When you see a fortune cookie, it’s not the cookie you’re craving; it’s the fortune. There are plenty of baked goods out there, but how many also act as a fortune teller or pretend to be one? On the other hand, is there a better fortune teller and hidden message carrier than a tasty one? Some of these fortune cookie messages, however, are so surprising they catch people completely off-guard.
Bored Panda has compiled a list of some of the funny fortune cookie sayings found by stunned customers to prove that Confucius isn’t behind all of them. From rude insults to questionable dares, the people who had the weird luck of discovering a funny fortune cookie definitely had a hard time swallowing them. Scroll down to read the hilarious list!
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He Sat And Watched Me Eat Chinese Take-Out For Half An Hour. Then This Happened
Definitely The Scariest Fortune Cookie I've Ever Gotten
Didn't Expect My Fortune Cookie To Be So Insightful
Best Fortune I Have Ever Got In A Fortune Cookie
Fortune Cookie
Fun Trivia About Fortune Cookies
There are several theories about the origin of fortune cookies. One such theory claims that fortune cookies are a purely American invention started by a Chinese (or Japanese) restaurant on the West Coast in the early 1900s. Some state it comes from Chinese history; Chinese rebelling patriots used to pass hidden messages in pastry to avoid getting caught. Others say it copies the Japanese tsujiura senbei (rice crackers with notes inside) treat.
China tried to popularize fortune cookies but it never caught on. Today, the biggest manufacturer of fortune cookies, Wonton Food, is located in New York and has been operating since 1973.
My Wife And I Received Matching Fortunes At Dinner This Evening
My Ironic Fortune Cookie
Some get a little, some get none. Some catch a bad one, some leave the job half done!
My Coworker Just Came Back From Sick Leave; He Had A Heart Attack. To Celebrate We Went For Chinese. These Were In His Fortune Cookie
Take That Big Step
My Wife's And My Fortune Cookies. Hers Is On Top
Just When I Thought I Got A Good Fortune Cookie
Don't Expect Much From A Cookie
Well Screw You Too Fortune Cookie
My Wife And I Also Got Some Fortune Cookies
This Was In My Fortune Cookie Last Night... Should I Call Somebody Or?..
Faster Than The Bear
Two Fortunes In One Cookie - Aaaaand I'm Offended
When A Fortune Cookie Finally Speaks Up
I Think This Wins The 'Worst Fortune Cookie Of All Time' Award
I don't know. I got a fortune cookie once and there wasn't a fortune in it. Someone took pity on me and gave me another cookie and it didn't have a fortune in it either.
I Think My Fortune Cookie Just Threatened Me
As in at the supermarket behind the freezer before the security guard catches you?
Who Writes Funny Fortune Cookie Sayings?
If you want to make a prediction found in a fortune cookie funny, you need a master of the craft. Surprisingly, the author of funny fortune cookie quotes for Wonton Food isn't a professional writer. Donald Lau is the company’s chief financial officer, and according to his interview with CNN, he was given this job when the company was still small and he spoke the best English among all the employees.
He proved to have a great sense of humor and was the sole fortune cookie message writer for over 30 years. In his own words, Lau doesn’t see his fortunes as real predictions. They are just a fun way to finish a meal at a Chinese restaurant. Nevertheless, in his messages, Lau tries to combine humor with ancient Chinese traditions.
My 3 Year Old Nephew Asked Me To Read Him His Fortune
The Best Fortune Cookie Fortune Ever
What A Tease Haha
How Did The Cookie Know?
This Fortune Cookie Is Too Real...
My 9 Year Old Daughter Got This Fortune, I'm Happy For Her
My Friend's Misprinted Fortune Is Kinda Dark
My Fortune Cookie Has Either Seen Or Done Some Sh*t
Worst Fortune Cookie Ever
My Fortune Cookie Fortune Is Strangely Distraught
Avoid Gambling, But Hey, These Numbers Are Lucky!
I Spent 30 Minutes Trying To Get My Fortune Without Breaking The Bag Or Cookie
Which One Of You Bastards Works In The Fortune Cookie Business?
My Friend Got Rick Rolled By A Fortune Cookie
I have to quickly scroll past those lyrics before I get the song stuck in my head.
Thank You Captain Obvious
How Can You Use Funny Fortune Cookie Messages?
Apart from being just a fun message to put a smile on someone's face, funny fortune cookie sayings can be turned into an amusing dare game with tasks to complete once you’ve eaten a cookie.
You can also turn it into an endearing tradition by leaving messages for your loved one in their pockets, notebook, or other unexpected places. Funny fortune cookie sayings will surely brighten their day and make them smile.
Our School Fortunes Use A New Kind Of Motivation
There's a chance that the bulgogi you enjoyed at the Korean restaurant, at the Winter Olympics, may have been served with Man's Best Friend. Dog-on-the...951595.jpg
Pretty Sure My Fortune Cookie Is Telling Me To Masturbate...
