Ask any dog owner about how their furry friend looks when they catch them doing something naughty, like scratching the new sofa or shredding your favorite pair of socks, and the chances are they will describe a very similar sight. Tucked tail. Visible whites of the eyes. Cowering, hunched posture.
No wonder guilty dogs serve as an endless source of inspiration for many memes out there. But what if the worst of the good boys or gals don’t own up to the responsibility for their crime? They may end up on the “Dog Shaming” Twitter account.
“We supply your favorite furry friends with a healthy dose of shaming,” says the project’s description about the lighthearted and fun pics of dogs shared there. Below we wrapped up some of the funniest and naughtiest ones!
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If you’re a dog owner, you know very well how your dog looks after they have done something ugly. Their body language seems to radiate guilt. From tucked tail to visible whites of the eyes, from hunched posture to yawning or licking, from flattened ears to avoiding eye contact, these are the telling signs that your beloved fur ball is up to something it wasn’t allowed to.
However, many veterinary experts suggest that this is a classic case of anthropomorphism, which happens when we attribute human characteristics or behavior to an animal. In fact, dogs' guilt may be nothing but an illusion.
That was some girl I was seeing she thought she had to have you know each time she needed to a place to sleep, when I heard c cay that ,,, I was upset with myself! 5
My dog loves carrots too. If I had a garden with carrots, he'd definitely eat them all!
This study researched “guilty” canine expressions by observing dogs and their owners under several sets of circumstances. The scientists discovered that dogs tended to display “guilty” body language more frequently when their owners scolded them than when the owners remained neutral. And this was true in both cases, when the dog had actually done something and when it did nothing wrong at all.
Commenting on this study, dog cognition scientist Dr. Alexandra Horowitz concluded that “a better description of the so-called guilty look is that it is a response to owner cues, rather than that it shows an appreciation of a misdeed.”
According to Dr. Mary R. Burch, a certified applied animal behaviorist, when a dog looks guilty for an action such as house soiling or chewing, it has most likely done this before and may have experienced a strong reaction from his owner. This can include scolding, yelling, or the cold shoulder. Dr. Burch argues that the dog may anticipate how the owner will react and exhibit body language to try to appease his owner. Dogs’ body language is more likely a way to ask for forgiveness rather than expressing feelings of guilt.
In fact, dog owners are more intertwined with their beloved pets than they’d like to think. There’s a substantial body of research done on people and pets, showing that animals provide unique insights into their owners’ personalities. That includes rather surprising things – like having a sense of humor.
So to find out more about dog owners, as well as other animal lovers and what personalities they have depending on the pet they own, we reached out to Richard Wiseman, a professor at the University of Hertfordshire who carried out a study of 2000 pet owners. Prof. Wiseman asked them to rate their personality on things like sociability, emotional stability, and sense of humor, and rate their pets as well.
Incredibly, “the results revealed significant similarities between the personality of owners and their pets,” prof. Wiseman commented. He said that past studies have revealed that owners often show a physical resemblance to their pets, but this research showed something pretty new: “it suggests that they may also think alike.”
What’s more, the similarity between owners and their pets increased over time, which suggests that pets may slowly come to adopt their owner’s personality, while the owners adapt to their pets. Prof. Wiseman explained that it’s common for owners to insist that their pets have a unique personality and “not only does it suggest they might be right, but also demonstrates that people’s pets are a reflection of themselves."
Please please be very careful of pets and pool covers....
I have mixed feelings with dog shaming pics. Some are hilarious and clearly meant as a joke, but others are clearly trying to actually shame the dog, which is ridiculous because they can't understand what is happening.
Although raised as a dog person, I now have two cats. For half a second, I thought, "Gee, there should be a cat-shaming page." Then I realized that no cats have shame. Embarrassment, yes. They're actually quite vain and I find it all too funny when my cats embarrass themselves. But shame? no. Not that they'd EVER let you know, anyway.
Sorry but I really do not get the concept of dog shaming. They aren't humans, not even remotely! I actually hate the whole concept of anthropomorphism and people need to stop. How else are you ever able to understand your pets... like at all?
Dude, it's a joke. Or is that concept too advanced for you to understand? No one made you click on an article containing something that you hate so much. Why even bothering commenting?
Load More Replies...So you scrolled all the way to the bottom to comment on how you won't read it?
Load More Replies...I don’t understand the comments that literally attack or shame owners & or go as far as stating owners are abusing their dog because of these photos! Let me be clear in stating I don’t condemn any form of abuse or neglect in any manner & it’s a criminal offense that doesn’t come close to punishing offenders how I honestly feel they should be! But if shame look on dogs that they display is a sign of dogs being in stress or fear; wouldn’t it be better to Educate one’s taking pics instead of calling them bad owners. So many of these comments are just negative and judge mental and just spreading more hate!
Some of these dogs are showing very clear body language of stress and fear. No dog should be put in a position where it is afraid of it's owner's behaviour. People who believe that dogs feel "guilty" do a lot of psychological harm to the very animals they claim to love.
Load More Replies...I have mixed feelings with dog shaming pics. Some are hilarious and clearly meant as a joke, but others are clearly trying to actually shame the dog, which is ridiculous because they can't understand what is happening.
Although raised as a dog person, I now have two cats. For half a second, I thought, "Gee, there should be a cat-shaming page." Then I realized that no cats have shame. Embarrassment, yes. They're actually quite vain and I find it all too funny when my cats embarrass themselves. But shame? no. Not that they'd EVER let you know, anyway.
Sorry but I really do not get the concept of dog shaming. They aren't humans, not even remotely! I actually hate the whole concept of anthropomorphism and people need to stop. How else are you ever able to understand your pets... like at all?
Dude, it's a joke. Or is that concept too advanced for you to understand? No one made you click on an article containing something that you hate so much. Why even bothering commenting?
Load More Replies...So you scrolled all the way to the bottom to comment on how you won't read it?
Load More Replies...I don’t understand the comments that literally attack or shame owners & or go as far as stating owners are abusing their dog because of these photos! Let me be clear in stating I don’t condemn any form of abuse or neglect in any manner & it’s a criminal offense that doesn’t come close to punishing offenders how I honestly feel they should be! But if shame look on dogs that they display is a sign of dogs being in stress or fear; wouldn’t it be better to Educate one’s taking pics instead of calling them bad owners. So many of these comments are just negative and judge mental and just spreading more hate!
Some of these dogs are showing very clear body language of stress and fear. No dog should be put in a position where it is afraid of it's owner's behaviour. People who believe that dogs feel "guilty" do a lot of psychological harm to the very animals they claim to love.
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