It can sometimes seem like the bigger the dog, the more love it has to give its owner and the world. And while we totally love our smaller canine companions, the gigantic Great Danes are a sight to behold. Friendly, social, and charming, these floppy-eared loveable dogs are considered by some to be the perfect match for families.
Great Danes can grow up to weigh a whopping 175 pounds (79 kilograms) and be up to 32 inches (81 centimeters) tall, so that’s all the proof that you need that they’re huge. But reading facts is one thing—seeing these canines’ size with your own eyes is another. Bored Panda wanted to show you just how fun Great Danes can be, so we’ve put together this wholesome and hilarious list of their antics for you to enjoy.
Upvote your fave photos as you scroll down, and let us know which doggos you’d like to hug the most and why, dear Pandas. By the way, when you’re done petting all the dogs in this list, you’ll find some more photos of gorgeous Great Danes right here. And, if you’re in the mood to look at more dogs that don’t understand how big they are, we invite you to check out this article over here.
Bill Lambert, the Head of Health and Welfare at The Kennel Club, told Bored Panda that every single dog needs regular exercise, with larger dogs usually needing more of it. According to Lambert, Great Danes need more than 2 hours of exercise a day. However, the exact amount depends on the dog's age: puppies and senior canines will require a lot less movement to avoid over-exercising. Read on for Lambert's insights into what kind of care Great Danes need and what potential owners should be aware of.
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My Daughter Was Home Sick One Day. When I Peeked Into Her Room, This Is What I Found
Anyone, No?
This 6-Foot Great Dane Presley Is Also Known As Scooby-Doo Duo To Being Afraid Of Everything, From Tiny Dogs, To Plastic Bags And Vacuum Cleaners
Because of how big they are, Great Danes are best suited for people who have lots of space at home. Preferably with a yard. "Great Danes have a friendly and outgoing temperament and are sometimes referred to as gentle giants. With that in mind, they are best suited to owners who have a larger house and garden in order to provide them with enough space for both exercise, mental stimulation and to express themselves," Lambert from The Kennel Club explained to Bored Panda.
Besides lots of space and exercise, Great Danes also need experienced owners, as well as weekly grooming. What's more, bigger dogs usually mean bigger financial investments, too. "They need more food and more space, and you may need to adapt your home, ensuring your dog can’t reach things which a smaller dog wouldn’t be able to," Lambert said. "Training is essential with any dog, but especially with such a large breed it’s crucial that owners are able to exert control so that they can handle their dog more easily and understand their dog’s behavior."
Lambert suggests that, like with any new dog, potential owners carry out thorough, extensive research to make sure that a particular breed is right for them. "We’d recommend potential Great Dane owners speak to their vet and a Great Dane breed club for tips and advice relevant to the breed."
Looking Out The Front Door. "I Made A New Friend, Please Can I Keep Him?"
The Park Broke My Dog
The Photo My Sister Just Sent Me Of Her Great Dane And The New Puppy They Just Got. Look At It
Originally, Great Danes (aka German Mastiffs and Deutsche Dogges) were bred to hunt wild boar and deer back in Germany, around 400 years ago. They were a mix between English Mastiffs and Irish Wolfhounds and were favored by the nobility.
Great Danes used to be known as Englische Dockes, highlighting their link to England. However, as relations between Germany and other countries became more strained in the late 19th century, the Germans renamed the breed to represent their own nation. Later, however, as relations worsened further, the breed became known as the Great Dane.
Strong, elegant, and powerful, Great Danes mature slowly. And one thing that you absolutely cannot skimp on is getting high-quality food.
Gave Her A Toilet Paper Tube To Play With, And She Proceeded To Breathe Through It Like This For Over A Minute
Once A Lap Dog, Always A Lap Dog
I would wholeheartedly enjoy being slowly squashed by this majestic animal.
She Loves The Blower
The breed is so popular that it’s become firmly ingrained in pop culture, probably even without you noticing it, too. For instance, both Scooby-Doo and Marmaduke, probably two of the best-known dogs worldwide, are Great Danes.
We’re just impressed that Shaggy’s able to hold Scoobs in his arms and run with him whenever a spooky ghost shows up. He’s obviously way stronger than he looks, even if he is a cartoon character. Then again, maybe the adrenaline kicks in.
