Despite it being the 21st century, there's still a lot of gender inequality in the world. But a good thing about the 21st century is that at least we can expose it on Twitter, with harmless, yet on-point, feminist jokes.
The common misconception about feminism and feminists thinks that people who partake in women's liberation and equal rights activities are usually stuck-up boss-ladies or queer gals, but that could not be further from the truth. People, including men, from all backgrounds, different political views and religions unite in the equality cause, and the only difference about feminism, comparing it to general, equal rights movements, is that here people are trying to see it from women's perspective. And truth be told, sometimes there's no better medium for spreading your views than clever jokes.
Take a look at this list of funny jokes by feminists compiled by Bored Panda to see what we mean. They'll make you smile, but hopefully, they'll also make you think a little too. As one of the best jokes rightly puts it: "I think feminism should be called something common sense."
Don't forget to vote for the hilarious jokes!
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Food Conquers All
In part I blame religion and it's insistence on gender roles. Old Biblical gender roles are of this kind, where the woman aren't supposed to have agency of their own, so when dealing with bad consequences like this, the onus is put more heavily on the girl or woman than the boy or man. In this way there's a weird dichotomy of "Women aren't good/smart enough to do things themselves" and "men don't have control over their own natural impulses, therefore women shouldn't tempt them, whether it be by actually asking for sex, or just leaving a bit of skin uncovered, lest they can't control themselves." Really, it's stupid and horrible for everyone.
New Name For Feminism
Smile, Honey!
I don't want men or women to smile at me. Makes me think they're up to something.
Secret Message
Unwanted Photos
Definition Of Sexism
I Could Use The Help
Gender Equality
The Weaker Sex
Why So Serious
What Men Think Women Should Do
Don't Call Me Baby
Double Standards
This reminds me of a TV show once. It was about films. We had a group of certain respected people talking about and analysing a few different titles in an entertaining way in each episode. Once, a woman in the group said she didn't like romantic commedies because they are too unrealistic. When asked what genre she likes then, she answered - "I like action films." Me: *facepalm*
Definitely Crazy
Feminist Jokes
Meninist vs. Feminist
Stitched Feminist Meme
That varies WILDLY depending on time and location. See 17th Century Turkey: Certainly there were issues with women having to be sequestered in their homes, but by no means was it not taken seriously everywhere.
The Moment When I Just Knew
Piece Of Performance Art
For my next piece, I'll do it while cooking dinner and answering questions about where your socks are...
Womanly Professions
Well, that's considerably different, since Thor is an established character with a gender, not a job. I'm not a comic nerd whatsoever, but I am an old mythology nerd. If you're going to make a character with a fluid gender, choose Loki.
Men's Magazines vs. Women's Magazines
Have you seen Men's Health? It's like the men's version of Cosmo. Super weird and patronizing.
Spot On Dialogue
Real vs. Fake Women
Angry Guys
Feminist Jokes
A Flock Of Talking Parrots
The Social Construct
No Place For Feminists
Beauty Standards
A White Straight Guy
Mysoginistic Notions
Today's Standards
My Best Friends Are Women
Mmmh.... I'm a woman and a feminist too, but this joke kinda fails as "do you consider yourself a feminist" doesn't sound like a natural way to ask it, or it really sounds like a not a nice person. If it was "tell me what you think about feminisn", or someting on that line, it would have sounded better.
Triggered By Everything
I think you're talking about trolls and misogynists. ESPECIALLY trolls.
The Female Experience
The Ones Who Hate It All
Boom! That was using the EXACT same way mysogonists talks about women, and turning it right around. Precisely. Sounds horrible THAT way, doesn't it anti-feminists? :J
Feminist Jokes
Are you implying that U2 doesn't get any s**t for being U2? Bono wears sunglasses because he has glaucoma and people STILL call him out for looking like a douche!
Stop Being Offended
Telling by your profile pic, Sarcastic Feminist... You’re a pussy...
What? Just in case your hair elastic breaks? I feel like a child not understanding sex jokes.
This is awesome! I love it! And as a fellow feminist this makes me happy.
People should teach kids that every gender is equal. My cousin (9 yrs old) just said that he was sort of like a girl and when I said why, he replied “because I’m weak and don’t have muscles and I can’t do anything right and I’ll never become a doctor” he was NOT joking btw.
As feminist since the age of five I really appreciate the people posting this awesome s**t!!!
This is awesome! I love it! And as a fellow feminist this makes me happy.
People should teach kids that every gender is equal. My cousin (9 yrs old) just said that he was sort of like a girl and when I said why, he replied “because I’m weak and don’t have muscles and I can’t do anything right and I’ll never become a doctor” he was NOT joking btw.
As feminist since the age of five I really appreciate the people posting this awesome s**t!!!