Dog Tells Owners It’s Time To Go By Slamming On Car Horn For 15 Minutes (VIDEO)
Fern the 18-month-old boxer has become an internet celebrity after a hilarious scene she caused in the streets of Dundee, Scotland. When her owners, Graham and Fiona Haddow, had spent only 5 minutes in the nearby shops, Fern grew impatient and planted her paw firmly on their car’s horn. Hilarity ensued.
When the two heard the car horn go off, they thought little of it. But after they returned to their car 15 minutes later, they discovered that a small crowd had gathered around their vehicle. Passers-by were probably concerned that someone had passed out behind the wheel, but all they found was a pooch begging for attention.
Just a few months ago, however, Fern had just overcome a battle with meningitis, a potentially fatal disease. Despite her hardships, however, it looks like she’s just as bossy and playful as ever!
Source: dailymail.co.uk
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