Some things in life just go perfectly together. Ham and cheese. Gin and tonic. Sam and Frodo. And animals and Snapchat. Check out our recent post about cats on Snapchat to see what we mean. Need more proof? Then scroll down for some hilarious Snapchats about dogs in this list compiled by Bored Panda. From parrots riding on bulldogs and dogs in bras to crazy canines trying to drown each other in the toilet, you're sure to laugh whether you're a dog lover or not. Don't forget to vote for the funniest!
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Reminds me of coming in from recess at school, and having to wait in line for the water fountain
"Hello. I've been out front ringing the doorbell. Didn't anyone hear me?"
LOVE this one! So obvious which one is like..."Really? I wasn't enough for you?"
Having lived with a dog all my life, I can say it's probably too hot to lie down in at the moment.
Which is why I ALWAYS give my dog the last bite of my food. I wouldn't have it any other way.
As you scroll downward, you DO get the impression that this IS a mans legs.... then you see the lower half. HILARIOUS
Very impressive :D His face is like "Whoohoo I am the King of the Wall. Strong, undefeated! Aaand I need to go down. Any help hooman? ...Yeah sure, take the picture first, I can wait... -_-"
LOL! Any sleeping pics anybody has taken of me in my life ALL turn out like this! Ugly/strange sleep face! LOL!
this dog looks like it just farted and is waiting for the owner to smell it lol
This picture reminds me of my chow mixes, who would think they'd died and gone to heaven if it snowed this much. They have long, thick double-coats. The colder it is outside, the happier they are and don't want to go inside where we thin-skinned wimps have the heater cranked up.
My dogs beg to go for a walk and about 5 minutes in this is them. Lmao.
I LOVE the animal posts. Never get tired of these. It starts my morning coffee with a big smile :)
I LOVE the animal posts. Never get tired of these. It starts my morning coffee with a big smile :)