This Facebook Page Is All About Relatable Dog Memes, Here Are 50 Of The Best Pics
InterviewAs silly goofballs, dogs have got the charisma it takes to provide us with top-tier meme content. As domesticated pack animals, they have the social skills to become heckin’ friends and even serve some people as trained therapeutic animals. The Dank Doggos (For Depressed Dudes) Facebook group unites these two concepts in spectacular fashion.
As instrumental as cats were in the genesis of meme history, dogs have had no lesser a role in the contemporary proliferation of memes. One need only to look at the doge and cheems memes and all derivations thereof - some of the greatest manifestations of canine memery.
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BoredPanda also contacted the Dank Doggo page admin, Sam Horn, to hear what it's like running such a fun and successful Facebook meme page. The story of why he created the page in the first place is both heartbreaking and beautiful:
"I wanted some way to memorialize them when they begin to get old and I also was a big fan of memes/dog memes at the time. Most of my early profile/cover photos on the page include my 3 dogs. This was also during the inception of "doggo", "blep" and "mlem" dog terminology that has become a norm for dog memes. Dank Doggos Memes started to take on a life of its own and grow as I shared memes I started sharing less and less of my dogs. They passed away in 2019 as they all grew old and I keep my cover photo as them."
"Personally, I am VERY biased towards Unreasonably/Unethically Large doggos, commonly referred to as "Chonks" or "Boofers"," Horn told us. As for memes, "my favorite templates to share are very goofy, unexpected, out of context memes of people walking in on their animals. In terms of format, text above and below on a white border around the photo OR photos with Snapchat text receive the most consistent reach/likes."
Horn also shared some data that we won't republish to show that the page was indeed quite successful. "I was not expecting this as the majority of my likes are outside the US and may not speak English as a primary language. 2019-2021 I mainly shared photos that did TEXT contain to help with the language barrier but I found from 2021-Current that having text increased the Reach on my page."
The photobomb improves the quality of the picture by 1000%. Look at his happy smile 🙂
My dog also only eats when we come home. If I give him some treats before leaving, he'd only focus his attention on me and would accompany me to the door and be very attentive at me, take care of the treats while I'm gone and then the first thing he does when I come home is take his treats and bring them to me. Also we went on vacation for 3 days one time but we left him plenty of food and water and he can also go outside whenever he wants to so that wasn't a problem. However the bowl was full, so that goes to show how much dogs love us and how hurt they are if you leave them. Do y'all remember those people who said dogs only love you because you give them food? Those people have no idea what it's like having a dog. Even if they do own one, it means they don't take care of them because they all show you how much they love you one way or another
Boyfriend who is allergic to and afraid of dogs, a few weeks after I bring home a German Shepherd mix puppy... XD Now he wrestles with him, plays ball with him, cooks for him, and reads to him!
Show ID sir, are you registered to pat me sir? Sir? Sir! No touchy until I see ID sir!
I'd like all the people who say animals are dumb and are incapable of emotions to read this post and get a good luck at the pics.
I'd like all the people who say animals are dumb and are incapable of emotions to read this post and get a good luck at the pics.