People Are Making Fun Of Evolution Of Pretty Much Everything With 40 Hilarious Memes
Do you remember those painfully cringey mobile game ads where a miserable level 1 crook helps out a woman that's being chased by a few guys and becomes a lavish level 35 boss?
Adapt or die. This statement could be used to "motivate" everyone and everything from single-cell organisms to cassette tapes.
So we at Bored Panda decided to search through the internet and collect the funniest evolution memes we could find. The world is constantly changing and we need to keep up!
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Excellent Evolution
Evolution Of Batman (Colorized)
That's true! I can't seem to make out most new movies and series anymore as they've all gotten so dark they're almost black. How can we stop this stupid trend?
Full Circle
Youtube Evolution
Not to mention HOW and WHEN they cut away for the ads in the middle. They don’t run the ads at a natural pause in the action and dialog. No. They cut, suddenly and unexpectedly, in the middle of a sentence, in the middle of a dance, in the middle of the action. That shows a distinct lack of respect for what is being shown in the video, which means a total lack of respect for those who contribute every single one of the very videos that f*****g MADE YouTube what it is! What needs to happen is for YouTube to have a viable commercial-free competitor—-one they just can’t manage to crush—-that takes all their business away.
This. Is. So. Accurate. Corporate greed. By the way, interrupt my video and I will never purchase from you.
Instead of a deduction, we need a tax on advertising!
Load More Replies...Just one more step to an ad to watch an ad
Load More Replies...I got an unskippable 15-second ad... on a video that was 10 seconds long. 😐
not unless you use Brave Browser- no ads at all, in fact no ads anywhere!
I don't understand why they would harm their product by adding ever more commercials, rather than just charging more to run the commercials they already have. Clearly, there are plenty of companies willing to pay.
But first a b***h about the fact you have an ad blocker which never seems to be on the tool bar.
So true. Ads on YouTube are annoying! I once wanted to watch a quick 10 Second video or so, and it had an unskippable 30 second ad before it! Or once I wanted to put on some music to do chores and settled on a 3 hour compilation of party music. After every second or third song they were interrupted by ads!
YouTube premium, worth it. Or an ad blocker if you don't have the money for premium.
I grew up with a black and white tv with a roof antenna that got 3 broadcast with commercials and 1 public station with pledge drives depending on the weather. I can handle 15 seconds worth of ads on YouTube.
I resemble this remark. Were you the remote or the antenna?
Load More Replies...True story: Radio was originally invented to bring commercial advertisements more easily into the home, but they realized people wouldn't just listen to ads all day, so they created radio programs and music to keep people listening. They didn't create radio to bring entertainment programs into the home, and then pay for it with ads. It was the other way around. Ditto TV. The programming was an afterthought. The original purpose was to advertise.
Pandas, is this a reference to youtube on mobile device? I use youtube daily on my PC and I never see an ad unless it is part of the actual video (presenter talking about the video's sponsor). I am not a premium member. I do have an ad blocker I use to minimize web surfing ads but AFAIK it isn't doing anything to youtube. (though maybe it is?)
tired off in Youtube? get Youtube Prime ! best invention since sliced bread!
Everywhere you look there are ads urging you to do this
Load More Replies...Pinnacle Of Evolution
The Evolution Of Expertise
Evolution Of Dad
American Home Evolution
The apocalypse movies, tv shows and games are actually just preparing us for the housing market and extreme wealth disparities
Real Evolution
Glad It’s Not Just Me That Can’t Unsee The iPhone Notch As A Receding Hairline
Ah The Circle Of Life
Evolution Stuff
Evolution Is A Lie
Evolution Is Unfair
Cheat Codes Now And Then
Yeah.. And today it got to point when it is not worth it to play any online competitive game, if you are not a cheater. This is one of the reasons I left the shooter games probably forever. So sad.
Evolution Failed Us. We’ll Get ‘Em Next Time
The temperature required to kill the infection is way higher than the temparature your body can survive. The reason you get a fever is because certain proteins work faster when warm so your immune system works faster to get rid of the infection.
Language Evolution
The Rock
Evolution Of Steve
Pokémon Evolutions
Evolution Of Dogs I Guess
Behold The Evolution Of The Firefox
Evolution Guys
Evolution.... Yes
Evolution Be Like
This article is seriously trying to attack me personally. And anyway, can't you see the profound majesty of the chicken
Evolution Of Vocabulary
Bold Prediction For Windows 12 Logo
Evolution Of Grill
The Evolution Of The Games
Evolution Is Imminent
Still Don't Believe?
We Have Reached The Pinnacle Of Evolution
Man, apps these days are crazy! How did that dog morph his face into all those humans?
It’s Basically The Next Step In Evolution
Theory Of Evolution In A Nutshell
Prime Example Of Evolution
Windows Has Turned Around
I'm 14 And This Is Deep
Damn 🤣 I sense a really common theme of birbs and mighty & magnificent chickens
I don't understand these. I think I stopped evolving at the same time as theoretical science - about the time that Microsoft stopped moving forwards and started moving backwards - mid 1970s.
Damn 🤣 I sense a really common theme of birbs and mighty & magnificent chickens
I don't understand these. I think I stopped evolving at the same time as theoretical science - about the time that Microsoft stopped moving forwards and started moving backwards - mid 1970s.