So Honest
My Fortune Cookie Sounds Like Satan Trying To Give A Motivational Speech
Unusual Predictions
I Think My Fortune Cookie Just Threatened Me
My Pet Is Planning What?
Nonsense. My 12 foot crocodile is so well educated. Just look how he smiles and drools while he sees me.
Good To Know
The Amazingly Accurate Fortune Cookie
We Got Three Fortunes With Our Meal. I Have Now Learned All I Ever Need To Know Now In Chinese
So I Heard You Liked Fortune Cookies (From Scotland)
Haha Is This A Good Fortune?
Nice Try, Fortune Cookie
Depends On The Muppet
Was Looking For Wisdom And Got This... Though Very Accurate, Completely Useless...
My Dads Fortune Cookie Paper Has Misaligned Print
My Fortune Cookie Disagreed With Itself
Didn't Expect The Same Fortune In My Second Cookie
Hungover As Hell, I Stumbled Into A Chinese Buffet And Ate Five Plates. Then I Get This Fortune
My Friend And I Just Opened Fortune Cookies Together
Nice Try, Fortune. Still Not Gonna Try Anal
Abort, Retry, Ignore
Thought I'd Be Cool And Take The Fortune Out Of The Cookie Without Breaking It
This Fortune Cookie Was Getting Really Philosophical With Me
Scientifically it is stationery as darkness contains neither particles nor waves, as light does. Discuss. ;)
Fortune Cookie Is Eliminating The Competition
My Fortune Cookie Was Rather Blunt
Chef Grinned After I Opened My Fortune Cookie
Is This Not The Creepiest Fortune Cookie You've Ever Seen?
I Got A Political Fortune Cookie Yesterday
This Cookie Really Sees The Future
That's Oddly Specific Fortune Cookie
Of All The Possible Fortune Messages To Get Multiple Of In A Single Cookie...
These Are Horrible Fortune Cookies
My Fortune Cookie Fortune About Being A True Patriot
Went Out For Chinese Food Last Night. How Is This Even A Fortune?
My Fortune Cookie Doesn't Make Sense
The Most Important Word To Learn For Beginners?
Got This In My Fortune Cookie Today
I Think My Fortune Cookie Is Trolling Me
You Don't Say
I Don't Like The Fortune Cookie My Wife Got For Our Anniversary
Fortune Cookie
Umm... Instructions Unclear, Fortune Cookie
After Eating Delicious Chinese Food. My Fortune Cookie Decided To Be An Asshole
Maybe Next Time
Moms Know Best
Worst Fortune Cookie Ever
One Of The Best Fortune Cookie Fortunes I’ve Ever Gotten
At a family reunion, we had a chocolate fountain and one of the things we had with it was fortune cookies. I didn't think they would have fortunes in them because of the chocolate but gagging down that slip of paper proved me wrong. The next cookie I had I made sure to open. It said "You probably ate your fortune"
I just got a fortune cookie saying, “ If you have a job without aggravations, you don’t have a job. Gee, thanks. (Definitely gonna keep this one)
Anybody can cast a spell but not everybody can direct a successful spell with a positive results. Here you have Quick love spells mantras for love issues. I assure you %101 success if you do the mantras correctly. WHAT YOU NEED * Alter * Red candles Prayers Dear Mata Durga Goddess of love, I ask that you hear me. Please let ( mention your desired one) Send love towards me. So mote it be. Create a clear picture in your mind of your perfect partner. These vibrations can attract your imaginary man or woman into your life. 2. Make a relationship collage with pictures of things that are important to you. 3. Be specific when you visualize the environment and your future together. 4. Put it in writing. Make a list of your needs and wants in a satisfying relationship. 5. Place the list where you can see it often. The more time and energy you devote to it, the closer the reality becomes. 6. Focus on the list and verbalize it. Repeat it aloud for even greater impact. There's nothing like
At a family reunion, we had a chocolate fountain and one of the things we had with it was fortune cookies. I didn't think they would have fortunes in them because of the chocolate but gagging down that slip of paper proved me wrong. The next cookie I had I made sure to open. It said "You probably ate your fortune"
I just got a fortune cookie saying, “ If you have a job without aggravations, you don’t have a job. Gee, thanks. (Definitely gonna keep this one)
Anybody can cast a spell but not everybody can direct a successful spell with a positive results. Here you have Quick love spells mantras for love issues. I assure you %101 success if you do the mantras correctly. WHAT YOU NEED * Alter * Red candles Prayers Dear Mata Durga Goddess of love, I ask that you hear me. Please let ( mention your desired one) Send love towards me. So mote it be. Create a clear picture in your mind of your perfect partner. These vibrations can attract your imaginary man or woman into your life. 2. Make a relationship collage with pictures of things that are important to you. 3. Be specific when you visualize the environment and your future together. 4. Put it in writing. Make a list of your needs and wants in a satisfying relationship. 5. Place the list where you can see it often. The more time and energy you devote to it, the closer the reality becomes. 6. Focus on the list and verbalize it. Repeat it aloud for even greater impact. There's nothing like