58 Hilarious Moments When Dogs Realized They Were Going To The Vet Instead Of The Park
Anyone who had to take a dog to the vet knows that somewhere along the way, they always realize you are taking them to the worst place they could ever imagine. To everyone else, Bored Panda has collected some of the funniest pictures of our beloved silly dogs during these trips to vet clinic, proving their relationship with hospitals is anything but pleasing.
From tiny adorable dogs to gentle giants, it looks like hating veterinary clinics comes naturally to puppies, no matter what breed or age they are. So, if sooner or later they will inevitably realize where are you taking them, maybe save the betrayal and let them know from the get-go? At least they poor creatures would have some time to prepare themselves mentally! Or maybe even come up with an intricate escape plan to avoid the possible torture. Scroll down to check out the amusing pictures of adorably funny dogs and upvote your favorite facial expressions of betrayal and horror.
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Which One Has His First Trip To The Vet?
The Moment He Realized We Went To The Vet Instead Of The Dog Park
"What have I done?! Why, oh why (little dramatic pause) are you doing that to me???"
Jack's Strategy At The Vet: If I Can't See You You Can't See Me
Scared Boye Waiting To See The Vet
Taking A Different Route To The Vet Worked. Until We Turned The Corner
The Exact Moment He Realized He Was Heading To The Vet
Suspicious Corgi Is Suspicious
I May Have Caught The Moment My Dog Realised We Weren't Going To The Park
And Then She Realized She Was At The Vet
She Knows She Is Headed To The Vet
You know those favorite expensive leather shoes of yours? Yeah...think about that for a minute.
He Figured Out We Were On Our Way To The Vet And Not The Dog Park
Trying To Escape Before His Vet Appointment
Perfect Hiding Place From Vet. She Will Never Find Me
How Do They Always Know You're Taking Them To The Vet Even If You Don't Say Anything?
Saw This At The Vet's Office A While Back
So My Dog Had To Go To The Vet Today
My Friend's Dog Just Found Out He Is Heading To The Vet
Going to the vet covered in mud? That dog is muddy as hell. Hahahahaha maybe going to the vet for a bath? Still a gorgeous dog. I love the facial expression. Priceless.
My Dog Hiding From The Vet
Someone Gets A Little Nervous At The Vet
When I've Told My Dog, That We Are Going To Visit Vet
Taking My Dog To The Vet To Get Neutered I Think He Knows
She Makes This Face When We Pull Up To The Vet, And Not The Park
The Vet Said "Time For Shots"
"You bite from this hole, I bite from the other. This is the only way we would be safe in this cave."
That Moment He Realized We Aren't Going To The Park
He Realised Where He Is
Haha just wait till he's full grown and still doing this! Love it!
The Moment He Realized We Went Past The Dog Park And We're On The Way To The Vet
Friend's Dog Is Getting Neutered Today. He Knows
"You Promised We Weren't Going To The Vet"
No, Your Sweet Talk Is Not Going To Work This Time
Naty Realized We Were Going To The Vet
If you look really closely you can actually see the words "I will kill you" in its eyes.
Typical Vet Visit. He's Such A Baby
If I Hide Right Here. Right Behind This Pole. They Can't See Me, Right? Pretend Like I'm Not Here. Tell Them I Left
I Told Her To Put Her Brave Face On For The Vet And This Is What I Get
He Knows He's At The Vet
"Omg We're In The Car", "Wait I Know What This Is"
Scenes From The Vet. Maybe They Won't See Me
When He Takes You To The Vet Instead Of The Park
This Is The Look My Dog Gave Me When I Asked Her If She Wanted To Go To The Vet. I'm Going To Say The Answer Is A No
He's Not Here
Dog In The Waiting Room At The Vet
Reaction To Hearing That We're Going To The Vet
Guess Which Dog Remembers What The "Vet's" Is
I Think My Dog Knows She's Going To The Vet Today
My Dog Is A Little Scared Of The Vet
If I Hide Under Here Maybe I'll Not Have To Go To The Vet
Told Them They Are Both Going To The Vet Today
"Yeah, yeah, how are you gonna do that, hooman, didja think about it? We'd make a point to pull on the leash the entire time. After that we'd share your favourite pair of shoes. Is that right, Bob? Bob? Stop looking like you are a hooman on a funeral, dog!"
The Best Dog Was At The Vet This Evening
When I Thought I Was Going Christmas Shopping Then When I Found Out I Was Going To The Vet
My Mom Asked Me To Take Her New Dog To The Vet & To Not Be Scared When He Sits In The Car. He Sat Like This The Entire Time
My Bubbas Doesn't Like The Vet So He Jumped In My Lap
I Know We're Not Going To The Dog Park, Mom...
That Face Wen U Find Out Ur Going To The Vet And Not The Dog Park
When He Knows You Lied About The Dog Park And Go To The Vet
If I Can't See You, You Can't See Me
I Think She Knows We're Going To The Vet
My Dog "Hiding" From The Vet
Simply Hiding From The Vet
My Dogs Have Mixed Feelings About Going To The Vet
Cute pictures and beatiful dogs, but I really don't like to see all these dogs sitting completely loose in the cars. They should sit in a cage in the trunk or in special safety belt for dogs. In case of an accident, the dog is totally unprotected and could even fly out of the windshield. You would never let your baby sit totally lose in the car, would you?
I totally agree! Every animal should be secured in the car.
Load More Replies...My dog has never been scared or not wanting to go to the vet. The last time I took him was because, when I got home from work, he wouldn't stop coughing and vomiting all over the place. As soon as we got to the vet's office, he was so happy he was cured of all ailments. He's nuts.
Cute pictures and beatiful dogs, but I really don't like to see all these dogs sitting completely loose in the cars. They should sit in a cage in the trunk or in special safety belt for dogs. In case of an accident, the dog is totally unprotected and could even fly out of the windshield. You would never let your baby sit totally lose in the car, would you?
I totally agree! Every animal should be secured in the car.
Load More Replies...My dog has never been scared or not wanting to go to the vet. The last time I took him was because, when I got home from work, he wouldn't stop coughing and vomiting all over the place. As soon as we got to the vet's office, he was so happy he was cured of all ailments. He's nuts.