Today’s Flight Just Got Interesting
Big House Cow Meets Little House Cow
Teddy Flood is a Great Dane and little Speckle is some sort of beagle mix. He was a foster pup, 7 weeks at the time.
My Great Dane Puppy's One Year Difference
Our Neighbor Sent Me This Adorable Display Of Pure Joy Between Our Dogs. They Finally Got Him A Stool So He Could Greet His Big Friend Properly
Awwwww! I need to do this for the new puppy next door so he can meet my big dog!
My Aunt's Goofy Great Dane, Louis
This Dog Sitting At A Subway
Luna When Our Son Started Getting Scolded
This Is Buck, A 10-Week-Old Great Dane Pup. He Has Now Mastered The Sit Command And Is Now Part Of The Good Boy Club
Let's Just Pretend They're The Same Size
When You Are Big Snoops That Can't Mind Their Own Business
3 Months / 6 Months / 12 Months
It's A Melting Dane
Just A Girl And Her Dane
How My Parents' Great Dane Puppy Lays On The Ottoman He Outgrew
This Big Potato Enjoys The Tiniest Chairs He Could Find
A Great Dane Riding Shotgun In A Sports Car. Hollywood, California 1961
Ryder The Great Dane Who Weighs 87 Kg With His Friend Ally The Chihuahua Who Weighs 2 Kg
My Two Loves, Waiting On Our Hooman Baby To Join Us Any Day
Biggest Scaredy Cat In The World
My Sister Is Driving 10 Hours Back Home With The Great Dane Puppy She Just Got
Lincoln The Dane
Boomie Bear Meeting His New Neighbor
He Won't Stop Growing - Send Help
This Other Dog Had Really Big Ears
Nap Time Little Human. Quit Wiggling
She Might Be 6’2” Long, But Lola Is The Gentlest Of Giants
Sharing Is Caring
It's Tiny, Isn't It?
Our Great Derp
From Pupper To Woofer In Just 1 Year
The guy went from "he looks cool" to "on no, a Bengals fan" in a year
Saw A Gentle Giant At The Vets! She Was A Darling And Sat Down With Her Owner While They Waited
The one time I saw a great Dane at the vet, it was soon joined by a yapping Chihuahua... who stopped yapping immediately after seeing the giant. It was a scene out of a cartoon.
This Puppy
7 Weeks And 17 Weeks
Caught River Looking Festive
Your Dog Can Fetch A Ball? That's Cute
These Dogs All Pooping At The Same Time
At least four turns clockwise and two counterclockwise
Load More Replies...Poop Troop, aka Poopy Troopy. The Pooing Circle. Turd Herd. Plop Drop. (Stink)Bombs Away! The Four Deuces. Dung-ho! Stool School. Doo-Doo Crew. Caca Rockas. Lookee Dookie! Dog Log Bog. (I’ll let myself out now...)
I guess this debunks the myth that dogs face a certain direction when they poop.
This is the poop Patch and One decided it was a Good Idea so Everyone joined in!!
Tan one if front looks like a kangaroo. I though they stopped clipping dogs ears..... no?
I can honestly say I don't think I've ever seen four dogs dumping at the same time. If synchronised sh***ng was an Olympic sport, they'd be looking at gold.
Someone tell me please, is there a reason they like to do this? At the same time, I mean.
These Are The Critters That Get To Ride On The Golf Cart
My Dog Thinks He's A Lap Dog When My Grandma Stops By
This Is Shadow. He’s A Lap Dog
Jones Has A Desire To Be A Window Washer When He Grows Up
I don't understand why comments calling out the cruelty of ear-cropping is getting downvoted. People amputate a puppy's body parts for aesthetics, it has no health benefits and only contributes to the stigma of aggressive dog breeds. I'm probably gonna get downvoted into oblivion but it's worth it to speak up ✌
I agree, but I think the comments were getting downvoted because sometimes the dogs had their ears cropped before they came to their next owners, and it was not their fault. I also think they were downvoted because they kept pointing it out repeatedly on several images, whereas people were trying to enjoy the cuteness of the dogs and not focus on the negative. You are right, however, cropping dogs ears is NOT OK, especially for aesthetics. Take my upvote.
