Sending emails has become so mundane that some of us get into a false sense of security. So it’s not that hard to, say, send a fully empty email or, even worse, attach the wrong image or file. Even worse are the emails folks send out fully believing that what they just made works and isn’t either unhinged or deeply bizarre.
We’ve gathered some hilarious examples of emails people have accidentally sent or inexplicably received. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and, if you are brave enough, share your own examples and stories in the comments section below.
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I Get An Email Every Time I Get A Package Delivered To My Apartment’s Mailroom. It’s Supposed To Be A Photo Of The Label, But There’s This One Guy
Ordered A Car Part Today Online, And Got An Email From The Company Confirming My Order
AHAHAHAHAHA I would give ANYTHING for all company confirmation emails to do this
I'm On A Month Long Road Trip And This Is The First Email My Parent Sent Me
It Was Meant To Be
I Made A Snowman In The Yard Today And Later Got An Email From My Landlord. Thought He Was Gonna Be Mad I Broke Sticks Off His Trees For Arms. Guess Not
I Wish I Had The Courage To Do That
We Got A Snowstorm Last Night. My (Female) Boss's Email Probably Shocked A Few People In Our SoCal Office
Just Got This Email From My Dad. Now That My Brother And I Are Both In College He Is Home Alone With My Mom And Sister
It sounds like he's got a bit of 'Girl Dadding' to catch up on! 🤣 I've been caught out countless times going to the pool and forgotten about the nail varnish still on my toes.
The Email Signature You’ve Been Looking For
My Son’s Business Professor Sent This Out To His Class
Can I book an hour-long conference with him laying on the keyboard?
I'm Never Sending Another Email Again
My 8-Year-Old Brother Sends Me Emails From Time To Time. I Don’t Always Remember To Delete The "Sent From My iPhone" Signature. Apparently He Thinks This Is Important Email Etiquette
Aw. Seriously warmed the cold cockles of my heart. XD I'm taking applications for siblings, btw. The one I've got usually just texts me "HELLO???" and then just "???" if I don't answer her calls.
I Lost It At "(No Subject)"
An Email I Received Regarding My Credit Score
My Dad Got An Email From Amazon
The US Embassy In Canberra, Australia, Accidentally Emailed A "Meeting" Invitation To The State Department That Featured A Cat Wearing Cookie Monster Pajamas
Genuine Words Of Wisdom
I Turned Off My Screen And Used It To Reflect On Myself Until He Sent That Second Email
I Sent A Joke Email To My Old Gym Asking Them To Stop Sending Me Monthly Newsletters And Their Response Was Hilarious
"To Toby,
We can't believe you have sent us a Dear John letter, we feel so used and abused how could you do this to us? We nurture you only for you to leave us for a younger (will question the better gym) gym. But be like that, we were only using you for your money anyway.
We hope you and your new gym will be happy together! I guess it was too good to last.
Toby if you ever want to come back, we are willing to forgive and forget.
Don't forget us!"
The Best Type Of Work Email
I've Ordered A Lot Of Merchandise From Online Vendors. Marine Depot's Confirmation Email Has Yet To Be Topped
Received This Email. It Wasn't Very Comforting
Depends on the liberal art degree I suppose. With a Law degree you can be a lawyer. A PhD in art history you can be an academic, a docent, a curator, etc. With a degree in art and human computer interactions you can be a UX designer. Master's in Education, you can be a teacher. The list goes on and on. Before you ask, yes I do have a liberal arts degree. Two of them in fact. And yes I am fully employed and make very good money. Although I work as an engineer, so probably not a good example for this.
Load More Replies...Just curious as to what kind of engineer you are with liberal arts degrees. My son has his bachelor's degree in engineering and thinking about going back for his master's degree.
I am a software engineer working in AI Research and Development. But I've been at this for about 25 years. It would be a lot harder starting a career as a self-taught engineer today, than it was in the late 90s. Most of my younger coworkers have a Master's of some kind (usually in engineering or math related field). For people doing the pure research (not engineers), the expectation is usually a PhD in a math related field. Most of our people have their PhDs in Physics or Applied Maths. I have degrees in History and Military Defense and Strategy (sometimes called Military Science). But I'm not the only History major I work with as an engineer. In fact I'd say Liberal Arts majors make excellent engineers. We are capable of critical and creative problem solving. But I did have to learn a LOT of math while on the job. Especially Calculus and Cartesian Geometry.
