When I see some of the pranks kids play on their parents, I am more than a little relieved that my son is only five years old. His idea of a prank is “when you give someone a fright, Mama.” Oh, if he only knew. 

Nowadays, some people spend a fortune pulling off the perfect prank. There are even those making millions pranking others. I’ve come across videos of kids covering their parents' entire kitchen in peanut butter, creating a fake news broadcast convincing their folks there’s a nuclear attack, smashing expensive televisions, faking parental affairs and more. I’ll take a “little” fright over that stuff. Any day…

Not everyone is brave enough to push their parents to the edge. But for those who are, Bored Panda has compiled a list of some of the best times adult children refused to grow up, pranked their parents and made it out alive. We also spoke to an expert about the science behind practical jokes.


Mom Was Worried About My Trip To Detroit, So I Sent Her This Picture

Mom Was Worried About My Trip To Detroit, So I Sent Her This Picture

mephistophelesjanx Report

In 1974, panic erupted in the sleepy town of Sitka, Alaska. Once just a big piece of ice, it’s since melted and is now home to just over 8,000 people. Accessible only by air and sea, the place is relatively drama free. But on this particular morning, emergency services were inundated with calls from panicked residents. 

They’d woken to a plume of black smoke rising from the Mt Edgecumbe volcano, which lies about 16 miles away. The volcano was considered dormant, having last spewed lava more than 4,000 years ago. So it’s only natural, people would be freaking out.

As they continued to frantically alert firefighters and police, the Coast Guard sent out a helicopter to investigate. But when the pilot hovered over the crater, he noticed something strange. Where was the lava? Upon closer inspection, he saw a huge pile of charred black tires. And then, the words APRIL FOOL spray-painted boldly across the snow next to them.

Proof that some people will, quite literally, go to great heights to pull off a good prank.


My Dad Fell Off A 10-Foot Ladder And Dropped Through The Ceiling. I Was Walking By And Caught Him. This Was The Tile He Went Through, And Now His Christmas Present Is Finished

My Dad Fell Off A 10-Foot Ladder And Dropped Through The Ceiling. I Was Walking By And Caught Him. This Was The Tile He Went Through, And Now His Christmas Present Is Finished

ChapmanYerkes Report

The epic practical joke was the work of a local prankster, Oliver “Porky” Bickar. He’d spent three years planning his prank, collecting hundreds of old tires, gallons of kerosene and other equipment. Bickar enlisted the help of a helicopter pilot and some friends. They flew to the volcano, did the deed and casually left.

While he did make international news, “Porky” didn’t get into trouble for his shenanigans because he’d informed police of his plans beforehand. He’d just forgotten to let the Coast Guard know. Oops!

And once the town realized they’d been tricked, most people erupted into laughter.


I Got My Grandma A New Apron For Her 90th Birthday. This Was The Moment She Realized What Was On It

I Got My Grandma A New Apron For Her 90th Birthday. This Was The Moment She Realized What Was On It

peekab0o14 Report

As "Porky" proved, a well-played prank can elicit feelings of panic, fear, irritation and even anger in the moment but we will often look back on them afterwards and have a good giggle.


“Pranks can seed inside jokes that friends and groups share and remember forever. They are frequently part of reminiscing, and when recalled decades later, participants are likely to be amused and laugh all over again,” wrote Dr. Kathleen Pike, a Professor of Psychology and Director of the Global Mental Health WHO Collaborating Centre at Columbia University.


I’m Pretty Sure My Mom Will Never Again Ask My Help With Putting Away The Nativity Scene

I’m Pretty Sure My Mom Will Never Again Ask My Help With Putting Away The Nativity Scene

Bighawklittlehawk Report

Dr. Joseph Polimeni is an internationally recognized expert in the science of humor. In an exclusive interview with Bored Panda, he said people have probably been pranking each other for tens of thousands of years. 

“Pranks are a form of humor. In fact, the proposed cognitive structure of humor can be nicely demonstrated inside most pranks. Humor requires two disparate views of one social situation, with at least one view containing a social violation,” he said. 

“So, for example, my children, during their grade school years, once planted a plastic mouse in a cupboard to scare their mother. This scenario created two social views of one situation: 1) the perception that a real mouse was in the cupboard and 2) there was just a piece of plastic in the cupboard. The social violation pertains to an attempt to unnecessarily scare another person.” 


I Saw This Apron While Shopping, And Decided To Do A Remake Of My Mother’s Favorite Picture For Christmas. Taken 23 Years Apart

I Saw This Apron While Shopping, And Decided To Do A Remake Of My Mother’s Favorite Picture For Christmas. Taken 23 Years Apart

Deeplight Report


For My Holiday Card, I Photoshopped Myself As My Own Awkward Family. Yes, Every Person Is Me

For My Holiday Card, I Photoshopped Myself As My Own Awkward Family. Yes, Every Person Is Me

Bshuller Report


I asked Polimeni what possessed people to pull someone’s else’s leg. “The possible psychological motivations to invent a prank are varied and unique to each prank. Many pranks could be a gentle reminder that the target of the prank is not as socially powerful as they may portray,” he said. “Humor is often used as a playful way to broach potentially contentious social problems between people. Sometimes a prank is completely innocent and simply a gesture of friendship, solely reflecting a willingness to play.”