Load More sister in law had five (five!) Great Danes at the same time, my father in law had a was like living in a herd of bisons! Very gentle bisons :-)
I worked at a groom shop for a year. I came in one afternoon to have the groomers say "Come here!" They directed me over to the largest crate we had with a big great dane sitting there..white with black spots. One groomer looked at me and said "Apparently, we're doing cows now!"
I just get sad when I see great danes. they die by 8-9 years old. humans have overbred them so badly and made them so big that their hearts can't take it.
This was a beautiful post, lots of gorgeous and adorable doggies, but the amount of hate and negativity being spread over a few dogs with cropped ears is ridiculous. Since I feel the need to explain myself, which I don’t need to do, I do not condone nor support ear cropping or tail docking. But if I see a dog with cropped ears or a docked tail, I just move on. When you see something you don’t like, you don’t shout and yell at someone. You either calmly try to correct the situation or you. Move. On. I made a comment under one of the posts and while people agreed with me (that yelling under a comment section was pointless and that it ruins the mood of the post) there was a person who basically text-yelled at me because of it. I explicitly said that I don’t think it’s right, and yet they proceeded to call me out as if I’d said “oh yes this is great go do this”. Along with that, a person agreeing with me was called a “vile enabler” because “if you aren’t part of the solution, you’re part
of the problem”. Absolutely ridiculous. There is no need to lunge at people and call them foul names when they didn’t even do the thing you accuse them of. Along with that, again, yelling in a comment section because you can’t handle to see a dog with cropped ears isn’t going to fix anything. All you’re doing is spreading negativity for no gain. No change in the world is going to explode because you downvoted a picture of a dog. I’m sorry. Yet again, I say, I do condone nor support ear cropping or tail docking. But if you don’t know the situation, the people, the dog, or their lives and histories, shut. The f***. Up. Please. It’s ridiculous that I even have to say this. And I know I’m going to get negative and hateful replies to this and I know I’m slightly contradicting myself, thinking that writing this will change anything but I’d like to get it out there. Aside from all that, everyone please take care of yourselves. Eat three meals a day, drink water, and pet your fuzzy fiends.
Load More Replies...I honestly don't think it's fair that a simple comment with regards to someones opinion gets downvoted into oblivion. Can someone please, please listen to me? I mean no hate.
"No one is more hated than the one who says the truth." - Plato (427 - 347 BC/BCE) Especially when it comes to cruelty.
Load More Replies...What the size of an living sentient being has to do with love all animals deserve?
I had a dane growing up name Crash. I loved him to bits I miss him a lot but these sort of pics make me cry. They don't make me sad... they just make me remember him and cry tears of joy for when we were together. he died on Valentine's day. I know he would want me to be happy still and remember him so that's what I do. Miss him lots but I now own a Newfie that is around the same size and weight, the same amount of food needed, and the same personality. I like to think he is Crash reincarnated. Thank you for this. very much.
Loved this! I have an older great dane myself. His name is Murphy. These dogs really are gentle giants! WIN_201912...d29ae1.jpg
Murphy looks so friendly! I love seeing dog owners who provide their dogs with nice, loving homes. 🙂
Load More Replies...My mastiff, herself a big doggo, got to meet a Dane. She was thoroughly confused...I had to reassure her that Zeus was really a dog. Once they sniffed each other, she was in love! She gets excited every time we go back to that bar, hoping he’s there (his daddy is a bartender there).
great danes are lap dogs obviously because they like sitting on peoples laps.
Great Danes are at a "Select" disadvantage, due to their unconventional size. Not sure how many generations required for them to catch up with other smaller breeds, and they may never. But they are short lived. My Shih-tzu Charlie can outlive two of these guys. Its in the genes, and efficiency/inefficiency.
I once got hissed at and later scratched by a cat. Traumatized me. Fortunately I don't generalize. Still think they're cute. I'm sorry that I'm allergic else I would have had a few. Have to stick to dogs
Load More Replies...I don't understand why comments calling out the cruelty of ear-cropping is getting downvoted. People amputate a puppy's body parts for aesthetics, it has no health benefits and only contributes to the stigma of aggressive dog breeds. I'm probably gonna get downvoted into oblivion but it's worth it to speak up ✌
I agree, but I think the comments were getting downvoted because sometimes the dogs had their ears cropped before they came to their next owners, and it was not their fault. I also think they were downvoted because they kept pointing it out repeatedly on several images, whereas people were trying to enjoy the cuteness of the dogs and not focus on the negative. You are right, however, cropping dogs ears is NOT OK, especially for aesthetics. Take my upvote.