I’ve met many a holder of a liberal arts degree while ordering ham at the supermarket service deli. Lovely people, each and everyone one of them. Whizzes on the scales. 👍
Just about any career actually - I know people with that degree who have gone on to work for law firms , placement agencies , political groups , marketing agencies , in the construction trades as well as architectural offices . It's actually a very good degree for employers because people with this degree bring an open mind to the job . But , by all means keep being bitter .
Why do they offer degrees with no practical use except to show you can put up with BS and spend lots of money for the privilege?
I always wondered that the Arts Degree..what Art.. what work does it represent? Who wants to pay and attend a whole year at Uni to be given options for the second and subsequent years ahead?
Once I got an email from a liberal arts college with this subject line... they said 'you can do a lot with a liberal arts degree' and had lots of pictures of happy students, but they never clarified any more than that.
I have an arts degree and was teaching for years with it, first in the prison system and then in adult education. Best degree ever!
The Dealership I Bought My Car Sends Me Emails Wanting Me Trade In. However They Really Need To Add The Word "Kia" To Their Emails
I hate these kind of sales pitches with their completely made up narratives.
A Dude I Know Goes To University Got This Email From The Official School Mountaineering Club
That Professor Is Awesome
What's Wrong With Being Worried?
I Get Emails For The Wrong Person A Lot, Decided To Write Back This Morning
I Skipped One Of My Classes Yesterday & You All Please Look At What My Professor Emailed Me. He Took A Picture And Everything
Vending Machine Ate My Only $2 Last Week, So I Left A Note Out Of Irritation. To My Surprise I Got This Email And My Money Back. Thank You, Dave, The Pepsi Guy
My Professor Emailed Us Saying We Had A Really Important Reading To Do Before Our First Class Today, Which I Thought Was Bad Enough, But Then I Looked At The Reading And It Got So Much Worse
A Cat Is Better Than Essays Anyway
Nice Save
My Girlfriend's Rejection Email. You Can't Make This Up
Just Got This Email From My Dad
The Email I Got From My 8-Year-Old's Teacher Today. Do You Know How Hard It Is To Enforce A Consequence When Trying Not To Laugh?
If The Recipe Was Good, They Should Have Hired You Anyway
Jack Has The Day Off From Work Tomorrow. My Friend Sends Email To Let Boss Know. Hilarity Ensues
Reminds me of a colleague at a 2-story store I used to work at. Building was old, elevator was broken, customer was in a wheelchair and wanted a bathrobe. Those were on the upper floor. The (female) colleague therefore asked the (male) customer: "Soll ich Ihnen einen runterholen?" which, depending on context means either "Should I fetch one for you from upstairs?" or "Do you want me to jack you off?". Cue me doubling over laughing, the customer deadpan replying "Thanks for the offer, but I'm married." and the colleague going red as a tomato, after she realized what she said.
Got An Email From Amazon That Made Me Laugh, Then Made Me Realize How Sad My Life Is
An Email From My Dad That I Got This Morning
There Is No Way I Just Got This Email
I'm Crying Jordyn Accidentally Emailed Ms. Gohn The Wrong Picture
Our HR Just Emailed, Company-Wide, Instructions For Using The New Coffee Machine
Well, it is the gentlemanly thing to do.
My Daughter's Teacher, The "Literary Specialist" Used The Wrong Form Of You're In Their Email To Me
I once read the first novel of a freaking English teacher and getting "your" and "you're" wrong wasn't even the half of it. I had to break it to them as gently as possible that no, you aren't going to be able to retire on the proceeds from this thing.
I Forgot To Turn In My Assignment Before Leaving Class So I Emailed My Professor This
The Signature Probably Needs An Update
This Could Be The Best Email I've Ever Seen
I Drunk-Emailed My Literature Teacher The Other Night
Roses are red, violets are blue, most rhymes rhyme, but this one doesn't.
Can't Block Him In Peace
It's The "I Believe I Can Fly" For Me
Every Cell In My Body Cringed
Poll Question
How likely are you to share a funny email you received with friends or on social media?
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I just recently shared a Google file with the greeting of Hell Team, Nobody has noticed 😳
I've typed 'Hell' and persons name several times, managed to see & correct it so far, but that could change. It's a pain.
I just recently shared a Google file with the greeting of Hell Team, Nobody has noticed 😳
I've typed 'Hell' and persons name several times, managed to see & correct it so far, but that could change. It's a pain.