Many psychologists agree that practical jokes are a subtle form of “play-fighting” and research shows we tend to prank those we are closest to. 

Pike explains it this way: “Pranks are an investment in a relationship and pulling off a good prank takes planning, imagination, and effort.”


My Mom Wanted A Nice Picture Of Me And My Sister For Mother's Day. Well, She's Getting These Instead

My Mom Wanted A Nice Picture Of Me And My Sister For Mother's Day. Well, She's Getting These Instead

KevginaTheFrail Report


My Brother Replaced A Picture Of Jesus At My Parents' House With A Picture Of Obi-Wan Kenobi As Portrayed By Ewan McGregor. Three Months And Counting Without Them Noticing

My Brother Replaced A Picture Of Jesus At My Parents' House With A Picture Of Obi-Wan Kenobi As Portrayed By Ewan McGregor. Three Months And Counting Without Them Noticing

A-ladder-named-chaos Report


Jokingly Sent My Mom A Cutout Of Myself While I'm Studying Abroad. She Seems To Be Entertaining Herself With It

Jokingly Sent My Mom A Cutout Of Myself While I'm Studying Abroad. She Seems To Be Entertaining Herself With It

EverythingFerns Report

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The Announcer
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And even though you were overseas, you'll still be remembered at all the events

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Pike believes practical jokes can actually be beneficial to families. “When done well, practical jokes connect people and promote a sense of closeness in the relationship," she explained. "When pranks make us laugh together, we are likely to report elevated levels of affection and bonding for one another. The shared moments of surprise and laughter create environments that build trust, break down barriers, and promote teamwork.”

And while we don’t need to be as elaborate as “Porky” and take years to plan them, there are plenty of hilarious and harmless pranks to pull on the people you love.


My Parents Are Retiring And Want To Travel Full Time. My Brother Sent Them This Suitcase For Christmas

My Parents Are Retiring And Want To Travel Full Time. My Brother Sent Them This Suitcase For Christmas

dawndollygolden Report


I Work In Wastewater Treatment. My Parents Wanted A Picture For Their Christmas Cards

I Work In Wastewater Treatment. My Parents Wanted A Picture For Their Christmas Cards

mags387 Report


For The Last 17 Years I've Been Rearranging These Pigs At My Mom's House Into Naughty Poses And Every Time She Notices That I Moved Them, She Puts Them Back

For The Last 17 Years I've Been Rearranging These Pigs At My Mom's House Into Naughty Poses And Every Time She Notices That I Moved Them, She Puts Them Back

Neither of us have ever said a word to the other about it.

the_chosen_ginger Report

One of my friends has a 23-year-old son who is on a mission to turn his body into a walking work of art. A moving Sistine Chapel, if you will… He currently has 18 tattoos - and counting. And she’s okay with that. Afterall, she also has a few. Albeit only four small ones. When it comes to getting inked, she only has one rule for her grown up child: “no face tattoos or I’ll kick you out of the house”.

Not too long ago, her son went for his umpteenth tattoo. He arrived back home while my friend was in the middle of a (remote) work meeting and flashed his newly inked arm. He’d had the words “Respect, Trust, Loyalty” etched forever into his skin. She silently gestured how much loved it and continued her meeting. 


Her son then casually removed his cap, to reveal the words TRUST emblazoned across his forehead in big, bold letters. Needless to say, my friend’s meeting came to an abrupt halt as she flew out of the chair and lunged towards him, shouting profanities that we’d rather not repeat here. 

My friend later told me it took her about ten seconds to realize she’d been pranked and another one minute to fully calm down. Today, they laugh about it “all the time”.


Amongst My Dad's Christmas Decorations Is A Set Of Porcelain Angels In A Box Marked "Christmas Angles"

Amongst My Dad's Christmas Decorations Is A Set Of Porcelain Angels In A Box Marked "Christmas Angles"

We've giggled about this misspelling for years, so I finally made him the "Christmas Angles" he deserves this season.

Thepolomarcos Report


Whenever I Ask My Dad What Time It Is, He Says "2", Followed By A Brief Pause - "Too Late!" Or "Too Early!", So I Made Him This Clock

Whenever I Ask My Dad What Time It Is, He Says "2", Followed By A Brief Pause - "Too Late!" Or "Too Early!", So I Made Him This Clock

iliketobuildstuf74 Report

According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word “prank” has been around since the late 1500s. But back then, it had a much more sinister meaning to what we know today.