Load More sister in law had five (five!) Great Danes at the same time, my father in law had a was like living in a herd of bisons! Very gentle bisons :-)
I worked at a groom shop for a year. I came in one afternoon to have the groomers say "Come here!" They directed me over to the largest crate we had with a big great dane sitting there..white with black spots. One groomer looked at me and said "Apparently, we're doing cows now!"
I just get sad when I see great danes. they die by 8-9 years old. humans have overbred them so badly and made them so big that their hearts can't take it.
This was a beautiful post, lots of gorgeous and adorable doggies, but the amount of hate and negativity being spread over a few dogs with cropped ears is ridiculous. Since I feel the need to explain myself, which I don’t need to do, I do not condone nor support ear cropping or tail docking. But if I see a dog with cropped ears or a docked tail, I just move on. When you see something you don’t like, you don’t shout and yell at someone. You either calmly try to correct the situation or you. Move. On. I made a comment under one of the posts and while people agreed with me (that yelling under a comment section was pointless and that it ruins the mood of the post) there was a person who basically text-yelled at me because of it. I explicitly said that I don’t think it’s right, and yet they proceeded to call me out as if I’d said “oh yes this is great go do this”. Along with that, a person agreeing with me was called a “vile enabler” because “if you aren’t part of the solution, you’re part
of the problem”. Absolutely ridiculous. There is no need to lunge at people and call them foul names when they didn’t even do the thing you accuse them of. Along with that, again, yelling in a comment section because you can’t handle to see a dog with cropped ears isn’t going to fix anything. All you’re doing is spreading negativity for no gain. No change in the world is going to explode because you downvoted a picture of a dog. I’m sorry. Yet again, I say, I do condone nor support ear cropping or tail docking. But if you don’t know the situation, the people, the dog, or their lives and histories, shut. The f***. Up. Please. It’s ridiculous that I even have to say this. And I know I’m going to get negative and hateful replies to this and I know I’m slightly contradicting myself, thinking that writing this will change anything but I’d like to get it out there. Aside from all that, everyone please take care of yourselves. Eat three meals a day, drink water, and pet your fuzzy fiends.
Load More Replies...I honestly don't think it's fair that a simple comment with regards to someones opinion gets downvoted into oblivion. Can someone please, please listen to me? I mean no hate.
"No one is more hated than the one who says the truth." - Plato (427 - 347 BC/BCE) Especially when it comes to cruelty.
Load More Replies...What the size of an living sentient being has to do with love all animals deserve?
I had a dane growing up name Crash. I loved him to bits I miss him a lot but these sort of pics make me cry. They don't make me sad... they just make me remember him and cry tears of joy for when we were together. he died on Valentine's day. I know he would want me to be happy still and remember him so that's what I do. Miss him lots but I now own a Newfie that is around the same size and weight, the same amount of food needed, and the same personality. I like to think he is Crash reincarnated. Thank you for this. very much.
Loved this! I have an older great dane myself. His name is Murphy. These dogs really are gentle giants! WIN_201912...d29ae1.jpg
Murphy looks so friendly! I love seeing dog owners who provide their dogs with nice, loving homes. 🙂
Load More Replies...My mastiff, herself a big doggo, got to meet a Dane. She was thoroughly confused...I had to reassure her that Zeus was really a dog. Once they sniffed each other, she was in love! She gets excited every time we go back to that bar, hoping he’s there (his daddy is a bartender there).
great danes are lap dogs obviously because they like sitting on peoples laps.
Great Danes are at a "Select" disadvantage, due to their unconventional size. Not sure how many generations required for them to catch up with other smaller breeds, and they may never. But they are short lived. My Shih-tzu Charlie can outlive two of these guys. Its in the genes, and efficiency/inefficiency.
I once got hissed at and later scratched by a cat. Traumatized me. Fortunately I don't generalize. Still think they're cute. I'm sorry that I'm allergic else I would have had a few. Have to stick to dogs
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