stop with the fatshaming comments and instead recognise that they're doing an unexpected DC / Marvel crossover?
My Colleague Got Stung In The Mouth By A Bee, Boss Framed The Stinger And Left It On His Desk
Took Pot Brownies To Work Today. HR Loved It
Some Coworker Is Leaving Origami Works On Random Desks At Job
My Coworker Puts His Coffee Creamer In Breast Milk Bags In The Common Fridge
We Have A Cutout Of Our Boss At The Office For When He Works Abroad
I Saw This At Work Today And I Was Crying
Someone Brought Cheerio Donuts Into Work Today
I Work At A Vet Clinic And One Of My Coworkers Put This Up On The Wall
The Caliber Of The People I Work With
You're Joking. You're Joking. I Can't Believe My Eyes. This Is How My Coworker Came Into Work Today
My Coworker Said She Wanted A Good-Looking Man To Look At While She Worked. I Think I Nailed It
A Coworker Said There Was A Walk-In Fridge In The Break Room... Wasn’t Disappointed
The Lock On Our Bathroom Door In The Break Room At Work
A Few Days Late, But Here Is My Mexican Coworker On Cinco Mayo. He Wore This All Day While We Served Enchiladas And Guacamole
I Left My Desk To Go On Break And Came Back To New Wallpaper. My Coworker Is Fantastic
It's Been About 6 Months Since I Put This On A Welder At Work And No One Has Said Anything. It's A Magnet With Sharpie On It
Found This Gem On My Desk This Morning. Coworker Pranked Me
My Wife Found A Deceased Cockroach At Work And Put It In A Coffin. Unknown People Added More To It
This Box Has Been In Our Hallway For Several Days Now. It Seems Someone I Work With Has Jokes
I Complained About My New Office's Window, So My Coworker Made Me This
Today Is My Last Day And My Coworkers Got Me A Going-Away Cake. It's Black And Brown Because I'm "Gone To Them Now". I'm Gonna Miss Those Jerks
Coworkers Made Me A Bike Lane All The Way To My Desk Because Of How Much I Talk About Cars Sucking
I Have An Australian Coworker (We Are In US) And I’m Giving Him This As A Gift Today
Ohhh! That a generous gift! Squeeze Vegemite must have cost a bomb. Very fancy
Tim Getting The Recognition He Deserves At Work. Employee Of The Month
Coworker Put A Price On A Beer In The Fridge, I Decided To Haggle The Price Down
Hopefully, My Coworker Won't End Me
My Dad Took A Cardboard Cutout Of His Coworker To An Aviation Conference In Galveston
My Coworker Left His Phone At Work Today
I hope you don't need to make any calls.
New Role At Work Had Me Move Desks To A New Building Across The Street, And This Is How My Coworkers Replaced Me At My Old Desk
My Coworker Made This On His Desk
Coworker's Screen Saver. For Context, It Looks Like A Usual Error Windows Give When Something Goes Wrong, But The Text Is Different
The company I used to work for had a rule that you had to lock your computer whenever you left your desk, but my [male] boss and another co-worker [also male] never did. One day, I went back and forth to each computer sending love-emails from one to the other. They couldn't look at each other for days.
but they didn't send the replies so they were just embarassed? lmao . evil but funny
There is not much in this world that makes me laugh anymore. But this had me belly laughing. Thank you for this. It was a great way to start my day!
I would like to work at these places. My last job got me killed and turned into a robot.
The company I used to work for had a rule that you had to lock your computer whenever you left your desk, but my [male] boss and another co-worker [also male] never did. One day, I went back and forth to each computer sending love-emails from one to the other. They couldn't look at each other for days.
but they didn't send the replies so they were just embarassed? lmao . evil but funny
There is not much in this world that makes me laugh anymore. But this had me belly laughing. Thank you for this. It was a great way to start my day!
I would like to work at these places. My last job got me killed and turned into a robot.