The dictionary states: “A prank was once more serious than it is now, not a practical joke nor a piece of mischief but rather some wicked or malicious act. For example, the 17th-century biblical commentator John Trapp described a person’s murder of their brother and sister as ‘lewd pranks’.”


My Parents Left This Photo Frame Empty For Too Long, So I Decided To Fill It

My Parents Left This Photo Frame Empty For Too Long, So I Decided To Fill It

Narraboth Report


My Sister's Gift For Our Recently Divorced Mom

My Sister's Gift For Our Recently Divorced Mom

Artarded_Remote Report

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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Love the dog looking up at her!! Makes it all the better!! Yes I know the dog is not real!!

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My Dad Got A New Printer, And Turns Out That It Has An Email Address That You Can Send Stuff For It To Print Out. Decided To Give Him A Little Scare

My Dad Got A New Printer, And Turns Out That It Has An Email Address That You Can Send Stuff For It To Print Out. Decided To Give Him A Little Scare

titaniumcobra75 Report

Nowadays, a prank is defined as “a trick that is played on someone as a joke”. But experts warn modern pranks can still be sadistic in nature. It all depends on the motivation of the prankster - and the harm caused. 

“The more serious prank failures occur when the prankster’s intent is flawed from the start. In these situations, the practical jokes aren’t jokes at all. They are mean-spirited forms of social aggression, bullying, harassment, and exclusion,” said Pike. 


My Mother-In-Law Cherishes All Of The Photos I Send To Her Digital Photo Frame. She Tells Me That She Checks For New Pictures Every Morning. Just Added A New One

My Mother-In-Law Cherishes All Of The Photos I Send To Her Digital Photo Frame. She Tells Me That She Checks For New Pictures Every Morning. Just Added A New One

mmmcake Report

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Teutonic Disaster
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

*late mother-in-law, the woman must've boutta had a heart attack

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I Bought My Parents A TV For Christmas, But Will Think It’s Something Else At First

I Bought My Parents A TV For Christmas, But Will Think It’s Something Else At First

chicoquadcore Report

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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Now that's just evil. They're going to be so disappointed when they find out it's actually a TV.

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Then And Now Pictures I Recreated For A Mother's Day Gift

Then And Now Pictures I Recreated For A Mother's Day Gift

LukeNuts Report

“When humor is used skillfully, it can serve as a non-aggressive reminder that one may have a different opinion or perspective about a certain social question,” said Polimeni. 

“However, pranks can often be selfish since they frequently provide a disproportionate sense of pleasure for the creators of the prank, and usually less joy for the target. Having said this, some individuals enjoy the attention, especially if the prank is mostly harmless,” he added.


My Dad Was Adamant That We Not Get Him A Cake For His Birthday, But He Eats Tomatoes Like Candy, So This Is What My Brother Came Up With

My Dad Was Adamant That We Not Get Him A Cake For His Birthday, But He Eats Tomatoes Like Candy, So This Is What My Brother Came Up With

Kamots66 Report

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Moosy Girl
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I did this for my mom with blue cheese (amongst other things). Fun fact: some blue cheese is easy to disguise as blueberry cake, but everyone, except for your dad who lost his sense of smell, will realise it's not what it looks like *before* biting into it.

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2 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I bought three round cheeses in descending size and stacked them like a wedding cake, decorated with swags of herbs, for my mother's 80th. Went down a storm, she's a cheese monster

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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I did something like for my daughter. She didn't want cake, she said she just wanted fruit. So I stuck some blueberries with her bane spelled and a "6" speaker out. And surrounded them by graped and strawberries. I have yet to too that mommy moment.

Teutonic Disaster
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Could've compromised with a tomato shaped cake 🤷‍♂️

Dorothy Reiser
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My brother once gave me a big bouquet of parsley for my birthday because it was my favorite food as a 10 year old. I was in heaven.

Christine Peverley
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When my daughter was 8 (approx), she made me a 'cake' made entirely out of fruit, because she knew I was not a fan of cake.

Jane W.
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Funny, pretty, and healthy, what better present could there be?

Cybele Spanjaard
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Great representation ..I hope he ate every single one all by himself

Amberlie Mikelsen
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

While the toothpicks holding the candles is good, I would personally have gone with cream cheese through an icing bag and made flowers to hold them; no holes to spurt tomato innards everywhere...

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My Dad Said He Just Wanted Old Pictures Of His Kids For His Birthday. We Gave Him One Extra

My Dad Said He Just Wanted Old Pictures Of His Kids For His Birthday. We Gave Him One Extra

PrettyDirty Report

See Also on Bored Panda

My Dad Complains About Doing Dishes, So My Sister Made Him A Dish Sponge Cake For Father's Day

My Dad Complains About Doing Dishes, So My Sister Made Him A Dish Sponge Cake For Father's Day

It's regular yellow cake with blueberry and lime.

TheCalmPirateRoberts Report


My Mom Put Me In Charge Of The Thanksgiving Centerpiece This Year

My Mom Put Me In Charge Of The Thanksgiving Centerpiece This Year

NOVApls Report


Finally Got A Picture Of It. There's Another One On The Opposite Side Of The Building

Finally Got A Picture Of It. There's Another One On The Opposite Side Of The Building

LilithMey Report


Gave My Dad A Really Heartfelt Card This Year

Gave My Dad A Really Heartfelt Card This Year

littlered1992 Report


I Replaced The Old Family Photo In My Mom's House With This. I'm Still Waiting For Her To Notice

I Replaced The Old Family Photo In My Mom's House With This. I'm Still Waiting For Her To Notice

aidN Report


Parents Asked Me To House Sit For Them While They're Out Of Town. Sent Them This Today

Parents Asked Me To House Sit For Them While They're Out Of Town. Sent Them This Today

TrueTriage Report


It Was My Dad's Birthday Today. We Didn't Have The Right Numbers, So We Got Creative

It Was My Dad's Birthday Today. We Didn't Have The Right Numbers, So We Got Creative

Lvl_69_Mafia_Boss Report


Told My Mom To Cancel Brother’s Senior Pictures Appointment, I Can Do It For Free

Told My Mom To Cancel Brother’s Senior Pictures Appointment, I Can Do It For Free

its_knighttime Report

See Also on Bored Panda

My Dad Is A Huge Golden State Fan, My Husband Is Not. This Is What My Father Woke Up To This Morning After A Raptors Win

My Dad Is A Huge Golden State Fan, My Husband Is Not. This Is What My Father Woke Up To This Morning After A Raptors Win

emdot19 Report


My Mom Told Me To Make Something Nice To Wear For Thanksgiving. I Think I Nailed It

My Mom Told Me To Make Something Nice To Wear For Thanksgiving. I Think I Nailed It

josiemarcellino Report


Someone Had To Take The Family Reunion Photo, But To My Credit, You Can Barely Notice The Photoshop

Someone Had To Take The Family Reunion Photo, But To My Credit, You Can Barely Notice The Photoshop

Lugozi Report


After Years Of Pictures From Our Dad Posing With Trophy Deer, My Brother One-Upped Him With This Beauty

After Years Of Pictures From Our Dad Posing With Trophy Deer, My Brother One-Upped Him With This Beauty

Dr_Delectable Report


My Girlfriend Creatively Rearranged Her Parents' Wall Quote After The Dog Destroyed Her Shoes

My Girlfriend Creatively Rearranged Her Parents' Wall Quote After The Dog Destroyed Her Shoes

anonymouscamel Report


I've Been Hiding Pictures Of My Dad Around The House. This One's My Favorite

I've Been Hiding Pictures Of My Dad Around The House. This One's My Favorite

omnicrom10 Report


Heartfelt Letter From My Brother To My Parents

Heartfelt Letter From My Brother To My Parents

Zoe-PhD Report


My Brothers And I Decided To Recreate Our Mother's Favorite Photo Of Us For Mother's Day, 20 Years Apart

My Brothers And I Decided To Recreate Our Mother's Favorite Photo Of Us For Mother's Day, 20 Years Apart

TheHeavensWillBurn Report

See Also on Bored Panda

Friend Of Mine Bought This For His Dad

Friend Of Mine Bought This For His Dad

Paperclip902 Report


Set Up My Mom’s Updated TV System Yesterday

Set Up My Mom’s Updated TV System Yesterday

GreasedLlama Report


The Card I Got My Dad For His 69th Birthday. He Loved It

The Card I Got My Dad For His 69th Birthday. He Loved It

chaostrulyreigns Report


Parents Told Me To Keep An Eye On Their House While They Were Gone. I Photoshopped And Sent Them This

Parents Told Me To Keep An Eye On Their House While They Were Gone. I Photoshopped And Sent Them This

Rskingen Report


My Mother's Day Card This Year

My Mother's Day Card This Year

Tyrone_Esquire Report


With Father’s Day Approaching, Don’t Forget To Buy Dad The Bouquet He’s Always Wanted

With Father’s Day Approaching, Don’t Forget To Buy Dad The Bouquet He’s Always Wanted

Apdski24 Report


My Mom Complained I Never Use Her Housewarming Gift

My Mom Complained I Never Use Her Housewarming Gift

Duquette_Roxx Report

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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If someone's complaining you're not using their gift, then it was never a gift for you, but all about themselves.

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Embarrased My Mom At The Airport With This Sign

Embarrased My Mom At The Airport With This Sign

LA-Roca Report

Note: this post originally had 76 images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.

See Also on Bored Panda